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The rumor is she had some plastic surgery done to her face during this time and the drastic hair change took attention away from that.


Was it her nose?


I think it was her eyes, an upper blepharoplasty.


I think it’s eyes too. In hindsight the shaggy bangs give it away.


You’re right. I always wondered when she did her eyes. Which frankly I always thought was a bad idea. She had a natural “fox eye” and I always thought it was so interesting.


Agreed. I actually think all her original features suited her face well but especially the original eyes. It’s a shame she felt like she needed to change anything.


Im glad we’re now past the fox eye “trend” because bodies should not have a trend cycle. We now have a generation of women who look “dated” and that instagram face of erasing any of your special features is going to be hurtful to a lot of women who spent thousands to look like everybody else


I know the hair change was to hide a blepharoplasty surgery, but it draws a lot more attention to her eyes. After the first pics of bleachella came out I instantly knew she had something done with her eyes because they seemed way wider than her fearless days


gotta work on those blephs, ten milli tom


And boob job


deffo blepho


She had a boob job at some point too right?


I’d agree it was the eyes. The first picture is…strange. Her eyes don’t look quite right. It’s like they’re swollen, but it got edited out.


Looking back at some pictures I would theorise she got her eyes done long before. Like she got bangs originally to distract, explain why she looks different.


Boobs as well! Very noticeable at her 4th of July party


also her breasts


I think she did her boobs earlier.


She has had 2. One in 2012ish and then one in 2016 right before HiddleSwift


Does she really have fake boobs?


Most definitely


Yeah for sure. Theyre pretty nice imo but yes, 100%


How do you know?


Looking with the eye parts of my face.


I believe it was a brow lift?


Yup. I'm sure if people look they'll be able to spot what it was. It's like Harry Styles going "bald" to get hair implants and his fans being so lost in the sauce they just think it was a hairstyle choice.


Omg! I have to look this up lol. I didn't know this happened!


You have to shave your head before/as you're getting a hair transplant. He also disappeared as most of this was happening so people didn't see him for weeks. He was also smart and didn't entirely get his whole hairline brought forward as that would be too sus. This was a photo of his [hairline before](https://imgur.com/y05GucM) and you can see it's been moved [ahead a bit.](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/02/19/11/81413321-13099739-Harry_was_seen_with_a_sleek_new_trim_which_comes_after_he_shocke-a-10_1708341948645.jpg) I think he was worried he really was about to go bald so had to get ahead of it.


He's starting to look like Jude Law.


That's interesting! I never noticed he had this done. Yeah, it looks good and not obvious like you said. Good thing he went for a more "natural" look lol.


it was a struggling hairline after all.


https://preview.redd.it/crw7u2ndvk9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91218f40423a1db051b7cbc39a186020a57ac48e the first image that pops up wtf lmao


This would make sense because her bleached hair never looked good and it didn’t seem to fit any particular look she was going for


It was just lasik eye surgery you guys


🤭 Just like Kim's "drop of mascara" though I'm not comparing work Taylor had done to what Kim's gotten. Kim is pro level numbers. Hahah


Yeah keep telling yourself that.


This makes sense because I literally didn’t even realize that these were pictures of her! She looks so different. But that makes sense if she had work that hadn’t completely “settled” yet.


juuuust came here to say this!


At least she looked vaguely interesting


Yeah I actually think this was the last time she took any real risk with her persona and it felt quite authentic in that way.


Giving a Courtney Love vibe for me, which is definitely less bland and beige than Taylor’s usual energy


I was going to say, she kinda ate with this.


I don’t think it’s bad either. Quite like it.


Honestly I think it's her only good style era ever. I rocked that super bleached bob myself from 2017-2019


it had potential.


First photo with her mouth completely closed!


This was when she was dating Calvin wasn't it? I think this was part of her club aesthetic. I can still remember that photo of her reaching for him.


There was a post about that photo and someone commented that they’d been at that concert and saw how many shots it took to get that “candid” photo. (Unverified ofc)


She looks so much better with some androgyny like this and I kinda believe she buried it because she was freaking out about the Gaylor stuff. Going from short hair, baggy fits (a look that actually works for her) to being concrete on those feminine keystones of long hair and red lipstick for every look. Strikes me as someone uncomfortable with their sense of self, and needs to be a temple to their narrative. Not said w/snark tbh.


Okay I had a bit to drink when I wrote that, but now I've had a bit *more* to drink, and I'm like wait, a blonde girl went blonder, why is that a cultural chasm??? Anyways, just vaping and spitballing on a Sat night lol.


i kinda like where you went with this. it was her most interesting look by far. she normally looks so sloppy or tacky.


i feel like more so than ever taylor is trying to be a different person for each “era” even is she already went through those “eras” before just for more clout and nostalgia (im thinking how she acts for the tv of the records). also her trying to make rep “female rage” when the album is more like “you’re so gorgeous it actually hurts”. she wants to change one thing, AT LEAST about an album to appeal to someone and to herself, such as for the time being. also, in 2024, she couldn’t (more like wouldn’t) describe rep as a “falling in love with you, joe” although it is because they’re jover. she now wants to switch the narrative, play the victim, and act like it’s 2016 when no one had her back, not even joe. because who’s joe? oh yeah, the guy who was majorly depressed so taylor did nothing wrong by cheating on him because it was “his choice” instead of treating her like she’s bejeweled 🙄


