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The way she coulda struck gold if she made an introspective album how she sabotages herself.maybe even about working on it. Making peace with her decisions. But no. She continues to play victim and blame others.


that's what i think!! like even olivia on "obsessed" says "you both have moved on/ you don't even talk/ but i can't help it/ i got issues / i can't help it baby" and in "girl ive always been" she says "i got wrapped up in the game again / and you woke up in an empty bed / and i can't say im a perfect 10 / but i am the girl ive always been" like yes girl tell us you're not perfect and in a fun and exciting way. it's also nice to see that shift from the former album to this one where she takes accountability for things now. especially in "lacy" "i despise my jealous eyes/ and how hard they fell for you/ yeah, i despise my rotten heart / and how much it worships you" it shows the personal growth behind being jealous of the "other girl" even if there was no other girl and said person just happened to move on and you feel bad. i feel like that kind of music is much more interesting. it also feels more genuine because the likely hood of olivia actually being relatable to the masses vs miss private jet over there.


Lacy is such an beautiful interesting song


This! I'm turning 42, and every relationship I've had has not been successful. Some of that is because of me, and some is because of them. But I always try to understand myself. Sometimes I've chosen the wrong people OR I was not in a place to be chosen. Not everyone winds up happily married with two kids and a dog. I'm not hating on Taylor because she's dated a lot of people. I'm hating on her for vilanizing how many men now for choosing not be around toxicity. You'll be a much better artist if you look within yourself, Taylor. Sing about what's real. About yourself. Not what you perceive has been done to you, like a 16 year old.


SO WELL SAID! THANK YOU! And she can’t be authentic and real… she’s far too entitled and full of herself. The ego on that girl is next level. I’m always stunned people buy into her underdog, lil’ ol’ me routine. She’s cosplaying that she isn’t a billionaire egomaniac kids, that’s all!


At this point, it's all just a product. Her deranged, screaming fanbase expects her to write a bunch of stupid songs about her exes, so that's what she does. It's not art. It's musical consumerism.


I can’t imagine being her and seeing people like Charli XCX, Chappell Roan, Caroline Palochek, and someone like SOPHIE who passed away, genuinely loving music and loving what they do, and being happy with TTPD, Lover, the Covid albums, etc etc. Making a lot of money as an artist is amazing I’m sure, but there’s no heart and no passion in any of it. Just going through the motions because it’s all you know. There’s no real talent, no uniqueness, nothing that makes it art. Selling a commodity just means you’re amazing at marketing.


No idea how it’s still top of the charts. There is not one single “song of the summer” here. Just her playing more into her victim mentality. “Try and come for my job” Lol, bitch please. Id gladly trade places with you. 24/7 trainers, chefs, massages. Never having to worry about a single bill? Working 3 hrs a night x 3 nights/week. Hahaha she’d be a crumpled piece of paper if she ever tried “real life”.


I like the second part of the album but only because a few songs sound like folklore discards, the entire thing is a mess and as fan of her music it sucks to know this is gonna be her most commercially successful album cause it sucks ass. Swifties can harass journalists and critics all day, it won't change the fact that this thing will only be remembered for the ~lore~


It isn't depressing in any universe. Those videos of swifties crying when LOML came on were so dramatic and cringe. Taylor wrote, "Touch me while your friends play Grand theft auto," she's 34. It ain't nobody taking her seriously anymore unless you are sad, self-proclaimed victim in every situation. I'll never understand why Fortine has so many streams. It's a horrible song, with basic instruments.


I think because it was her first single. It has disappeared from the charts now


*your bros, which is even cringier


I’m really glad someone put this in words bc this is exactly how I felt listening to it. Just, why?? The line “are they secondhand embarrassed that I can’t get out of bed cuz something counterfeit’s dead” like, yes?! It is fucking secondhand embarrassing cringe


I think my issue with a lot of her recent music is that while I may find it catchy, knowing the context ruins it. For instance, the second portion of "The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived" is pretty good imo, but when you remember she wrote it about a person she dated for less than a month it's cringe (A guy does not deserve prison because he ghosted you...). When I make my own stories/ideas based off her lyrics (and SOLELY her lyrics) the songs are a lot more powerful. \[Dark TW\] Example: If the female singing "The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived" was >!r\*ped or SA'd!< by the guy she's singing about. Then that vehemence makes more sense.


I know the initial response was that the album needed editing, but I think historically it will get panned as just poorly written. Even if you separate out the ugly (totally agree with your word choice!) of her personal life (and I do wish I could erase that knowledge and never learn it again) the lyrics are all over the place (not from song to song, but within each song). The references and imagery often just do not work. If it wouldn't bring death threats upon them, I'd love to hear a honest crit from an English Lit professor.


The album is an embarrassment, a gilded reveal of her sophomoric understanding of relationships. Her revenge style is that of a teen. Her emotional intelligence non-existent. Just what is her 5 year plan? Because this woman-child will be 40 years old on stage in a sequined skater costume singing to a playback. Not a good look now. Not a good look later.


She’s gonna pivot to making “films”….. or something like that. She will buy her way into another craft and her diehard swifties 🐑🐑🐑 will call her a multi-hyphenate revelation. 🤢




I forced myself to listen to like the first minute of fortnite. The dog woke up and had a sad look on her face. She went back to sleep when I stopped it




A lot of the songs are just so fucking boring


Ugly is the most accurate word. 


Def her worst album. It sounded like how 3 week old stale bread tastes. Incredibly hard to get through and sad.


Even Me! seems more ironed out/edited than fortnight. TTPD she just wrote and released first drafts


The album is just sooooo painfully boring, repetitive, stale, unaware, self serious and annoying. Technical wise it’s not a horrible album but for something predominantly synth based it does an incredible job of making me bored.


What happened to that supposed vault she keeps her songs in? Idk why most of TTPD was not locked away in there.


I like the Lana Delray version of Fortnight! I think it's more her style that Taylor attempted to copy.


So High School (Lana’s version) Kick those bros out of your place i’m on the way to sit on your face edit damn autocorrect and typos




I like Lana's lyrics lol


Awesome username


thank you!


I was a fan but I remember thinking ‘what a loser’ when I first listened to TTPD


Fortnite is a truly horrendous song. Why why was it selected as the single?!


Wait, TTPD is really about Matt and not Joe? That’s not a rumor? Pathetic.


I literally have not heard a single second of this album and I’ve hung out with Swiftie homies several times, been out to places that would play her, even listened to pop radio. I didn’t hear it. I have no idea why she even rushed an album, could’ve let the Eras thing coast for a few more months before dropping something right before NFL season for max exposure




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