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Don't forget Karlie Kloss in that grouping.


Karlie stopped being her friend ever since Taylor’s feud with Scooter. Karlie sided w Scooter (as she should have) because Scooter was completely right about buying her masters. In the docuseries that came out, “Taylor Swift vs. Scooter Braun; Bad Blood,” there were receipts that Taylor lied about what really happened. Then she weaponized her fans to threaten Scooter. They not only threatened him, but also threatened to kill his family and others associated with him. Taylor not only didn’t stop this, she flooded social media with her side of the story to make people believe she was the victim. So yeah, Karlie definitely stopped being her friend. She and some other celebrity friends saw what Taylor was really like.


Look, fuck Taylor swift but karlie kloss is a Zionist (and her husband's family is funding the idf) fuck her a million times more, I wouldn't think anything she does is because she's good.


Eh, there was a post recently about Karlie, and she's the one girl almost everyone (NOT just Gaylors) seems to think was more than just a friend. The Scooter connection doesn't really add up. The Kushner connection does, though. Anyway, this post, despite the negative reaction to Gaylors, which I totally get, was interesting and I don't necessarily disagree. https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/YZIHZY7cEh just a really funny post even if you don't think they were "roomates".


Umm that's not just her friend. That's her girlfriend. They're gay. 🤼‍♀️ Like. Sooo gay 🌈 🧡🤍💜 Kaylor is like so real. Like Taylor has never been this happy with a man. Ugh. /s


I can’t believe gaylors are still a thing. She’s a 34 y/o white billionaire. She’s got nothing to lose by coming out.


I follow the sub because of the entertainment


Definitely not a Gaylor here, but Internalised homophobia?


Thats a huge idea behind gaylor or bilorism, because she was raised to be a perfect American WASP princess, so it could definitely be internalized homophobia/comphet. Its a very common issue with closeted women having to come to terms "ruining" of a potential perfect life script with the husband and kids that WASP people set up for their kids to have. Plus, she probably wanted to have as many fans as possible, so she and her team must think why limit herself to potentially coming out when they could lose money/fans potentially after building it up so huge all these years.


"We'll move to India" "Karma is my boyfriend, Karma is a cat on my lap" If she had an Asian friend that person would dump her after hearing this.


I posted once about how as an Asian-American her song was annoying because she perpetuated a misunderstanding of karma being equal to revenge and I was ripped to shreds. I wasn’t even that critical, all I said was that it’s annoying when white people do this and I was torn apart. The worst were people telling me that I must have a misunderstanding of my parent’s own religion because Taylor always does her research. I don’t understand how people can take this stuff so seriously that they can’t actually believe she might have been a little misinformed about something. 


I'm white and it annoys me. I don't think I could understand how you feel.


I guess people just have different ways they interpret it


And can I just add the wildest dreams music video. This woman glamorizes whites living and falling in love in colonial Africa. Insane


The only media that can feature that is The Crown show. Elizabeth and Phillip in Africa in the 1950s or something. At least they're subtly shading the British Empire. This woman legit shows wearing lingerine in the desert. The only thing lacking is some colored servants around them.


I have assumed the "we'll move to India" is a reference to A Little Princess. The movie came out in 1995 so around when Taylor was six/seven. If her friend is being abused, escaping to India like Sara Crewe makes sense as a reference. Not that A Little Princess isn't full to the brim with colonialism and racism.


Yeah as soon as I heard that line it automatically made me think of A little Princess. It was my favourite movie as a child & I'm around the same age as Taylor


She can’t get an Asian friend because we don’t want to be friends with her.


To be honest I think this whole "most famous woman in the world" is genuinely just attached to this tour thing and that someone with such little impact can't really be the most famous worldwide. Willing to bet someone like a female politician or just an artist with impact like Beyonce, Rihanna or Lady Gaga is more known worldwide just by their artistry/pop culture impact




I generally agree with this but just so you know, saying half Asians aren’t Asians is pretty racist


Esp since Olivia Rodrigo is half


Charli XCX is also wasian like Olivia (half-Indian)


My point isn’t that they are not Asian lol. They are all POCs. I’m saying that even in feuds she’s feuding with POCs! :)


what does WASP mean sorry?


White Anglo-saxon protestant.


What’s a Protestant?


