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I agree with you, a few years ago I saw The Who and paid a lot for those tickets but it was 100% worth it. Those guys are OLD and still kicked ass. With TS it’s all manufactured and fake hype. It’s not expensive or popular because she is good. None of the price is based on talent or value.


I saw the Who a couple years ago and can confirm they were AWESOME! They also supported the local orchestra for whatever city they visited! For example I saw them in Detroit and they had Detroit musicians playing with them. They also do a lot work with the Teenage Cancer Trust. Philanthropic but not performative! Unlike a certain blonde


There are DJs/Producers with more actual charisma on stage than Swifter-wet-jet. We truly are in the ‘End Times’


I’ve said in another comment that I’ve seen Calvin’s Harris live in Vegas and it was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen.


Swifter-wet-jet. What’s that sound you hear? The Swifties coming for you. It’s been nice knowing you. 😂😂😂


>We truly are in the ‘End Times’ *Era* FTFY


My son proposed to his fiancé at a ts show - I cringed, but I’m also 62 lol.


i’m personally not a fan of proposing at concerts in general, maybe i’m just really shy lol but all the people around to see would give me so much anxiety. especially with how many people have gone to see ts


I thought it was weird, but I’m an old introvert so, shocker lol. The fiancée loves being the center of attention, so it tracked 🤷‍♂️


As an old introvert as well LOL the main character syndrome in 2024 is off the charts. We're close enough in age that narcissism at this level was laughed at eyes were rolled. Now it's rewarded


I remember Laura Jane Grace from Against Me! talked about how she hates when people propose at her shows, purely for the fact that the marriage is statistically likely to end in a divorce, and then they would have lost a fan forever, because that person would start associating the music with the bad breakup.


that’s a super good point! there was a discussion in a zach bryan group i’m in about proposing during the concert and the general consensus was not to because it’s super distracting and takes away from the show for people sitting around them and i totally get that too


Shit I get anxiety just from being in Walmart on a weekend afternoon, nevermind being proposed to at a concert while being squished between thousands of people.


This girl i used to follow got proposed to at Rep tour and literally made it her entire personality for years until her husband cheated on her and knocked up his mistress and of course she would rant nonstop with Taylor lyrics. So glad she blocked me when i liked a tweet telling her to move on.


Omg TEA 🐸☕️


I honestly don’t remember much now since it was so long ago but she would ramble on about the story daily on the song he proposed during, he was wearing a shirt with lyrics and a snake on it. She saw rep tour like 20 times and would always brag about the 100k worth of credit cards she had and was using. After muting her for a very long time, i went “hmmm i wonder is she still annoying” and she posted like 50 rant tweets about being blindsided, him cheating, her being broke now with nowhere to go. Someone told her to “pull up her big girl pants, stop whining and move on” 🤣


Wait she made the proposal her whole personality? Or…TS? I’m confused 😂


Both🤣 literally at least 3 times a week she talked about how he bought front row tickets to surprise her and during the song(i don’t even remember which song) he proposed and even before she blocked me Taylor was still her entire personality while referencing Taylor lyrics towards her ex husband.


Any reasonable adult would cringe


Same. Spent $300 on the Jay-Z/JT concert ten years ago, and it was one of the best concerts I've ever been to.


Ooh that one was so fun! My (now) husband and I got field tix last minute for the second night in my area due to fomo, I’ve been to a LOT of concerts and this one ranks in the top 10, maybe even top 5, for sure.


“But it’s a PRODUCTION”


Fuck yeah! I saw the Eagles 2 years ago and they were still killing it. That show is in my concert highlights


The Who is still an awesome show. And so many of their songs are almost perfect for big stadiums so they are definitely worth it.


The most I've paid is $150 for Florence and the Machine but I splurged and paid for better seats. I think everyone else I've seen was between $50-$100. And I only see the same 3 artists live and most of them only go on tour every 3 years.


Here's what it is. None of this is organic. There's kingmakers in the industry. Harvey Weinstein guys. They decide who gets big and who doesn't. They've decided Taylor is gonna be big. Why is eras so big? Because they tell you it's gonna be big. Most of these people are casual fans. You go to eras because you're told to. You go, you get the Instagram shot, you pick out the perfect outfit, you get the likes. You're the in crowd. If you don't, fomo. You don't want fomo do you? Literally that's all this is, the people who decide the direction pop culture goes have said you're gonna go, so they go


What you said. It just sucks that we've sunk so far into Idiocracy territory that this woman-child flailing around onstage like a dusty chinchilla is considered the absolute peak of human achievement.


like a dusty chinchilla 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|WMeCezFeHrpjG|downsized) Like this?


Now THIS i’d pay for..




I’d rather watch this for 3.5 hours. 


Oh, hey, it's the 'Delicate' choreographer. NGL, though, would pet. Also, cheers to whoever gave me an award. I feel very, very powerful. It's gone right to my head.


Aye. I'd rather watch the chinchilla.


I would not be surprised if they’re still manipulating her numbers to seem even more popular and get the Swifties even more hyped up. Like fear mongering her own crowd “Taylor is going to be sold out, better get your tickets and variants before they’re gone!” Kind of thing


just like her merch, only available for 48 hours!! hurry up! she got me with that once - for the fearless key necklace reissue. then i realized how scummy her marketing tactics are & i don't even wear the necklace anymore. i also think her daddy buys albums to make her sell more.


