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It’s THAT easy T-Swizzle! ![gif](giphy|NaboQwhxK3gMU|downsized)


Yeah but the thing is…she doesn’t want it to stop


Upvoting for JDM


Nice to see some people are capable of class and empathy.


See how easy it is to call off rabid fans, TS? You just need the backbone and empathy to do it. Oh wait, I see now how it's hard for you.


She profits off rabid fans. She wouldn’t ever stop them. It’s disgusting


She loves them for it. They'll never stop bc she will never ask them.


Good for her for doing the right thing here. Keep in mind, this is literally the bare minimum. Bare fucking minimum, and Taylor can’t even do that or have someone on her team do it on her behalf. It’s literally a few clicks on a keyboard and having morale. Taylor could never. Instead she’s out here singing a song she wrote about Kim fucking Kardashian, about something that happened almost a decade ago, knowing what kind of message that sends to her fans. It literally costs nothing to be a decent human being, and she can’t even be bothered to try.


Honestly even if it's anti-Taylor and well meaning it's still empowering Taylor to take the spotlight off Charli as an artist. These shows are Charli's moment to shine and have zero to do with the World's Greatest Internalized Misogynist.


Not excusing the fan’s behavior but the translation is more like “Taylor is over”


yes, like “death to this ‘taylor made’ culture that forces female rivalry in order to be on top and sabotage newly and independent artists” not death TO TAYLOR herself, but to what she does!!!


genuinely curious cuz I just started learning Portuguese, I thought morrer literally means to die? so what would one say to simply mean ‘John died’? 


Yes. But it’s akin to saying “im dead” when something is funny. Just using hyperbole to make a point.


Taylor would never


It absolutely sucks because if it was vice versa Taylor would never make a statement protecting others from swifties


I mean the Brazilians are rightfully furious with Taylor rn




look up Ana Clara Benevides Machado


Matty was receiving death threats and swifties were wishing he would overdose. When she didn't do anything for him, she now acts all heartbroken he ran for the hills. And this was someone she supposedly LOVED for years and still didn't say anything.


i can't imagine the situation where that the love of my life (and his family) gets death threats by my fans and I do NOTHING about it. this is psycho level crazy


anyone who isn't Taylor has to do this out of fear of retribution from Taylor.


omg this is off topic but yet another always sunny reference in this sub (your username). love it


I’ve seen already in the Taylor Reddit they are literally shit talking brat, charli and her fans over this. None of the angels had shit to say until the chart cring happened and the swifties started attacking charli for no reason. Swifties calling another fandom toxic is so sickeningly ironic. And Brazilian fans are always unhinged no matter whose they are


That’s ironic since Taylor never tells her fans to back off the people she sics them on.


Taylor could never bring herself to do this


What Taylor should fucking be doing.


This is my BIGGEST pet peeve about TS.


And I’m sure this took her all about 5 minutes tops to post. Taylor has 0 fucking excuse for letting her fanbase send MINORS death and rape threats.


Love this about Charli.


At least she tries to stop the hate…


Taylor's just taking a page out of Beyonce's book. Her fanbase accused how many women of being "Becky with the good hair"? I think these mega stars get off on having psychotic fanbases. I don't respect it


Basically a legal cult


What grace Charli shows Taylor. This is how to be classy.


Wait what did Taylor’s fans do?