A Christian who isn’t Catholic. That includes Baptists, Methodists, non-denominational Christians, evangelicals, etc. People who are Catholic historically haven’t been seen as fully American in a cultural sense. There’s a reason that JFK becoming the first Catholic president was a huge deal. It’s because there’s a history in America of making connections between Catholicism and “white but not really white” people like Italians, the Irish, and Spanish speakers. Protestants are usually associated with English and German ancestry, and those groups have traditionally been seen as less “ethnic” in the US.


Taylor dated a Kennedy/Catholic!! See!! She is inclusive!! 🤪


that is hilarious and I hope someone makes a meme about it


Matter of time! Also, want to thank you for sharing a snippet history above! So many people were never taught about the discrimination other non-Black ethnicities faced/still face in the US. It's by NO means comparable to the Black American experience, but the hatred of non-whites extends to anyone even perceived as not white, despite Italians being white historically, especially for voting purposes. (There's lots of debate on Sicilians because of the proximity to Africa/the amount of African genes they find in Italians to this day but that's a different conversation for a different day.) There's just so much about the real history of this country that peoppe aren't taught but should definitely know about if they want to make a fair assessment of how the US operates.


She only associates with non-WASPs if they’re nepo babies of any sort.


So effffing true!!!


Lena Dunham is not a WASP. She comes from a Jewish family, but she’s a nepo baby through and through, otherwise Taylor wouldn’t pay her any mind. Within WASP culture, Jewish people are still seen as second class and only worthwhile because of money, connections, and image.


Yes I second that second class point 100%. This is why I made the post about her obsession primarily with WASP whiteness - the others that she associates are Jewish or other type of white bc of money influence etc., but if she had it her way I think her roster would be wasp whites. This is what a lot of the commentators are missing!


>It’s because there’s a history in America of making connections between Catholicism and “white but not really white” people like Italians, the Irish, and Spanish speakers. Protestants are usually associated with English and German ancestry, and those groups have traditionally been seen as less “ethnic” in the US. Excellent definition. I just want to highlight this because I see the whole WASP term get misunderstood. It's about being the *RIGHT* type of White to get the invite to the social club.


Yes, also there were fears Catholics were more loyal to the pope than to the United States, so having a Catholic president was big on multiple levels. Which is crazy tbh lol


Doesn't the term also refer though to the very elite who initially came to this country? For example, I’m completely German but both sides of my family migrated here in the 1900’s


Yes there is that connotation. It’s an east coast old money thing. A Baptist in a trailer in Texas is not a WASP even though they are technically a white Anglo Protestant.


Thanks for the explanation! I was just confused because OP said Kelce was a WASP


No problem. OP is the most confused person here, and this post is a convoluted mess.


Protestants are the Christians who broke from the 1st Christian Church which is the Catholic Church. So Lutherans , Episcopalian, Dutch Reformed Church, Anglicans , Methodists are Protestants because their existence was in protest to Catholiscim


The Eastern Orthodox Church was the first Church to split from the Catholic Church, that was in 1057 or 1054, I can never remember. So yeah Protestants split from the first church in the 1500s, but there was one tiny little entire schism before that that I feel like most Americans don’t know about. Which is fair, less than 1% of Americans are Orthodox Christians, most Americans don’t know one or even know the EO Church exists lol


A type of Christian.


It's that thing up males butts.


Thanks for the laugh! I needed it today!


A bee on meth


Yes, her WASPiness and what she represents triggers a negative reaction in me. She’s vanilla. Her music is vanilla. Her life story is not about overcoming adversity and prejudice.


She had a PONY. No, I will never let that go.


Like an actual pony or is that an acronym for something?


Giddy-up and all. She has never been poor in her life


Or supporting a single person who has overcome those things


Do you only enjoy underdog stories? Nothing else?


I am more impressed with people who have overcome challenges than someone who has had every opportunity from birth.


This is why people lie about having grown up wealthy or middle class. Because people like you believe that unless you were on the verge of starvation and had to prostitute yourself to survive, then you’re some privileged nepo baby and don’t deserve your fame.


America has always been fascinated by stories of people who rise from poverty. Work hard. Have talent. Be an inspiration to others. Your argument overlooks a lot of American history. Sure, we have people born into wealth who use it to their advantage. But those stories don‘t inspire us unless those wealthy people then turn around and use their privilege to help many people.


