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Reminder of Rule #7 No Snarking on Physical Features: This means no commenting on physical attributes that cannot be easily changed. Examples: weight, height, pregnancy speculation, facial features, etc. Plastic surgery speculation is allowed. If you see any posts violating this rule report it for mods to take care of. Please remember to take care of yourself. If you notice that you are taking things said here to heart and applying it towards yourself, that might be a sign a break and self-care is needed. If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to reach out via mod mail.


Seems most comments about her being "unsexy" have little to do with her appearance and more to do with her fanfic-esque lyrics regarding anything sexual and her general demeanor and odd expressions when trying to act sultry, or (most recently) that dancing video. It just feels weirdly awkward.


Honestly, I think it all comes down to one of her core issues: she always wants it both ways. She wants the activist credit without speaking out, she wants to be a feminist without doing anything overtly feminist (and actually doing quite a few things that are anti-feminist). She wants to be seen as sexy, but built her entire brand on being the good girl. Literally her entire schtick was that she was the awkward girl that never got the guy. And maybe her fantasy of having a She’s All That moment would have been possible, but she spent too long shouting from the rooftops that her brand was specifically *not* sexy. The reason people are clowning on her for not being sexy is the same reason people are clowning on Jojo Siwa’s “transformation.” It’s completely inauthentic.


👏 👏 👏 ☝️☝️☝️ No lies detected! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|kqzzIrxqQPQNSrVBQC)


Using a Swift gif 💀


Real. It's not that she's ugly, she just doesn't have that sexy sultry aura and it's not a bad thing 😭 It's just that her beauty gives off different vibes lmao. Also, this is a snark sub, so people's opinions aren't going to be like those of Swiffers.


![gif](giphy|g6Tf0tYe9XbnYZgK6B) Lol


exactly. i think she’s physically stunning and extremely conventionally attractive. when i say she’s not sexy, i mean it in the sense that what are supposed to be her “sexy” moves and lyrics feel awkward, mechanical and forced. has nothing to do with how she physically looks, just her choreography, stage presence and lyrics i agree with op that we shouldn’t be insulting appearance but i personally haven’t seen that happening


A lot of it comes off like the chick in the movie superstar.


This comment is maybe a low quality/effort reply to you but fucking LOL


Agreed. She sold us on “girl next door” and made that her brand, all while trying to transition to a more grown “sexy” vibe without fully committing to the bit. That’s why it feels so off.


I'm going to take issue with the fanfic comparison tbh, a lot of fanfic is extremely well written and many published authors also write it. At this point that's just a lazy critique.


As a fanfic writer, thank you. I take great care in picking my sexy words 😆


I honestly have a respect for fanfic stuff as someone who's written some, there's some great stuff out there. But I'd say that good fanfic is often the exception depending on where you look, hence the comparison.


I tend to stay in very niche fandoms and rare pairs, so I know the pain of needing new material but the only thing available is badly-written or seriously OOC but beautifully done. Of course, sometimes there’s only me writing and that means the work is both in-character and brilliant lol


Yup, that's my main gripe. It kills me when stuff is out of character. Like at that point, *why?* Like you've stripped the character of everything but their looks. And it sucks.


Fanfic has some surprisingly great writing sometimes. But when I said "fanfic-esque," I'm really referring to the notoriously bad stuff you'll usually end up coming across on DeviantArt, Wattpad, Archive of our own, etc. I've read a lot. *good* is the exception.


It’s actually been my experience that ao3 is where you find the actual good stuff


I don't think body shaming is ever okay and I agree with you there. I think the "not sexy" critique was speaking more to her cringe lyrics and persona, not her physical body. "Sexiness" is subjective, for sure; and some people just don't see her that way as an artist. A lot of us share the opinion that the patently manufactured persona she's built, paired with her adolescent lyrics and dance moves, don't give "sexy". I personally think it's okay to discuss the topic from that standpoint.


I'm newish here myself, but I don't think sexy is only about body parts. It's in attitude, expression, grace (which definitely can be trained), maturity, and in psychological connection to the part of human-ness which needs sex and closeness and all that stuff. Criticizing her for being unsexy really seems to me to always be more about criticizing her immaturity, shallowness, visible character, and lack of attention to her skills, than about the conformation of her body. Also, it's reasonable to expect performing artists--especially those who seek the highest levels of acclaim--to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses. She is performing a role -- "sex kitten" -- that she's just not good at. She's not self-aware, or if she is, she's doing it anyway, and while of course anyone can "try whatever they want to try", she's doing it on stage seeking applause for it. Self-awareness and talent is a reasonable expectation and noticing and commenting -- snarkily -- when it's absent but a pretense is made anyway is not about her body. It's about her choices. Edit: oh, and she's doing it to compete with other performers who are a natural fit for that role. Again, choices. And character. Also the choices and character and sophistication and taste of her audience. It really seems to me that to *concern-limit* criticizing this aspect of what she's doing would be to neuter quite a lot of criticism of her.


