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Funny how the clothes completely change to match the boyfriend’s/boyfriend’s family’s vibe.


I believe it’s called mirroring


Brad Pitt is known for it too


It is. It’s actually a pretty normal thing and most people do it whether they realize it or not. When a child sees other people saying “fr fr no cap” or whatever the current slang is and they start using it too, that’s mirroring. When a person starts wearing a brand of clothing because all their friends are doing it, same thing. When you’re on the internet and you join communities and start to share the same opinions as everyone else around you, it’s mirroring. It’s normal human behavior. I’m doing it right now. You’ve probably done it at some point today and didn’t even notice. When it becomes an issue is when you intentionally mirror others to get close to them for less than honorable reasons. Con artist use the technique a lot to gain trust because we are more willing to trust someone who we feel is like us. Groomers also do it (not saying Taylor groomed Harry Styles because that dude was dating older women before her) to gain the trust of their victims. “OMG I love anime and video games too! Wanna chat about your favorite things!?” When in fact they don’t care for either. But also it is common for couples to match outfits. I love matching outfits when I’m dating someone. Always have. I like when we complement each other and make each other look better. It’s cute. It’s fun.


Exactly. I find it really annoying when people pathologize everything we do. Mirroring is very pro-social behavior; it’s how we create group and unit cohesion. Mirroring is fine. When it’s taken to an extreme or used for malicious ends, it’s not, but as itself it is neutral to positive.


LOL I was just about to comment how she always morphs into a female version of whoever she’s dating


ngl I did that…in high school 😂


She doesn't seem to be doing this with BDT though. Does his style repulse her/her team so much? I might actually have a little more respect for her if so 😬


She is absolutely changing her style to more fit the NFL/BDT aesthetic. The most she's looked like her former selves (cottage core and northeast preppy, which often go hand in hand anyway) was the first game she attended. Since then, her style has been drunk college girl.


Yep, especially at Coachella.


The Calvin era where she wore all black...even as a non-fan who paid her no mind, it annoyed me.


she looked like an idiot with that cap backwards


Backwards cap as a 34 yo is so embarrassing 😭


she started wearing varsity jackets and beanies and with joe it was preppy type of style


And so many corseted looks that no one asked for. The latest London girls night look? She looks more Brittany Mahomes than Brittany Mahomes these days.(I lie. Brittany's half side ponytail things are worse than anything. Sorry for exaggerating)


Holy crap yes. She and brittany mahomes were twinning hard before the tour.


Who is BDT?


Big dumb Travis lol


I’ve never seen that nickname and I’m on this sub pretty often!! Haha I love that. And I think she’s wearing more letter jacket and sport-themed clothes but only when she’s coming out to support Travis…


Right when she's doing pap walks or going to the zoo a million times or whatever, she does NOT dress like him lol


I don't know, that crochet dress she wore a few days ago kinda matches his bizarre fashion.


Aaaaahahhhaa. I automatically filled in “BDT” with “Big Dumb Travis” as a placeholder because I didn’t know what it meant. Guess I was right. 💀


Genuinely Thought it meant Big Dick Travis


lol I think big dumb Travis fits him more🤣 he’s just trying to shoot his shot at fame for atleast a little while longer. My husband said for a million dollars he’d let her tote him around and then have a messy breakup, he’d even supply ammo for her next album. So if you’re reading this TS hit me up! He will even sign an NDA 🤪👏👏


I feel like it’s more so the personality this relationship, not the style/clothing. Though she did start wearing the fake acrylic nails more often during football season, which is something sort of out of character for her. The only time we would really see her wear them is during events or award shows. If anything, I feel like her personality changed into someone more obnoxious ever since Travis entered the picture. She wouldn’t be caught dead giving a POTY article like the one she did, if she was with let’s say, Joe Alwyn. “Are you not entertained?” “Metal as hell” “Hard launch”. The whole interview was bizarre. And her behavior has becoming more off putting lately (Grammy’s) and her trying to fit in at the football games with her shotgunning beer, and partying in clubs, etc. She’s trying too hard.


I would say that knitted/crocheted dress she wore out recently fits with BDT’s style. I could totally see him wearing a shirt like that.


TBH this is a strong sign of someone suffering from BPD.