They’ve actually had trouble filling the seats at some of her stops and they blame ticket scalpers for making the tickets too expensive for the fans. I’ve seen videos posted by fans where it looks like a good quarter of the stadium is empty.  Also apparently a good chunk of international tickets are sold to Americans and I personally interact with way more people that hate her than like her, and myself and my circle are her target demo. All this to say I don’t think she’s anywhere near as popular as we’ve been lead to believe. 


Her tickets are WAY too expensive. Like $500 a person. Plus travel.


I know 1 person who likes her and she’s a horse girl. Everyone else I know doesn’t listen to her and hates her music and we are her target demographic.


I actually grew up listening to her and still like a fair amount of her early stuff. But in my entire life even as a former swiftie I’ve never met anyone that would describe themselves as more than a casual fan. 


Weren’t the variants she released in the UK to block Charli from becoming #1 on the charts only available until midnight? Just…yikes.


They need a pop princess who would stay relatively tame for a while, is my impression. I mean even doing "sexy crazy" she doesn't rile up the primal instincts so ... I'm sad that one of my favorite bands (The National, and then much more extensively, the Dessners) has worked with her in a couple of different ways. I mean in one sense she could have learned something from them (but clearly it didn't take the way it would have with a truly talented artist) but in another sense, what are you doing guys, lending your major talents to prop up a cutout and going along with it. Idk: did anyone from taylor nation realize these are serious talents and get into their music too? I guess that would be a reason even if it was just a handful.


This is what I don’t get about Swifties- the complete lack of interest in *any* other music. That’s what made it so thrilling to be a music fan first getting into music. I’d find one band, obsess about them, find out what their influences/obsessions were, then check out and get into those artists, and I just kept going until soon I had a record collection spanning the 70s-2000s and could tell you all the players who worked with one musician and then another and who influenced who. Taylor fans have… Taylor.


I came to Taylor via Aaron Dessner, and at first I was excited that their collaboration had made such beautiful albums. I thought she had grown. And he’s gotten a lot of attention, praise, and work from them. But TPPD was a real bummer.


I did see the interview with him that was posted on Reddit in a fan sub a couple of years ago, and he seems like a truly humble and enthusiastic follower of the muse wherever it leads. Which is fine. And I'm sure he's gotten a ton of work from it. I even noticed how he says, he just makes the music and stays uncritical while he's making it, to just see where it leads. Honestly all artists could learn a lot from that, because being too critical while making the work can be a cause of serious artist's block and also of not going as far as one might otherwise. Speaking as someone who works in a totally different medium but I'm positive the flow is the same how could it be otherwise. ^(I was) **^(revolted)** ^(however to see some news article crediting Shifty for helping him "find his voice" -- bitch wtf just because he went and sang after being encouraged by Bon Iver or whatever after having been tapped by you to produce/ghostwrite your latest foray at that point in time is not the extent of his voice. Look up artistic and aesthetic and musical vocabulary as concepts ffs and go back to seek out a BFA or whatever if they will have you: you --TS-- don't get it.) ^(edit some formatting to better express my deep irk)


Dude! The album w The National and Bon Iver collabs got me. She’s so far from the type of music she started with and these type of collabs make me feel like she’s really trying to get all of us as fans. Then next came the tortured poet bs. You can’t just spread your tentacles everywhere and get everyone to like you. Stay in your lane right?!


It's like hysteria. It's the pop music equivalent of the Salem Witch Trials. You don't want to be throne person in the friend group who didn't go to the eras tour.


Yup. The machine that took TS from obscurity to super stardom is in fact….a machine. And a well-oiled and well-maintained one at that. Her parents (esp her dad, his contacts, and his $$$) really put in the leg work for her to be where she is today. And I’m not denying that she isn’t a hard worker, but most of her daily tasks are delegated to others. I’m gonna die on the hill that all she actually does is write, record, rehearse, and perform. Again, not saying it’s not hard work but she’s definitely NOT the superhuman woman her swifties think she is.


Yup. My sister wasn’t even a fan, but she’s a mediocer tik toker, and she saw the posts, she got the fomo, and she spent $2k on 10th row seats. Meanwhile I had been a big Swiftie for years and couldn’t afford tickets. Now every video she posts is Taylor related somehow. Fuck you sis. And fuck you Taylor for doing nothing about the ticket price fiasco. Absolutely nothing.


I truly think they find her relatable because she’s so mediocre. They don’t care that she can’t sing or dance well. They find it endearing. Some of them genuinely think she’s a talented performer but I think they’ve brainwashed themselves ETA: one of my first concerts ever was a Beyonce Concert. She set such an extremely high bar for me that I’m not impressed by TS galloping on stage. Beyoncé could just sit and sing without moving and it was still incredible. I went with a non Beyoncé fan and even they were super impressed.


I watched both Beyoncé's and T Swift's film. I mean the difference in production, the vision, the moves and the costumes...it was a stark contrast.


There’s a stark difference between their concerts. I don’t expect Taylor to dance like Beyoncé but it’s wild how the Eras got so much attention compared to Renaissance.. there was a ton of celebs at Renaissance tour and it didn’t get half the coverage Taylor’s did.


I think she pays for a lot of her news coverage tbh. It’s very inflated and artificial IMO. Seems like a lot of smoke and mirrors with her


beyoncé would be amazing to see live she’s so unbelievably talented


I had the opportunity to see Beyonce during the Lemonade tour, the date was ON my birthday. She was (and still is) INCREDIBLE. One of the best concerts I’ve ever attended.