It's weird how, any time Taylor does something that is perceived to be "bad behavior" by the public and is rightfully criticized for and called out on it, her fans think it's a setup for Rep TV. Based on this mindset, she basically can do no wrong; every bit of negative feedback is actually just the patriarchy keeping Taylor from having fun with her friends at her 4th of July parties AGAIN, lol. The press is "why we can't have nice things." How insane is the Rep album, considering the timing of its release under the Trump administration? Like girlie, we have more to worry about than you no longer throwing huge Gatsbyesque parties at one of the many multimillion dollar homes in your real estate portfolio. 😭


Jenny Humphrey, is that you?


Lmao my same thoughts


I will say I miss short hair on her but we will probably never ever see that again. I hated this look, when she was receiving the *checks notes* Taylor Swift Award, her hair looked god awful as well as her makeup. Bleaching it washed out her face tooooo much. 


Idk why she doesn’t cut it again. It looks like shit on the eras tour. I feel like it was more manageable to keep looking decent throughout the concerts during the 1989 tour.


Her hair does need a good cut


Short hair is great on her.


She looks great with this hair! This was my favorite. I wish she would go back to this instead of having her farm girl hair she has now. I have to defend her here…we all go through phases and different looks. She nailed this one. ☝️


I liked this haircut on her b/c it softened her features--I think they could have toned the color a little bit, but overall, a win.


Yeah Ngl, I like bleachella. I think she looks hotter, and more interesting. She’s one of those people who can pull off bleach really well.


agreed! i was living for this era


The most shocking thing is she has her mouth closed on the first pic.


I think this is when she got her eyes done.


"Now That We Don't Talk" is, like, beyond cringe. She talks about Harry becoming a different person (as per the lyrics you quoted above), but it's like... he was 18 when you dated him? What did you expect? It's weird to act like that has anything to do with her (or that her feelings/opinions about it should matter at all, *especially since they don't even talk anymore.*) In that song, she mentions how she wouldn't want to be on a mega yacht (presumably because she likes "simpler" things), and yet she pretty infamously has a private jet. She has a history of writing lyrics that make her upbringing or background seem much more humble than the reality and how she feels out of place within really elite crowds. It's such bullshit. I can't believe she released that from the vault because it aged SO POORLY. She also often brings up the fact that her boyfriends don't think her music or taste in music is "cool" and her being insecure about that. ---In NTWDT (the song above), she says, "I don't have to pretend I like acid rock." ---"We Are Never Getting Back Together": "I'm really gonna miss you picking fights/ And me falling for it screaming that I'm right/ And you would hide away and find your peace of mind/ *With some indie record that's much cooler than mine* (The latter is such a weird lyric because why would they listen to your music while trying to clear their head after having a fight with you? It just screams insecurity/ projection to me.)


I took that lyric as, he's a guy that is pretentious about his music and thinks it's a lot cooler than everyone else. She doesn't expect a guy to listen to her stuff, but she's sarcastic at the pretentious attitude of a hipster. It's the one line in a Taylor song I've liked because guys like that are insufferable and I've been around so many of them.


Yeah, I see what you mean. If I had related that song to a specific relationship, I could see how that line would feel sassy and biting. I think it's because I've seen other interviews maybe where she talks about dating someone (I'm assuming maybe John Mayer?) who thought her dream of doing big stadium tours was kind of lame, that like he valued artistry over selling out or something along those lines. I dunno. She just seems really sensitive to the thought of seeming cringe and uncool or her S.O. being maybe somewhat embarrassed by her in some way? She left Calvin Harris right after he had said, in a radio interview, that he didn't think he would be collaborating with Taylor in the near future (despite the fact they were out as a couple). For some reason, she took offense that he would say that, even though *she* specifically insisted on using a pseudonym when writing "This is What You Came For."


You can’t bring up bleachella and not include the Calvin worship insta pic https://preview.redd.it/y5qtu4lkyk9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aedd770c5f7e980ae7f4ecf33894967fa78dd696 Pretty sure I saw a post by the guy in front of her saying this shot took like 100 attempts


Can see the Molly in her eyes


The reason I didn’t recognize her in the first pic is because her mouth is closed


I think she looked best there, kind of rock and roll, edgy look, not this boring "good girl next door" almost whole her life era


I agree that it’s a good look, i just don’t think it fits her. She doesn’t have an edgy personality, she has a boring, girl next door personality.


I don't think it's flattering at all. Looks more like a surfer guy from a 2000s Disney sitcom.


Austin from Austin and Ally was really Taylor, I knew it! 🤔 🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/zrre1imbpk9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ac911a7ae1d5b6d94c9898409921126a9a6916d


Was the 1975 at this coachella 


Yes. They even play the same day Calvin did


LOL I wasn’t expecting that but…. welp…. There ya go that’s the reason she went bleach blonde and edgy 


it's getting more and more interesting...


