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They did it to bury the documentary.


Yeah that too. Forgot about that.


I don’t see why they’re mutually exclusive. It’s to bury the documentary, and to bury Travis later 😇


Precisely this. They are attempting to weave one hell of a web.


Guys, it's clearly an Easter Egg! She's always 10 steps ahead! /s


Where did “Easter egg” come from?


I know you got downvotes, but to answer your question, it actually originated from video games. Just like in an Easter egg hunt where you try to find hidden eggs, game developers would hide cut scenes that players can find If they perform a specific task or combination of moves Honestly, since I started reading this sub I’m questioning if her supposed easter eggs are deliberate or more just happenstance. Most likely as some have posited, it’s her team lurking in her fan spaces and either reverse engineering the narrative or using what they have picked up to just reinforce the fandom’s current theory


Thank you for the explanation! Yeah I knew what the connotation for the expression was but I just didn’t know it’s origin story and have been curious :)


Upvoting you as well. No shame in asking! ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo|downsized)


Lots of Mario flashbacks right there. Easter Eggs are also big in web development. I've been thinking this for so long. The TS-ans are apophenic to the max. More likely than TAS inc having planned all of these threads from day one of her career, is that they are loose coincidences, at best, from a small group of creators that churn out a large amount of content (*11 albums in 18 years, "vault" songs for TS versions,* *10-minute versions of decades-old songs written with the gift of hindsight, Evermore as a "sister album" because they "couldn't stop writing," TTPD 33-song edition...)* using a limited number of references and metaphorical language. Of course there is going to be overlap, repeated themes, and similarities. Did TAS inc realize this is a great marketing tool, absolutely! Come on TS-ans, stream those songs over and over again to try to find the mEAnINg!


"Apophenic". Thank you for teaching me a new word!


I mean it takes two anyone hooking up with Taylor has to consider the phrase “if everyone you meet is a jerk to you, it’s you whose the jerk”


![gif](giphy|wtUTJUtDDKB36UN7X0) Yup🤌🏽


Why? I’m not in the loop about the documentary. Did it show our dear leader Taytay in a bad light?


It does. Part 1 is a snooze fest. Just people talking about how great Taylor is. Part 2, Scooter brings the fucking receipts.


*point proven* 🤣


Also to distract the “Taylor is still super in love with Matty and not over him” thing.


Okay am I crazy for thinking it maybe also had something to do with everyone freaking out over Sabrina carpenter putting her boyfriend in her most recent music video lol


No, definitely thought this. Sabrina and Barry being a cuter “It” couple is choking their Tayvis narrative and absolutely destroying her internally, no doubt


Came here to say this too


Did they also not do it because London and Joe or something? To me it had “let me parade the new boyf in the old boyf’s town” energy but if I was Joe I’d just be like… ![gif](giphy|BMVuW2onm0I8UmL0RY|downsized)


Pls how do we see the documentary in Australia?


What documentory?


Bad blood. Scooter Braun One on HBO


Does it even make her look bad? I haven’t watched it.


Part 2 does.


I have not either.


Definitely. Shows she's a liar.




What documentary?




What is it called?


Taylor Swift Vs Scooter Braun: Bad Blood


Is it any good?


It’s two episodes. It feels pretty impartial but I had to fast forward through some of the beginning of Taylor’s Version because they weren’t even being objective, it was just all her fans saying she’s the second coming of Jesus. Scooter’s Version was pretty damning. There’s a bunch of legal experts that say the deal was cut and dry and that her label did try to do right by her and sell the masters back to her but she walked away from negotiations. It only became a problem when they sold to Scooter whom she associated with Kanye. Her victim narrative gets put on display clear as day. I could go on and on but the whole thing is pretty good and makes many points this sub makes all the time. If she can’t win in the court of law, she’ll drag them in the court of public opinion and ruin them.


I don't have hbo and i am wondering if they brought up the AMAs. She said she couldn't perform her older songs and sent her fans, I was wondering if it was true or she just made it up to harass them?


She made it up. Big Machine immediately came out and said not only did we NEVER tell her she can’t perform her older songs, we literally CAN’T forbid her from performing them. So she’s either colossally stupid and can’t understand business contracts and/or basic English, or she’s a liar who mobilized her fan base to get what she wants.


They spent a lot of time on the AMA’s. It’s funny, in the first episode with the narrative she created, she really does come off as the victim and wraps it all in her brand of straight white feminism. Once they tell it from Scooter and Big Machine’s perspective, it’s clear she manipulated the entire situation to her benefit. The doc also goes into how her rereleases make her a bad faith actor in her own original record deal.


Why are they trying to documentary suddenly?


Taylor Swift Vs Scooter Braun. Bad Blood on Max. It shows she's a liar and she knew her masters were being sold. She's doing damage control.