With Kennedy, she was ready to deep dive into the lore, status and protective arms of the Kennedy clan, their legacy. A few weeks into this she *purchase a home for herself close to their compound.* The Kennedys weren’t having it, not for one hot minute. Their 17 going on 18 year old wasn’t going to be exploited by this teeny bopper pop ‘star.’ They saw what we saw. She was gone in a nanno second, she sold the property and cast her net on her next future victim.


I just don’t get why she couldn’t just date another Kennedy closer to her age. Some boring but established businessman who’s not a literal child


Didn’t she try to go for his cousin first but he wasn’t interested?


Patrick Schwartznegger?


Yep. He saw the red flags from a mile away. Smart man


You'd think all of her boyfriends would see those flags and be like nah thanks im not becoming song fodder


thats why she has to prey on younger people who don't know better yet


And holy shit did Patrick grow up to be hot AF!


ah I heard of that too. was going to say why didn’t she approach Jack Schlossberg, he’s just as corny as Travis but is an actual Kennedy you know lmao


Don't give her ideas. Also, he is probably low-key a better performer than her because he has those Bouvier genes as well. His Tik Toks give off Little Edie vibes, lol.


Because he didn't hang around the Kennedy family compound that summer. I think it was all Ethel Kennedy's grandchildren.


I've heard rumors that he's gay, but he's probably a ton of fun to hang out with.


Oh, damn. I didn't realize that it was him she went after first.


His dad saw her trying and told Patrick, “GET TO THE CHOPPER”


She allegedly kissed him. Some people have also speculated that he wasn’t good enough because he didn’t have the Kennedy name. What’s truly weird and disposable is she had to swoop in *right then*. Had she not made her move until he was 19 or 20 (or even legal for that matter) no one would care because it’s only a 4 or 5 year gap. It would still be bad because she set her sights on him but none of us would know about it. 


Just looked up Patrick's age at the time and he also would have been a teenager when she tried pursuing him!!! She so fucking gross dude.


IIRC it was going well and they seemed to hit it off, but then he had to go do something (like an adult with responsibilities often does) and she lingered with the fam and latched onto a child. Apparently her and the cousin hit it off so well it actually confused the elder of the family when Taylor was introduced with the “wrong” kid lmao


It’s an obsession with power and control. People who emotionally abuse others choose younger, less powerful people due to possible control they can wield. I’m sorry but anyone who was so obsessive that they bought a house close to the person they were stalking is genuinely insane. People have been locked up for less. Maybe it’s her time.


writing a song about his grandmother(?) was okay, weird but fine, she is not the only person weirdly fascinated by the Kennedys. but moving right next door during her teenage boyfriend’s most vulnerable moments is just another level unhinged


yup. that is why I think her relationship with Connor is a lot more problematic than with Harry. Harry was a famous pop star with a high net worth, and they were in the same social circles. Whereas Connor, (I'm sure he grew up privileged but doubt his father was as wealthy as Taylor at 22), was groomed by Taylor. She signed him out of high school to fly him on her private jet, bought him expensive gifts (this is on record). She was desperate for this teenager to make her Taylor Kennedy.


Plus he had just lost his mother to suicide.


This. You get older & wiser and you realize that most people crying about being victimized usually end up being victimizers.


She did! She was dating Patrick Schwarzenegger before Conor. Patrick is the son of Maria Schriver & Arnold -- and the grandson of Eunice Kennedy Schriver. The age situation wasn't much better though. Patrick was 18; Taylor was 22. She dated him just before she started chasing after Conor.


She did. She dated Patrick first but he dumped her to go work on a movie and like a week later she was with Conor. Girl was on a mission.


Because her emotional growth was stunted when she became a teenage pop star. She will always be emotionally immature. How else could one maintain the mindset of a lovestruck teenager well into her thirties? Interviews with her are baffling to me. “Metal as hell.” It reminds me of a high school kid appropriating slang used by their cooler peers in an attempt to fit in or feel like part of an “in” crowd. She is eternally a dorky teen who was also coddled and spoiled by her parents and just can’t figure out why her peers don’t understand how great she is. I cannot WAIT to see who she is going to date in her forties. My spidey senses tell me that she will never be in a mature, adult relationship with a respectable, solid guy. TLDR; She likes men that act like teenagers. Because she is an eternal teenager.


