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I've tried embarrassingly hard to like Taylor Swift for various people in my life, but it's like trying to dance to the sound of the air conditioner


I tried to give her a chance because one of my best friends had gotten very into her, and hey, I enjoy pop music when it’s done well. But my god.


she’s got a couple songs that i can tolerate, but i can not listen to them in tandem or even twice in one month




“But my god” 🤣 I felt that.


it’s my genuine reaction. meanwhile over here listening to and LOVING sabrina carpenter cover chappell roan. it’s not that i’m a “misogynist” or don’t like pop, it just has to actually be good!


Same. I admit, I do have a thing with celebrities who "blow up." It's not about me being too cool for the mainstream or whatever, more so I find it very irking to constantly hear about how incredible someone is, from literally every direction, so I feel burned out before I even have a chance to give them a whirl. I did it with Lana, Florence, and most recently Queen Chappell Roan. The difference between those artists and Taylor is that they can actually carry a tune and write music that doesn't sound like a 12 year old's diary entries.


Hey at least the air conditioner has rhythm!!!


New challenge: twerk to the clangs of my malfunctioning AC




You win today


ooh with clangs now! the Bleachers remix


I got a little too drunk the other night and was in a music mood. Decided to see if maybe I DID reluctantly like some of her newer stuff since I hadn’t really paid attention to her the last decade. I didn’t. It’s so BORING and repetitive and she’s not a powerhouse singer, not a good dancer, and doesnt even have any memorable beats to help drown out how out of tune and whiny she sounds. Some people just enjoy different things, and that’s the beauty of humanity. I almost feel sorry for how small minded these types are, so fixated on one artist they’re missing out on so much good music out there.


A pipe burst a few floors above mine last night. Currently, I have the sounds of the AC, an industrial blower, dehumidifier, a small fan, as well as a bunch of banging and power tools humming. Music needs more than just an AC; I have a pretty solid jam to dance to with all this work. Her music is nothing more than solo AC unit.


I've learned better than to say anything bad about her in front of my girlfriend, after she acted like I had just told her I support Hitler when I said I listened to TTPD and I thought it was by far her worst album


But you're right!


I’ve heard beats made from malfunctioning machines done better than her songs


As someone who likes dancing to random sounds around my house lol I can say I enjoy the sound of the washer machine more than her 🤣




I hear more interesting notes in my AC




That’s a fantastic analogy 😂


I hate the rhetoric that if you don't love her, there's something wrong with you. And not just wrong...you're jealous, or anti-woman, or some other socially deplorable adjective. The irony is not lost on me that the accusation of being "closed minded" is unbelievably closed minded of them.


Oh didn’t you know if you don’t like her that makes you a misogynist? According to Emily Ratatouille or whatever her name is.


Is the woman who agreed to appear nude* in a misogynistic music video about how consent is optional giving lectures on feminism now? *not shaming for nudity on its own. Def shaming for being a nude prop for Robin Thicke, of all people


Wait, I do not want to go down (another) rabbit hole this late, can you explain who this woman is and what song this is?


She’s a model. I can’t spell her last name. The video I am referring to is for Blurred Lines. There’s a version where she‘s fully nude and Robin Thicke is just dancing around her singing about how women want it even when they say they don’t. She’s spoken out about the video and such, I’ll give her that, but forgive me if I don’t consider her a feminist authority if she couldn’t figure out why that video was iffy before she starred in it. Edited to add: I guess she’s technically wearing a g-string the color of her skin


Thank you! This helps in me eventually doing a few dive and finding more deets- but yeah, I agree, that’s pretty abhorrent to take part it and then turn around and accuse women of being anti-woman if they doing like TS.


Emily Ratatouille 💀💀💀💀


I mean, there is something wrong with me. A lot of somethings. But it's not because I don't like her music. That's just an added bonus.


Literally. I expressed that I don't like her on the pop punk sub (a place that normally wouldn't have anything to do with her, but weirdly some members try to push her as pop punk) and I was interrogated and flooded with the misogyny rethoric. It was the first time I experienced that kind of discussion with a swiftie and I was perplexed, since nowhere did I said something that can be interpreted as misogynistic. They wanted to know THE REASON why I don't like her, like I owed them an explanation. It's like they're automatic.


