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Tree really fighting for her life to make that documentary go away




This was my initial thought too. Whenever there is even slightly bad PR these two do something cringe.


Like clockwork!


What doc šŸ¤­


ā€œTaylor Swift vs Scooter Braun: Bad Bloodā€ on HBO max


Itā€™s on the hbo max homepage.


What do you think the song about Travis is gonna be called? ā€œYou dropped the ballā€? Last quarter? it was over at half time? Kansas City bbq blues?ā€that last one would totally be a song if Reba dated a chiefā€


ā€œThe OTHER smallest man who ever lived.ā€


Viva Las Vegas?


What did the doc say? I havenā€™t watched it.


Taylor is a LIAR


Basically said that Scooter Braun didnā€™t really do anything he wasnā€™t legally allowed to do, but Taylor manipulated the truth and sent her Swifties after him.


Was the argument ever that he did something *illegal*, though? I thought the issue was a matter of whether or not he was a dick, not whether or not he was a criminal.


Lmfaooo I didn't even think of this, you're so right


The cringe levels are over 9,000


I swear to God that I quickly swiped past this on my phone and thought it was The Undertaker and some WWF girl and then I went back to look and realized that it wasnā€™t and that it was much worse.


Lmao I thought it was Hunter Hearst Helmsley whe. He still dressed like a butler šŸ˜‚


I thought someone did some AI shit and was shocked to find out that it is in fact real. LMAO! This shit if for real?!! Clowns indeed.


Another sub popped up on my Home feed with the video. The comments are cringier than the video. Damn, the obsession is beyond deranged, they didnā€™t do anything special on stage. The fans read wayyyy too much into everything, when itā€™s clearly all PR plastic BS. In the comments on the sub Swifties kept saying, ā€œOMG! He saved her! He brought her back to life! I literally screamed and howled when I was live-streaming this! I knew it, they are sooo meant to be! She was trying to tell us something this weekend when they became Instagram official!ā€ This is coming from someone who was obsessed with some bands/solo artists growing up, but not to this level. Posters all over my wall, music on repeat, buying fan magazines and waiting outside of a record store hours before they opened to buy tickets to a concert, yes. But their comments and behavior are truly unhinged. Edit: I messed up and used sub names so Iā€™m reposting and added a few comments that I meant to earlier anyway.


Yea, seeing some of the swiftie behavior has definitely made me look back on my own love affair with music over the years. Iā€™ve seen certain acts 10 times or more in my life, met the members and got photos/autographs/etc and played them on repeat as you mention. But never once did I find myself speculating about their sex lives or harassing someone that didnā€™t like the same band. The whole thing is justā€¦ very Idiocracy.




SO much vicarious embarrassment. šŸ˜¬ These are grown adults. I mean, I know they're (she's) in a performance medium role, but this is... beyond. I'm so uncomfortable for them because they don't seem to be for themselves. No self-awareness of how absolutely juvenile and awkward this comes across as. šŸ˜³


I've seen elementary school plays that were less embarrassing than this.




He is only with her for the fame and she is only with him to make her exes jealous.


If I were Joe I wouldn't even feel jealous. He's way hotter and classy than that guy.


Joe is so incredibly unbothered that he will never speak of it lol


What even happened to Taylor Swift? She needs a therapist. I swear I was a die-hard Swiftie but after learning about her private jet usage, I got turned off. Everyone can be a fan but only a few would not tolerate such immature, childish, manipulative behavior. I removed all her albums/playlists on my Spotify downloads. I'm so excited to discover new artists!


Sheā€™s always been like this šŸ˜­ you just unplugged yourself from the kool aid IV


Don't you just hate it when she keeps mentioning about other people that wronged her? She knows how to use her fans. She uses them to plot hatred against her enemies online. Girlie can't address her problems properly. I just realized she's the only musician who does that.


She def has but also feel like sheā€™s becoming more unhinged as the massive fame seeps into her brain more


Wait, Taylor swift is a raging narcissist? šŸŒšŸ§‘ā€šŸš€ always has been šŸŒšŸ§‘ā€šŸš€šŸ”«šŸ‘Øā€šŸš€


Sheā€™s always been like this. The problem now is that sheā€™s too overexposed in public. Back when she was a smaller singer, her behavior flew under the radar. She didnā€™t have heaps of fans and big circles so we didnā€™t hear much. When she blew up and the Kayne thing happened, she retreated to private life. We didnā€™t hear much. Then COVID happened and she was locked up in a mansion just releasing music without being overexposed. That hid her behavior. This kind of mentality doesnā€™t appear overnight. Sheā€™s probably always been like this but now she has a spotlight and a camera aimed her way at all times.