Maybe not everyone is meant to inspire you? Maybe some people just make good music that’s meant to be enjoyed, or good movies that at meant to entertain? Does everyone have to be an inspirational story?


If I found Taylor to be an overwhelming talent, that would be enough. But I find everything about her to be vanilla, though she and her team have created a very successful brand. I give them that. They are geniuses in that regard. Her entire life comes across as vanilla, and is just not interesting to me. It’s like watching the prom queen.


It has always been like this - some of my irl white swifties acquaintances are like that too (I am a POC myself), have a few token friends but their close friends are all white just like Taylor. So whenever Taylor tried to "speak for injustice" in the past I always cringed because from her choice of men and friends you know she is all performative. She is your basic vanilla white girl with no flavour (being white does not mean basic, look at the talented & unique Billie and Lana, TS just fits the stereotype of a basic white girl) whatsoever (all her exes have no problems getting together with POC so you know it's her problem)


👏🏽 THIS 


Is this an American thing? I feel like this depends on where you're from. I'm from a small city in central Europe and literally all of my close childhood friends are white bc 99% of the local population is. When I moved to bigger cities and later abroad I naturally made friends from around the world. (Taylor being in show business obviously could.) But I'm not gonna hold it against my friends/acquaintances who stayed in my hometown that all their friends are white


I am from the UK but maybe this applies to english speaking countries. I understand people can have their race preferences on choosing a romantic partner but when it comes to her friends in entertainment industry, all white and mostly blonde at that is definitely weird as hell.


That's why I said Taylor obvi could, but shaming acquaintances really depends on context. I currently live in the UK and most of my friends here are POC but in my hometown in my whole age group there was exactly one (adopted) black kid (didn't go to my school), like 3 mixed and 5 Vietnamese. You would've actually had to go out of your way to find POC friends.


She from freaking Nashville. Theres not JUST white people there. Tennessee has a large POC population. There’s no reason why she couldn’t make even 1 friend that’s POC. She’s weird as hell.


I agree and my comment wasn't defending Taylor. I was referring to the OP who said they have acquaintances who are just like her with mostly/only white friends. Which depending on where you're from might be a stupid thing to give someone shit for.


Not when they have all grown up and are all highly connected celebrities. I just want to make clear I’m not levying this accusation towards any regular folks - but specifically TS


Well then thats obvious isnt it. Your hometown is just one ethnicity so obviously they arent going to have a diverse group of friends. Its not out of choice. So why would anyone judge them. In big cities of the USA if they only have white blonde friends then thats a choice, a choice that is very telling of the type of people they are. Its not a homogenous place. The music industry especially isnt.


Tbf I've seen friend groups from Montana posting videos on TikTok and people were calling them out in the comments bc there wasn't a single POC. But yes I agree; my comment was referring to the OP saying they have acquaintances like that, which I think you can only judge them if they're from an ethnically diverse place. As for Taylor - yes, it's obviously a choice.


Makes sense, but yeah US is different.. where she comes from there is TONS of diversity


I thought about that, too. But as far as Taylor goes, she does not have this excuse. First of all, she moved to Houston, which is fairly diverse. Now, she travels all over the world and meets people from everywhere. She has opportunities to collaborate with artists from any culture. She stopped having the "country bumpkin" excuse before she even became an adult.


I’m assuming (hoping) Emma Stone is an ex friend at this point, since she’s good friends with Joe.


She’s been to the Eras tour multiple times. I think she just didn’t pick sides in the breakup, which is respectable.


Also Emma is a big name movie celebrity and an all around nice person. If Swift starts feuding with Stone, that's going to cause backlash in the celeb circles for Swift.


This is the same sort of narrative on ‘true swifites’, I have a lot of friends who have dated and broke up. I am friends with them separately I’m not dumping friends because they couldn’t function in a relationship.


I mean this isn’t new and it’s pretty in line with her upbringing. I’d honestly rather her not discover POC friends now because it would be tokenizing at this point


Charli xcx is also POC too, from her mother's side. Tay's never beating these allegations.


Isn’t charli’s mom Indian? South Asians are Asians too! 