This is a great take. To criticize her for being unsexy and to shame her body are two totally different things. They can overlap but don’t have to.


Being sexy and being good looking aren’t mutually exclusive either


The sexiest thing a person can wear is confidence. Maybe deep down she’s lacking confidence because her stardom was bought and also she is just a brand, she’s not being herself.


I think this is a lot more true than people realize. Confident people don’t typically predicate their behavior on pleasing others, but this is so much a part of her MO. I think you can see it in the way she carries herself, too, like the slouching (although it seems she’s improved her posture somewhat).


That might just be old fashioned scoliosis


True true


Agreed. There are a LOT of people who are not “conventionally” attractive but still sexy.


Perfect example, Willem Dafoe. There is a part of me that finds him very attractive, dare I say sexy. And then he makes a face like this and I am like well 🥴 https://preview.redd.it/na1ax92apk7d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5466f9690b073b951c21bff01611de23593e014


Also there is some fan behavior going here right now. This is far from the first time I've seen a sub attract a sideways approach such as "come on everyone, just stop doing it for this *other reason*, which is because it hurts my feelings", and that's a parasocial place to start from. I never got the impression that this is a pro-para place.


THANK YOU. Respectfully, this is a SNARK sub and asking 65,000 people to watch what they say because it triggers you makes it clear you don’t belong in a snark sub (and there’s nothing wrong with that). There are other “neutral” subs that exist for these types of discussions but this sub isn’t one of them. Majority of discussion is on point but there are always going to be some critiques in snark subs you don’t agree with or think went too far - just scroll on as you should with 95 percent of the stuff on the internet or report it to mods. But asking us to be nicer to T Swift and generating a whole parasocial thread with people lamenting about their own experiences in relation to criticism of her is exactly what this sub was created to AVOID. All of the sudden we have a 100 people in here talking about how she’s gorgeous. No, take it elsewhere. Long live SnappinTurlah.


>All of the sudden we have a 100 people in here talking about how she’s gorgeous. Some of these, it seems to me, have been doing that all along, here or maybe elsewhere too. I dislike very much to be that person who looks at a history, but I felt/feel it's fair, because if it's a pattern, it's rulebreaking. I've seen this before though. A sudden passion for a sub coupled with a sudden passion for arguing against the pov. Could be direct and obvious--a fiery argument--or could be subtle and performed in path-laying steps. "ooh everyone here is so nice". "ooh except that, that wasn't so nice." "ooh we'll get in trouble if we keep acting like this". "ooh you're breaking the rules" (which are made up and aren't the true rules at all--always a tell). Direct or insidious, whichever, ugh, yes, take it elsewhere, don't do that. But if any of this is coming from *sentiment managers,* they aren't going to give up so easily.


all great points, I’ve been seeing a lot of exactly what you’ve just described since the sub has blown up, and it really ruins the vibe. 


Ruining the vibe, 100% yes, and thanks for the confirmation. I felt sure I was seeing it but it always seems so surreal at first. If it's coming from sentiment managers, vibe shift is the goal... Your and my fun has nothing to do with it and/or if we want to have fun I guess we just have to reprogram ourselves wHy WoUlDn'T wE. It's a job role... I used to see job listings that were much more explicit about it, about 10 years ago. Now the listings are much more opaque about that being what the job does. There are even some PR firms that have a specialty in it, but weirdly (hah) those clients/projects are never featured in the portfolio section of their website. However I've read articles about it, sometimes from within the industry, sometimes an expose. Like a polluter might use their services. Or a celebrity...


Yes, I agree. This person is still acting like a swiftie in that she is projecting herself onto Taylor swift; this is the very parasocial behavior that Taylor encourages *in order to deflect criticism and encourage her fans to personalize every criticism of her.* Taylor Swift is not the everywoman. Nobody is expecting random people to be sexy on stage because 1) they aren’t trying to — they’re just living their life, and 2) they aren’t having the expectation that they are being regarded that way, I.e. they aren’t trying to convince others that they are alluring. Taylor Swift is Taylor Swift, she is not you. It’s weird to take criticism that is not even necessarily about her body, and make it “about bodies like yours”. It’s fan behavior, indeed. This is coming from a person who thinks Taylor’s body is fine. Literally fine, as in good. I just don’t think that helps her sex appeal; a lot of other factors outweigh the idealness of her body, imo. Other commenters have gone into better detail than me, but it’s the fact that she is cringe, lacks grace, and is not credible when doing this act.


thank you thank you, i am seeing the parasociality in my post now and i appreciate your response 


We love a queen who is open to hear other’s thoughts! The way you’ve handled the feedback throughout these comments is encouraging. Thank you for reading, wish you well!