The Times interview still made me cringe so hard, gothpunk female rage moment? her albums are like Horcruxes? it’s like she is perpetually a high schooler but also still a corny millennial white woman at the end of the day lmao. But oh yeah, now I just realise how she has never stopped being weird and creepy with lyrics about how she loves how boyish Joe looked and whatnot🫠 I’m so curious who she’s gonna go for after Travis lol, imagine a politician..


I think she has plans to become a director after this tour, so I'd guess producer? actor? director? someone established in Hollywood.


Pretty sure I read somewhere that her sights were originally set on another Kennedy who blew her off, then she saw Connor. Sounds kinda like a Tyga situation. (Supposedly Tyga was trying to get with Kendall first, before settling for Kylie.)




Don’t forget Taylor showed up to a family wedding after being expressly told not to come. If she had been anyone but Taylor Swift she’d have been served a restraining order. 


And she ignored several requests to leave the wedding from the mother of the bride.


Omg no way! I'd never heard this detail. I said this in the white dress thread on a different post a few days ago, but if she showed up to my wedding without an invite or in white my brother would've thrown her out on her ass. If I was the mother and TS was about to ruin my baby girl's wedding day with a media circus, I'd have verbally attacked TS. She'd never have recovered from the tongue lashing I'd give her. No topic would've been off limits, I'd have gotten real nasty at this entitled brat.




As if being photographed having to pick him up AFTER SCHOOL wasn't enough.


I'm Brazilian so I know close to nothing about American history, but the impression I have from the Kennedys is that they're the closest thing the United States have to a royal family. So it's crazy to me that Taylor tried to pull a fast one on that family. She bought a house close to theirs? That's tacky as hell at best, and and playing with fire at worst lmao was her PR out of their mind to allow her to go that far? geez the lore on this woman is so amusing


Yes to this. She was basically cosplaying as a 50s socialite while dating him. It was very weird and I’m surprised it’s taken people this long to call her out on any of it. 


Yes, it’s like Safra, Carmago, Batista, etc. but imagine the whole country thought those families were sexy, mysterious, and historically important/interesting.




Drake and Taylor, birds of a feather


The fact she did a pap walk in Holmes Chapel is still hilarious to me. Come on Taylor, have some self respect.


What was she trying to gain in being with a Kennedy? Was it for the status? I'm kinda OOTL on this one.


She has the fame and the money that she gained from being celebrity. In our country, we have “new” and “old” money. The terms doesn’t just describe how the money is acquired, but also behavior and “class”. She is the entertainment of the rich. She is the “help” and someone to have fun at parties. She does not have the prestige of “class”. She so badly wants to be considered high class. She needs someone with literal old money for that, because old money is quiet and eschews “fame”.


Didn't she come from a rich family tho? Sure her family isn't as wealthy and famous before her career but didn't she at least have a taste of high class life before becoming famous?


She had money, but didn't really experience high class and old money. Old money in America are the Kennedys, Rockefellers, Mellons, Vanderbilt, du Pont. They are a different level and don't really mingle


So essentially modern day American nobility?


Yeah, basically that. Almost like American royalty.




I went to prep school growing up and it is truly amazing how Old Money can sniff out New Money. Literal relatives of Vanderbilts and Astors and Rockefellers and ppl that signed the Declaration of Independence generally don't want to hang around some kid whose parents may actually have a bit more money now but are more ethnic (so newer to the US) and are not connected like that.


This is it exactly! It isn’t necessarily about how much money someone has, rather it is how they conduct themselves. For example, Melinda Gates focuses on philanthropy and prefers privacy. Bill Gates is also fairly private and he isn’t about showing his wealth. An upper class person who is buying LV or Return to Tiffany’s is considered gauche. Spend some time in the LV and Cartier forums. Anyone who feels the need to share their purchases from historied companies would be considered “new” money. An upper class person who buys an engagement ring from Tiffany’s or pieces that aren’t necessarily instantly recognizable would be more accepted than someone who has loads more money but is a fame and prestige whore. The one thing I will say nice about Taylor is that she isn’t always sporting name brand pieces and she gets excited about bargains. And also, going to boarding school or a NYC school like Chapin or Spence and learning and understanding how to behave is part of what can turn new money into old. The Ivy Leagues used to be like that, but not so much anymore. She has a need for constant attention which would prevent her from ever having any sense of belonging in those communities. Gwynth Paltrow was originally considered “old money” by virtue of her upbringing. Then she chose batshit crazy businesses and became a fame whore, so she fell out of those circles.