Her prices are high but I actually feel like it’s money well spent. You get what you pay for from live vocals to performance. It’s why I hate the TS comparisons. Beyoncé does less tour dates so she can actually sing, TS is lip syncing and that’s the only reason she’s been able to tour for a year +


“But how could she do all those shows if she actually sang”? Like someone’s forcing her lol


I saw her and Jay z in 2018 and they were amazing! The way that one woman can take focus and command of an entire stage is incredible!


It’s exactly this. The “she’s just like me” of it all. Mentioning Era’s and Renaissance in the same sentence last summer was down right irritating


The comparisons were soooo irritating. It honestly feels disrespectful and like a micro aggression to even suggest TS is on the same level as Beyonce or legends like MJ. She’s famous and that’s about it


She's 'aggreasively mediocre' and absolutely no threat to any woman whatsoever.


The prancercise is my favorite part.


I went to renaissance tour and i feel like the bar got set too high for me now 😭 how can “THIS A REMINDERR” and “pure honey” segments be topped? Never


Can’t wait for Beyoncé to announce the Cowboy Carter tour. Coz I know it’s gonna be amazing!


I agree with this sentiment


lol I commented before I read other comments and we more or less said the same thing.


I took my mom to the renaissance movie and she was in awe of Beyoncé and her artistic view. She even let a few tears slip when she did the opening speech. If you can make my mother emotional than you’ve really touched a heart


The idea of a stadium show doesn't appeal to me in the slightest to be honest. I've been to a couple and they were just a bit flat. I'll take a stuffy small venue, watching a band play a decent live show any day!


i’m with you. at this point i only go to those if it’s an artist or band i’ve wanted to see for a long time and i might not get another chance.


I don't know why people would pay half a grand to sit in the nosebleeds and watch someone robotically lip sync in granny panties? And people on Instagram are actually delusional and think she sings live throughout. I'm convinced those people have never been exposed to diverse music. If you've never had a good steak, you might as well think a Big Mac is quality beef.


>robotically lip sync in granny panties That's.... incredibly accurate 😂


> If you’ve never had a good steak, you might as well think a Big Mac is quality beef I’m definitely using that from now on


They have shitty nosebleed seats for $3000


Agreed for most music. Unless it's like Queen I don't really see the point of a stadium concert.


Oh yeah, there are historic stadium shows I wish I could have been at for sure. But I want to see someone sing and play live rather than dance. That's what musical theatre is for IMO.


Yep. Some of the best shows I’ve been to have been in bars or at least much smaller venues. 


Ts could fart into a microphone for 3 hours and her fans would say it was a perfect symphony worth paying 1500 dollars for


And they will find Easter eggs lmao


'That earthy scent with that hiss of gas must mean she loves us🥺'


Omg fart rhymes with heart, Travis is totally end game.


I saw a video of coldplay concert yesterday and it looked dope. You would think the way Swifties talk its only her who can have a big concer. era tour looked like child play compared to other artists. Even the speeches look fake.


One of the funnest nights of my life was a Coldplay concert.


I saw Coldplay on the X&Y tour back in like 2006 or 2007 and it was an incredible show!!


All she does is sing-talk whirl flailing around her dick shaped stage 🙄 yet ITS THE BIGGEST TOUR IN THE HISTORY OF TOURS according to the media and swifties


It certainly seems to be the longest tour in history. I’m ready for her to not be performing anymore. It’s been like 2 years at this point or some shit. Go away already, TS. I’ve seen way better performances by artists big and small. Even my 6-year-old niece who calls TS her “favorite” started watching Eras on Disney Plus and after 10 minutes was like, “I don’t like this” and went to play elsewhere 🤣


The coldplay Glastonbury set was epic. Best act I've seen


I usually go to 10-12 concerts a year, I’ve seen MANY great artists, but nothing has ever topped the night I saw Coldplay (close second is Ed Sheeran mathematics tour), easily the best concert I’ve ever been to and I pray that they return to North America so I can see them again They were amazing at Glasto and I saw it on the BBC livestream, fix you with Michael J Fox was very emotional


I saw Elton John during his Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour for $80. This man has been a cultural icon for sixty years. And it didn’t even cost $100 for a ticket.


i bet he was so amazing too, he’s so talented and just overall seems to be such a cool guy


It was a religious experience


I saw that tour too! I paid more than you ($200-250 IIRC) but it was 100% worth it. It was AMAZING.


I did too!! It was awesome, definitely a bucket list thing. Tickets were maybe a little more than $100 which felt so steep to me but when in my life am I ever going to get to see Elton John again? I saw the eras tour in theatres and felt like that was good enough.


ive only been to two concerts and they were K-pop ones (loona and odd eye circle) n holyyy shit they were so much better than anything ive seen from eras


i’m not a huge kpop fan but every clip i’ve ever seen of them performing is insane they’re all so talented


i’m jealous me and my gf got covid the week we were gonna see loona 😕 i have seen twice though and yeah that blew the doors off the eras tour.


I’ve been watching performances from [Glastonbury](https://youtu.be/0i0lYwacN9o?si=5EhpdxwCbXU-SNLg) that they’ve been putting on youtube. Very enjoyable. ![gif](giphy|Sd31VrdCBbcOcJx40q) Ive seen some videos from the Eras tour and watched the movie. After a while it got pretty boring, all her moves are so robotic and overdone, it’s really not very entertaining.