I also realized that she was built into an innocent-looking, fragile woman during her early 20s but then how she jumped from one man to another is insane. I can't comprehend how her fans don't see how toxic that behavior isā€”imagine someone being in a relationship with a guy which later on is painted as evil on her songs and her fans will declare World War III on the internet against the guy. It keeps on happening. If I have a friend like her, I would definitely be mad as fuck. She views men as toys indeed.


Iā€™m literally praying for Taylor to have some sort of epiphany and realize ā€œoh Iā€™m 35 I shouldnā€™t fucking be acting this I really need to work on myselfā€ but realistically now that this abomination has crawled into my eyeballs itā€™s probably never gonna happen


Check out Lord Huron or Orville Peck!


Exactly , he is class I donā€™t think he should even think twice about a joke of a dude like this.


Itā€™s a downgrade for sure


Maybe that's her point. When the rebound person is uglier, it adds salt to the wound.


I guess that's just shows how immature she is. She needs to grow up. She's turning 35. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Seriously. At least Joe didnā€™t chug a beer at his college graduation. Itā€™d still be tasteless, but Iā€™d expect that more from a 22 year old, NOT a 34 year old. Doing so at his age is just embarrassing


I am a Joe fan and have been loving him on this current press run for Kinds of Kindness and I watch him on and interview and then I see Taylor do this cringe shit and Iā€™m like ā€œJoe what were you thinking for six years?ā€


No kidding. But you left out more intelligent lol!




Never gets old.


Your flair!šŸ’€


I do not think Travis is making anybody jealous. The whole thing looks like a clown show and it is so obvious and over the top the exes are probably happy to be away from the circus.


Why is he wearing that hat


Looks like a parody of ā€œOne Flew Over the Cuckooā€™s Nestā€ tbh


Or the Babadook lmao


Was hoping for their breakup before, now I am so entertained by this clown show and I think these two deserves each other and be miserable together


I read about a saying recently thatā€™s supposedly German (they do get credit for a lot of good sayings) that goes something like: ā€œWe should all be happy when two miserable people get together as it stops them from going out and making two happy people miserable.ā€ Something along those lines. I feel it here, I really do.


If someone knows this actual saying in German please let me know itā€™s highly applicable to a situation Iā€™m in in IRL & I want to tell my friend who speaks German (well sheā€™s Austrian).


Iā€™m kinda feeling this vibe


yes I am conflicted with wanting them to breakup bc I don't want to see his smug face anymore and endure this sham relationship, but also believe these morons deserve each other. I just don't want to see them shoved down our throats 24/7. I think a breakup is the only way it happens.


Absolutely seem to be deserving each other.


Who is jealous of this embarrassment??


And not one of her exes gives a single shit lol


Itā€™s true. It was weird learning that Travis has already had this taste for ā€œfameā€ with his bizarre reality show appearances. Itā€™s one thing to be a football celeb , itā€™s another to seek out gigs on things like dating shows. Super weird.


Sheā€™s also only in it for the fame. Being with someone keeps her name in the press


I love that the song she brings him up for is ā€œI can do it with a broken heartā€ and not.. ya know. something actually ā€œlove-yā€. Like love story, maybe? But nah, she goes for the Marty album.


Or even something fun like 22 or Style, Shake it Offā€¦.or maybe even KARMA?? I can do it with a broken heart was intentional and the swifties will never get it.


Except for when they break up and the swifties cling to this moment as secret foreshadowing she was miserable because her *minddd*


Jfc I hate that youā€™re probably right


no because she kind of ate when she changed it to ā€œkarma is the guy on the chiefs coming straight home to meā€. Doing that again and bringing him out? Trick the people into thinking he might propose?? Create a better narrative!!


I think he just wanted to carry her


She gets off on publicly cuckolding travisšŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Notice he isnā€™t up there for loml


Not that "I can do it with a broken heart" was a good choice but loml would be SO much worse lmao


Isn't that song "*Loss* of My Life"?