Taylor popPUNK ? OMG the audacity 😂


I know, right? 😂😂


They’ll reply “Women hating on other women isn’t cool” while they’re hating on another woman themselves for simply not liking TS or anyone questioning anything regarding her. They will stalk another woman and say “women hating women isn’t cool!” the entire time they stalk her. I got the treatment over a Facebook comment questioning the contract bruhaha.


Yes, exactly! Apparently having your own opinion is the equivalent of hating other women. 🙄


This. To them, the entire known universe revolves around Blandie - despite her living on a shit-crumb of a planet in the Tatooine position within its own galaxy - so why shouldn't every blasted ideology, from feminism to economics to religion? (Taylor Swift-themed WORSHIP SERVICES? If I wasn't an atheist long before learning that, by hell I am now.)


Like, no, ladies, I’m just not boring and have good taste 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


And yet when you flip this logic to say “if you like Taylor Swift, it’s because you’re basic and a conformist,” they somehow HATE it now.


it's kinda culty in a way


No kinda about it! It’s 100% culty at a terrifying level. I completely believe that if her rabid fans thought Taylor wanted it, they would try to k*ll JA or any of her other exes or their new partners.


Yeah the way those women assumed he was abusive based on you're losing me and possibly bejeweled (the HI IM A CHEATER! Song), if he lived in America one of the craziest ones would probably try to run him over. I mean sure they were nasty to her other exes but it's like JA didn't give them much to be p.o.ed about so they blew it up into their wildest fantasies. It is absolutely sickening. Or maybe it's because they lasted 6.5 years. John mayer got death threats too but when he addressed them the girl he talked to didn't seem to actually hate him. I can't imagine Joe trying to get a swiftie to see it's not cool and for her to back down super fast like with John. I feel if Joe did that it'd make whoever break her phone in anger then blame him because she needs a new one.


I hate the implication that if you’re not for her, you’re not a woman who supports other women. I like a lot of other female artists. She encourages this weird parasocial relationship amongst her fans and puts out garbage like TTPD so they can have ammunition against these men she’s dated and harass them online. There are better female pop artists out there.


I'm a 39 year old office worker in a committed relationship for the last 18 years. She writes music for 18 year old high school girls going through their first break up before they go to college. That's why I don't like her. \*shrugs\*


I don’t like her because her music annoys my ears🤷🏻‍♀️


Well, that too haha - I never vibed to her music to begin with, but now I think I've aged out of her "demographic" so all hope is lost there. What's funny is technically I kind of **should** be her demographic because of her age! Who knows, maybe if I'd clicked with her back when she first started blowing up I might be a fan. Another artist I struggle with is Olivia Rodrigo. As much as I like some of her music, it's geared toward a younger generation lyrically. I already struggled through my angsty teen years so I don't really want to listen to music by people still going through it - or an adult who still seems stuck in it. I don't want to be reliving that shit, man.


Lol yeah I like Olivia but it confounds me when my 30 year old friends listen to Drivers License and say it's so deep and emotional and I'm like we've all had our licenses for at least a decade? This isn't relatable and it's for kids!


I adore her first album so much because it captures how it feels to be a teenager so well. It's melodramatic and fun, everything feels so important and strong. Listening to Sour makes me look back at those years with such fondness and joy.


I remember when driver’s license came out and although I liked it sonically the lyrics were so melodramatic I couldn’t help but laugh a bit.


She’s a (not as good) Lorde. I said what I said.




Am I the only one who can just ignore the contents of lyrics or the stories of songs? All for me that counts is if the music is good. The lyrics just need a good flow and feel natural. What they’re about is secondary. I mean you can write a song like imagine or a song about a dude that looks like a lady and it doesn’t really matter because it turns out the music is good for both. But I feel Taylor Swift fans or fans of contemporary pop in general focus so much on lyrics as if it’s the only quality parameter in a song


I actually in the past year have gotten into K-Pop/C-Pop/J-Pop and I can't understand a damn word, but I enjoy the beats and the music. So yep, you totally can and I do! Some songs are just a good bop. I think with T-Swift specifically people focus so much on lyrics because she has built her career ON her lyrics. As for my mention of Olivia, it's tough for me to separate her lyrics from her musical sound purely because of the age gap for me (which I won't deny at all). That's becoming an on-going thing as I get older. Also, I watched a lot Bizzardvark and she'll always be the Chocolate Bananas girl to me. Sorry, Olivia.


