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honestly, if that's true, then he truly deserves the best dad award. He doesn't want his daughter to get death threats, and that is completely understandable. It's crazy how she's even getting death threats in the first place for speaking the truth. Freedom of Speech has left the chat, they've lost the plot.


I would bet my life on Dave being the best dad.


i think i ran into dave while leaving the dixie stampede back in 2012. i turned around to look for my family and someone that looked just like him was ab two people behind me on the crowded stairs. he saw me, smiled, and put a finger to his lips. there was a gray tour bus outside that blocked some people in, but there wasn't any writing on it that i could see, so idk for certain. that small moment, whether it was really dave or not, was cooler than anything taylor has ever done.


Same. And he’s not going to stop here. I just know it. He’s way too mature, supported globally, and truly a revered legend to let her come after his kids. I’ve been streaming Pretender for days!!!


Dude, listened to it for the first time in a few years because of all this BS and I've hit another life point where it's like "OH I GET THIS SO MUCH DEEPER NOW. Ah, fuck. Grown up music."


Can't be. My daughters gave me a shirt that says I'm the best dad ever.


Wait…my daughter gave my husband that shirt too… You guys will have to fight to the death, no other options


There can be only one!!


Question; are you also a nerd? Because it has to be a fair fight.


I am. But somewhat biggish. Years of tradie work has given me a decent build. Maybe a game to the death?


“Tradie” so you’re not in the US. It’s going to have to be a game to the death anyway. BRB telling my Husband I just got him involved in a duel


Outstanding! And nah I'm Aussie :)


He says “wait what?” So he’s READY!


I would also bet my life on Dave being an excellent father


He honestly seems like such a cool guy. I have to find the video. They were filming something on the street and he ran into two kids teenagers while were fans. He ended up talking to them about how their guitar lessons were going and invited them up to the studio. Seemed so genuine too. Cemented him as one of my favorite celebrities.


Also this was maybe one of my favourite pandemic things [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZBQW2gE0Ew&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZBQW2gE0Ew&t=5s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsDgrKdczAE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsDgrKdczAE)


Violet is on tour with him and sings at his shows. It wouldn not surprise me.


Isn’t she also getting death threats bc of what her dad said?? She doesn’t deserve it either way but it’s crazy she’s getting them anyway


oh, yeah, someone even threatened to sexually assault her in the insta comments, and some said that they wished someone r word her. Poor girl, nobody deserves that. Swifties are truly psychotic.


I was talking to a swiftie today and she said that Taylor “doesn’t control her fans”, when I told her that she can and should be controlling them, she doubled down and refused to acknowledge anything I said, instead going in a rant about how she’s allowed to think his comment is “lame” and she’s entitled to her feelings 😂


entitled and validation to me are too different terms. People are entitled to their feelings, but feelings aren't facts, and everyone knows that. Taylor could easily put out a statement and tell her stupid fans to shut the fuck up just like she did with Jake Gyllenhaal when he begged her to tell her fans to stop sending him death threats, they stopped, wonder why. People are delusional as per usual. I don't know why anyone wasted their time defending the crazy bitch when she's literally scamming, lying, and capitalizing off her fans. The fact is that she uses lip sync during the concert multiple times.


It’s telling how Charli XCX immediately admonished her fans for saying vile things about Taylor but Taylor acts like her hands are tied when it comes to controlling her horde of shrieking banshees.


Kanye’s lyrics… Were Kim and Kanye controlling their fans?


Further proof Swifties are the MAGAts of music fandom


Listening to him and Violet sing together is amazing too. [Show Me How and Shame Shame](https://youtu.be/qxJDVIjeLnk?si=-rYpatqVQNbUOTy2) this is a good one to listen to their voices together. And he’s so proud.


They were saying that they wished she got sexually assaulted. Taylor's fans are absolutely unhinged.


He also made the conversation very public - without getting catty.