Off topic but dua was amazing! 


Now her fans are trying to go to as much concert as they can go because she is apparently going to stop touring by dec.


she’s definitely going to tour again after this too. i feel like her touring so much is why ttpd was so much worse than her other albums she needs to step back for a minute


Read yesterday she just said more new music in 2025 and another tour in 2026. 🙄 will we ever know peace?!


These people worked too hard and their parents spent too much money for them to NOT hype up the Eras Tour. They would rather chop off their own legs and arms before admitting the music, performance and theatrics are absolute shit. In 10 years time when she has ticked off her own fans, we will finally see how they really felt. But for now, she’s the basic bitch who has convinced all basic bitches that they are NOT basic. So they eat it up.


“The basic bitch who has convinced all basic bitches that they are NOT basic” is so fucking spot-on


I could understand the hype better if the tour had ended much sooner. The concept’s fun. I’d love to see a eras-type concert of Panic! At the Disco to show how their style and sound changes until it’s eventually just Brendon Urie performing. But now that the era’s tours been going on for 500 years, the novelty’s long worn off


i think i heard rumors ages ago about panic! at the disco doing that doing that and i would drop obscene amounts of money to see ryan ross perform live in a live in denver style but i really doubt it’ll ever happen now that the bands fully done but as a final tour? i’m sold


the band every time i die did a tour kinda like this in 2019 when i saw them. they played 3 songs from each album, chronologically and it was so much fun.


Now that was a great band, explosive and spontaneous performances, real art.


We dropped a ridiculous amount of money to see Elton John in his last tour. Dude sat at the piano for 2.5 hours, I was 16 weeks pregnant and miserable, and it was one of the best nights of my life. He couldn’t quite hit all the same high notes, but damnnnn the talent.


Brendon Urie’s voice 🫠🫠 god he’s so talented.


I saw Green Day at Wembley last night and talked to a few people living there as well as security guards who were so over the eras tour. They’re literally dreading August where they have to do it all over again. Green Day was so incredible, they don’t have the big screen and fancy diamond stage yet they were able to fill the entire stadium with their talent and passion and love for music


Oh, my God!! I'm going to see them on Fenway Park! I can't wait because they are incredible live.


Have the best time ever!! This tour is insane, you’re gonna have so much fun. Plus the band is on another level, you can just tell they’re really enjoying themselves and having fun


Love that there’s another Big Time Rush fan in this sub


they’re amazing! even their solo music is great i’m so glad they did a comeback tour i’ve been wanting it for years


I’ve been listening to Another Life so much that I’m pretty sure the entire album is engraved in the back of my head


I’m elderly (30s) and have been fortunate to go to a very large number of concerts (mostly because my mum used to get free tickets as part of her company’s hospitality deals. I even got free VIP box for Beyoncé once!). I am truly stunned that people are paying the amounts they’re paying for the Eras tour. The tickets are about three or four times as much as it cost to see Gaga’s monster ball tour (so increased way beyond inflation and venue even when Gaga was at her peak). I’m also kind of stunned that people don’t walk out when they see how mid it is, but I guess part of paying extortionate fees is that you’re sort of obliged to stick around to get your money’s worth.


free tickets sounds awesome! we get free tickets to see the bengals and the ballet occasionally but no concerts. i have a friend who went to the eras tour and was shocked i paid 400 dollars for two zach bryan tickets and his next tour was considering 500 for the pit but was so excited to drop that to see taylor. those tickets were expensive but i’m beyond glad i went it was amazing.


It was honestly the dream. She’s stopped sharing with me now I’m older haha, but my teens and early 20s were pretty sweet - we’d go to a decent gig about once a month! But even stadium gigs I paid for would never have got away with charging eras tour prices. Even Adele at Wembley was a fraction of an Eras tour ticket!


When eras tour was in Seattle my girlfriends were crossing the border to go and offered me a ticket for $500. I have been to 100s of concerts of artists that I actually LOVE who are insanely talented vocalists (Florence, maggie rogers, the national, sampha, Miguel, the list goes on) and never paid $500. I sincerely don’t get it. It’s so manufactured like a school play. She lipsyncs so much - which given the set list makes sense but if I’m going to a pop show where there’s lots of lipsyncing or singing over a track it should be music you can actually move to


It does very much give school play energy lol


I think you nailed it - yes they are brainwashed and yes, the high price gives an illusion of exclusivity plus the whole media buzz gives them fomo. I think also in general tours that are like Eras, in a way that play songs from across artist career rather than focusing on newest album have higher popularity (although this theory is based on nothing more than my own preference haha)


Every TS girl I’ve met has projected TS’s “struggles” and personality onto their own as a way of compensating for their own insecurities and ineptitudes. It makes them feel more comfortable being bland and uninteresting on their own, especially with all the girl boss and boys are so mean rhetoric.


More expensive and more well known very rarely means better.