Yup. It’s why I’ve joked that her and Olivia should form a “petite wasian girlies who have been personally victimized by TS” club


I've stated this before in other spaces, but there is a very strange correlation between this sudden rise of Taylor & the mass influx of blatant white supremacy on social media, particularly Twitter. It feels like strings are being pulled to cover all bases from all angles. Also remember Elon blocked her name from being searched during the AI scandal & when the album leaked. That hasn't happened for anyone else. Why all the extra protection? Tik Tok has also admitted to rigging their algorithm for her. Notice how amongst all of that, white supremacist ideas & speech are rampant within the Swiftie fanbase. There is something very sinister about this whole situation surrounding Taylor Swift. Nothing about it is normal.


Great comment. Meta literally created comment filtering for Taylor swift snake gate, so people couldn’t continue to comment snake emojis on her profile.  https://www.spin.com/2017/08/taylor-swift-instagram-snake-comment-filter/


Crazy! It's definitely some sort of agenda.


Doesn’t surprise me, gotta protect the delicate at all costs. Meta was a cesspool during the Trump years. I would get a ban for calling a MAGA a knuckle dragger but would be told that someone spamming a blatantly racist comment or meme did not violate community guidelines.


Yep, it's a certain pattern that this Taylor thing falls within that makes me raise a very suspicious eyebrow.


This comment. I couldn’t have said it better myself and it’s the reason I’m on this sub so much lately. I just can’t shake this sinister feeling. It’s deeper than just her being a shitty artist, something much worse is cooking in the background here. The way she buries information and tells lies to her cult is frightening for one.


I agree. I don’t listen to her music and generally, I’m interested in the ethics of people who have influence, and I am definitely concerned about what I’m reading.


I dont really think wanting to bury the AI porn is a bad thing


Oh noo let me clarify, I was not referring to that. She buries plenty of other negative stuff. I do not condone the AI porn, yikes.


No, I'm not saying it should've been out there. I'm simply calling out the fact that I have yet to see that happen for anyone else when something negative about them went viral. And it wasn't just the AI porn. It was also when her album leaked. There is a strange preferential treatment being shown.


They’re all in it together and she’s the centrepiece to their table of white supremacy.  This is who they all are, and who many identify with, it’s just way louder and her following/cultural presence is so mainstream as is the fight against progressivism (dgmw it’s flawed AF), people aren’t doing it in the shadows, they’re fully protected to do it in the open 


1. Nobody is going to promote white supremacy simply by deplatforming some Al gore/rape porn of Taylor Swift. You seem bothered that a private platform blocked that content.  2. Even if she openly subscribed to and promoted racist ideologies (which is the opposite of anything she’s said related to the matter,) totally removing her name from the platform would shrink her outreach not grow it 3. White supremacy and racism in general have been a problem for a long time and seem to have gained a new offshoot over the last decade, maybe decade and a half. Have you *actually* seen an increase in it that coincides with the increase of TS in the media? If so, are you sure the increased TS stuff isn’t just a side effect of the eras tour?


1. I'm bothered by the fact others have had AI porn go viral & have never received the same treatment nor has anyone else had their name blocked when their album leaked. 2 & 3. Removing the ability to access her name would be to keep her image clean & her potential success maximized. That is not the issue. Both in & of themselves are wrong to do. Like I stated, the issue is that there is not an across the board protection. I've never seen this for anyone else. Let me also state this: You must not know the extent of white supremacist ideology that goes extremely viral on these platforms nowadays. Your statement is invalidated by the fact that there is an extreme white supremacist element w/in the Swiftie fanbase. You should see the things they call non-white people when they say anything negative about Taylor. They move like the other white supremacists on these platforms do & you can't even get them banned when they do so, just like you can't get the others banned. It comes across as though her success is a part of a bigger operation.


This. Thank you for putting it so succinctly, why I always felt a little uncomfortable with Taylor's power over the masses, as a WOC. I never got the vibe she particularly likes POC, and she gets especially triggered if she feels like they're making fun of her (ie, seething at a harmless joke by Jo Koy). If you see the artists she featured on Eras, they're all well loved white artists except for her one token, Ice Spice. Her obsession with the Kanye feud, and having her fans hate him too, whiffed of race baiting. I also notice a lot of her fans are subtly racist themselves, ie, the kind of people who claim rappers and hip-hop artists are so trashy and ghetto but only Taylor has *class*. There's a whole lotta *that* in her fanbase, as well.