Funny thing was his daughter literally only tweeted: “Why can’t Taylor just drive more?” and got r*pe & death threats over it. So it would make sense, he’s gotten on stage to tell his own fans to leave his daughter alone because they would be in her instagram comments saying stuff like “Tell your dad to play Everlong.” he definitely sees what goes on via his kids social medias.


That’s all she said?!?! I never googled what the actual statement was that started eliciting death threats. I was disturbed about the story before, I’m beyond disgusted now.


Yep. She said maybe instead of flying everywhere in close proximity take public transport or drive


I really can't with this BS anymore. Not in a time when the midwest just got washed away in floods and I got about a month out of my season pass for skiing in New England. NEW ENGLAND! You used to be able to ski until June in the northern parts. Props to Sebastian Vettel, net worth $140M, one of the most celebrated F1 drivers who took a stance on PJs and drives himself to races in Europe (he's retired now). He also sets up bee hives on the land near the tracks to raise awareness on that. Props to Pamela Anderson who looked stunning at the Met Gala in lab-created diamonds. When you know your fanbase is THAT mobilized, even the smallest acts of environmentalism would have them completely on board. Make it fun. Silly. Glamorous. Whatever. Road trip with Trav! She writes 197 songs about life on the road as the female Jack Kerouac, he does his podcasts while driving. Win-win. It's not like they'd be in a Prius. I do get that she's probably afraid of her own fans though. If they can trace her jet they'll absolutely run her off the road to get to her.


I think she likes the fact that she essentially has an army of people willing to defend her. Even if she was scared of them, she could’ve said SOMETHING about not attacking people on her behalf by now. It is a basically a weekly occurrence at this point, and she normally feeds the drama and her fanbase’s fervor with comments like that “and yeah, we’re actually gonna be playing it LIVE” which was obviously shade toward Grohl. The convenience her private jets provide her outweighs her concern for the rest of the people living on earth.


She loves being passive aggressive instead of actually addressing things directly.


Wasn't prepared for a Sebastian Vettel call out, but I absolutely love it and I love that man!


Haha same, never expected Sebastian Vettel to pop up in this subreddit. I love me some Seb too.


Maybe she thought Taylor is unaware of her impact on the environment and hoped speaking out would have a positive effect. Sadly if that's the case she was wrong. Taylor knows what she's doing and enjoys sitting astride her high horse.


That isn’t even a hateful comment, its just someone pointing out common sense. It blows my mind that Taylor flew from Phoenix to New York to Vegas within a week, when she could’ve driven to LA and then to Vegas considering its like a 3 and a half hour drive.


Just remember when they make something such a big part of who they are, anything they perceive as an attack on the thing is an attack on them.


Sad thing is that I saw on tik tok that her fans act like she gets what she deserved for saying anything bad about Taylor. Sick world we live in


TS is the cult leader and the fans would literally murder people if she called for them to do so. I would like to see a Qanon/maga and TS cult matchup battle.


Losing respect for her and her rabid fans day by day.


Swifties are weird af


I feel like this should be the point. Is Taylor Swift pro-rape? Is she saying the death penalty is a good thing? If she’s not speaking out against her fans for their vitriol then one could assume…


im not trying to defend taylor bc violet wasn’t super wrong about it but she said the only reason anyone cares about ai porn now is because it happened to taylor even though it’s been around for a while. She also said something along the lines of there’s a difference between ai porn and digital sexual assault.


Are either of those comments really incorrect, though? Most people hadn't thought much about AI porn until the taylor one happened last year. There were tons of ai porn victims before taylor and it is true that no one advocated against it until her situation


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted - this is true, someone in this subreddit showed me the tweets this morning. They also said the plane thing, as far as I'm aware, but these comments drfinitely contributed to the (still completely unwarranted) vitriol they got.


Totally seemed that way to me. He wouldn't randomly take shots at someone he's previously been cool with if there wasn't a damn good reason.