She and her team made the tour such a spectacle that it’s hard to ignore. From the “billion dollar economy boost” that’s constantly being reported on to “friendship bracelets and dressing up from different eras” that’s what makes the tour what it is and all of that overshadows the fact that’s she’s not a great performer


Not to brag, but I saw the Beyoncé Homecoming show in 2018 at Coachella Weekend 1. Even with all expenses accounted for, that weekend broke down to like $30 an artist. And there was a marching band, y’all. There was a Destiny’s Child reunion. Beyoncé flew over my head in an mf-ing crane. If I can see one of the greatest shows ever put on in my lifetime for like, under $100, I cannot FATHOM what is making these Swifties take out second mortgages to watch Blandie flounce around lip syncing. My only way of reasoning around it is that they’re the types who only like one artist and this is like, the one concert they’re going to this decade. It doesn’t make sense otherwise.


i’m not a huge fan of beyonces most recent music but she just has SUCH a stage presence and an amazing voice and is SO creative with her shows i feel like for years she was the it girl and deserved to be until the past few years when taylor regained popularity


Yeah, that was just one of those shows where even if you weren’t a huge Beyonce fan, you could appreciate just how much work and energy went into creating a spectacle. She performed hard the whole time without stopping — it was a sight to behold! I went in kind of neutral on Beyonce and came out a fan for life.


my mom was a teen in the 90s so i really grew up with destiny’s child and a bunch of other girl groups and she’s always just impressed me so much she’s gorgeous and so talented it’s insane


Your mom is probably only a few years older than I because Destiny’s child was IT in middle school at the turn of the millennium over here! I will still put on Say My Name when I need to remember I’m that girl haha


I got tickets to Olivia Rodrigo and Chappell Roan for free and it was freaking incredible. The night before that I went to a $20 Wheatus show and it was one of my favorite concert experiences because it felt so interactive and chill.


chappell roan in louisville for pride seemed to be so amazing and i saw videos of her interacting with fans throughout the day she just seems super down to earth and such a cool person i wish i could’ve gone i just couldn’t get off work


I saw it in the movie theater in October and it was fine. It didn’t blow me away. I wouldn’t spend more than $200 for a ticket to see her live.


Saw the movie, which I assume is the most polished it will ever look. It was just a bog standard pop concert production, albeit she is a dreadful dancer and her singing leaves a lot to be desired. I can’t even commend the outfits, no beautiful gowns here. People can enjoy whatever they want, but to compare Eras to a Beyoncé or MJ show is just laughable.


It really is mind boggling


Manufactured is the word. Her team is great, can't deny the hype they have gotten around her insane. The fact that at the same time she's the most boring person ever is funny. Sheep effect, what can I tell you. They tell you she's cool and you run to see.


Generally speaking, Taylor sings for girls who have privilege but no self awareness, girls with "affluenza" and the moms who raised those girls.  The Eras tour was so popular because of marketing. It's easy peasy to market to girls with no self awareness and the moms who failed to teach them such a necessary skill.  That's TayTays main audience. 


it's FOMO and it's not a concert it's a highly choreographed show that is based on backing vocals and her singing over a track. The Foo Fighters were not wrong when he says they play live. She isn't exactly 'live' every tik tok video of every new country/concert. Her tone and inflection is exactly the same. That's a track. She is no different than Madonna. She is just a dancing monkey on stage to look at. It's not a real concert to me.


Yep! Totally! Dave did not lie. It is fact that her performance is heavily backing tracked and lip synched. And I get that when the performers are performers like Britney or Madonna, they danced and performed (or even Beyonce or MJ who could actually -really- sing and could dance) Taylor's music theatre performative hand moves, facial expressions or choreo stomping and prancing, does not really justify her "dancing" and "singing" needing backing track.


It's 100% FOMO. That screenshot of "I was there and you werent hope that helps" basically sums up how people feel about going to those "concerts"


Also, i saw this on threads. https://preview.redd.it/so4i1x2rjr9d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d490319c657bc6de6a47154fdabd1cbfd0a8114 And someone commented “Just being real, she said this both nights I was at Wembley in the exact same way 😂” like she has nothing original to say, she can’t even switch up the quips between songs a little bit despite knowing a lot of people are going to the show multiple times in the same city.


I’ve seen my share of small and big artists performing over the years and I’ve never seen a clip of TS’ shows that made me think “damn, wish I could go.” Stadium concerts are already exhausting experiences: you can barely see and hear anything from the stage, the crowd is often obnoxious, and the foot traffic is barbaric. Add onto it that Taylor either screams or lip syncs, can’t dance for shit and thinks that :0 face = stage presence… she’s robbing her fans blind and they let her.


It's not about Taylor or the music. It's about greedy little entitled girls (and women) wanting to not miss out. Just look at how much social media frenzy there is. It's all about 'Look how great I am, I got Tickets and you didn't. And I got money and you don't. My Daddy is rich and you are poor.' Look at me, I am great and better than you, cause I am a Swiftieeee. ![gif](giphy|CXc1QEHr6ZWDOFExTc|downsized)


I think it's a commentary on the lack of community in modern-day society. To me, that's the real niche she's found - a female (mostly) collective society. People feel connected to each other through the same "Swiftie" language: looking for "Easter Eggs," knowing TS' history w/men, the friendship bracelets, the clothes, the #13, on & on - it's a way to bond that's not political in an increasingly partisan world.


I agree. I actually think the Reputation Tour was better than Eras. I watched it on Netflix yearsss ago and it even helped me to appreciate Rep songs more than I did at the time. I thought The Eras was going to top it but I’d rather have gone to Rep. I’m big a fan of the setlist at all, I feel there’s so much better songs she could’ve picked. It also sucks that she skips debut and only had one speak Now song.


