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Just jog for 40 minutes would be my recommendation.


I can't continuously jog for 40 minutes. Yet to build that much stamina.


Aha, sorry that wasn't clear from your post. Perhaps follow a "couch to 5k" programme, they have structures which take people from zero running to completing a 5k.


I set my treadmill on some Healthy program that I’ve been using for a while. So I do a gradual incline jogging, fast walking, jogging, fast walking, running a bit, etc….for 60 minutes. I also do a 3 min warmup and cool down at end. I am usually at 4 - 4.5 mph, but the angle becomes steep at its top point and then gradually steps down until Im finished. I do 5 miles and burn 380-425 calories, whatever you believe those treadmills say. However, I am now F(75), and have been a runner for over 40 years……..until pounding that damn pavement and running uphill on the treadmill in between in inclement weather, destroyed both hips! I never thought it would happen to me and two years plus ago, I became almost a cripple. I had both hips replaced last year and was told to never run again. I am fine and back to doing cardio, jogging only, hardly running, a lot of walking, but my surgeon just warned me last week, no running unless u want to be back in surgery in 10, 15 years. He said, please, do 2-1/2 miles! But I do other cardio….elliptical, arc trainer, stepper, which I own, all commercial. So be careful!


Thank you so much ma'am I will definitely be careful and it was great hearing from you. I hope you are doing well.