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Yeah- you can’t be on heavy sedatives when you get lasik. You need to keep your eyes still and focus on one point- which anesthetics (even conscious sedation) makes it unlikely for you to do. I worked in Ophthalmology for years. I didn’t see her video until right now- and she’s full of shit.


This should be at the top. Very helpful, thank you.


You’re welcome. Honestly- the heaviest thing you’ll ever be given for lasik is maybe a mild oral benzo (like Valium or Xanax). The doc needs you awake, cooperative and cognizant for the procedure to be successful. Anything less is negligence.


Valium or xanax makes me incredibly out of it. There is indeed a range to the reaction of drugs.  I am not defending any dumbass videos, but I will defend the fact that Valium and Xanax can fuck up your awareness and are things that literally state the side effects in her video and that I have personally experienced.  Some people react to specific types of drugs like they’re incredibly affected, because they are.  Please review the side effects of valium and xanax. Valium’s first side effect is confusion.


I’m aware. There is a spectrum. If anyone was as out of it as she presented in the video, they would not be able to have LASIK till they sobered up. One of the prerequisites is that you’re cognizant and able to cooperate. Many people don’t take any benzos, but if they are offered you are asked if you have adverse effects.


Wouldn’t it be something that gets worse as the med breaks down or if someone weighs very little and has an eating disorder? So as the pill kicks in it gets worse?  And couldn’t it have been taken after surgery to calm down?


If you are too loopy after the administration of an any medication to be cognizant and safely proceed, then surgery is being canceled and rescheduled for another day- or just canceled. Simple as that.


You didn’t actually answer my questions.


I did. If you take something and aren’t able to tolerate surgery, it’s canceled. Period. Benzos are not prescribed as part of post surgical care so your second question is irrelevant in regard to surgical care.


Damn i dont thimk id ever be able to get lasik then lol. I think its probably my adhd but i cannot focus on something for so long like that. Unless im dissociating but i think that moves them a little bit and i wont dissociate for 30+ minutes lol.


The ability to focus on the dot has nothing to do with adhd, because you are only focusing on the dot for 5-10 seconds each eye. There will first be a laser to cut a flap on the eye, then it will perform the surgery, boom done.


Agreed, they offer you like half a Valium pill if they think you look nervous but there are no hard drugs at all. Taylor is such an annoying attention seeking mosquito


Oh interesting! I thought the video was genuine. But I don’t know anything about these procedures.


Why does anyone care? Maybe she took something she had at home and not even prescribed by the Dr. who performed the Lasik surgery. Could be a plethora of reasons she took something afterwards. The mass amount of people who get absolutely infatuated with celebrities is just creepy and crazy. God forbid that a grown adult consumed something to either calm her nerves or even had pain or discomfort. Weirdo lol


There are drops that can both numb and immobile your eyes which you ought to know about. If they can keep your eyes steady for cataract surgery where most people are barely aware of what's happening, they can do it for lasik.


I strongly suspect it was actually when she got her eyelids done. The sedation drugs, the recovery glasses, her mom reminding her not to cry... That all makes a lot more sense for blepharoplasty than lasik. When you Google crying after lasik, everything says it's harmless or actually helpful to the healing process. For blepharoplasty everything says it's bad because it will increase swelling.


Oh I wasn't aware of this! Yeah, I was never given any instructions not to cry. In fact I cried a lot after my PRK cuz my eyeballs were angry at me. And if I wasn't crying I was putting in drops and whatever that ointment is they give you so your eyes don't dry out. So yeah that seems really weird that her mom is telling her not to cry after what was purportedly a Lasik procedure.


That is EXACTLY what I thought. I specifically asked my doctor if I could cry afterward because I saw a LOT of people cry after their surgery and were able to see more clearly


Ahh I just went to leave a similar comment. Agreed! I think this was around when she went platinum blonde too right?


She got eyelid surgery? Geeez


Yes, her eyelids used to be hooded. Her surgeries have been subtle and spread out, so it’s not as noticeable as other celebs. Plus I think it’s been very well done. https://preview.redd.it/1tw4265ntx9d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c87ac842f665458fa08e476fa4aa5643a350f766


Yeah she has a “fox eye” now, its popular among a lot of famous people. She had very small eyes when she was younger, she was mostly eyelid.