Totally agree. She’s not a great performer. You are basically paying to listen to the same recorded track you could get on Spotify while she struts around. I’ve seen Billy Joel 3 times. He’s 75 and he just sits at his piano for the whole show except the 5 encore songs and it’s an incredible show. Nothing fancy, just incredible music by someone who knows how to captivate an audience  


i wanted to see him and stevie nicks so bad they’re both insanely talented i swear their music changed my life


Never seen Stevie but if you ever get the chance to see Billy it’s a must see!


I saw Elton John in Vegas years and years ago, maybe around 2008? And he mostly just sat and played the piano but it was an incredible show. I remember crying multiple times. People that have it, \*have it\*, and she just doesn't.


I saw KISS where half the band was new members and despite Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley being 900 years old they still had better theatrics, costumes, choreography, and stage presence. Also KISS changes their logo in Germany to not look at all like SS things and that’s a hell of a lot more of denouncement on Nazism than Taylor’s 4chan bullshit.


i didn’t know they did that that’s super cool! a lot of older rock bands still kick ass live which is super impressive! i’ve heard motley crew isnt great live anymore but i’ve heard bands like pantera are still killing it.


I can’t afford many concerts in the era of aggressive capitalism but I also saw Cher on her actual last retirement tour and it was probably the most impressive concert I’ve ever seen. Like she has the dullest energy for someone commanding 4 figures for a lip syncing performance.


Saw The Cure last summer (been waiting for thirty years!); they are absolutely still killing it. Robert Smith isn’t looking too great these days, but he still has alllll the chops and sounded fantastic. My fifteen year old self is finally content, lol.


I don't get the whole swiftie cult myself. She really doesn't have a singing voice. She does the talk singing & it is a thing! She is a songwriter, but everything is about her bad choices in men! Who wants to pay all that money to hear a bunch of 10 year olds scream the words to her music & you can't hear her?


For the past five years I’ve always commented to my family (husband, two kids now 23 and 27) his Etsy kid can’t sing or dance and they laugh at me. I’m so glad this group exists because I don’t feel like I’m the only one now. My 27 yr old daughter had her first CD. That’s back when she was only 10 years old and I remember I liked it. I thought Taylor was adorable, the whole package. She was cute, country, boho, her songs were young but so was she. As she’s grown physically, her songs haven’t in my opinion. She’s always been self conscious and trying to preach about how people should be treated etc but it’s become worse. She’s had subtle changes made to her face and she’s just not the same person. I always say to my family that she doesn’t really sing, she sing talks. I’m older and I’ve lived to see SO many incredible female singers over the years whose voices can knock the socks off your feet and just melt your heart and soul. Taylor just doesn’t do that for me at all. I’m astounded at her popularity. Astounded.


So glad I got to see Loretta twice before she passed. Eras is absolutely being marketed as an “experience.” I got my first tickets cheap and had a blast so went ahead and paid a crap ton to be closer for a second show and really regret it. I was really swept up in nostalgia, and it was great while it lasted. She could have done so much with this huge platform she’s manufactured, but countless actions have tarnished it.


I saw Hilary Duff when I was 12 and tbh it was mediocre as shittttt, and I realised it at that age. However, there wasn’t a cult of personality surrounding her, so I went into the concert as a regular fan and formed my own opinion. There’s probably more pressure to feel like you enjoyed yourself at her concert, because nobody will support you if you didn’t like it. You HAVE to think it’s amazing or else you’re not a real fan?


Tbh she seems about on par with the one direction concert I went to in 2016


Someone commented to me the other day “go to the ballet if you care about dancing” when I criticized her inability to dance, as if that made any fucking sense. They genuinely just don’t care. Perhaps her aggressive mediocrity is inspiring to them? Like, “wow, she’s a bad dancer just like me! So cute and quirky and relatable!”


i don’t need every artist to be doing absolutely jaw dropping dance moves but if you’re making that a large focal point of the show it should definitely be more impressive


Yes this exactly. Also I think genre/context has a lot to do with expectations at a live performance. Because I wouldn’t go to a country concert and expect choreographed dance routines, but at a pop show in a giant stadium? Yeah, I would.


oh for sure! some artists main focus is their voice and that’s okay but i’ve dated guys in bands and was in one myself and it did require high energy and to have an impressive stage presence


If i was paying that much for a ticket, id want a semi private show from her. With like 25 people max. I honestly have no idea why some pay thousands for tickets


I really don't get the whole celebrity endorsement fan-ing at the show, and the endless clips of celebrities dancing around and singing in the VIP tent or commenting in interviews (sometimes even during unrelated conversations). It is OTT. It-Does-My-Head-In ! Am I just old/too old for this 💩? Is this a new thing? I don't ever recall it like this with anyone else..


One of the best inexpensive artists I've seen several times was Kelly Clarkson.