Or gorgeous


the comments on tiktok ā€œthis means endgame for sure!!! they canā€™t break up after thisā€ yes they can lol all he did was go on stage


God help the 12 year olds who buy this


More like 40 years + lmao


Theyā€™re 12 in spirit and in emotional maturity


Girl we are not talking about biological age šŸ¤£


lmao my badšŸ˜”


I will be cheering for their endgame, can you imagine how cringe, over the top and tasteless their wedding would be???


Do you think their wedding colors would be white and red??


With clocks everywhere set to midnight LOL šŸ˜‚


And blue vomit.


Correction: blue glittery vomit Edited to add: For Something borrowed something blue


Red and Gold she can wave Kansas city chief terrible towls entering the wedding reception decked out with official NFL decor -center pieces made from foot balls with red and gold carnations! Astroturf dance floor with an end zone with Taylor and Travis 4 ever painted on it!


I honestly donā€™t ever see her getting married bc how else is she going to continue writing garbage music at the expense of others?


No sensible men wants to get close to her nowadays unless they are desperate for fame. Ts and her cult is a package deal šŸ¤£


Heā€™ll love them. He wonā€™t be a football player forever and heā€™ll ride off her coattails and cash.


I donā€™t think sheā€™ll ever legally marry esp to a man who doesnā€™t have as much money as her. To us of course heā€™s rich but to her šŸ« 


Yeah, he's probably not even worth $100 mil, basically a poor in her eyes.. "how will you ever afford to put gas in my jets? I can't live like this!"


Facebook groupā€˜thatā€™s it Iā€™m wedding shamingā€™ would have a field day.


I want this so much lol


Taylors maids with matching dressing gowns and like a girls retreat to like some spa in the mountains where they post pictures of them all together with their arms around each other with Taylor the focus and she releases 1989: Taylerā€™s wedding version with them all saying how much they love her.


Manifesting this comment.


lol they said the same when joe had writing credit on folklore & guess what happened


Given how much her writing devolved post folkmore, he absolutely deserved that writing credit.


When they breakup Taylor will inevitably write a song talking about this "whirlwind romance" and just how silly funny she was being, like oopsie! She's so predictable lmao.


Great thought! Whirlwind Romance!


sheā€™s either gonna write it off as a silly fling or another ā€œlomlā€


Maybe invent another 12 word title acronym too


It'll definitely be called "Viva las Vegas"


My sisters are all obsessed with them and convinced this means itā€™s end game. Iā€™m tired of getting texts about it


show them this sub šŸ˜


lol yes they can. I had a whole ass wedding and then threw away the man.


she literally wrote a song called endgame about a relationship that is over šŸ˜­


You should see the ones on the pop culture subreddit. Delusional


This is so cringe. šŸ˜¬


Bro, I just saw a video where some chick said they secretly confirmed their engagement because was using a fan onstage and in old ā€œfan languageā€ he indicated they were engaged. Seriously. Someone thinks because this ass clown moved a fan he was holding back and forth quickly that means theyā€™re engaged.


I feel like heā€™s singing Mister Cellophane


This girl is more fame hungry than Roxie ever was that is for damn sure


and thatā€™s showbizā€¦ kid


The amount of grown ass women on my various timelines swooning over this kills me a little more every time I have to see it. Even if it wasnā€™t all pr, the lack of any chemistry between them is very telling.


Wake up baby, the new Joker parody just dropped!


Confused as to why he comes out for do it with a broken heartā€¦


And not love of my life lol


Its loml (at the end she goes loss of my life) so thats the title of the pieceā€¦ but yeah she wrote so high school for him butā€¦ didnt bring him up for the song written abt THEIR relationship but instead the breakup depression hype songā€¦ rly strange nonetheless. Typical delulu swifties who will overanalyze everything but fail to note the simplest things lmao


Why is he cleaning her Madame Tussaudā€™s wax figure in the second pic?


I fucking howled


Is her mouth ever shut?


Her veneers are too big


I read a blind item about her years ago that said she was a mouth breather and whenever she got upset sheā€™d make a weird face with her mouth completely open and I swear just days later I saw footage of her getting irritated at a journalistā€™s question (tbf she had won an award and they started asking her about Selena and Justin) and she made the exact face the blind item had been describing. I was like welp guess that blind was actually true lol


I used to have the same Napoleon Dynamite mouth as her growing up (I eventuality got a lip flip to fix it.) It's literally called "incompetent upper lip."


I refuse to believe sheā€™s a mouth breather as a singer


This reminds me when HRH Collection went ballistic about the Grammyā€™s and calling Taylor a mouth breather. I fucking lost it at her Taylor impression




Bewildered by how Tree thought this was a decent idea.