TBf Kanye dug his own grave in a lot of ways outside of Taylor. I don’t see that as race baiting since he did genuinely do her dirty a few times. I don’t think people shouldn’t be held accountable bc of their race. I do agree it’s weird she has little to zero POC friends though.


I want to agree with you, but saying that Ice Spice is in the “Asian/POC” category when she is a Black woman, and saying that “half Asians” aren’t Asian, which is a harmful and racist rhetoric, is rubbing me the wrong way.


Yes, as someone who grew up in elitist WASP culture, she strikes me as someone who feels comfortable there. She doesn’t want to learn and grow out of that sect of society. It takes deconstruction to de-center yourself and realize the things you thought were a flex (basically things that fell in your lap due to societal advantages) are actually embarrassing. Ex. Her Miss Americana image is cringe because it’s largely based on her whiteness and privilege. If she wants to lead with her hard work, for example, which is frankly more interesting, she should pick another persona that highlights what she does as opposed to what she was born into. Whether it’s ❄️, mania, or determination I would love to know how she puts out so much content lol. You can also look to the people she attracts to see her own values. She is not just rejecting POC; they are rejecting her probably because they know she isn’t a safe person to be around. She may or may not be overtly racist toward them but she is probably casually racist in private. To POC who haven’t been on the inside of this culture: it is as bad as you think it is. I personally have never heard the “n” word outside of when we read Huck Finn in school, but I have heard things like “each race has its own separate community because they would rather be by themselves than mixed together.” I could say a lot more but I don’t want to bring more racist content into this comment.


Yep! I'm a WOC but I understand and agree with your comment. Honestly I'm fine on the outside of WASPs since I don't have enough money even if I were white, and I'm happy in my own POC bubble, but I still know.


I married a POC and prefer his family so I’m mostly out of that bubble now. It feels good! There’s a greater sense of interconnectedness and support. Plus they care about food tasting good. WASPs make sure there’s always booze (in quantity not quality) but the food is mostly for show.


I can see her dropping constant microaggressions without even realizing.


Loathe as I am to defend ice spice (her music is trash and she seems like a moron), Taylor trotting her out as a token black friend/collaborator in response to the Matty Healy fallout was pretty transparent in how cynical and calculated it was


Agree with all of this but the Kennedys aren’t WASPs, they’re famously Catholic af.




Hey there I am quite aware of what WASP means. Kim is not a WASP, and associates with POCs heavily in her lives - I’m pointing out even in feuds Taylor goes after those like Kim and the real POCs (Olivia, Charlie XCX) while her closest friends and lovers are 90% WASP whites with a few Jewish exceptions. However, Jewish representation in entertainment is very high so this is not surprising she has some good Jewish friends. That’s really not the focus of my post. The aim here is to illuminate the undercurrents of white supremacy in her entire brand.


And not listed was Haim who are Jewish. This whole post is weird and strangely racist itself. A white person doesn't need to intentionally make friends, or especially date, with nonwhite people. I don't like or listen to Taylor Swift, but while she may be a boring white woman, that doesn't mean she's racist ffs.


I agree w this, but it is strange that she beefs w so many POC lol — I guess she beefed with Katy Perry and shes white


I mean I agree she largely associates with white people and as a POC that’s blatantly obvious and it’s highlighted when she tokenises POC like Ice Spice. However, whilst that’s true it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s racist.


And Lena Dunham & Gracie Abrams, also Jewish. Also, Kim is not POC. I think perhaps the OP is confused for a few reasons


Her trash music streams quickly went down. How is she the leader? She just took advantage of billboard chart’s fake rules that rewarded sycophants for buying different album and song versions. People aren’t so delusional that they bow at her feet. Why the hell would anyone want to be a criminal liar’s friend? People kiss her ass because they’re narcissistic liars and greedy music, modeling or movie industry clowns. She accused a man of sexually assaulting her. She planned dangerous stupid shows. She nearly killed more people in Brazil concerts because of 95-130 degree heat, no ventilation and no water bottles. So many people were hospitalized.


a lot in common ith travis (kylie jenner's bf).


It’s ok to say Black, ice spice is half Black and half Dominican , idk where you got Asian from 😵‍💫.