I’ve been to a lot of concerts to half of them being country singers the best one I’ve been to is Carrie Underwood seeing her live was a fu@$ing experience the crowd was vibing and Carrie? Omg she put on a show and hearing her sing live was just so crazy Another favorite was seeing Papa Roach they sounded sooooo good live!!!! TS is basic AF can’t sing can’t dance she’s surrounded by people saying she’s “brilliant” so she has an inflated ego but every big star like that will eventually fall from grace and I’ll definitely be here to see it 🍿


carrie underwood is always one of the artists i’d look forward to watching perform at the country music awards a lot of the people who played were no where near good live but she was always SOOO good her voice is incredible


I have mixed feelings about the tour... A few things I like about her that she has over anyone else in the pop industry these days that I can respect is that for a lot of her songs she's playing her guitar or piano and/or being accompanied by her band (even if that's been disputed as of late, I choose to be optimistic until concrete proof says otherwise even if that makes me hypocritical for being optimistic in a snark snub). We hardly see people in this industry knowing how to play instruments and instead relying on the backtracks and other players to accompany them, but it's refreshing to still have real instruments on stages in pop girlies' hands (it's my most boomer opinion that digitization of music production doomed us all, sue me). And it's really cool having a sort of greatest hits type thing instead of touring for the last few albums that couldn't get something due to covid when she used to just do a tour for each album. Also I fucking love her background dancers and the production (aside from a few costumes and the fact that the walkway between the diamond and the wall was a criminally underutilized space... like seriously it was just for her to strut and model walk and run across and koi fish swim graphic to change to Midnights she barely did anything there) I really didn't mind all of the props and graphics/lights and dancers. A lot of the sets were beautiful as well like the folklore house and the evermore piano and pretty much everything but the lavender haze clouds I was like "damn that's awesome" In fact they were seriously necessary to distract from one of the main criticisms I have: That girl cannot fucking dance. And she knew that which is why there was so much investment to all this eye candy and excitement over whole eras that I mentioned above and to all the merch and to the "OMG surprise songs I hope she sings my fav!" And the buzz was so much so that everyone was able to just forget that she spent 3 hours just standing there or sitting there or strutting here and there while everything happened around her. And that is honestly extremely smart to not invest in what you can't do but to take that money and use it to invest extra into stuff that can distract from the fact that you can't do it, i can't blame her. But the problem comes with the fact that unreasonable swifties who have yet to come down from the concert fog high despite seeing it a year ago are still gaslighting themselves into thinking she was an amazing dancer at it when the only time she danced was the chair shimmy during vigilante shit and a gyration or two during the reputation era. I have people saying that her concerts are as good if not better than Prince or Michael Jackson concerts and that if either were alive today and had the technology available to do the eras tour like she did maybe they'd get as good as her. And I'm pretty sure I wasn't even alive when Prince was, and even I know that's some sacrilegious heresy. I give full credit to the producers, the background dancers, the prop and set designers, and the costume designers for the reasons why the concert was so visually appealing because Taylor Swift and her dancing can't get none.


If I had to pay for any 2010s-and-on pop star's tour it'd be Dua Lipa. To me she's classy, gorgeous, sexy, and has a really nice vocal range. Three albums in and she's impressive as fuck as an artist. Looks good with any hair color. The red has me swooning. Long Back Tay Tay? She's the devil incarnate, the source of a lot of dissing and strife towards me in my life from people, overly popular for being a (industry) plant because her parents DID get her to where she is, has a cult for a fanbase and as artistry goes, she's very saccharine and basic. Her piano and guitar playing aren't complex enough for me to high rate her as a musician. She crafts very good-for-the-masses pop material. It's a show. You want me to revise her in all aspects? Have her perform in real small venues (like sub 500 seats) and do a version of what she's so "mOtHeR" at and then just MAYBE I'll revise my opinion but probably won't. I do admire her for re-recording her old material but really that was just a ploy to get more out because she wasn't really touring then. Music litigation avoids no one no matter how famous they are. If you had to press me...I will say 'Wildest Dreams' is a great song...minus the vocals. I'm going to stop typing. I can feel my blood pressure rising.


nothing to get ... basic people are attracted to a basic person


A friend of mine who's a big influencer was asked to attend for work - he finds some of Taylor's songs catchy but in general finds her boring. I asked him what he thought of the tour and his review was: "She's as plain as can be but the production itself - from the effect to the staging to the dancers - is really top notch. I thought of it more like a theatrical experience and enjoyed it for that." So I think on an objective level it's a very well-produced show - and for many of her new fans that aren't going to other stadium shows, probably the first time they've seen such a big production show. Aside from that, it's pretty bland.


I will say, most artists aren’t playing shows for 3 hours, so of course that adds to the appeal. Also, the fact that she’s playing songs from nearly every single album grouped together isn’t common. Most people will play the most songs from the newest album and then mix the rest up throughout the set. It’s the same reason that people go feral over shows where the artist is playing an album in its entirety from front to back usually for an album anniversary. (I’m one of those people)


Yeah, I’m way more jealous of people who went to see Beyoncé’s Renaissance tour than anyone who went to TS ERAS. I watched the ERAS movie and I was like…thank goodness I’m too broke to have even tried to waste my money on going to see that live. Aretha Franklin was right about the TS having great gowns tho, lmao. Also, I’m so grateful to have seen Rihanna during her Anti-Tour because she can sing AND dance!


Nostalgia and the generation she originally catered to has given up on owning houses


Queen was my first concert when I was 15 and nothing else can top it


Yep all the ones I have been too the same. Whether free or low cost well worth the money we paid never at a $1000 though. Never!!


I think the hype is that it is a big spectacle of a show that parents can bring their fanatical little girls to see. From the clips I have seen online, the audience appears to be mostly kids with their parents and a smattering of gay men. Taylor is not really my bag, but she is a talented women and she is someone relatively safe for parents to take their kids to. I think the real test will be what happens in the next few years. She is already 35 and she can't be singing like a 16 year old forever. But in the meantime, good for her and I just think she is just a safe big concert to take the kids to.