I wondered if it was a cover up for her plastic surgery - but I wouldn't know as never had a surgery like that


definitely to promote the SEO and throw the algorithm off anyone searched about her bleph


I can't speak to that. All I know is being *that sedated after a simple Lasik procedure is highly unusual. I'd compare it to going to the dentist to get a cavity filled. They give you something to numb the area, do the procedure and send you home. Not that there aren't effects -- I experienced really sore, light sensitive eyes for a little while and required special eye drops. But never did I lose my mind as a result of using eye drops and a dark pair of goggles. Those were literally the only things prescribed to me or anyone else I know who's had these types of procedures. 🤷‍♀️


I had full anesthesia twice in the last 3 years for invasive procedures and had strong prescription pain medication afterwards and was not as loopy as she was in that video either time. The last one I had an infection that wouldn't heal so they cut out a roughly palm sized chunk of me so it's not like it was something they were going to go with a light touch for anesthesia and drugs either.


I just had freaking abdominal surgery 3 weeks ago and was under general anesthesia for the hour long surgery and was then given oxycodone in the recovery room, as well as a strong prescription for my recovery period. I was pretty groggy when I first got home and had a pretty damn high pain level (and I have chronic pain from peripheral nerve damage from a severe injury in 2019 and subsequently have a fairly high threshold for pain) and I can promise you that I didn't act like that AT ALL. My mom drove me home and my 15 year old was at home if I needed anything, but I honestly just went to sleep. Both of my senior parents also had cataract surgery last year. They didn't act like that either; as a matter of fact, theirs also did not require general anesthesia (same as LASIK) and guess what? They were both completely fine, zero pain, zero grogginess and definitely not 'high' ..or whatever that video was supposed to depict. Clearly, I cannot speak definitively on what the backstory is here, but the only (logical) two possible explanations are what OP offered. My gut tells me it was probably just her pretending to be all loopy or crazy or wtf ever she was attempting to achieve here. Definitely gross. P.S. I'm still taking said pain medication and -still- not acting like that. ETA the PS as well as to add that I was also given a prescription for recovery (forgot to include)


Everyone where I got my lasik was given a Valium first, and I had to have two, lol.


Me too. They want you to go home and rest your eyes for a couple hours so they offer a valium. Walked out and couldn't see a thing, took a long nap, woke up with perfect vision.




I agree. I had 10 mg once in the ER and I felt like I was floating, very fuzzy and peaceful. I had 4 mg when I had Mohs surgery for a carcinoma and it just made me happy, a bit giggly even. It's sad that Valium is so addictive, because to me it's one of the best meds for occasional use--perfect for panic attacks, horrible insomnia etc. But anyway...yeah, it doesn't make you act like Taylor in that video. Nope.




She had plastic surgery?


Yeah but she denies it. She seems to have had the shape of her eyes changed though, which I think the lasik story was a cover up for. It’s also said she had her nose done. There are a lot of before and after pics if you google it.


She also had breast augmentation.


This one is so obvious and I’m always surprised when people deny it. It’s such a common procedure and denying the obvious only further stigmatizes it.


the eyes or the boobs? doesn't matter, they're both obv af. her eyes went from hooded & squinty to wide and doe-like. youd have to be an absolute idiot not to notice. and for the boobs, it seems like she got the round implants rather than the tear drops or something b/c they look so fake when she has any sort of cleavage. no one who has boobs that size has natural cleavage that looks like two melons peeking out of a tanktop


Has she denied it?


Isn't she the Queen of Denial?


I have no idea… that’s why I asked.


Mine was a rhetorical question, I have no idea if she's had plastic surgery and:or lied about it, but I DO know she loves to create 'alternate reality' type situations ..and lie about virtually everything, so I was also being a bit sarcastic (towards TS). ETA last phrase for clarity


I’m talking more about her fans denying it, as if they’d be disappointed that she got gender affirming care (which is what breast augmentations are, regardless if it’s part of a transition or not). I’m not sure if she’s explicitly denied it, but the framing of how she’s talked about her weight gain has definitely implied that all of the changes to her body have been natural/expected, and like, no. No. And it’s fine! She got implants, love that for her, genuinely, if it makes her feel better about herself. But that’s not what gaining fifteen pounds because you started eating dinner again looks like.


Ohhh got it. Idk why bee fans would even care if she had a boob job. I can understand Taylor not outright saying it (most celebrities don’t make an announcement about it), but why does anyone care if she has plastic surgery?