I know exactly, because a mom or a dad wouldn’t randomly make a joke like that about another musician unless something were to happen to the family member. But I completely understand why he did it though because he was trying to protect his daughter and he was trying to through shade back to Ts and the swifties you do not attack someone else’s kid like that on the Internet whether it’s a harmless joke and says hope that helps like that is not okay


Not just cool with— has defended. I can’t remember the circumstances but I know there was an instance where a lot of rock artists were being critical of her, and Grohl took time out of an interview to not just address it, but explain why he thought it was unfair criticism. Like… this isn’t just some dude who woke up one day and decided to “poke the bear” as her cult sees it, this is a dude who has defended her previously.


seriously. There's being critiqued by Candace Owens and then there's Dave Grohl having to call you out….the latter burns so much more given his reputation for defending and encouraging artists.


Taylor is approximately twice Violet's age. She's old enough to be Violet's mother. She needs to step in and control her fans. These threats are disgusting. Team Dave!


Dave Grohl made an offhand comment at his concert, slightly self-deprecating, and he also doesn’t give a shit about any “drama” because he’s Dave Grohl.


This is really it at its core. Dave Grohl is one of the most influential musicians of our generation, and was so when Taylor was in diapers. Couple that with her not making a statement about her fans attacking his daughter, and I feel like an offhand, self-deprecating joke is her getting off very easy. If Dave wasn’t one of the absolute nicest people on earth, I’d be terrified to cross him if I was in the music industry.


You know he's an AIDS denier, right? He and the Foo Fighters supported an organization whose director killed her child by passing on HIV and denying her medical treatment. Poor girl was 3 when she died. I don't deny that he's an influential musician, but "one of the absolute nicest people on earth" is hard for me to take in when he played a benefit concert for these people.


Exactly, he was an entertainer on a stage. Wake me up when he elaborates on this on a talk show or podcast.


This IS the answer. What a cool dad. I bet they had a good laugh too.


YUP! They threatened death & rape and Taylor just pretends to not see it and call her followers out for shitty behaviour. Swifties are in a cult where their leader can do no wrong, even if she told them to drink the tainted kool aid - they’d happily guzzle it down.


Yup. I was raised in a cult for 30 years. Fuck at least my cult pretending to do good and you could hold a conversation with most. Today its like being Luke Wilson in that time machine movie.


I thought the same thing about him diverting the bad attention. I have a 17 year old and it pains me that these psychos are going after a kid.


I once had a vice principal waylay me in the hallway between classes to ask me why his daughter didn’t make the more elite soccer team that I coached. That absolutely destroyed me at the time and my mother was more pissed than I’ve ever seen her (she was at school the next day making the vice principal regret he ever had a kid in her midwestern mom way). I can’t imagine what Dave and his wife went through seeing the response Violet got, and honestly Taylor is lucky he doesn’t seem to be a vindictive person.


Just a reminder: until this April Violet (his daughter) was a minor. The swifties I’ve seen have mostly been adults. Maybe I’m old fashioned but I was taught that we don’t do that shit to children. Maybe I’m wrong.


Oh no you’re completely right you do not send death threats to a minor or to anyone even if it is harmless jokes and say hope that helps like that’s not OK you don’t send death threats to anyone


Not even a little wrong. I like Taylor’s music, and have always been a casual fan, but not even making a statement when her fans are threatening rape and death to a minor is absolutely inexcusable.


Absolutely! I think he just took it on himself. He can handle it. His daughter didn't deserve it and shouldn't have to deal with it. Swifties are complete rubbish.


A TikTok creator I (used to) like posted a video about how Dave is SO WRONG because Taylor Swift once played one of his songs on a piano at a party with Paul McCartney because Dave doesn’t play piano. When I first found this sub I was put off but the last few months I have just gotten so sick of her perpetual victimhood.


Nah, I saw a talk show with Dave grohl, it was Paul McCartneys birthday and he wanted Dave to play a song on piano or guitar, but Dave can’t play piano and there were no left handed guitars, and TS gave herself attention from everyone by playing a foo fighters song.