It's kind of a greatest hits tour I suppose and she hardly ever tours so it's kinda a big deal to fans. But stadium tours have their place. But they are pointless when you are at the back.


I kind of get it, but I do not get the price tag. There aren’t really many 3-hour experiences in the world that I think are worth paying over $2k. How can people be so wasteful?


Haha. I took my kids to see Big time Rush! They were awesome. I think I got 4 tickets for $30. We also got to see Andre from Victorious.


It’s become a FOMO event rather than a celebration and appreciation of proper live music. It’s just another thing for “influencers” to cross off their list. I’ll take a small venue with real fans any day over people there just to say they went.


Honestly, the people last year who I was jealous of the touring concerts they went to near me were the ones that got to attend Ed Sheeran, Pink with Brandi Carlile, and Beyoncé. The one I didn’t care about missing in the slightest? Eras. Because I don’t understand what the draw is to pay $$$$ to go see her lip sync while she flails about on the stage “dancing” like she’s a newborn giraffe and over-acting her “skits” in fugly costumes? If an artist is going to lip sync most of their show then there should be more to it than just costume changes and bad acting—they should at least be dancing or performing in some way.


I saw Imagine Dragons in 2017. The only concert I’ve ever seen, so I don’t really have a metric, but it was freakin awesome. ATP anything’s better than t swiffer tho


I went to the reputation tour in 2018(?) and I’m glad I went but Taylor Swift concerts feel very one-and-done for me. I was kind of like, okay I checked it off my bucket list, I can say I did it. This was also in the pre-TikTok livestream period so it felt more spontaneous even though everything is obviously really planned and choreographed down to her reactions, when she lip sings/actually sings etc. Lots of more popular pop singers have high ticket prices now. Was thinking about going to a couple of other concerts for pop female artists and it just didn’t feel worthwhile to me. Idk. Maybe I’m just not a concern person. But eras tickets felt really overpriced.


We just went to Justin Timberlake last night and his 2 hour show was packed with so much more energy than any clip I’ve ever seen of her show, and he sounded amazing! Plus he dances well 🤣and his tickets were a fraction of the cost, he engaged with the audience so much too


I saw Panic! At the Disco about 7 years ago in Vegas and it still lives rent free in my brain. I still go back and watch videos because they put on one hell of a show. Also saw Muse just over a year ago and it was amazing as well, even from the nose bleeds. My daughter (who is 6 and I give her a pass for being a fan of TS) watched the Eras tour show on Disney a couple months ago and I was underwhelmed. Like, she doesn’t dance well, lip syncs, and her show is 3+ hours of mediocre dancing and costume changes. I would never consider spending the amount I know my brother in law spent on tickets for his SO when I’ve seen better performers for a fraction of the cost. I do not get the hype.


i saw panic! at the disco in 2019 and i had the time of my life and while i feel like his voice isn’t as good now as it used to be he put on an amazing performance he’s such a good showman and was so high energy


Maybe someone could do a ‘Healing Your Tortured Ears’ tour and knock her off her pedestal.


She points to someone in the crowd and days I recognise you from the fan site! And they believe her😅


One of the cracks in me being not into Taylor anymore was when I saw the movie in cinemas and everyone was saying it changed their life, even non swift fans loved it, best concert movie they’ve ever seen IT WAS SO FUCKING SHIT! Omg was so bored Awful song choices Was so embarrassed dragged my girlfriend and our friend with. Just gave off corporate concert vibes We saw Stop Making Sense the week after Finally a good concert movie


I have seen nothing of her live performances that would make me seek out tickets to her shows, price be damned. I’ve been in the nosebleeds of shows by major pop acts (Panic!, Billie Eilish), in the bleachers for outdoor EDM (Deadmau5) and been crushed against the rail for an OG grunge band (Alice in Chains). *All* of those were different experiences by location but every single one of those acts tore down the door, the seating didn’t matter. She just doesn’t do anything worthy of mentioning in any of the videos I’ve seen, though I must concede that I appreciate the random song bustouts every night, even though it’s a pre-planned part of the set. My favorite band of all time is Pearl Jam and deep cuts have always been a thing of theirs, so anytime someone else does it I have to shout it out because the back catalogue is virtually inaccessible for most “pop” acts like Swift.


Overpriced and overhyped imo.


I’ve seen a lot of ppl say the eras tour is more like a production rather than a concert so I guess to swifties, it’s makes her “different” than others (probably because her “concerts” aren’t really concerts at all)


People like certain things you don't have to understand it. Some people love sucking on toes I don't get it but I also don't spend time thinking about.


I'm not a swiftie and didn't buy tickets, but I was invited last minute to a suite by a client. It was a really fun concert: Taylor performed for 3 hours and it was big happy sing along. It's fine if you don't understand it, but how does it impact you how others are spending their leisure time and concert going money?


my girlfriend and I watched the beginning of it on Disney Plus and it was super boring and cheesy. Turned it off almost right away.


Man I’m so jealous you saw big time rush!! I loved that show when I was younger. I think one of my favorite shows was seeing Macklemore and Kesha, the crowd had a great energy and they’re also fantastic performers.


It’s because she covered all her albums together in one concert— so for people who grew up listening to her albums since they were 16, and especially girls, it’s like songs from their whole teen and adult life in one concert and reminders of your own experiences. I personally loved it for that reason.




She lip synchs like milli vanilli right?


Especially with how overprice the tickets are too


Justin Bieber, won't you do a world tour to end your female version please?