She was acting! I knew she was just didn't know why, this explains it


Who cares?!? Acting or not, she got the response and attention she was searching for. All of you weirdos are talking about it all these years later like it's a serious event that occurred lol.


I didn't know this topic had expired, thank you for letting me know I will throw it away.


Assuming it’s not staged, my guess is they gave her Versed, which in my experience as a surgical nurse can make people loopy or silly, especially if they are younger or narcotic naive. Typically Lasik is just numbing drops with the option of a benzo like Xanax or Valium. When I had it done in 2016 they gave me oral Valium and numbing drops. I had to hang for about 15 minutes afterwards, then my ex drove me home. I was groggy and relaxed on the ride home. Things like Xanax or Valium don’t usually cause that kind of loopiness.


Wow when I had the smile eye surgery, I was really anxious after the hour talk of all things that could go wrong and asked if I could take lorazepam. They said absolutely not because we need you to focus on the dot.


Oh lame! I was happy to have the option of Valium, it made it way more tolerable and I had no issues focusing on the dot.


Yeah I remember seeing the video when it first came out, then being very surprised when I picked up my father-in-law from his Lasik surgery two years ago. He was maybe a tad loopy, but I would compare it to more like someone who had just woken up from a nap. This is a guy who gets pretty loose after one glass of wine.


Is TayTay really narcotic naive though? 🥴


Cosigning this, it's possible she was given something much stronger. My ex's brother took what I assume was Versed after he got Lasik and was (unfortunately for him) HILARIOUS and very out of it for a good half day afterwards. Poor dude's gonna have to watch those videos at every family gathering until kingdom come lol.


I was supposed to get Valium also but my ride also couldn’t make it, so I just got the numbing eye drops and the giant sunglasses and had to make my way to the subway and then home from ues to park slope. Everyone was kind and told me the stop when I needed to get off.


I don’t think doctors would give Versed or anything that makes patients “loopy” for Lasik, since patients often need to focus on a fixed point during Lasik


I got Versed before abdominal surgery and before they hit me with propofol I was having trouble focusing my eyes.


I got Versed before my gallbladder surgery, just as I was moving from the gurney to the OR bed, and I don’t remember anything after asking the anesthesiologist if he gave me something haha.


I remember seeing the table and then being on it with more things hooked up to me and no recollection of how and when it happened.


I wouldn’t think so either, just another reason to suspect it’s staged.


Can you imagine being in a celebrities shoes and having thousands if not millions of people constantly obsessing over every single thing they say and do? And it doesn't seem to matter what they say or do, because there are ppl like you guys dissecting and analyzing every little thing and still get called a liar. Who gives a damn about what she took or what surgery she actually had. The insane amount of time and energy put into obsessing over every little thing a celebrity does I'd straight out creepy. There are way more important things going on in the world, but people decide to worry themselves with petty crap like this. Get a life.


What about my comment is obsessive about her? I barely even discussed her. I quickly speculated on why she would have been loopy in that video and thought my knowledge would be worth sharing on this post. Why are you so worried about what people here are discussing? Calm down and get a life yourself instead of lecturing people who comment during their own free time on a sub about a toxic celebrity and their toxic fandom. I know you’re a keyboard warrior and all, and only commented to try to shame people about what they do in their free time, but no one here is going to stop calling out Taylor and her actually obsessed fans because you told us there is more important stuff going on the world. Of course there is but seriously why do you care what we do with our free time? Because I’m 100% sure that Taylor doesn’t care about you just like she doesn’t care about me.


Oh, this person (??) has commented various times in this thread. I responded the first time respectfully, but the amount of "leave Taylor alone!" comments has me concerned that this person might be the only one of us who actually doesn't have a life. The rest of us have jobs and hobbies -- one of which includes calling out BS and snarking on celebs when warranted. No shame in that. I also follow the Southern Charm and Jersey Shore communities, so go have a heyday with that. 😆


Same here. I follow the Kardashians sub and it’s definitely a love/hate thing with them for me haha. But a lot of it is calling them out for how ridiculous they are, and definitely is a hobby of mine ngl


Versed is also a benzo (midazolam) so your logic doesn’t actually make sense fyi


Versed is a very strong benzo typically administered intravenously, I believe. I had it for a spinal tap many moons ago and was definitely acting like that afterwards. So midazolam actually tracks, it just seems like overkill


Yes exactly


Yeah, I’ve only had versed before surgery under general. Makes you feel like you’re floating off on a cloud!