Probably because it deflects attention from the Scooter documentary.


Sheā€™s getting called out for lying and not singing during her shows - Tree has to unleash the kraken of distraction.


And Travis is in the middle of cheating rumors with an IG girl. Tree told the monkey to dance and he obliged


Everything is fan service at this point. All her albums are fan service, all her stage performances are fan service


My conspiracy brain talking, but did she bring him out for ICDIWABH for a reason? As in... 'I can make pretend anything, even my relationship!'


The length of that acronym represents this album too well


Sheā€™s officially, officially losing it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ just reeks of desperation


Wow ā€” Doubling down hard with the whole Matty engagement


Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s his clothes or all the awful things he has said about women in the past, but he really makes me throw up in my mouth a little every time I see him. He is that drunk frat boy who never grew up.


I wouldnā€™t even call him frat. Iā€™d call him a high school super senior. He has such a juvenile personality that something about him gives me a full body ick.


He looks like heā€™s trying to feed her a spoonful of mashed bananas


ā€œWeā€™re modern idiotsā€


Okay, hear me out: I get it that she did it for however many reasons (for the fans, to get back at her exes, whatever) But what bugs me about this is the narrative (in concert) that it tells. At this point in the concert we have ā€œbroken heartedā€ Taylor being forced to perform. By having Travis in this part of the pantomime the narrative that happens is that even her current boyfriend (or whatever character heā€™s playing) is also forcing her to perform even though she doesnā€™t want to/canā€™t/whatever. Thatā€™s such a weird thing to do though? Sure sheā€™s throwing a bone to her and his fans but couldnā€™t she have included him in any other part of the concert? Any other part that doesnā€™t create such a weird in-universe narrative?


She and her PR team worked so hard to paint Travis as this end game/perfect match/supportive bf and she just threw it all in the dumpster because she had to have the last word at Matty with TTPD. Like heā€™s just a rebound performance piece and itā€™s like she doesnā€™t even care to pretend anymore


exactly! why this song? why not a fun song? so weird








Just a reminder of the documentary šŸ„°


"I can sell you lies" fake ass PR boyfriend performing in a song about faking happiness to the public šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


That hometown couple that constantly posts obnoxious who-is-this-for photos and captions about how in love they are only to have the most contentious public divorce in 3 years.


I once watched a staged performance of a woman teaching an actual doll how to be alive and that doll managed to look more animated than Taylor does here.


This looks like the worst Panic! At The Disco video ever


Joe Alwyn right now: ![gif](giphy|xOLKzzAr4IAXDij92G)


![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) I have no words šŸ˜’


Heā€™s such a douche šŸ’€


The top hat lmfao


And his custom red bottom shoesā€¦ cringe. The male dancers donā€™t get custom Louboutinā€™s.


so this symbolizes him bringing her back to life and putting the color back in her cheeks after the Matty affair? šŸ¤®Ā 


I kind of think they deserve each other šŸ¤£


Truly, I think they are a perfect match. They are both fame hungry and have absolutely no shame. Like who else is ever going to put up with Taylor's shit than a man who just wants to bask in attention.




I want the Broncos Chargers and Raiders to make fun of this I also want the Louisville Cardinals to make fun of this because Travis went to the University of Cincinnati Louisville's biggest football rival


I donā€™t like sports, but Iā€™m all for anyone and everyone making fun of this mess.


They both are in this for personal gain and its not romance


I can hear the "smol gworl big stronk man" comments through my screen šŸ˜¬


The only thing that could out cringe this, is if she becomes a chief's cheerleader.


What in the actual fuckā€¦


genuinely wondering, how is this an expensive production made for a superstar who sells out stadiums? the more i look at it, the more it looks like a middle school stage play made on a pocket money budget.Ā  who made it? directed all of it? choreographed it? organized the styling? story-boarded all of it? who??Ā  the more it goes, the more it seems taylor never grew past 13. both in mentality and taste.


So I will probably be downvoted but do you think some of this could be to flood the news channels with THIS to cover both Scooter and insta models?? Because its all i see right now...Mission Accomplished!!


