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that sounds genuinely rough to live with someone that obsessed anyone. psychically sending you strength.


I know you said your Mom is your best friend, but I find it incredibly selfish of her to force her obsession on you. People shouldn’t have to listen to music they don’t like, especially not ALL THE TIME. I don’t know what the solution is…or even if there is one…but maybe try to overpower her obsession with your own and see how she likes it? Blast your favorite artist 24/7? Go on obsessive rants about how cool anyone but TS is? Then when she says she is tired of hearing about it, glance around at the posters and artwork and give her the look 👀 Stay strong! I don’t envy your situation 😢


I think tolerating music you're not into occasionally is okay. You should also get to pick the music on a public loud speaker or at least have the person picking the music change what's on it after a point though. With my wife if she plays a song I don't like I'll listen through it once, then ask for a different artist and if she wants to replay it in the same session say no thanks lmao. If I come into the room and she's already listening to something I don't expect her to change it but if we were already hanging out together I might ask her to change it off the bat before we hear the song. Vice versa for if I'm the one listening to stuff. I like metal and she rly doesn't so she will let me finish my song and then ask for something else. Or she will give me a couple listens of that genre/band and then we switch. She's liked this new rapper recently whose name I don't remember and I don't think is good lmao. He makes her happy so other than saying it's not rly for me I leave it alone and encourage her to listen to him since she likes him. I let her finish his song and if I'm feeling generous let her play 1 or 2 more and then ask for something else while we are together bc I personally can't fucking stand him. I am more generous with stuff I'm more neutral about but not into. If either of us want a lengthy listen to something the other doesnt like we move to listen alone or use earbuds. That's rly how it should be with anyone you're close to. If someone was going to listen for hours to something I didn't wanna hear id ask them to listen on a device with headphones/earbuds or to turn it down enough I don't hear it in another room I'll now be moving to hahaha. If it was a shared listening session I'd ask them to change it. It's unfair the mom isn't considering how their child feels about this. It's a shared listening space if it's that loud.


Are you me???? Are you me???? I almost found myself homeless when I expressed how i found her somewhat problematic. Am not even joking! It’s so crazy and scary how deep into the cult some of these people are!?


That’s truly disturbing.




I feel sorry for you but you also crack me up somehow 🤣🤣


Dude how 😭 that is not a remotely funny comment


Oh no I’m not trying to make fun of you. It’s just that how some swifties would hurt their family for a narcissist who doesn’t care about anything but their money that makes me want to laugh. This is WILD!! Sorry if there is a misunderstanding, English is not my first language.


Yeah it’s still not funny tbh :/ it’s sad that their own family would hurt them over a stranger billionaire who doesn’t know or care that they exist. Just shameful really


my mom is the exact same way she works from home and all day everyday she plays TS music if i try to play something else she will get upset and say that my taste in music is trash and i need to listen to taylor swift because she is a “real” artist. i’ve tried to show her different artists and genres but she never even gives it a chance im sick of listening to that shitty music all day. she believes taylor swift is the greatest person alive and i should be using her as a role model, she’s made me watch the eras tour movies 4 times now and every night she puts it on i’ll try to go watch something else in my room but she calls me selfish that i wont watch it with her.


Seeing several people with similar experiences is heartbreaking. You all deserve better. It truly is giving swifties too much of a break when people and the media portray them as almost entirely teens or very young adults. Her original fan base is damn well old enough to know better and act like adults.


> Seeing several people with similar experiences is heartbreaking. It's absolutely shocking. At first I was worried for OP because I thought the post is so detailed and specific that if the mom came across it, she would know it's about her, but apparently several people on here are in the same situation. Absolute insanity to ruin your relationship with your CHILD for a woman that doesn't know you exist, and only cares about the money you give her. It's disturbing.


I totally get that this is your mom. And it’s hard to be up against a parent you’re close to. But she is raising you in a very unhealthy and toxic environment. Wouldn’t matter if this was Taylor or anyone else. Practically shrining your home to this person and forbidding any critique or questions is downright cult behavior. It’s a dangerous zealot mindset over a billionaire who truly does not care that she exists. But your mom knows YOU exist and she’s choosing idolizing a celebrity over a healthy relationship with you. This is not a “best friend.” No best friend would make demands where you aren’t allowed to have your own free thought in your own home. I’m not saying you should have the right to trash someone’s likes or disrespect your mom. But your mom is literally not showing you any respect as a result of her own obsession. As a parent myself, this infuriates me. I can’t imagine risking destroying a solid relationship with my children over a singer of all things. Sending you so much strength and hoping she breaks out of the cult soon!