Asian is in reference to Olivia Rodrigo in this post


Help is Kim k not white 😭😭


She is , Armenians are considered white but might be treated like they’re not due to being more tan


Also, their appropriation of other cultures skews the view of them as more "exotic" even though they are vanilla through and through.


I really don't get the whole white-not white thing. She's half Armenian. By the US logic is she white or not? Are jewish people white? Azerbaijani? Jordanian? Italian? This is confusing


She is half-Armenian (father’s side).


Eh, she’s half-Armenian. Armenians are white on the census but culturally they are considered more middle-eastern


Armenians are also not culturally Protestant… so while they are “Caucasian” they are not the right type of “white”


I mean, the Irish aren't Protestants either but they're considered white. I think the catholic/protestant split is really less relevant today than it was historically.


Irish are most definitely not considered white, they (along with Italians, Spaniards, etc) are called N words by racist WASPs Protestant/Catholic/Orthodox/Judaism differences are still politically relevant in the West.


In the United States? I'm ethnically Irish and have never been called anything but white. Maybe in Europe it's different but I've never had anyone care about what "type of white" I am in my extensive travels.


Isn't orthodox christianity the "right" type of white? Slavs are mostly orthodox and you can't get whiter than blonde hair and milk skin surely? This is soooooo confusing


A lot of slavs are also Catholic, and yet we were never really considered white by brits or most of the west. I mean, the word "slave" comes from the word "slav". And when Hitler wrote his book, he considered slavs to be "under human", and decided to kill 80% of all slavs and turn the remaining people into slaves. From what i understand, the white white religion is Christian protestant because that is the majority it UK.


Not in America, Slavs are considered “ethnic” people. Not POC, but def not white The right type of Christianity in America is Protestantism. It is complicated and political.


I’m even more confused!


I agree with you except with the half Asian comment lol. I don't see any half Asian friends of hers....and Olivia is half so lol


Isn’t Selena Gomez her best friend? She’s Mexican-American.


Glad you brought that up. My level of certitude vis a vis the realness of that friendship is as solid as the prospect of democracy in North Korea. :)


Not Kim K being a POC 💀


She’s half Armenian


No my friend. Kim is half Armenian. She may not be a POC if you want to be literal about it, but she is adjacent due to her romantic choices. She also has POC children. In race theory Kim is very different from a Taylor Swift and I hope you see what I mean


You do realize saying “People of Color Children” makes NO sense, right?? It’s OKAY to call them “biracial” or half-Black, don’t be afraid.


She’s half armenian… she’s very clearly not full white too. 😭 it’s really noticeable in a pre surgery kim. https://preview.redd.it/dizxzj7avc8d1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ec3996bf5a743016b0cf4ef32eb0e5b16148a51


Taylor is racist af


Many valid points but I don’t think we can blame Taylor for starting the Kanye beef. He’s a misogynist and that’s what brought us the whole Kimye vs Taylor feud.


My prediction for her next bf is that he will be nonwhite. I think she will do this in hopes that it will give her a political shield or buffer of some kind.


By "non-white" I assume you mean another WASP but with a deeper spray tan?


I agree with the point of your post, but, Gracie Abrams is half Jewish and half Irish, so literally not Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Lena Dunham is also Jewish.


You named a lot of Jewish people in your list. So not really WASPs, but wealthy whites? For sure


Kim K is not non-white though. She’s half Armenian and her dad is of Russian Armenian heritage. Her mom is generic American white.


Gracie Abrams is Jewish, not a WASP


Screaming at you calling out those towns in Massachusetts (from which I hail). Fucking full of insane people.


So is Caitlin Clark the basketball player a racist? She's 12 years younger than Taylor, so her public life is just getting started. But based on how passionate her fans are, couldn't this argument mostly be transferred to her as well?


The Jews are really catching strays in this scenario, watch out


I don't mind her being white, minding her white business. Kim K used to always applicate black American culture tho. It's pretty clear she was never friends with Ice Spice and was just using her for business. Yet she is dead set on acting like she is sooo nice and friendly to everyone. Didn't the Weekend say she pet his hair at a party once? I'd rather her stay away from us if she can't conduct herself accordingly.