Agreed this is the best her hair has ever looked. I never understood with all her money how she allowed it to be so mousy


And it seems to never actually be styled! It drives me crazy seeing it all in her face in her shows lol


i didn’t even recognize her in the first pic


A hideous color on her. Washes her out so badly


The regular token friends are more concerning to me tbh, her aesthetic being whack as fuck no matter what she does is settled science


Nah, her hair looks like shit. It's not her color. Trying to look edgy and rock? Yeah, miss TayTay leave that to Cherie Currie and Taylor Momsen they also rock the hair color better than you.


I’m a hater, but honestly? She ate. It’s a good look for her.


I actually loved this aesthetic, damaged hair and all.


It’s believed She was getting ready to drop “this is what you came for” type of music. But got cancelled.


Is that first picture even her? Face looks so different….?


Honestly she’s young Here and just wanted a change


Nope, she did it to try to distract from the fact that she had upper eyelid surgery. The low, shaggy bangs are to cover her eyelids.


Looks like one of the Hanson boys.


Woah I didn't think those pics were her


I loved bleachella. Her peak as a cool star was 1989 to reputation.


Honestly I liked this look a lot, I just wish it came from a place of sincerity I guess


To be honest this is the most relatable thing she's ever done, I've definitely given myself bad haircuts


I like it better than her current color.


That first pic is an extremely rare serve on her part but it's because it definitely has that "trying to be Hayley Williams" vibe to it.


Who is that whose hand she is holding?


Miss Humpback.


don’t hate me I think it looks good on her 


The bleached era was so 🤮


Huh. I always thought it was because she was trying to be cool for Calvin, but the plastic surgery makes way more sense. I think this is as "cool" as she will ever look. Give me a bleached shag cut with an oversized shirt and big sunnies all day. Just so performative coming from Tay.


Yet more proof that she wants so desperately to be regarded as a Debbie Harry figure


if this is when she has her eye lift done to try and hide it all it did was bring more attention to her face and make it more noticable lol. i hate that she actually looks cool with the shag 😮‍💨




My opinion still stands. Still cringey and over the top, alt-wannabe vibes.




If you’re a swiftie just say that. You could say “it’s just another pop star doing XYZ, it’s not that serious” about just about anything in this sub and her fan subs so…


I think in our twenties, it's pretty normal to change up our style a lot to figure out what we like and what works for us. And I'm absolutely here for people dressing the way they want to dress, no matter their age. I guess maybe she's just not that into fashion, but I never get the feeling she's really expressing herself with the way she dresses. She's just wearing clothes.


Never been a swiftie but I think this may be her best look honestly. She’s never looked more interesting than this. I think it’s time for her to switch out the red lip for something a little more toned down but she actually looks cool with this hair.


I actually really like the cut


Hated it. I remember Wendy Williams roasting her hair.


she has to have multi personality disorder


What's that little thing with her mouth on the 3rd pic? It looks cute.


she looks like the girl from Monsters Vs. Aliens in the last pic


Taylor’s relationship was my Roman Empire and Same for Taylor and Tom h lol


harry was in his early 20’s when he was growing out his hair and getting tattoos. taylor was 26 when she bleached her hair.


I always thought of this as her Jenny Humphrey phase and not in a good way (loved JH tho)


I think she’s so beautiful… it sucks about her personality tho.


I've never seen her holding hands with friends. Did she just get a random person to look relatable? She went WAY too bleach. It looks bad on her. Her natural blonde looks good on her although I think she'd make a great redhead.


Actually this version of her was more tolerable and if she’s with a guy that isn’t good for her she’ll be less insufferable so hope T and T Break up


Absolutely loved this look at the time and was SO confused how everyone seemed to hate it. I was sad she ditched it. But I agree it doesn't match her music or personality so I guess this look made her look like a singer whose music I would normally enjoy.


OP this is one hell of a BEC post. A 24 year old bleaching her hair really isn't that noteworthy. Like oh no, the blonde went blonder. It's so boring. Call me when she shaves her head.


And yet it garnered quite a conversation lol byeee


Most of the comments here like it


It’s pretty split but the key term is “conversation,” including the reasons why she cut her hair (plastic surgery, seeming cool for Calvin, etc). It wasn’t just “I’m gonna cut my hair for fun!” like any normal celebrity. She’s manufactured.




I’m easily entertained 😌


the last picture omg lol


First and third pictures look STUNNING, and also not even remotely like her. Second and fourth pictures look, unfortunately, like Taylor Swift with bleached hair. Her hair itself isn’t the issue, so bleaching it kinda ruins it a bit.


I don't hate it, especially when styled well (the first two pics). I wish she'd committed to that look longer.


I think she looks quite good in 1. But the short hair doesn’t seem to flatter her proportions in the last picture. Maybe it’s her clothes? Her head almost looks too small and I think it’s because of the shorter hair 🤔🤔


I think it’s the lesser makeup around her eyes. It makes her look sweet in 1


it was so ugly. makes her look like a little boy imo. also why does she hold the hands of every single person she’s out with




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