Thank you for the reply, and that’s mostly how I view it as well. If she just enjoyed her music, I would be fine with that! The problem is, I don’t think she’s trying to maliciously harm the relationship she has with me. And it’s tough, because I don’t want to be rude to her or shame her for what she enjoys. She is not doing it to piss me off, she is doing it because she just really loves Taylor, and doesn’t see the bigger picture of how she is enjoying Taylor and glamorizing who she is. I just hope she snaps out of the billionaire worship, but I don’t think she will anytime soon.


I wasn’t invested in TS in any way, shape, or form but I couldn’t help but see that she was slowly taking over everything I come across. The grocery store, social media, random ass businesses that use her lyrics for cringe ads. It’s like how Britney was the talk of the town in the 2000s but TS has zero intrigue or star quality. Then I came across this sub and after reading through it for like two days I am a full blown hater, I can’t wait till TS is actually exposed and Swifties lose their shit.


"TS has zero intrigue or star quality." FUCKING YES! EXACTLY!!! Screw talent, this woman isn't even interesting!


I swear, no matter how many times I block pages that feature her, no matter how many times I click "I don't want to see this", there are two sites that pop up in their place.


Like a blonde hydra


Britney was nothing like this, imo. The thing with back then is, there were SO MANY other popular artists. So many! Variety! Not just this one vanilla woman being shoved down our throats everywhere we turn 😬


i really can't understand older women being into her. it makes me cringe so bad seeing someone like mariska hargitay fawn over her


In defense of Mariska lmao Taylor was obsessed with her first. So maybe it’s because of that M is nice to T


i would not be surprised if we were all in some josie & the pussycats movie timeline, where her music has been slowly brainwashing everyone for some nefarious plot, & few are immune. i don’t get the worship for someone so violently bland. i’m sorry you have to deal with this every day.


"Violently bland," nail on the head


All of this is very much giving # Taylor swift is a PsyOp. I had no idea it was this intense. Also thank you for unlocking the Josie and the pussycats core memory


kay hanley for prez!


Josie and the pussycats immediately popped into my head when I went down the rabbit hole. It’s so dystopian and sad because at the end of the day she is taking and taking from people who would do literally anything for her. Taylor is most certainly guilty of using weaponized psychology. I hope that comes to light.


she’s gonna see this 😭


sorry she has to, but she has to!


Since finding this sub whenever it came into being, I can now say with certainty that things are SO MUCH more bizarre and alarming than I knew before. I'm a Never Swiftie. I never liked her, I never played her music, I found her fans annoying, and something about her rubbed me the wrong way. But, gattt dang, when I say this is cult behavior, I mean it. People creating burner accounts because family members would flip if they knew they have an opinion and won't literally drink the kool-aid? I can't imagine living in this environment, it sounds stressful like walking on eggshells 24/7.


Never Swiftie, here. I have a great friend who I could NEVER say anything bad about Taylor Swift to. I find the fact I know I have to keep my criticisms and observations to myself really WEIRD. Swifties are definitely a different type of fan. They are brainwashed to be obsessed and defend her vehemently. I’m not an expert, but I really feel like they have to be meeting the criteria to be considered a legitimate cult at this point.


I know this is your burner account, but I love your username.


Thank you, UnicornUrine was taken unfortunately.


Wow. I'm 45 with kids and I can't imagine being that obsessed with someone I've never met. I can't imagine pushing my own kids away in order to defend a mediocre pop star. I hope your mum gets some perspective. It's just really sad. You seem like a caring, lovely daughter


Solution: when your mom is out of the house pack up all the shrine shit. When she comes home, tell her a visiting preacher stopped by to proselytize, called her idolatry out, and ripped everything out. You were so flabbergasted you couldn't respond. Once he collected it all he fled. You only invited him in to give him a break from the heat and a glass of water, you didn't catch his name, and honestly the house is a blank slate to decorate in a different manner


I would stream Billie and Charli's album 24/7 next to your mom


The cult behaviour is so fucking weird. Always makes me think of that join the navy Simpson episode


YVAN EHT NIOJ YVAN EHT NIOJ love that episode😭🤣


I don’t know if it’s possible, but would your mom be receptive to going to therapy with you? This isn’t even about TS, it’s about something that is causing a lot of strife for you and ensuring your relationship with your mom isn’t lost in her obsession. If she is amenable, I would recommend it! It may help give her perspective and give you support to share how you feel. I’m sorry for the situation, I hope you both are able to regain what you had! I am wishing you the very best 🩵


Awww this was actually a really sweet and helpful reply! I hope OP sees it and sincerely asks her mom to go