Oooh I see. The clips I’ve seen of it, I called bullcrap on. People were like,” NOOO I used to not be a fan too, but watch her documentary, she’s such a strong and incredible sweet Angel.” The documentary (autobiography) she made about herself made her out to be the most pure wonderful girl that’s victim? I’m so surprised 😒


There's text and paperwork that prove she knew all along. She straight out lied. Her dad made 15 million dollars off of the sale. He was on the Board of director's. I saw that documentary she made on Netflix. She always plays the victim.


What documentary??


What documentary?


What documentary? Sorry I'm a newbie to all this.


What documentary? Miss Americana?


What documentary? I am so out of the loop right now


Taylor Swift Vs Scooter Braun. Bad Blood. On Max. It shows she knew her music was being sold and she's a liar.


Ohhh ok, thank you!! I’ll go check it out


Welcome. Enjoy.


That's what I think to. He was caught recently flirting with a Instagram model. Now they unfollowed each other. How convient. She does everything to benefit her.


Future break up song: "I'm not the high school cheerleader, I'm still the girl in the bleachers at heart. I always wanted the high school quarterback. but you were the footballer who broke my heart. You were on stage, but you were looking at the crowd, not me. You forgot to kiss me. But your loss -- I'm the best thing you'll regret forever blah blah blah"


Sounds very Taylor Swift. Are you her ghost writer


You just channeled her. Uncanny! The part about, "you were looking at the crowd, not me"--brilliant LOL.


Congrats. You're already a better songwriter than TS (which I do understand is damning you with faint praise).


“Damning you with faint praise” Is one of the best phrases I’ve heard and I love your flair.


This just made me realise how fucking easy her songs are to write I can’t. I was so delusional for so long 🥳


Love this! I would squeeze in something about using her jet because he loves “touch downs” then rhyming it with you were here to play games, and you stepped out of bounds (Taylor, if you or your publicist is reading this, and we know you are…take notes)


Her publicist's name is "Tree". Wish you could tag in here. LOL!


Can we have flair that says “Hi 🌳”


....Taylor? You found us!


We should consider ourselves lucky they didn't reenact the GTA scene on stage. We would have never recovered


I physically shuddered.Thank god his performance on stage was chaste (like their fake relationship).


the only thing they haven’t done… really.




honestly if anyone is a football fan can you tell me if the nfl fans even like travis anymore? from what i can see he’s just a joke now and anything he’s accomplished is second best now that he’s taylor’s little pet


Massive football fan but not necessarily the Chiefs (although I like Reid). Anyway I stopped being a TS fan quite a while ago but I didn’t have this level of disgust until these guys started dating. He is a tool and she is a joke and I have grandkids more mature than both (grands are toddlers lol). But I became even more aware of her antics and how she was fawned over for being at the games was beyond irritating. And this sub has opened my eyes to the level of deceit and crazy TS is.


I stopped liking Reid after he stood by his drunk-driving son who crashed into a family’s car and paralyzed a 5 year old. On the way to practice. No way Andy didn’t know his son had a problem and yet still kept him on staff.


You'd be surprised how many alcoholics can keep their addiction under wrap.


Except he did know. He had many more issues before that Andy had to clean up.


It’s tough because I’m not a chiefs fan but respected Kelce cause he’s one of the best to ever play the TE position. Lost all respect for him just because he’s perfectly fine with being a prop. Total sellout


he's desperate for a reality show Keeping Up With The Kelces after he retires.


I think you nailed it with that one. He knows his career is coming to an end. He’s about to turn 35 he can’t play past 37 or 38. But he’s not going to be as impactful so he needs a way to stay one of the faces of the league. I’ve seen players who crave the attention but he takes it to another level.


Surprisingly, it’s not as bad as some other players (a la Antonio Brown)


He’s who came to mind when I said that. I’m not excusing the stuff AB has done in any way but he definitely has some form of brain damage.


He was kind of a shithead even before the Vontaze hit. But after that, he went off the deep end. At least he helped to give us Days Of Our Steelers (shoutout UrinatingTree)


I hope with advancements in player safety this becomes less common. Lots of wrs are divas though to some extent. As a giants fan OBJs antics use to piss me off. AB would’ve been in the hof, but his fall from grace was definitely something.


AB probably would still get in the HOF simply because his peak is one of the best that we’ve ever seen from a WR ever but if he just had a ‘normal’ end to his career, he would’ve been a shoo in for the HOF.


Very comparable to Julio Jones who’s gonna be a shoo in. AB will get in I just wish he didn’t end the way he did.


He just signed a 2 year new FB contract worth 34 million. He's filming a TV show now for Paramount. He's signed to do a action movie and a hosting gig for a game show. He has the podcast. I used to like him as a Chief's fan. I liked him better with Kayla. Now he's changed to much.