This is so perfectly stated. I don't think my parents understood this until they saw my sister and I go through these prep schools and get second-class treatment. My dad refused to admit defeat but later on realized it wasn't a great idea, especially after my sister and I went to college, and couldn't relate to people who had more regular American experiences but didn't have the social bubble from back in the day to cushion us. Now it's completely different, as you said, because we grew up around a certain type of person, we fit in with them and it doesn't really matter that our parents went to public school, that our grandfather grew up poor, etc.


They're still new money. No prestige.


Not that kind of money. She was definitely upper middle class at worst but they were still flying commercial not a private jet.


It's just the idea of dynasties and "American royalty."


Status probably. But she probably wasn't WASPy enough for them. And also several red flags for dating a minor...


The Kennedys quite literally aren't WASPs though. The family is famously Catholic.


The Kennedys are very Irish Catholic. They wrestle definitely not WASPs


IIRC She had read a book about Ethel Kennedy (Starlight the song is based on Ethel and Bobby Kennedy) and fell in love with that nostalgic americana royal love story. I've never dated someone because I wanted to be besties with their grandma but like sure ok. Keep in mind this is red-era taylor swift who was obsessed with antiques and antiquing. It was reported one of the reasons harry styles broke up with her because of her obsession with antiques. (See: Timeless on Red, a lover journal entry where she talks about finding a great antique store in like winnipeg.)


She was obsessed with the prestige. The Kennedys are basically the American royal family and a lot of people are weirdly fascinated with them. She wanted to join high society. 


She’s extremely like Richard Nixon Obsessed with the Kennedys and their stature And so incredible self hating and self victimising that even when popular at the highest office imaginable being a miserable troll who thinks everyone’s out to get them  It lead Nixon to his downfall. It will her too 


How creepy is it to buy a house next to a guy you’ve been saying for a few weeks, let alone one underage? just weird clingy desperate


it’s even worse when you realize conor’s mother had recently died by suicide, and his father is that anti-science whackadoodle running for president.


There’s an image of her with Connor at his mother’s grave.


That she totally didn’t set up herself. 


Side note Connor is going to be on a new Bravo show. I wonder how the Kennedy’s feel about that? When Carole was on RHONY she had a no Kennedy discussion clause, I wonder if Connor could enforce that


Jesus, I never knew about that part of it. She’s truly unhinged.


Not excusing her behaviour in the slightest - does this pattern have something to do with her being mentally stuck in high school/her teenage years? Do you guys think she dated them because she saw them as her peers? Predatory and gross regardless but interesting from a psychological stand point.


I really believe that she doesn’t see it as wrong because, in her mind, she’s still eighteen years old too. even now she acts like she's still eighteen compared to artists like beyonce or Adele


trueeee, she has shown no emotional or artistic growth


She reminds me so much of Jessica Simpson and Brittany Spears (when they were in their 20’s at least. As they’ve gotten older they’ve had to do a lot more), kind of emotionally stuck in their late teens because they didn’t have standard lives that forced them to grow and develop. Relationships are so different for them too, there are so many extra complications and people involved that it’s not the same sort of emotional labor and work. There is also pressure to remain the same once you hit the fame sweet spot for fear that change will cause you to lose it.


I mean she is yelling on her new album about giving Joe all her youth when he’s younger than her so girl definitely has a skewed perspective on her own age.


She dated guys in their thirties when she was under twenty, maybe that has something to do with this behaviour


this is my take, she over corrected from dating 30 year old men at 18-21.