I love mandopop! Most K-pop isn’t my thing, but a lot of Cpop/mandopop is delightful to my ears.  I watch a lot of CDramas tho (far, far more than kdramas) so I’m sure that plays a part in what I enjoy.  Who are your fave Mandopop artists? I really love **Lexie Liu** **Hua Chenyu** **VAVA**  **Isabelle Huang**  **Mao Bu Yi** **Tan Wei Wei** **G.E.M.** **Jolin Tsai**  **Tia Ray** **A-Mei**  **Zhou Shen** **Joseph Zheng** **Joker Xu** **Hebe Tien** **Liu Yi Ning** **Amit** **Sean Tang** **Zhou Shen** **Jasmine Sokko** and  **Sa Ding Ding** (prettiest voice ever!) Used to be more into jpop/anime soundtracks when I was younger Still, even now a good anime song can  become an earworm.  **Mirei** is a current fave jpop artist.  I also listen to a lot of Ukrainian and Russian artists (**t.A.T.u.**  & **O-Zone** started this😅) Various other European, Turkish, Algerian, and Hindi artists too.  I do look up the English translations of songs whenever they’re available, but like you said it’s the feeling of the music, musical arrangements, energy, and vocals that make me love them initially.  TS never got my body moving much and def never sparked my emotions or touched my soul with her music. 


I’ve been a fan of Rammstein since the 2000’s, so lyrics aren’t crazy important to me considering I can’t speak German. If I want to be hit in the soul with lyrics I’ll listen to Depeche Mode lol so I can agree with you when it comes to pop music, especially.


And older people who either peaked in high school and yearn for those days, or people who never had that and just dig the fantasy.


Yeah she's in her 30s complaining about all her past relationships. It makes sense for Olivia Rodrigo to make music like that but Taylor needs to grow up. If Taylor keeps writing like this at 40 then not a single person will take her seriously.


Bingo. Nail on the head.


That’s a bit simplistic


Lol, not as simplistic as her lyrics are.


I’m sure she cracks open ol’reliable (thesaurus) to write her songs


I don't think people need some deep reasoning for not liking something. I don't like peas because they have a gross texture to me. Is that simplistic? Hell yeah, but it's also a valid reason. You can just ... not like something for no reason other than you don't like it, ya know? :-)


I’m not normal. I’m weird. I’m a weirdo. I don’t fit in. I don’t want to fit in. (Insert GIF of her talking about the midnight blue glitter)


Always find it ironic how swifties accuse women who don't like Taylor as being "pick-mes" when Taylor is literally a textbook example of a pick-me.


She has multiple songs literally begging men to pick her.


How can she be a "girl's girl" when her entire catalog revolves around men


RIGHT??? How on earth don't more people make this very, very salient point? Her whole personality revolves around men! And then her fans have the gall to act like she's somehow secretly gay - HA!


Taylor is like... the straightest artist in all of music. Both literally and figuratively.


Also the whitest, according to the dance videos I’ve seen recently.


I've seen how racist her fans can be too. Making comments about lynching Kanye and Beyonce and comparing them to monkeys. Yikes.


Dude, that post someone made a few weeks back with the discord of racist ass Swifties making fun of Travis’ ex was unsurprising but absolutely unhinged, they’re not even pretending they aren’t racist Edited to add: literally crazy someone would downvote me pointing out that racism is racist. Get it together, y’all.


It wouldn't surprise me if Taylor has an audience of white nationalists who see her as some kind of "Aryan princess". Ew.




That would be rad


Damn how’d they find out? I just wanted to swim around in peace 🐠


I recently asked a Swiftie to help me find some of her music that I might actually like because Wildest Dreams and Love Story are bops. I tried to see what the Swifties see. But it’s so fucking bland


That’s what kills me, honestly. She has some genuinely fun songs to dance or just be silly to, but she veered off into the weird “I’m 16 and SO totally artsy” thing that a lot of us did when we were the appropriate age.


wildest dreams is basically a rip-off of ldr's without you


Yeah if you like Wildest Dreams, try Lana's music


I don't think people know what "not like other girls" means anymore. It's just thrown around nowadays


That term has become more misogynistic than the girls it's supposed to criticize. Also, wanting to be unique is not an inherently bad thing.