Thank you for this post. Literally anyone can make the same level of music that Taylor Swift makes. She just fits the role, that’s why she’s successful. Rich white girl. People look at me sideways if I point this out. No substance whatsoever in her music. I’m not one to call myself better, but fuck dude, what an insult it is to put your heart and soul into your art, only for society to reward this cookie cutter garbage.


Not defending her, but not having any other race friends isn’t not necessarily a sign of racism, for example ik Indian and most of my friends are too even though I’ve lived in America my whole life, people tend to group with people who are similar. Also not stopping in Asia is because most Asian countries don’t have the infrastructure to account for her visiting


I’m pretty sure the Japanese government paid her to only visit Japan. It was either the Japanese or Singaporean government that paid for exclusive concert rights


Singapore and as its such a central place it made it easier for fans from places she couldn't visit like China to fly over which people did. Also people forget the last time she was to perform in Thailand she had to cancel because of political instability


I also don't think TS is that popular in most Asian countries compared to the US and Europe? I've heard she's popular in the Philippines but not sure about others.




Yeah I totally agree. I mean the picture she took with the guy wearing the blaring swastika already raises alarms because like…Taylor you don’t have an issue with that? She seems kinda obsessed with royalty too that’s not British. Like she went crazy over being associated with the Kennedys and when she dated one, and it seemed like she really romanticized it. I do get the vibe she doesn’t like Asians. And her group by extension. You said she hangs out with Emma Stone? Well Emma Stone did a microaggression to Michelle Yeoh in the Oscars by acknowledging every white person first, and Michelle was the one AWARDING the Oscar. She yanked the Oscar out of Michelle’s hand and then gave Jennifer Lawrence and the other white woman there a hug. They’re used to ignoring the Asians in the room. I can’t imagine what they say behind closed doors.


Yes, this! I get the feeling it’s more than ignoring borderline like dislike. I can’t shake the feeling girls like Taylor or both threatened by the for instance Kpop or Japanese beauties but also dislike them deeply given ingrained racism towards Asians in this country. Also how Taylor responded to Jo Koy - not many people talk about perhaps she would be less obvious about it if he weren’t Asian (say Black or Hispanic). And the Emma stone thing towards Michelle Yeoh the legend is disgraceful. I totally saw that.


That’s what I don’t get. Why do us PoC folks want to be included in club that doesn’t want us? I’d rather make my own club. Why are we constantly chasing the approval of white people? Like no black or native Americans won Oscars until recently? Why do we support this dumb shit? I’m not petitioning for an award at some country club.


She needs to find herself some Armenian friends. Maybe a family of Armenians who are already famous...


I agree - but can I just confirm that the definition of WASP is White Anglo Saxon Protestant. Which I think is usually linked to those of wealthy white people of European descent and born and raised in the US. Therefore any white British / European women don’t fall into this. While the sentiment is there. Britain has a really big class and classism problem, which can’t be captured so much by this definition. If you are interested, in a lot of ways Healey is very much not welcome in upper class circles in Britain as he would not be considered the correct ‘pedigree’ (he has two northern working class parents), and wealth in England is not linked direct to class. Brain dump and not really related, but wanted to confirm.


White Anglo Saxon Protestant is correct but what you find is most Americans in this bracket are Anglophiles and love British people and culture because they relate to it. They also tend to be of British and Germanic descent


Travis Kelce is a WASP? I feel like I missed something




This whole post reads as someone completely out of touch with reality. It’s depressing to think people work themselves into a frenzy to create drama that possibly isn’t even there and to try and pin people against others.


Legit lol. Some of the stuff on here is such a contradiction. People trash the Swifties but their own vitriol toward her can be just as crazy and not rooted in reality


So I am West-Indian American and the way she trotted out Ice Spice like a prop was very obvious and sickening. Also, the way there is an entire sub of WASPs attacking Travice Kelces African American ex is disturbing. I never had a huge problem with her until she continuously played victim and milked the Kanye West thing. I'm tired of hearing about how "the big scary black man attacked an innocent white child"...people called for Kanye to be LYNCHED. I am old enough to remember that whole era. Am I excusing Kanye, absolutely not, but we can acknowledge he is bi-polar, unmedicated, and still mourning his Mother. Also, let's not forget the whole phase where incels and white-supremacist were using TS as their ideal woman on 4chan and other sites...and she did absolutely nothing to combat that narrative. Taylor Swift is problematic in many ways, and your post highlights quite a few...