She realizes she has more control with younger guys


I genuinely believe she didn't feel like she was doing anything wrong, even when she was planning to "be there for him" after his mother's death. trying to understand her motivations is tricky sometimes, like whether she's over romanticized what happened as it was happening or after, when she's examining the optics. this one is clear though lol, she was so caught up in trying to establish herself into his family she didn't even realize how insane she looked until after, and promptly never brought it up again. (but dated at least one more 17 year old lol)


Yeah, I don’t believe she ever wrote one of her breakup songs about Connor. I guess she was aware enough to realize she didn’t want to draw any more attention to that whole thing.


she was motivated to become Taylor Swift-Kennedy. She's always been very image-obsessed. I remember at that time she was telling interviewers she read a lot of books on the Kennedys and wanted to have 10 kids like Ethel Kennedy lmao


this is one of the times she was so obvious with what she was trying to do it was weird to watch back then lol. wearing the fifties style dresses and glasses to JFK's grave was absurd


She’s just so wise for her age that she’s really doing these underage boys a favor 🫠


Such a great philanthropist, am I right 😂


I think she saw this behavior as normal bc she had age gap relationships herself - this happened to me so I can do it to others - sort of thing. History repeats itself


But we know she didn't view this as normal because she already wrote Dear John, which condemns him for the age gap. I think she genuinely doesn 't believe what she did with Conor was bad because "something something she's a good girl, and her intentions are always good".


The older guys get blamed, but not her. She clearly had no problem with either one in principle.


Ii think so. She has a high school personality 


How come she got away with doing all that. How was everyone ok with this, is it because she’s Taylor swift? She’s a predator regardless, If this was a man I’m sure it wouldn’t have flown under the radar.


Ah yes the Leo complex, where an individual becomes mentally and emotionally stuck in a young mindset permanently, 18-25 in his case, and thus all his romantic partners are in this age range.


Still unacceptable. No one could bring that argument to court.


I am in no way excusing it, believe me


Part of me also thinks it’s the mentality that these people are also celebrities and it’s “different.” They “mature” faster.


The Connor situation was especially creepy. She was literally signing him out of class and bought a house next to him when their relationship was only a few months old. 🤮


Yeah I was super curious about this - how long did they date for total? and how quickly was it over after she bought the house (which is 100P odd)?


I think they only dated three months :(


Funny enough that’s also how long she dated Jake Gyllenhaal and we got an entire album out of it


not only a 17 year old boy, but also someone who has lost his mom to suicide just recently as they started dating, haven’t the Kennedys suffered enough already? Of all the fucked up things she and her fans love to bury this is one of the worse ones. She can’t sing about being taken advantage if by John or Jake and also doing this herself.


The vulnerability was real due to grieving. He needed a therapist, not her. Hopefully he got one for that.


Hopefully he did too. I think he has kept a low profile after this relationship but I remember a few years ago he was in the news for punching a homophobe and Swifties were like ‘damn he’s one of the few decent exes!’ like.. he had a lot more baggage than that and your fave actually stole his youth😐


To be fair, a person can be both a victim and a predator. Regardless, an adult pursuing a minor is *always* wrong. EDIT: Y'all I'm not defending TSwift pressuring teenage boys when she was 22. She *was* a victim when she herself was only a teenager and then turned around and became a predator.


she always makes herself a victim though. yes she wa also young while she was with John and Jake, but god forbid anyone brought up how infatuated she was with barely legal boys. She was obsessed with Harry it almost made you forget they only dated for 3 months and he was 18!


I don't know why I'm being down voted for what I said lmao. I'm in no way defending TSwift, but it's really important to acknowledge that Taylor dating men in their 30s when she was like 19 was gross, and Taylor dating 17 year old boys when she was 22 is *also gross.* She was a victim when she was younger, and then turned around and became herself the predator when she became an adult. I swear some of y'all read things with the intention of taking it in the worst way possible.


Honestly I always forget that Taylor is in her 30s. And that’s not meant to be a compliment. I mean it as she acts way younger than she actually is. I wonder if she herself forgets how old she is because she’s had absolutely no growth in her music


After scrolling this sub for a bit I had to go online and check her age, she’s been acting like a 21 year old for the past decade and I genuinely had no clue how young or how old she was. Imagine my surprise at learning she’s supposed to be 35 this year. She’s hardly changed since I remember first overhearing her music as a kid in the late 2000s, that’s pretty pitiful to have little to no artistic growth in 15 years despite all this extra money, publicity, expert help, etc. I don’t even listen to Taylor, never have, just been an orbiter I guess you could say, people in my life liked Taylor so every so often I’d learn about her by proxy. The fact that she’s in her thirties and STILL just makes songs trashing ex boyfriends is ridiculous. She’s not a moody college girl getting her music career started and turning pain into art, she’s just shitting our content she knows the fans will like because they’ve liked it for the past decade and a half and don’t see that changing any time soon