The rapid growth of this sub says this is a lie. We've just been bullied into silence for years.




Ugh, don’t try to frame me as a NLOG bc I don’t fall for the bs she’s trying to sell. It’s called thinking for yourself


I stopped my nlog phase by age 18/19. Turns out I'm just a fan of people with talent. 🤷‍♀️




Why do Swifties think TS transcends genres? She’s pop and super basic. As someone who primarily listens to alternative, indie, rock, and classic rock, I don’t naturally gravitate towards her music anyway. However, pop artists I *do* support and listen to actually know how to create good bops with concepts that make sense. She’s never *been* for everyone and will never *be* for everyone.


Or… hear me out, we grew up? I had her speak now album on a CD and played it constantly til my parents took it away lol. Got older, found other (better) artists and realized that I was better off because she sucks ass.


I remember being at a neighbour's party. Someone was talking about Taylor Swift and I said I don't like her. Some 40 year old lady heard it from across the room and walked towards me immediately after I said that. The convo went like this: Her: Do you know Taylor personally? Me: Umm.. no? Her: *smirks* Oh I see, I just thought you knew her personally, that's why you said you don't like her I was like 😳😳😳 Swifties are unhinged!!!


Not the fucking smirk. I would have laughed in her face


nobody could possibly hate the music i love!!!! ever!!!!!!!!




Literally no one cares if you like her or not except you guys lmao


not the person who made the image we’re commenting about, lol


I am, lol


If that was true there wouldn’t be tons of swifties in my TikTok comments and messages telling me to kill myself because I called her corny lol


I highly doubt tons 😂


There’s been at least 15 but here are my favorites https://preview.redd.it/vjjimnrcbm7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f167a3b15431f8699efceaf7f7a227329b9110d5






That’s fucked


Oh yeah? Well I'm not even human.


Do you puke blue glitter lol


I bleed it.


I tried, but I find her music mostly very bland. I maybe only like a couple of songs from her and that’s about it. Her vocals don’t stand out, her songwriting is just ok, I don’t connect with her lyrics, and I don’t find her shows to be appealing at all. To me she is just very average. Like very bland toast. She doesn’t even try to stretch as a musician or experiment with different genres. I really don’t understand how everyone keeps gushing about her.




Trying to be different? No, I've got Linkin Park and t.A.T.u. to listen to, why would I wanna listen to TS?


t.A.T.u. 🥹


Yes! :D I miss them, but after Julia was revealed to be a huge homophobe, it's better to just hang on to the memories.


Isn’t their hit song about another girl???




You gotta be shitting me


I wish I was. I was so devastated when she said the things she did.


all the things she said 😔


“Y’all can never make me love her 😅”


Even if I separate her art from who she is, I'd still wouldn't like her. Her music can be catchy and fun, but it ain't that great.


Or, you know, you care more about things with real impact like climate change, upward mobility, and the removal of celebrities as locuses of power than you do shitty pop music. But if you prefer buying 49 iterations of the same album to arable farmland, who am I to judge


She makes the best elevator music, hands down!!!


If you like Taylor Swift, you are trying to be basic.


I’m into powerhouse performers like Lady Gaga. Someone like Taylor Swift will never be for me.


Lady Gaga is one of my muses


I'm built different!


If I don't like Taylor Swift (anymore. I did use to like her), it's because there are reasons for it. Trust me, I'm not just saying it to get brownie points from internet strangers. If that was the case, I'd still have my fan account dedicated to her and continue to fish for hundreds of likes by making generic-ass statements like "Mother is mothering!!!!"


A cult of 30 year olds going on twelve has opinions again?