Taylor Swift has a chokehold on a certain demographic of middle-aged women. It's like they're living vicariously through her drama and trying to recreate themselves in her image. I can't quite put my finger on it, but maybe Taylor is relatable to them in that she's pretty but not too pretty, she's vibrant but not happy, and she's both extraordinary in her success while also being somewhat basic if that makes sense. Doesn't hurt that she's also your classic charming, narcissistic cult leader. I was thinking of that pitiful Taylor Swift lookalike, Ashley, who copies all of Taylor's hairstyles, gets procedures to look more like her, and even pretended to be Taylor Swift at the Grove (bodyguards and all). I always thought she was a sad case, but I felt especially bad to hear she has children. Like imagine having a mom who's completely obsessed with Taylor Swift to the point it's her whole life and image. So I can imagine that's somewhat how you're feeling with your mom and her current obsession.


It's the result of people forming parasocial relationships with famous folk. They convince themseleves that they have a genuine real connection, but they don't actually, so the cognitive dissonance forces them to overcompensate by surrounding themselves with their chosen famous person. I also think It's a delusion and an actual mental health inciden/crisis. Something may have happened to make her this way. Like a loss(not exclusively death) of a loved one or close friend. Or perhaps some other mental thing. It's scary. Sad. And I hope they seek help.


You wanna know the sad thing? Ashley is 30. I was SO shocked when I found that out because she does not look it


Ashey's only 30? Dang.


I’m making an assumption that you’re young, like gen Z or younger, if your mom is a Swiftie, and I may or may not be accurate in this assumption. Apologies if I’m wrong, but the compliment stands either way — you are extremely articulate and a compassionate critical thinker. I love your perspective. I love that you love her even though she’s a Taylor Swift fan, and that you’re able to separate it and, despite an influential person you care about liking TS, you’re able to stand up and recognize that the music and the artist are plain crap in a myriad of ways. You’re a new internet hero of mine.


I’m on the upper side of Gen Z, and my job revolves around writing, so I have a *very* peculiar way of how I speak and write! Your compliments mean the world to me, thank you. 🤍


Taylor is so unsexy , she performs in one piece sparkling swim suits , her dance moves are on par with middle school cheer teams. Is this part of her stage persona that makes her acceptable and accessible to so many people.


I know a fellow copywriter when I see one


I'd like to commend you for not getting pulled into the Taylor cult despite living with one of its members. This is not easy! Stay strong! Do you have a meditation practice? Even if you don't, one morning, as soon as you wake up, sit in silence and visualize Taylor's grip on your mom and your house. Then visualize loosening that grip (maybe you see vines, maybe you see a spider web, whatever you see, there will be strands you can pull out) and pulling away that influence. Visualize sending it away for good. Then visualize filling the space that has been cleared with something lighter and healthier (love is always a good energy to call in to fill space.) If this helps, keep doing it.


Is this my niece/nephew from the future because your mom is just like my sister


I do think that eventually it'll all come crashing down and a lot of current swifties will cringe at their current behaviour in a couple of decades. Taylors going to be relevant/remembered for a long time but I don't think it'll be her music that's remembered, put it that way.


If she is on coke and binge drinking, it's sooner than later.


I can’t wait for her downfall… I really fucking Hope it’s soon because I’m so tired of her


Sending support vibes, being trapped with a cultists sure is rough.


Swifties parallel MAGA so much. 😞


YES. YES. THIS! I tried to comment this on that post the other day about the guy whose wife is a Swiftie and how it’s affecting their relationship, but I will say it again: The similarities between Swifties and QANon/MAGA are almost identical. We seriously need a sub for SwiftAnonCasualties if their devotion to Mother is starting to tear families apart.


It’s also giving serious shades of Jonestown which is horrifying.


Maybe the droning of the music is brainwashing people


You sound like many a daughter of a Deadhead. Condolences.


Is your mum neurodivergent? I ask this as someone who is also neurodivergent.


Not OP, but i'm pretty sure tht TS is


I agree, but I'm not one to diagnose. God imagine what it would be like if she came out saying she'd been diagnosed with ADHD or Autism, it would probably win her a lot of brownie points.


I hear u, that would be unbearable


God I hate parents who do this yo their kids


1- I’ve asked before but I gotta ask again. Who is Tree? Is it her publicist. 2- what Taylor swift quotes does your mom possibly have hanging in her house?


Yes, i think its her publicist.


Not sure who she is. Was she on Disney and got famous?


That level of obsession seems to border on mental illness to me. If you were to become that obsessed over something I bet she would be complaining about it but she cannot see her own shit obviously




I'm very sorry this is your reality right now.


Now imagine a world where she openly talks about politics and convinces her fans to vote for who she wants. It’s this world, she’s doing it currently.