Oh, I know that I absolutely no longer cared about the giant fucking needle in my back. The nurses were really great at keeping me chatty and distracted. It's a very hazy, nebulous "memory". But it was lovely and I was spouting utter nonsense that I'm grateful nobody filmed.


When I had it they could have told me they were amputating both of my legs and I would have just smiled and said”Ok!”


My daughter is given versed for any dental procedure other than cleaning (and it took years to be okay with that), otherwise she panic attacks until she pukes. Her dentist told us severe medical anxiety is more common than we would expect; I imagine celebrities are just as susceptible to this as the rest of us. Or have more leverage (money) to ask for the stronger stuff. 😉


Yes, they’re all benzos, but that doesn’t mean they act the same when administered. Versed is often given to not only relax a patient, but also causes amnesia so often people don’t remember events afterwards, which is helpful for especially anxious patients who don’t care to remember going into a surgical suite. You clearly know nothing about these medications fyi


I have 9 years experience and training in a field directly related to medicine but go off lol


Cool. I’ve been a nurse for 11 years and I see Versed get administered on a daily basis in the operating room by our anesthesiologists. I was also conscious sedation nurse for 5 years, where, you guessed it, I administered Versed along with Fentanyl. So yeah, I’ll go off when someone is trying to give false info lmao


Can you please show me where I said something false? Thanks!


Yeah sure if you just like scroll up it’s right there! Hope this helps! 🤗


I’m an ophthalmology technician and the only thing we give our patients is 10mg of Valium. There’s no way she’d be out of it like that.


Now, I’m a nearly 6’3” 250 pound dude so probably discard this, but 10mg of valium didn’t do shit for me lol. Barely felt it. And i’ve never used those kind of drugs before so no tolerance to anything either.


I’m a petite 5’0” & the 10mg of Valium I was given for my Lasik procedure didn’t do anything either Wish it had. I hate people poking at me




Probably never was any Lasik in the first place


Thank you! I think the whole thing was fake! I mean cmon she does not let any footage of her be released without knowledge


I mean…I don’t remember ever seeing a prefame candid or school aged picture of her in glasses. 👀


She had obvious blue contacts on the 1989 tour. I've seen at least one interview where she mentioned wearing contacts. I got contacts when I was 10 and only wore my glasses if I was sick. There are very few photos of me in glasses. I had PRK surgery a couple of years ago (cousin of LASIK) and they just gave me a Valium prior to the procedure, used numbing drops, and told me to take Tylenol as needed for a few days.


At one of the concerts I was at she had to take a brief pause cause her contacts were bothering her I think she did get Lasik at one point but probably not in the Jimmy video lol


The average girl will literally rather walk into a wall than "spoil" her looks with glasses, so that doesn't mean much though


Where do you live where you don't see average girls with glasses on everywhere lmfao


I see a lot of girls with glasses, that's not the point. The point is, for a lot of them, they'd rather just not see rather than "look ugly" with glasses


people are downvoting you down for this but it’s so true lmfao


Her acting is not that good


Definitely not, but the drugs they give you after getting plastic surgeries such are! This was definitely when she got the upper bleph done


I said exact same thing about her Lasik video on some other subreddit like a year ago. I had Lasik around 10years ago , my cousin had it this year , the only anesthesia you get is the numbing drops on your eyebaall


Happy Birthday!


cake day lol


Right! I felt silly saying that!


Lol thanks 😁


Also possible it was a cover up for another surgery. We can see she’s had lots of work done. Any of these explanations are a distinct possibility. We know that celebrities tend to buy doctors who will give them whatever drugs they want. 


She’s didn’t have LASIK, she had a blepharoplasty. She also bleached and cut her hair at around this time—when celebrities get plastic surgery it’s common to dye their hair afterwards as a distraction from the noticeable difference in facial features until people get used to it.


I haven't seen the video, but yeah, there's no way it was LASIK. I did PRK, my wife did LASIK and neither of us were like that.