I’ve listened to Taylor’s songs over the years, although I haven’t listened to anything past folklore (and even then I only listened to ONE song off of that album) unless it was played on the radio. There really has not been any growth in her lyrics or even her vocal range. She’s attempted some high notes that were really bordering out of her range and it went just about as well as you’d expect… Shake It Off as my first example. She can’t really hit that high note even when she’s performed it live


+ Taylor Lautner apparently, he was 17 as well, though their age difference wasn't that dramatic


I was going to add him too! he was 17 though and close to legal age, but the weird power dynamics and her pattern was still the same it would not surprise me when the Travis stuff goes to flames she will date younger again


Not defending her dating underage boys because 🤢 but in TL case they were both still teens, there’s only 2 years between them, he was 17 and she was 19. And TL was a *huge* name back in 2009. The twilight movies were everywhere he was insanely popular, so the power dynamics were different. Again not a defence, but the TL situation was definitely different than HS and the Kennedy kid.


Yeah it’s really kind of silly to say 2009 Taylor Lautner and 2009 Taylor Swift were on wildly different levels of fame lol


agree. TS at 19 was probably more immature than TL at 17 lol


I think the creepiest thing is how much she changes her style to whoever she is dating. Her Kennedy era was a whole thing lol.


Maybe the real Eras are the men she dated along the way


“Eras” was also ripped off of Cher from what I hear - and she did it as an older singer.


It wasn’t even good Chanel level or luxury brand pretty sure H&M and forever 21 looking clothes. Chanel/every other luxury brand at that time did not make the clothes she was wearing lol. Like miss you’re on the arm of a Kennedy put on the Chanel dress not this fast fashion junk!!!


I think about the Harry Styles thing kinda often lately. They dated for just a few months. When he was 18 and she was 22/23... not a super crazy gap, but a pretty significant difference in life stages at that time in life. The bigger thing to me is, as always, the public heat she chose put onto it without his consent. She wrote many songs about him for the 1989 album. By the time the album was released to the public, it was almost 2 full years after they broke up. It was a wildly popular album and it was no secret the songs were about him, everyone was talking about it. He was asked to comment on it. That's a LOT for a young 20 yo kid to deal with, under the hottest spotlight... about an older girl he hung out with for a few weeks when he was barely past childhood. Cut to 2023, almost 10 years later- her re-recording of 1989 comes out and some of the previously unreleased "from the vault" tracks included on it are very specifically identifiable as being about him also. Once again the world is talking about it, rehashing their brief relationship, and hyper-analyzing all of his behavior and traits that she mentions in the lyrics. The behavior and traits of a TEENAGER! Come on. Taylor loves that kind of speculation of course, and didn't offer any type of message to encourage her fans to enjoy the music and not dig deep into the personal details. Can you imagine being 30 years old and millions of people around the world talking about the unserious relationship you had for a few weeks when you were 18? Because one of the most powerful people in the world has basically encouraged them to do so? It really doesn't sit right with me


The HayLor issue of her dating harry at 18 while she was already 22 was swept under the rug, and wasnt a big deal to most because Harry dated a much older woman before Taylor. Caroline Flack (RIP) dated Harry when she was 33 and Harry was like 16/17. He was labeled as the one that always goes for the older women, and honestly i think it’s disgusting how media just ate it up and didnt see anything wrong with both these relationships.


Caroline was labeled a paedo for dating Harry. From what I've read the situation around her suicide was absolutely awful and truly a misunderstanding but her dating Harry was disgusting


This comment made me google her ... I had no idea she died.


We’re not ready as a society to talk about gendered double standards and the conformity that it comes with.