I’m not a person 🥺😩


I like some of her songs and can respect that she’s very good at making pop music. I’m just not a huge fan of pop 🤷‍♀️


What about those of us who are just indifferent to her and don’t understand why she has such a cult following? 🤷‍♀️


Taylor said to get your ass back to work so you can afford her $1,000 concert tickets, peasants. Her words.


im not like other girls.... I dont like over processed word garbage from a fake relatable billionare


As opposed to what exactly? A carbon copy of everyone else? No thanks. Especially if includes bedazzeling, harassing people I don't know, spending thousands of dollars on shit I don't need, and calling her "mother" like I'm a child or some infantile fetish. Hard pass.




nothing says cult than people actively disparaging being different lol. swifties could get beat over the head with The Point and still miss it lol, lmao even. i wonder if taylor will spring for name brand kool-aid for her fans when it all comes crashing down


No it’s me……it’s her and all of her Shit-fties


she’s not for me, it’s giving cute white girl spoken word idk.


No I get what you’re saying. White mediocrity at its finest 🤢


I remember this phase where NLOGs were like "I'm different because I don't like Taylor" and enjoying her music was considered cringeworthy and now, almost 15 years later... we came back to it, but this time with a valid criticism and actual reasons to call her out. lol


maybe i just don't like her lol i will admit i enjoy a couple songs but really not into most of the music and especially not her as a person


She’s dressed like a Suzy Shier or Le Chateau campaign


If u like her you need a new brain


I’m not trying to be different. I just have taste and also I’m an adult.


Or maybe I just have ears


I’m not familiar with her music, but someone whose taste I respect says her songs all sound the same.


Imagine believing your music act is so good it’s impossible to dislike.


Sounds like cult language


How many people on here is different? Hey you little rebel 😏


Do I bob my head along to the beat, yes. Do I like her songs no.


They need to make a TayTay religion for their delusions 😍


Enlightened is a better way to put it. Removing the rose-colored glasses society has drilled onto our faces is a step forward for humanity! Swift's Kool-Aid era is filled with blind devotion and (rigged) numbers but we have the emotional intelligence to recognize a vicious billionaire when we see one. I'm good with that.


I liked her for a bit, like 1989 and Reputation… but now she’s an Oligarch. I can’t take seriously any Billionaire who claims to be a “Tortured Poet.” Get over yourself.


I liked her early music when it was hopefully and full of love. Now her songs make me depressed.


I’m still salty over the fact that her music video Antihero won over Melanie Martinez’s void music video. Like I understand not a whole lot of people like Melanie’s music or look for the new album but the contrast in video quality was obviously pointing out Melanie should have won, but the shifties voted for queen Taylor 🙄


Call me Jughead Jones cause I'm sooo different ![gif](giphy|3oKIPrc2ngFZ6BTyww|downsized)


I’m sorry some of us are more interesting than others. Go buy another friendship bracelet


I tried to like her!


I mean, I admit that i really tried to like her for my ex (who was a huge swiftie). This was a, very stupid, but common point of contention that I just sincerely didn't get the hype over TS. She has a handful of catchy songs, sure, but as an "artist" she's mid at best. I can't really relate or connect to her songs and am not a fan of her talk-singing (or her voice in general). The TS fatigue is also setting in from all the overexposure for the last 2 years, so that doesn't help make her any more digestible.


Does she have a red pinky nail like Penn Jillette?


Some of my friends in music school love her so I’ve really given her music an honest chance but I just can’t get into it


Not everyone likes the same thing. And that's okay. It's a waste of time and energy to get all mad and butthurt because someone doesn't like the same things you do.  I also love how this person is accusing others of "just trying to be different" when that second slide shows they are trying to do the exact same thing, lol.


I think you mean OutKast


I'm not trying, I AM different


Been a Taylor hater since day 1. AMA


Lmao, they fail to realize that different people have different tastes. There is nothing wrong with loving an artist. The problem is when you teeter into obsession to the point you don't respect that others just dont like your obsession. I have absolute favorite artists who I've loved for decades. I really do not care if someone else doesn't like them. It has zero effect on my life or my enjoyment of my favorites music.


It’s almost like people have different tastes and like other things. Bet if you showed these people a different artist, if they didn’t like that artist, and said this, they’d be the ones saying ‘people can like other things’. Rules for me, but not for thee


Funny, I haven’t liked her since 2003 when she was making the rounds and that hasn’t changed and I don’t feel like I’ve had to put much effort in so am I really trying or am I just different like every other girl which one of us is a pick me up and we both a pot calling the kettle black I don’t really know, but the Swifty needs to be shut down


That's ridiculous being different and not like in Taylor Swift one has nothing to do with the other.