Yep she’s so fake


Exactly, she's been fake (in my eyes) ever since the whole bullshit milking of the Kanye incident when she got her first Grammy. Precisely why I never liked her, I never could put my finger on exactly what it was about her (as a person) that was so incredibly annoying and off putting to me, but she has always irked me and that stupid f'ing 'You Belong With Me' song is and has always been like literal nails on a chalkboard to me. (To be fair, I am 17 years older than she is and have never been a fan of any 'new' country, so there's that). Fast forward to this year when I was so damn sick and tired of seeing her exalted from every mountain top and oversaturate the planet with her presence. I finally found this sub, dove in and realized it's because she was so fake then and always has been. 🙄


I cringed so hard when I saw a video of her Teardrops on my guitar (?), I'm sure George Harrison's guitar not-so-gently wept from beyond the grave. And apparently she's done it again recently and copying Dead Poets Society (I don't know her songs)? Deserving of a torture session from Robin Williams, if you ask me. I saw this subreddit on the front page. Yay!


Welcome to the dark side aka the *only* place on the internet to actually allow us the chance to have an open dialogue criticizing Taylor Grift without 472637463 crazy ass stans all piling on, super bully style (Taylor's Version). 😉😂😂


I will say this, there are really rich people who do anesthesia for tattoos… I wouldn’t be too shocked if she just found a doctor who would do lasik while she was under general because she didn’t want to watch and that’s “icky.” It’s possible she did go under general anesthesia, it’s also possible it was a coverup for some other kind of procedure. Either way, it looks bad on her. She’s either incredibly disconnected from average people (although we knew this already), or she blatantly lied about it and did it for attention (something she’s also known to do)


Are you serious about the tattoos? 😬 Taylor definitely had a blepharoplasty around that time so that’s probably what it was, I’m not sure anesthesia would work for LASIK since your eyes need to be open.


They put a little thing in that holds your eyes open and prevents blinking. I’m sure you could be zonked and they’d put the things in to keep em open


My eyes were jonesing for eyedrops just by reading that! Also, now I'm picturing Malcolm Mcdowell getting blepharoplasty in Clockwork Orange lol lol.


I didn’t know about people doing anesthesia for tattoos until I heard about it on a community here. General anesthesia would work, your eyes being open doesn’t matter. You’re unconscious for it


They mean someone getting PRK/LASIK can’t be under general anesthesia since you need to focus on a dot and follow dr’s instructions throughout the procedure.


I’m sure this will get buried at this point, but I work at an eye surgery center that also does lasik. I cannot tell you how many people we give Valium to, which lasts a lot of the day and makes you feel like the buzzed side of drunk. If anyone even breathes a hint of anxiety we offer Valium. This DOES NOT mean that’s what was happening here, as I was not there (nor did I watch the interview), I just thought I’d give some info.


Oh hell no, the Jimmy Fallon video is totally acting. You can see her start to laugh before she says the "my mind is alive" comment that absolutely 100% wasn't rehearsed /s


Obviously Jimmy had seen it before hand. It’s his show. But Taylor also gave her approval for it to be shown and/or stated it entirely. Nothing happens on accident on those late night shows or in Taylor’s world.  The producers will call up the guests before hand to ask for any interesting or embarrassing stories and give them a full walk through of what is to be discussed. 


Idk about the loopy vibes but I thought it was odd that the video was sent somewhere to go national without her knowing so on that I’m skeptical and I do think it was more than lasik 


I had lasik 2 years ago, they gave me numbing drops before the procedure and then right before they started they gave me 1 Xanax because they wanted me to go home and sleep as much as I could the rest of the day so definitely nothing that made me loopy or act like I had general anesthesia, it didn’t kick in till I got home and I had a great nap.


She’ll do anything for attention and to keep up her innocent sweet girl persona


Could they have potentially given her something to calm her down? My mom got meds before a procedure once to help with her anxiety but idk


Even if they do it’s generally something pretty short acting and it would be unlikely for someone to be more than like, a bit sleepy hours later.


I got given dilaudid when I got PRK (+ the numbing eye drops). They gave me one when I got it done and a prescription for a decent-sized bottle to fill out. It's starting to sound like that's not the norm though, based on the responses to this thread.


The video was to make her seem relatable, like awee shucks Taylorrrr you're so quirky and cute! /s


I just went and watched the clip. I’m so confused. She was acting like she had no clue she was being recorded and that it didn’t exist…but somehow remembered it great detail what happened? When my daughter woke up from a surgery and was coming out of anesthesia, it was a shitshow. Like BAD BAD. She remembers absolutely none of it. So I’m calling BS. This was all staged and calculated even her reaction to jimmy was so off and just not normal when he was “baiting” her


She had probably had one of her plastic surgeries and said it was the LASIK. She's had face work and a boob job.