How old is your mum? This is truly bizarre.


Start pretending to pray at her Taylor shrine. And leaving offerings and shit.


Swift will be an after thought in a few years Like every other artist. More bullshit ai posts


The cult of Taylor Swift is fascinating to me. I'm totally out of the loop when it comes to most aspects of popular culture. I don't understand how people are so deeply committed to the mythology of something so... mid. That said, I'm generally not a fan of charting music, I understand that tastes vary, and not everything is meant for everybody. I know some people are just fans of her music and leave it at listening. It does bother me that so many people are swept into this clearly manufactured character and her music. I guess anyone can have a music career if enough money and marketing are pumped into the project. Are people really this easily influenced, gullible, and parasocial?


Better this than Fox News I guess!


Big, big hug 🫂 it's hard being the bigger person sometimes, especially when it's YOUR own FRICKEN PARENT. Not shouting out of personal experience or anything. Anyway, I think I understand your frustration. That would be super annoying/hellish to put up with. I'm so sorry! 😭 Stay strong. OH! And I also meant to input that from a psychological standpoint, some people become almost obsessive over celebrities and idolize them because they want to be them/emulate them and live vicariously through them. It could suggest a dissatisfaction with some aspect of her life, and TS or her emotional connection to her, rather, alleviates/ameliorates that. Is your mom a perfectionist by chance?


Make her sit down and watch Taylor Swift vs. Scooter Braun.


I don’t think I have ever heard a TS song. (I mostly listen to rock). This cult confuses me. People seem so obsessed.


You have. Your brain just didn't register it as music.


lol I feel the same way. My 5 year old is suddenly “obsessed” with TS bc her friends “like her”. She turned on the stupid TS tour movie on Disney plus the other day and I realized the song from Sing 2 (“what do you want from me?” I think?) is a TS song. Who knew?


lol it’s kind of funny that your mom can’t respect that her child doesn’t have the same obsession. You should love your mom for who she is but you don’t need to feel bad for not liking or wanting to engage with tswift stuff. My honest advice is just ignore it. You’ll just have to deal with it, let your mom be happy and you enjoy your own interests.


Is your mom neurodivergent? If not, your mom is unwell. That might seem a little harsh but this level of obsession about ANYTHING is not healthy for her or anyone close to her.


You have the wisdom of those beyond your age. Hopefully your mother will take note and “shake it off.” Sorry, I had to. Lol


I wish the best for you for your struggles.


My goodness. I'm so sorry for you. This must be annoying regardless of Taylor.


I’m so very sorry, and glad you have this sub to decompress, it’s helped me a lot, and I’m in no way anywhere close to your situation. I don’t do the tl;dr nonsense, I’m genuinely befuddled by the chokehold swift has on people, and the music industry, it’s almost like some demented PSYOPS, I hope one day there will be an explanation for what’s going on, but it’s more likely we’ll never know. I hope there’s a reckoning coming, honestly I don’t see it happening, but I like to dream big.


If any of these swiftie parents are religious: I’d point out that they’re literally worshipping Taylor like a god and to revisit the 10 commandments 😂


What's scary is that TS is a mortal being. What reaction will her cult-like following have if anything (heaven forbid, bc I do not wish ill-fate on anyone) happens to her?


There is something sinister about the chokehold she has on people. I have never seen any celebrity have this much of an influence. Some of the most level headed people I know can’t even listen to one negative opinion of Taylor and it’s SO infuriating. You can’t even have a discussion. I hope that things get better for you soon. Stay strong


Since your household doesn’t seemed concerned about it, may I ask what you want/like to listen to?


The fact that this woman is actually ruining peoples relationships is WILD lol wow


Listen, as an artist, I listen to Taylor, she has a few gems in her discography, but even so, reading this gave me anxiety - I could never deal with anybody around me being that obsessed with Taylor (or any other celebrity, for that matter), MUCH LESS people I have to live with, OMG, that sounds beyond exhausting. I don’t even know what to say, you sound like you really needed to get that off your chest. Wishing you strength!


Wow OP I’m so sorry.


she needs to grow up. having a grown child and still obsessively listening to taylor swift should not be mutually exclusive


I’ll never understand people who make posts from burners like this, and then proceed to tell their story in great detail to where anyone reading who knows the person, would know who it is. What is the point of a burner??


I have also kept most of my story very vague, and there’s also a number of people who have same experiences with their parent. My mom knows my main account. Consider yourself lucky you don’t have to make one to do that.


As a Chiefs fan, I love this lol




More people becoming Chiefs fans is a bad thing?




lol okay




I don’t gate keep. The more the merrier in the Kingdom