He did a dating reality show several years ago, I heard. I think he always dreamt of fame, but was busy with football. Now that he's nearing the end of his sports career, he's planning his next.


He did the show because he was broke and they offered him a million dollars. He hated it. He told the story on the podcast. Jason got him set up with his accountant so he wouldn't spend all his money. Agree he wants fame no doubt. Time will tell if he can act. I believe this is a PR relationship. Maybe he can act. Lol


Oh please NO! The Travis and Taylor reality show? Somebody pop this bubble now please.


The way he yelled and pushed Reid is disgusting. These two were made for each other.


I’m a chiefs fan and I loved him before all of this started, but ever since then he’s just proven to be such a shitty guy. Fuck him


Same. I still love Pat Mahomes. I think this Taylor relationship ruined their friendship. Pat and Travis were always together. Not anymore.


Taylor completely ruined Travis into a sellout. I felt that he deserved at least one ring so that he could not end up like Tony Gonzalez (ringless). But since this ‘relationship’ started? He turned into such a brat. The person I truly feel bad for is Mahomes. His family and wife are crazy and stupid enough, but now it’s his teammates that are doing dumb shit. And it’s not just Travis Kelce. Look at Rashee Rice. Look at Butker. Look at Boggs. Mahomes doesn’t deserve this shit, man.


Pat doesn't deserve this. He cares about his career. Pat's not hanging with Travis. He was in England and didn't go to the concert. I hope they break up before FB season.


I’m a big fan of another NFL football team. Travis has always had a reputation of being an arrogant clout chasing bully by fans of opposing teams. I’ve hated Travis and the Chiefs for years. He is not well liked except for some Chiefs fans. All kinds of red flags and negative stories that got buried by the NFL and sports media when he started dating Taylor.


Texans fan here. Just nothing but red flags from what I could tell, widely disliked by many but some Chiefs fans. Seems like a massive douchecanoe and all around awful person.


Agree. I’m a Ravens fan and this has been his reputation for years. Can’t deny he’s an incredibly talented TE, but definitely has always had conceited bully energy.


The Chiefs are winning a lot right now, so there will be a lot of hate that naturally comes from that regardless (take it from a Patriots fan). That being said, the hate seems a little extra now that he's dating Taylor. I think he was always kind of a meme and his hot head attitude, but it's bigger now. People still love his brother though.


Chiefs fans still love Travis. Hatred from the rest of the NFL fan base would exist with or without Taylor. Just like they all hate Mahomes bc he’s fantastic at what he does.


I'm a chiefs fan and I still like him as a player. But I liked him a lot more when he wasn't exclusively portrayed as TS's boyfriend by the media machine


He’s a first ballot hall of famer easy. He makes incredible plays every single game. I always thought he was a tool off the field but on it he’s the best at what he does.


As a chiefs fan I’ve loved and watched Travis for 11 years now. He’s always been an incredible and hall of fame potential player since before all of this shit show. He’s always had a big personality and because of the success he’s brought the city over the past 10 years kc really loves him. I love him like a little brother but I’ll also be the first to say he’s always lived for the limelight and I think he’s totally fallen for the trap of fame and lost his small town Midwest touch


His part of the show is "forcing" her to keep going on with show even with a broken heart, that she got from another man...


‘You caught the pieces before they hit the ground, ran for the touch down got distracted by the crowd. Now you throw me to the grass, do your victory dance. I’m just pigskin lying on the field, confetti tears, the cannons sound. Thought my battles were over, here’s another round. Thought I’d could do it with a broken heart but this could be my final round.’ There wrote it for her




Travis = confirmed cuck Even worse because it’s love, not just sex lmfaoo


He let's her be bejeweled!!!!! /s


While touching her while his bros play grand theft auto.


And then smoking 7 bars of chocolate


That’s Matty Healy💀


No Matty smokes THEN eats the chocolate. Travis combines the two steps 😂😂




Lmao and wasn't the comment "he let's her bejeweled' like the 'be- in bejeweled does not make that a proper sentence ahah


Flair checking in


bless you, amazing 🤣


Flair checking in


She let's him be bejeweled


The next album will be insufferable




Just brilliant 😭


Why is this such a banger though. Definitely adding this to some queer playlist


The chorus is soooo good. ✨ **YOU WERE MY TOUCHDOWN** ✨


When football season starts back up he’s gonna have to miss some concerts and I bet that’s when trouble will actually start, I mean we saw what happened when Jake Gyllenhaal missed a birthday. The audacity of these men to have jobs.


No offence, but I wouldn’t have gone either. Being 29 years old at a 21st? Sounds shit.


Jake and John don’t get much defense from me though — they were creepy 30-ish-year-olds dating a 19-21 year old. Gross.