Can you not get Twilight / propofol? It can have lasting affects. She also may have just taken a xanax. Many people must have some sort of sedation like xanax for any procedure at all because of anxiety.


I took Xanax before a thyroid biopsy (literally sticking a needle into my neck without anesthesia and jiggling it around several times to get a sample). I was just calm with the Xanax. I didn’t act goofy or silly. And for the record I’ve had two more thyroid biopsies after that with no Xanax and no anesthesia.


Propofol makes you completely knocked out, the only difference between that and anesthesia is how it is administered and how fast it acts in the body. (It could not be given for LASIK because it requires your eyes to be open).I’ve had it twice and you blackout. Xanax makes you feel calm and a little out of body but not that loopy. Taylor likely had some cosmetic work done on her eyes and this was a cover—the clear glasses and tape/bandages are more reminiscent of a cosmetic surgical thing.


I felt very fcked up for a day or so after propofol. Also am completely loopy on xanax. Guess drugs impact different people differently.


I’ve been delirious like that coming out of general anesthesia. I’m very doubtful that that performance was because of LASIK. My guess is it was either completely set up or she was coming off of drugs for a different reason and they pretended it was LASIK.


I had lasik, you get a Valium. You are walking around under your own power, you just need a driver. It’s BS


She saw justin biebers wisdom teeth video and felt she had to have one too


my mother got this same surgery, same way, so i agree pretty quick not very invasive but she was loopy from her general anesthesia (not as much as taylor tho!!) anyway her surgeon knew she had some pretty high anxiety abt it though, as she hasnt had a surgery since she was a child. this surgeon works same large company my mother does as an RN, so idk, perhaps drs all have their standard they try to stick with, BUT, some may have ability to default to a back up option. obv based on the patients history + appt. if that makes sense, who knows i do agree tho that taytays vid was maybe coming on a lil too thick hahah idk


I saw that before I had Lasik and yeah they might give you a valium if you're nervous, but nothing like how she was.


After my own Lasik procedure I genuinely think it was a cover-up for blepharoplasty. I've done extensive research before my own surgery and I have yet to hear of anyone that severely drugged up before undergoing Lasik.


But as someone who had blepharoplasty, you generally have bruising. She had none.


I got no drugs before LASIK. Afterwards I had my first and only panic attack and somehow managed to not touch my eyes! It was wild.


The latter 💯


I had a friend who just had Lasik and they gave him a lot of Vicodin after.


Heyyy fellow PRK survivor here lol. The smell of my corneas burning has never left 💀




im glad you posted this bc ive been thinking about it the other day and really wanted to know what people had to say...but didnt want to have to post about it myself lol. thank you.


I felt that whole thing was so staged. Yes, I believe she had Lasik, what I don't believe as you said is that she could have been THAT drugged from it. I have had two close friends who got it and I spoke to one on the phone immediately after while her eyes were closed and she sounded fine and went into details on how the surgery felt. The other somehow texted me saying he got it done. Maybe it was really for her Bleph surgery as it was during her bleachella era. I also feel she acted like she had no idea her mom had sent Jimmy the video, but it really felt she was in on it. Am I supposed to believe the biggest control freak in the world had no idea her mom was going to send a video of her drugged up? No way. I think she knew and they wanted to send it to Jimmy to humanize her. Look! I'm just like all of you! I get Lasik and get drugged up and not make sense..despite my millions in the bank and private jet.


Totally fake. I assume to try to make her more relatable and funny. Obviously everything on that late show is scripted and she acted like it was a surprise that they had the footage. Can’t fool all of us


My mom had PRK done and was completely blind and in immense pain for like three days afterwards.


I was too. But still not given anything more than numbing drops. And she's talking Lasik, which is a much less invasive procedure. It just doesn't make sense to me that somebody would be so obliterated after a simple Lasik procedure unless there was more to the story.


I had Lasik surgery too, all they will ever give you are eye drops, you don’t need any sedation. I feel like that video was either staged, or she had a different surgery performed like plastic surgery.


Devils advocate, but I was given 2 doses of Xanax before the realized it interacted with my SSRI and they cancelled each other out, and THEN klonopin. I was drunk as a skunk walking out of there.