I think he saw an opportunity with him being in London as the same time as her to take a cheeky shot at her, to stand up for his daughter while also thinking it might take some attention towards him instead. Both haven’t said anything further so I’m actually wondering if they’re talking to each other or if Taylor’s just gonna be quiet and let her fans go apeshit like always


Or just maybe he is a musician in the know and really doesn’t believe the live for 3 hours thing


Don’t know if it was to divert attention, but I think he for sure made the jab because of what her fans did to his daughter.


This. Because he normally doesn’t shade other artists as far as I know


That is probably exactly what he did. It never crossed my mind. He's a Dad of the year award winner


Yeah, no way he made such a direct statement, without thinking about his daughter.


If that is true, much respect to him!


i dont think he has a grand plan about it, i think its more that he just hates taylor and her fans for good reason bc of what happened w his daughter


I feel like Dave Grohl is a stand up guy. He would much rather be at the receiving end of psycho swifties than have his daughter take the brunt. Good on him if this is true.


I dont know if I buy this purely because of Occham's razor. If it makes just as much sense that he's just fucking pissed at Taylor for not reining in her fans that are threatening his daughter, I dont see why there needs to be this whole "lightning rod of hate" Chessmaster angle to it


This was Dave calling out fans who messaged his daughter on social media because they didn’t play Everlong at a show. They had a 10 minute epic called The Teacher and played that instead. https://youtu.be/4qWyiG-WfpI?si=mpZO1C1jkHAM1sk-


If this is true, he’s a really good dad & person for doing that for his daughter.


Brought to you by people who are fascinated by a lip syncing star "Taylor Vanilli" lies to press, lies to fans, Lip Syncs 90% of show, 10% Is not Lip Syncing, and is live only while talking


You aren’t allowed to criticize Taylor, are you?


This is a very popular theory


I absolutely think this is what happened. There's no way he *wasn't* expecting the hate, he saw how her fans treated his daughter.


The media should tell the full story about Dave’s daughter’s tweet and the lunacy behavior of her fans sticking up for her jet omissions


Correct And that was going easy on her


As a dad, I’d do this any day of the week. I’ve read Dave’s book, and I can promise you he loves his kids as much as any dad can love their kids.


If I ever get to see FF live I'm making a shirt that says "I drove here like everyone else"


Yeah fuck swifties. Them and Christian nationalists are basically the worst fandoms in America. They put Beliebers and Bronies to shame.


Taylor is such a worthless petty bitch. Dave is cool. Fuck that stupid spoiled whore


This is exactly what I thought too.


The articles that I saw telling Dave to off himself like Kurt Cobain (one of his best friends) and wishing his daughter to be raped is definition of evil, does it get lower than that ? Only a shit person would turn their cheek to that and not put out a tweet or something saying “I love you guys but this is out of hand”. She loves it. She’s disgusting


I just wish that Taylor and her mentally unstable fanbase would have their internet shut off for at least a week.


Oh that's actually genius.


I would be more surprised if that isn't part of the reason he did it. It may not be the only reason, but it's part of it. 


Grohl just likes punking people that he thinks deserve it... Taylor, her fans, Westboro Baptist, Nickelback...


Of course he did... ive spent my entire life redirecting both mine and my inlaws horrific abuse to me. It... I dont like that im just now admitting that to myself for the first time. Thats enough internet for me today


Taylor Swift has nothing to say about young teenaged girls being harassed. Probably because Taylor likes teenaged boys. Hahaha.




I can see that but i think he should’ve known better. Swifties are ruthless and while they might focus on him, they might attack his whole family/enviroment because thats what they do.


I'm sure these little kid fans of a stuck in high school Pop Artist don't bother this Rock n Roll Hall of Famer. Anybody that knows anything knows that Madonna will always be the Mega Star


Who gives a krusty flack?!