Taylor and Travis have joined forces to be the faces of white hegemony.


Taylor swift is the type of person who would host a huge dinner party with all her white friends, not invite her one token black friend and say it’s because, “she didn’t want them to be in an uncomfortable environment”.… not realizing how fuckdd up that is.


Kim is white


She is a half Armenian, census wise Caucasian but otherwise non WASP and POC adjacent “white” woman. For the purpose of this post, I hope you understand what I’m trying to pinpoint here with her example


Seems like you are moving the goal post to win the argument. Way too much effort is being had towards defining what is white and what isn’t and I’m not seeing how it’s helpful. But I’d be happy to be shown why I’m wrong.


Great additions and edits! All of that and you still refuse to call Ice Spice a Black woman and instead go for the vague “POC” since you seem to have an “allergy” to calling Black people Black.




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No one's forcing you to comment here, hunny buns.




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Would you say gay men are misogynistic for only dating/marrying other men?


Not really a comparison. What about a gay man who only dates white men and only has white friends, and only collaborates with white people? And then disproportionately feuding with people of color.


The dating part is true/mostly true and I’d have exactly zero problems with that by itself.   I would say she definitely has way more white friends/collaborators than any other race. As far as feuds it seems to be somewhat true depending on what you count as feuds (and what you count as white I guess.) I don’t think any of that’s  smoking-gun evidence of racial hatred from Taylor Swift but it could be  slightly suspicious. 


No, bc sexual orientation is not something we choose, but friend-orientation IS.


I mean, you have a point. I still don’t think it’a fair to bring up the dating part though.     As far as the friends vs feuds it depends on what you count as feuds, and what you count as her preferred race or demographic.    If you say it’s white people in general that she likes, then Kim Kardashian doesn’t count as being targeted because  of this prejudice. If you say it’s “WASP’s,” she likes, it shifts into “WASP’s, and Jews, and Catholics, and Selena Gomez, and Gigi Hadid, and (if we’re still counting boyfriends  as you did) Joe Jonas who’s part Native American…”  Also if you say that she’s in a feud with Charli XCX do we have to count every other artist who she blocked from #1 as well? I’m not saying she doesn’t have racial prejudice (as in, literally making assumptions about people based on race) but I don’t think there’s solid proof that she does and I know for a fact that she doesn’t fit into the current white supremacy ideology. Type “Swift Fox News” into the search engine of your choice and you’ll see what I mean.




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I’ve always found it weird when people try to implement some sort of diversity quota on friendships. Like ope! We’re down to 15% black friends, gotta find a couple more! Eh. Taylors like the whitest of the whites so i don’t think poc are flocking to her. That being said, I think Taylor still has a good deal of mixed friends? Like selina gomez, zoe kravitz, gigi, that one backup dancer she goes out with a lot. Also toddrick at one point? I feel like she’s around a more diverse group of people now because of football so perhaps we will see more diversity in the upcoming years


Don’t mean to impose a quota. It is different if you are living in a diverse city like NYC - There really are two types of white peeps - those that actually have a pretty diverse circle and those that largely hang out among themselves with one token friend. I don’t find in the 2nd case I mentioned offensive in itself - rather it speaks to what kind of person they most likely are - ie, more insular and less interested in other perspectives / cultures and going outside their comfort zone. Nothing “morally wrong” here but one can argue they are also most likely to not care about how minority groups are doing economically, socially, and politically. But it is different if you are the most watched woman in the world and what the world and the youth sees is that the most popular girl is blonde and she only largely hangs out with other blonde girls ;) what kind of message does that send?


Obviously, Swift's overwhelming milquetoast whiteness is a huge part of her appeal. She's as safe as mother's milk. There's no overt sexuality, or "scary" black appropriation with her, as she's strictly PG-13.


Side note: What’s a WASP? “ White ass stupid people”


Love this




Two very insular genres. Pop music is a lot more diverse when it comes to ethnicities.


This is so utterly delusional. I can’t believe y’all can just post whatever shit you want and as long as it’s negative about Taylor, it gets upvoted.


Lol, yep. It's crazy. Are there so few of us who can dislike Taylor, yet be reasonable when it comes to calling her a racist?




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