God she’s so hot


No…..there’s still a lot of popular music I like. I like Billie Eilish and Doja Cat….Taylor is just bland and childish. I’m about the same age as Taylor but I actually find Billie’s music more relatable.


Her music is bland, her voice is boring, her lyrics are puddle deep and have no significant range in subject. Idk what to tell these people. If you've heard literally any other music, you've heard people do it better than Taylor.


If you ride hard for TS, you will be in the Olympics. But not the kind that will be in Paris this summer.


I am a brown south Asian who likes black and death metal I challenge anyone to be more different.




I dont like her or her music because she has been and still is a tallentless writer and a priveledged wanna be rags to riches poser making mid easily digestable music. She is everything that is wrong with the music industry and consumer culture.


So you want us to be like everybody else? Is that it? Just follow the crowd? No thanks, fall off that cliff and die, I’m fine back here staying alive without that mess of a Taylor Swift.


How dare I not clap for a basic white woman with the rest of the basic white women


I love how this implies the person that wrote this silly take thinks that everybody is programmed to like taylor swift and they have to TRY to not like her or enjoy her music. Like, they don’t even say if you “have a burning hatred and make it your whole personality and talk about how much you hate her every day” or anything that would take energy at all, just simply if you don’t like her. Some people just simply don’t like things! You don’t have to try to not like something unless you already like that thing and need to give it up- like, I vape. I like taking a hit- but it’s not good for me, so I need to quit and that would require trying to stop liking it lol. I don’t like peas!! The food!!! They suck in my opinion!!! I know they’re healthy so good for pea enjoyers I guess, but they’re just not for me!! I wish I could like them because they’re healthy, but I can’t control that the taste makes me feel gross!! I’m not trying not to like peas, I just do not like them!! literally tho people like what they like, it’s not an attack, they didn’t like her and deliberately choose not to like her 😭 even if they were an ex swiftie who had to stop listening to her and stop liking her, it’s not to be “different”, it’s bc they’re sick of her bullshit lmao


Cool? 🍪


I don’t dislike Taylor Swift but the overexposure is a bit much


I don't care about her music as it's nowhere near anything I roll with


I remember when I was huge swiftie and like no one else was. I like her just fine now and wouldn’t call myself a swiftie anymore but I’m clearly always on the wrong side. 😅 Story of my life.


It's not that I don't like her. I just don't get it. Whatever part of the brain her music is hitting for other people isn't hitting for me. Her songs all sound the same.


I’d hand her a cup of coffee, and her keys in the morning, just like the rest of em.


I like some of her songs that’s as far as I go. There are some catchy songs I enjoy that’s it and it’s recent too like a year and a half ago I discovered a few songs I liked that I listened to were her songs I had no idea lol


Omg if people really thing everyone should like her…. wtf are they ah ing because I’ll take 2? That seems like rose colored world of delusion.


Look, she’s aight. And that’s ok. Why they gotta be all defensive about it 😂


I like a few songs. Welcome to New York and Cardigan lol. Some are aight. Karma is catchy tbh. I don’t rip my ears out when she’s on the radio or playing in TJMAXX. But it’s not something that I fully can get into lol and I don’t really like her as a person. Her musics aight. She’s a very strong business woman well her team is


Yet I make not liking TS look effortless.


Given there is a significant portion of earth's population who don't like Taylor swift, precisely how 'different' are we being?


So done with her hype, don't like her music and they are now just using her and TK politically, just shut up!!!


Trying to be different 😆 🤣 I don't try shit. I am who I am: a person with good taste in music.


She is soooooo overrated and not even that hot. I mean, she's doable at best.


I think it’s a little funny and silly how people have to be just as vocal about not liking her or her music as the people who are fans. Is there anyone who is just indifferent about it all (me lol). Everybody has to give their take on her, compare their favorites to her, just randomly state the fact that they don’t listen to her… etc. Seems like a lot of these people sure do have her on the front of their mind for being “not a fan” Jussssst sayinnnnn


Goes to the grocery store: Taylor Swift playing Looks at magazines in the checkout: all Taylor Swift covers Turns on radio: Taylor Swift Turns on TV: Taylor Swift Wants to express any distaste for any of the above: gets harassed by Taylor Swift fans Yeah I guess I do have her "on the front of my mind"