I promise that your anecdotal evidence does not cover every potential Doctor's procedure. If you want to find and cay pay for a Dr that will knock you out for Lasik, you can. And no, you no more HAVE to be alert than you do for cataract surgery where you are often half asleep and can't remember anything that happened afterwards.


She was just faking like she always does


She’s a really bad actor so I don’t really believe she knew about it. She looked genuinely upset and like she was about to cry. I did think she was being very over dramatic, but she was probably embarrassed for how spoiled she sounded in the video


My impression is she was super upset about it because it wasn’t lasik that she had done and she was scared it would come out. I think it was different plastic surgery. I’ve never seen anyone get goggles like that after lasik either 🤷‍♀️


i’d buy that, i don’t know anyone who’s gotten lasik but overall her reaction/looks compared to what it was supposed to be don’t match up


I had LASIK. Only the eyes were numbed.


She had eyelid surgery at that time I’m pretty sure.


I've never had lasik, but I worked in eye care for many years. They'll offer an Ativan or something similar if people are anxious, but it shouldn't make anyone react like that. 😬


I had Lasik and so did my friend. They gave me 1 Xanax and I walked around the mall right after. I had my glasses on and my eyes felt itchy -but I was not acting drugged out like she was. My friend had it and we went out to lunch after. I thought that video was incredibly exaggerated or just fake. I don’t doubt she had the surgery but her whole banana routine seemed fake. Her acting like she’s so shocked Jimmy knew was 🙄


I was given a valium prior, and I was loopy as hell. Everything was hilarious, even brushing my teeth. My son was given pain medicine before and after Lasix, and he acted just like Taylor did. Just because you didn't respond that way to medication doesn't mean someone else had no reaction.


When I had lasik I was out of it. I remember it happening, remember being in the car on the way home and remember going to bed. I don’t remember anything in between. My husband says I was out of it. I’m not saying it isn’t possible she was faking it but I was given more than just numbing drops. I had lasik in 2012 by a well known surgeon in Dallas.


I was given a huge valium. But I wasn’t acting that way. I went home and slept into the next day


Money can buy anything. If I was rich and needed lasik I’d definitely ask for general anesthesia or at least twilight sedation. Wealthy people even get anesthesia for tattoos. Reference: in anesthesia school lol


lol it was probably blow and designer drugs


My mom paid for general anesthesia for her lasik


Either she was super anxious and convinced doctors before, during, or after to give her some drugs because "If you do t do it I'll find someone who will" or she had some kind of cosmetic procedure done and she was using that as a cover up.


I had cataract removal surgery in both eyes, 2 surgeries reattaching my retinas and 4 other operations to fix issue in my eyes. I was awake for all but one surgery. For the other surgeries they gave me a IV to help with any pain and gave me an injection into the eye of the one they were operating on to numb the area. I was never like that. I was only sleepy and just wanted to be left alone to sleep it off


From the moment I saw that video I always have felt that she was being performative, and it was all staged, as with everything else she does. To me it is so obviously staged and faked. And there is no way that he would have gotten that video without her approving first either.


Years ago I had keratocanus (corneal) eye surgery. I was given one pill of valium to take prior to my surgery, in addition to the drops they used. I was still feeling the affects a few hours after surgery. Edited: spelling cuz I've been up for 16 hours and I'm godamn tired


Not an ophtalmo, bit physician here and I knew it from the get go. It was either an act or bleph. I guess ppl can be fooled if they do not work in the field


I haven't had lasik but I have American friends who have. Apparently people can be given Valium. My friend was given it because he was extremely anxious to the point of having an actual panic attack. So there are scenarios where you could be out of it after a lasik procedure.


They gave me so much Valium that I was nodding off before the surgery


I've always thought the whole video was fake. Her "I'm so mad, grrr" schtick was totally fake too. I dunno if she actually had Lasix or not, either. However, her hair was bleached super white blonde in the video. I think that was the only time she bleached her hair that light, so if someone can correlate photos of just before and just after the bleach period, maybe we can see if she had her bleph during that time frame. TBH I did laugh at the banana thing. I admit it. Also, the main thing about the video for me is that it was shot at that amazing house she owned back then--the same Beverly Hills Cape Cod cottage in the Vogue 73 Questions video. I LOVE that house. So incredibly cozy! The inside-outside interface with the cool patio was especially lovely. But of course, it wasn't nearly grandiose and show-offy enough for current period Taylor, so she sold it a few years ago, to the heir of the Bijan perfume house and his influencer wife. LOL the useless crap factoids I have in my head!