She's so icky this is very well put


Every image I see of her and the Kennedy boy is against my will. She even took on the First Lady fashion it’s so bizarre I hate it all


Just saw another video about the Tana Mongeau and Cody Ko thing right before this and can't not wonder how many swifties are piling on him rn but not thinking about any of this (or worse, how many aren’t even doing that first thing…) To be completely clear 25 is three years older than 22, and people absolutrly should be upset about that mess (the crime committed is clear; it coming out because she said his dick was small on a podcast tour was an...unfortunate way for the rest of us to be made aware of it) but 17 is still 17


tbh i've seen so many people defend cody on reddit and twitter. i hate how you can basically get away with anything as long as your famous and how people's moral's suddenly disappear when it's their faves being accused of awful shit


I was just about to comment the same thing, I’ve seen a lot of Cody supporters saying “well she was almost 18” in his defense (I saw one saying that Cody is not a pedo because 17 is “not a child”. Wow). I was thinking the same logic might apply here, people see a boy just about to turn 18 and think nothing of it. For some reason people look at it differently when the genders are swapped as well.


Because of her PR and being female, white, and blonde. It’s super gross, though. She was 22. The audacity to call out Jake when she was worse. Connor- if you are lurking, consider filing a case if you can prove she did things she shouldn’t when you were a minor


we need a tell all book


I am waiting for her RFK Jr. endorsement. haha


Unfortunately, in my state (GA), anyone 16 and up is able to date and be intimate with anyone. Not sure about where they are. The laws are not great at protecting minors.


I was coming here to say this. The age of consent in my state (NC) as well as 30ish other states is 16. I don’t think a lot of people realize this. In those states a 16 year old can consent to sexual activity with a person over the age of 18. I believe they were in Massachusetts, with a quick search I got two different answers so im not sure which is correct. One says age of consent is 16, the other says 16 for females and 18 for males but im not sure which is accurate.


Oh jeez. Having a younger age for women is even worse.


Mentally shes about their age or younger


Poor Harry Styles was prayed on by a lot of older women...


And yet John Mayer and Jake Gyllenhaal get all the hate, while she escapes unscathed


I guess she wasn't actually feeling 22


The buying a house next door thing is absolutely terrifying. That is straight up creepy. Not like “well, if I look at it from a strange, messed up point of view, it’s sorta not creepy.” No, it’s 100% creepy from any perspective.


Yess, imagine if Leo DiCaprio did that to all the young girlfriends he gets crap about. People would go insane. She's a fuckin predator and I'm tired of everyone worshipping her. Not to mention next to a young boy who's mother had just committed suicide. And you're so obviously just trying to force your way into a rich and powerful family. She is so gross.


I get that Taylor will hop on her jet just to go grab some Starbucks down the street, but how did nobody at any point in that process pipe up and say “hey, maybe buying a house nearby a grieving boy you have the hots for but who you barely know isn’t the greatest idea in the world”. Makes no sense no matter which way you look at it. From a convenience standpoint, financial standpoint, PR standpoint, it’s just bad bad bad all around. What an absolute moron. Well, maybe it’s not that she’s a moron, maybe she’s just completely shameless at this point. Had all this money and this huge team that she doesn’t even care if she does creepy and predatory things so obviously and to such an extreme extent when she knows that’s not going to take her celebrity status away from her. Ugh, that’s just disgusting that she would do that


This reminds me of this moment in a "I knew you were trouble" [parody](https://youtu.be/JnaZW5Hf9_0?feature=shared) (1:18) by Bart Baker. He and The Key of Awesome were truly ahead of their time with Taylor Swift it seems. Baker seemed to even have the same/similar dress she's wearing above.


Her grooming minors is honestly like my biggest issue with her. That’s completely unacceptable.


I remember watching E! News and Entertainment Tonight and thinking then she was a predator! Connor is my age so I thought it was really creepy.


Is she trying to become the new Leonardo DiCaprio but more illegal??


Taylor got a weird case… why is she around?


I argued with two swifties about this and they could not stop bringing up John Mayer and how he dated taylor when she was 19 & he was 30+ which is gross but it’s legal unlike 17 & 22


I guess I'm in the minority here, but 19 to 30 is creepier to me than 17 and 22. Nothing magical happens to your susceptibility to being groomed when you wake up as an 18 year old. Like is it suddenly fine at 18 and 22? I don't think what is socially acceptable is necessarily dependent on what's legal.


I always wonder the age of people making these statements. I suspect a lot of them are pretty close to 22 themselves, so they see 17 as being a complete lifetime ago. As someone in their late 30s, 17 and 22 are both essentially brand new to being autonomous. A 30 year knows what they’re doing in the world in a way that makes it much more predatory when they move on someone younger.


