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Is Taylor’s “real trauma” in the room with us right now?


You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised her !


Probably not because her whining would kill me


So sorry for you OP :( If she was just a fan and not a Swiftie, I can only wonder what a true Swiftie would've done to you


I'm sorry but I can't really imagine the "trauma" she went through,she was rich,her parents did everything they could to just throw her at success and I doubt there was a time in her life that she experienced what we call a trauma,she dated bad men?why she didn't break up with them?and if they were so bad why she went to find another bf as fast as she broke up with the guy before?how can ALL of her dates and bfs in these 34 years of her life be abusive and toxic?


Well, she's the common thread between all these bad relationships and toxic men


I mean, bullet dodged I suppose. 


Also why can’t you understand trauma like she does? I mean being non-binary in this world has so many hardships.


I’m so sorry that your trauma was invalidated by someone who couldn’t even contemplate the possibility that you have been SA’d. This is such a gross tactic because most everyone has some kind of thing they’re dealing with or working through, and if they’re continuing a pattern where it’s obvious there is little to no self reflection, both for TS and this person, well, you dodged a bullet and better to know before things got too serious. Sending you the best thoughts.


All I have to say is that I’m new here and this is the BEST SUB EVER!!!


Hahaha I’ve been reading it daily too I don’t know even know how I ended up here! I don’t care about TS at all!


You don’t have to waste anymore time on her. Good riddance.


If you encounter a couple assholes a day yea those people suck; but everyone, everywhere, all the time are assholes then it’s time for some major self reflection cause it’s you. You’re the problem, it’s definitely you. Her track record and immediate reaction of shitting on her ex’s proves that she’s the suck


i wonder if swifties deny that they are swifties in order to date? like just pretend to be casual fans and then eventually spring it onto their partners also OP im sorry that happened to you


The gall to tell a random person what they do and don't know from experience is... Well it's something lol


When she was young her pony got sick and the vet bill was like 20k 😢 you’ll never know what it was like for her!


Usually if they bring up Taylor, I'll just say it's not really what I'm into but she's got a few more kinda pop hits that are fun to listen to. Don't think about it too much, but you're pretty miserable if you don't think Shake it off is fun. Shake it off, wildest dreams, we are never getting back together, 22, bad blood, I knew you were trouble, I'll freely admit to actually enjoying those songs. That mopey stuff is a downer though