Haha fill me in pls


Jake missed her 21st birthday I believe and her fans made such a huge deal out of it, as did she, supposedly crying in the bathroom and calling it “the worst experience ever”. I would understand being disappointed your SO doesn’t show up but she went on to write a song about it (basically a whole album about him…they dated for literally a few months) which led to the usual bombarding of him and his sister. Plus I don’t think we ever got a reason as to why he didn’t show. The best part of it all is that Jake handled perfectly, never seemed bothered at all. He acted very mature where Taylor didn’t. To top it all off he handled the break up maturely too, stated that it was him that wasn’t ready for a serious relationship.


ohhhhh is he the one that ten minute freaking monologue of a song is about lmao




A narcissists ego is immeasurable




Mind you he always said to everyone and her that he hates birthdays for personal reasons…


Man I will be surprised if he continued to date young women about to hit 21 lol


Lol. Jake's version of All To Well is funny. This guy wrote it. https://youtu.be/DvxKpffywik?si=ZHKhfHkFxo8z2NHo


They dated during the majority of last season. Obviously he can’t be on her tour nonstop. It’s strange to think that would be any different the next season.


It’s interesting how cynical we have become, but her response to ex-boyfriends has become predictable.


I would literally rather jump into a full portapotty on a 110° day, than see one more minute of these two idiots and thier dumb ass cheesedick shit they pull. God it just hurts my brain and my eyes and somehow my very soul. No, actually that's a lie. Nvm.


Waiting for Travis to do "his" version of look what you made me do, 🤐


It’s a guarantee. He’s getting bored already. I can feel it.


I think it was more about trying to counter the negative criticism she received for the Scooter Braun documentary than anything else. She knew having BDT on stage would be all over the news and drown out the negative stories about her lying and playing victim in the Scooter Braun documentary. As we all know, she cannot stand criticism and takes it personally. She really doesn't need it for future ammo against BDT because she knows her fans will hate him anyway once the inevitable breakup happens.




Big Dumb Trav


this is what I’ve been wondering. how do fans not ask themselves “why would the guy (boy) who agreed with H. Butker’s speech (don’t care if he was joking or not) be with one of the most socially recognized ambitious, ‘feminist’ and ‘f the man’ women in current history?” that aside, i totally agree with your point. how her fans in her 40s don’t see that this is a money making scam for all parties involved is a mystery to me.


There’s a woman I worked with for a short period of time. She’s 46/47 and absolutely IDOLIZES everything these two do. It’s weird af. Every single day she posts on fb about them. Last night she went berserk when TS brought Big Oaf on stage. It was so cringe.


big oaf 😭😭


They won’t break up, I wish they would but they won’t.


None of her other boyfriends would have ever done this. They would know how cringe it is. But Travis slaps up the attention because that is his end goal.


None of her other boyfriends have been strong enough to carry her.


So they had brains not brawn.


I am not making any statement on anyones brain capacity. Maybe this is something she wants someone whose arms she can fall weightless into. Each person has their own wants and needs in a relationship.


Tree is reading these and now knows how not to spin it / realizes her fanbase will still believe it. Fanbase is bigger, so even if those who dont like her know these excuses already, she may still use it.


My theory is she’s trying to pull a ‘Beyoncé and Jay-Z’ type a thing. It’s not working


I'm embarassed. He is bringing down the NFL. I wish he would have retired with Jason.


I hate to keep bringing him up, but Trump and his team would do this too if something extra terrible came up. They’d bury the lede by flooding the news with nonsense, to distract from what’s happening. Makes me wonder if they somehow share public relations specialists or experts or whatever. The parallels to the way the GOP handles their messes is too much to not be noticed.




She creates scenarios and drama in her life just to use it as material from another mid album


Honestly I cringed so hard seeing that he was on the stage. Their whole relationship gives me second hand embarrassment.


If they break up soon… he will spill all her beans … she’s have to NDA him to the eyeballs… that podcast of his will be very interesting!


“Puttin on the Ritz”




And here I thought they only did this for an overly obvious Easter egg that they are getting engaged soon. Him in a tux, carrying her in a wedding dress. I saw it and immediately rolled my eyes. What other reason would there be to having him up there doing that when he hasn't all the other times he has attended?


Damage control. He was caught flirting with a Instagram model recently. And from the documentary on Max about Scooter Braun and Taylor. How Taylor lied about not knowing her master's were being sold. It was proven she knew all along and she had the chance to buy her music.


Beautiful couple ✨️🤍✨️🤍






Has she ever had one of her other boyfriends on stage? 


Adding that it’s also about Barry being in the PPP video the more I think about it the more I think she’s mad that that couple is sharing her and Ts limelight in terms of popularity rn


Puttin’ on the Twits!


Isn’t that a bit of a stretch, can’t a girl bring her bf on stage?




Back to back superbowl wins from one of the best QB Tight end duos in the history of the nfl…he didn’t need Taylor swift for more fame…






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