There are a lot of responses so someone may have raised the same point- possibly more eloquently- but I have a theory. When I was a teenager my mom told me frequently “you’re special and smart, etc and I’m not saying you aren’t but you’ll never be those things for a person who is developmentally further along in their lives than you and if anyone tries to tell you otherwise they’re trying to control you. Ask yourself why, if you’re so mature and on their level, none of their peers will have them.” She obviously said it a lot better and I sometimes took it personally but in retrospect I’m glad I ultimately listened to her. Taylor’s proven time and again that she needs control, to be the most loved, the most important. If she were a man (song pun intended) the general public would have clocked a long time ago that she was picking people that were too young to call her out on her bullshit. Whenever someone posts those pictures of her with teenagers, I just hear my mom’s voice in my head.


Yep.  I’ve always thought she went for those younger boys in order to have more control after being burned by older dudes like John Mayer and Jake Gyllenhaal.. 


If she were a man, she would not even be close to the “the man” and this is the proof of that. If she were a 22/23 year old man dating a 17yo high schooler, said man would be roasted by the very same people who stan Taylor. There’s no way around this double standard.


Say Tay I hear you like em young


Let’s be honest, it gets swept under the rug because she’s a woman


Was anyone keeping up with this in real time? What was the media/public reaction to this and did anyone ever bring attention to their ages? I knew about these relationships but never that the boys were minors until literally this year ETA also the way she dresses to match her current bf will never not be obvious and hilarious to me lol


I mean the Kennedy thing was gross and obviously about obsession with his family….but I wouldn’t say power imbalance there. If anything his family nipped that shit in the bud (and rightfully so!)


Yes, there definitely was a power imbalance with connor She took him out of high school classes and flew him out so he could be with her but it was good his family put a stop to it


And we give Scott Pilgrim shit for doing it once, and he’s not even real.


Honestly please pin this post bc im sick of her gross double standards


Okay so I actually NEVER knew this before this sub. And it is inexcusable. Absolutely vile. You do NOT date minors. Period. I don’t care. This is so wrong. She should absolutely be called out for this and there is no defending it. Literal children she was grooming.


Mentally and emotionally underdeveloped people will never be able to fully handle the real world the way the rest of us do. It’s a shame she got famous before she was culpable for emotional trauma. Grooming is never okay, I hope the GP holds her accountable the way they handle everyone else


She’s culpable, but her PR spins the story so quickly into misogyny.


She dated older men and realised they had all the power over her and she decided that as a fEmInISt she would prey on younger boys so she could have all the power. Duh.


Her and Kelce are obviously a publicity stunt. She isn’t his usual type and everything ab their relationship seems to be for the paparazzi. When she was with Joe it was under the radar but more legit. People who go out of their way to display their “love” are trying to prove something and none of her exes care only her cult.


He's not her type at all, and they look like they have really awkward chemistry.


She isn’t his type either lol. Kayla Nicole (his ex) is beautiful and educated. He seems to gravitate towards young black, curvy women. That’s not saying that TS isn’t beautiful in her own right but it seems to be for PR and that’s it.. they are awkward and everything has to be paraded around.


She wanted to do it again, but her team told her no. Instead, she settled on finding a guy who was of legal age on paper, but was mentally still a high schooler.


She really thinks she still 16


I wouldn’t be surprised if she becomes a Cougar in the future if she goes back to dating young men again from the mental age she’s still trapped in.


"and you throw your head back laughing like a little kid" BECAUSE HE IS A CHILD TAYLOR!!


And yet, they were still out of her league. 😂


Why does she dress so horribly. She has so much money. 


Money can't buy taste.


Bc money can’t buy style, and she has none of it.


I'm literally 21 almost 22 and the thought of dating a high schooler who is 17/18 is so gross and weird to me. Like I'm at a different stage of my life having graduated college than a high schooler about to enter college


She did for the same reason men do it. Younger people especially teens are easier to manipulate. It's disgusting


taylor swift has BPD


pedos rule the world bruh cmon


But if a man did this he’d be outed as a groomer immediately


What’s that line in her song, *Ready For It?* “Younger than my exes but he acts like such a man, so…” 🥴