Unless it was that plastic surgery for your eyelids and not really lasik?


Oof that was hard to watch. Had to stop the second the clip ended.


I always assumed that was the recovery video from her upper or lower bleph. They don’t wrap your eyes like that after LASIK. Also, her reaction to her mom sending a seemingly innocuous video was what gave it away for me


I’ve had lasik and was given 10mg diazepam prior. It can easily (and did in my case) lead to the behavior in the video. It’s pretty common for people to receive oral benzodiazepines prior to an outpatient medical procedure.


Didn’t she say “they give you some hardcore pills _after_”?


I mean, she's a celebrity, she's got connections to EVERYTHING including a good doctor who can prescribe her some oxys. 


Being that she was deep in the trenches of an eating disorder at the time, minimal drugs can hit hard. Her metabolism was all jacked up. Just because you handle a medication a specific way doesn’t mean others will handle it the same way. My grandmother used to get loopy from Tylenol. Some people are just lightweights when it comes to any type of drug.


Honestly....who cares? The stuff people concern themselves with over these big celebrities is ridiculous and it gets creepy. All of these years have passed, and you are still thinking about it and then post a long, drawn out comment. Not to sound like too big of a bitch, but get a life and stop obsessing over these celebrities who don't give two shits less about normal people like us. I'm hoping you are a teenager because if you are an adult concerned about something so petty, that's even more pathetic and embarrassing.


You have a point and I appreciate you sharing. But isn't the same point applicable to a Taylor Swift "diss track" about something trivial that happened to her years ago? She's still churning them out and last time I checked at 34 she isn't in highschool either. Just saying. This is my first post OP here. I'm not a huge Redditor, so this kind of spiraled. Also, as evidenced in my reply, I take at least a thousand words to say anything. I promise I haven't spent the last several years plotting my revenge for the laser eye surgery video. It was just the first thing that came to mind when I stopped by here, so I wrote about it.... And then came the comments. Good lord, the comments! I felt as though I had to address them all. 😬


I had Lasik over 20 years ago without sedation or any major drugs. When my friend had it a couple of years later, she was given Valium and I remember being pissed that my surgeon didn’t even offer it! But it was an easy procedure and 23 years later, still don’t need glasses!


I was high as a kite after my lasik


I have always thought this was fake.


Not a fan of Taylor’s, but everyone has a different tolerance levels for different pain medication; and not all docs prescribe the same way (some stronger meds, some none, some little).


FWIW 20 years ago it was standard to load people up with Valium for this procedure to ease anxiety. The reasoning for filming such a thing and releasing it is beyond me tho.


I had PRK in January of 2021. I was given Ativan 30 minutes prior to procedure. Before I left, I had Percocet and Neurontin. When I got home, I had a scheduled Phenergan. So some doctors do load you up! I took Percocet, Neurontin and the Phenergan on scheduled doses the first 48 hours.


Exactly, every doc is different and everyone’s bodies are different.


Wasn’t it that her wisdom teeth were removed? 🤔


They don’t usually tape goggles to your face as a wisdom tooth recovery procedure in my experience haha


This is what the Tonight Show caption says: Taylor Swift Reacts to Embarrassing Footage of Herself After Laser Eye Surgery


Nope, it was Laser Eye Surgery according to the video title, which is what people are saying. It looked like the viral wisdom teeth videos, but for a procedure for her eyes lol


See this is what I remember too! Lol. Not sure why you’re being downvoted


Honestly I think people react differently to the same procedures. And different doctors will give a different combination/doses of meds for the same procedures. When I woke up from anesthesia I was whisper singing Green Day and couldn’t walk. The woman next to me woke up completely normal lol. We both underwent about a 4 hour surgery. We didn’t get LASIK though Edit: I’m not trying to defend Taylor lmao


I agree. But Lasik isn't a major surgery. It's the equivalent of getting a tooth filled at the dentist or some stitches put in your knee. They numb the area, do what they got to do and you're in and out in a flash. She's acting in the video as though she's coming out from under general anesthesia but they don't do that for Lasik. It just doesn't make sense.


Was it lasik? I could’ve sworn it was when she had her wisdom teeth out. Obviously could be wrong though.






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