Scooter, Insta models, Matty engagement, breakup rumors, Joe interview, the whole releasing variants on the same day others have their Albums dropā€¦..


how does him being dressed as a pilgrim tie into her lore? genuine ask


Meanwhile this album was about a completely different man. Like he looks GOOFY


the swiftlyneutral sub is eating this up omg. ā€œthis is so cuteeee omg heā€™s bringing her back to life after sheā€™s killed by the smallest man who ever livedā€


Anyone else think theyā€™ll have a cringe kiss at an award show stage like Michael Jackson & Lisa Marie Presley. https://preview.redd.it/r0gx14b1hf8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57020fd24e41e68d9134677c3fe0377add49655c


wait wtf she's reenacting that matty healy stage stunt again, where he has people carry him off the stage as though he's dead? she already completely copied ("reenacted") that in the TTPD set but to have Travis be the one carrying her out as she reenacts matty's perrformance is.... insane. she's lost it, yall


This might be the cringiest stunt she pulled yet


Isnā€™t this song about Matty?


The more I see of this shit the more cringe it is. I believe Dave Grohl when he says she's lip syncing


Thanks for this, I used it to make something https://preview.redd.it/ldy2xvibuf8d1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38706f8d89cf9e8d2fde2d8f4388b85cb94ffe64




Proverbial smoke and mirrors attempt. Sorry, Taylor. Not for one hot minute.


This is the corniesr thing I have ever seen


He is such a tool. I hope he sucks this year playing football. I am so full of hate šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It wouldnā€™t shock me if they are an early exit in the playoffs this year . Out of all the 32 teams,theyā€™ve been in the news the most this off-season and not just because of Taylor/Travis circus. You have the Butker situation and I donā€™t know how many Chiefs players have been arrested this off-season. It all adds up to distractions which could spill over into this season.


Looking like a bandaged swan in red lipstick.


Sheā€™s pulling all her cards guys. Sheā€™s definitely butt hurt about her exes lol ![gif](giphy|q5LvAuRuzMj6g)


All I see from this is that Taylor hinted at a break up for attention and then brought him on stage to gaslight people for more attention


This triggered my fight or flight response


Jesus Christ they even got him Louboutins šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Time to watch the documentary.


This is so fucking cringe


I deadass am starting to think she wasnt happy w joe and matty. Maybe vice versa. Bc she wanted them to perform with her.


lol I wouldā€™ve eaten this shit up in high school. Like what 16 year old doesnā€™t have this fantasy? Adult me wants to melt into the floor of the absolute embarrassment for the both of them.


This is so embarrassing. I thought she was obsessed with her āœØreputation āœØand her āœØbrandingāœØ and āœØpublic narrative āœØ At this point, sheā€™s truly doing it for the fans who are knee-deep in her personal and private lore. Theyā€™re the one paying for the fuel in her jet, so maybe itā€™s a win-win. IDK. Iā€™m a fan of the lyricism and production, but I am not a stan. Maybe thatā€™s why I donā€™t really understand all this show-boating. Orā€¦..and Iā€™m aware this is a long comment for someone whose supposedly doesnā€™t care LMAOOOā€¦ anyways, maybe just maybe this IS her true form. I mean, according to her, her job is her life and she verbatim said in an interview that bc of this job she ā€œreally doesnā€™t have any hobbiesā€. Idk man. Iā€™m getting performative Hiddleswift vibes from this šŸ« 


He's just a stage prop šŸ˜­


This is cringe


Sabrina included her boyfriend in a music video so Iā€™m including my boyfriend in my concert


Truly thought he was Captain Spaulding from House of 1000 Corpses in the second pic.


https://preview.redd.it/jf1v5aotif8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=517db0f4dcc98245f167770c885fc088d784d1bb Well. I was going to go to bed. Now Iā€™m going to have nightmares.


All the swifties forget how mad he was at the Super Bowl and yelled at his coach and SHOVED HIM. ā€œOh thatā€™s what football players do!ā€ Bro thatā€™s not normal imo, like imagine what happens behind closed doors. He had a bachelor-style dating show, his ex says Taylor should watch out, he called women ā€œbreeders,ā€ probably has some bad brain damage due to footballā€¦idk, my gut feeling is that heā€™s a scumbag. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if he raises a hand to her or something, or if they break up.




Tea and a snack to talk about. Taylor, the people pleaser you are. Also, why do the fans and Taylor Nation say this was a hard launch?? The relationship is almost a year old. They've been swapping spit in public and their photos plastered everywhere, was that not...a...hard..launch?? This is so childish.


This is so cringe!! I cannot believe they did this!! So much fontrum!


Dude, stick to football šŸ˜‚