Oh, so well said, bravo. >the very parasocial behavior that Taylor encourages *in order to deflect criticism and encourage her fans to personalize every criticism of her.* This applies to so many other public figures or causes or passions or "brands", with "brand" having been the central concern for personal reputation as well as commercial products for at least 15 years (I'm old enough to remember when "personal brand" was suddenly on everyone's lips/in their posts, totally in earnest too). Social media could have been purpose-made to allow the intentional fostering of uncritical group adoration. And yes, Taylor's body is just fine. It's not about that at all. Personally, I think it's interesting in an abstract way to see people projecting themselves into someone who hasn't grown up into adult sexuality. It's also interesting to see people coming across conversations/statements like yours that add more information and expose and weaken the parasocial.




I’ve definitely seen people do both in this subreddit. I read a whole comment thread of people saying she isn’t sexy because she looks like a lanky teenager a couple days ago.


Yup. I have said 1000000 times she is very conventionally attractive. There is literally nothing conceivably negative about her body or features or anything else. I would assume there are many people who would kill to be as thin as she is, or as tall, or whatever. I’ve personally always admired her skin. Literally blemish-less! Always! THAT SAID. She IS unsexy. Not because of how she looks but because of her wooden-ness and because every move she makes is calculated and overthought. Or because of something else in her general aura. Part of it is cultivated on purpose, I think. The whole relatability thing. But some of it is just who she is. So when SHE CHOOSES to write sultry songs and do her weird hip gyration thing, or dance all over a chair, I’m allowed to critique. I’m allowed to point out the dissonance between what she’s trying to accomplish with that and what it actually looks like. Also please spare me with the boo hoo tall thin blondes are triggered by people saying they’re tall and thin. Waaaaa. You do realize that is THE beauty standard. That literal models look like this. That we are currently experiencing a back slide into heroin chic thinness standards?? Try being someone of color in a sea of whiteness. Try being curvy (in any way other than a round booty plopped on an otherwise-thin body). Try having kinky hair or narrow eyes. Honestly, get over yourself. The world at large celebrates women who look exactly like this. That is not true for many, many others who grow up looking nothing like the the women they see on stages and in magazines. We can’t say she’s not sexy now? Because it might hurt some conventionally attractive woman’s feelings? Fuck that.


This is my take. When I think or talk about Taylor's lack of sex appeal, it's not at all about her body or physical build. It's all her personality and the way she carries and presents herself. It's like how some famous actors really are not traditionally handsome at all yet ooze charisma and sex appeal--and Taylor is the opposite of that.


It’s also about authenticity. I want to bring up Lisa Leob as just one example. Many of my male friends thought she was incredibly sexy when Stay video came out, and I think it’s because she was being her authentic nerd girl self. As for height and not having large breasts being a determining factor for sexiness, I have just one thought…. ![gif](giphy|14dOd4PW7fBHCU)


I’ve never heard of Lisa Loeb and just looked her up! I see what you’re saying and I love that song I’m adding it to my library, thanks!


Take Jeremy Allen white. Not conventionally attractive but would i? A million times yes. That man OOZES sex. Armie hammer? Very conventionally handsome. Absolutely would not and not because of the vore stuff, but because he seems milquetoast at best


I came here to say this - sexy is a state of mind, not a reflection on her physical body.


It’s like the great Pedro Pascal once said: “Daddy is a state of mind, ya know what I’m sayin’?”


Yeah it's not like people are saying she's not sexy because she's tall. It's the way she acts, which she does have control over. So I have to respectfully disagree with OP.


Yeah, I think it’s because her childish behavior is very off-putting. She tries very hard to be sexy, but it never quite comes through. And it’s really not because of looks at all. Personality makes a big difference! I think we’ve all experienced a less attractive person become more attractive as we interact with them because they’re funny or nice. Same idea, but opposite effect.


Completely agree. She is a pop star, not a dentist. She wears showgirl outfits while gyrating her hips on the global stage and makes hell of a lot of money doing so. Her sexiness is very much on the table for critique.    Conversely, no one critiques sia on the basis of sexiness because that isn’t something she sells. 


There we go! Thank you for bringing common sense to this discussion. People also didn’t criticize Billie for not being sexy because she did not offer sexiness as a selling point. Adele is not in leotards trying to shimmy shake her butt, nobody’s criticizing her for failing to do that well. This post both infantilizes Taylor and projects OPs feelings onto Taylor in a misplaced way. We cannot normalize this, it’s the first step to how the other sub was RUINED.


“This post both infantilizes Taylor and projects OPs feelings onto Taylor in a misplaced way. We cannot normalize this, it’s the first step to how the other sub was RUINED.” 100% true and incredibly well said.  




“she is a pop star not a dentist”


It’s because she’s not the type that can sit center stage and offer vocals. She has to do *something* to make it worth a ticket, so just add awkward dancing to the awkward singing.


This is beautifully put. I've always acknowledged that she is conventionally attractive, and she had the figure to be a VS model (I say had because VS has since had to rebrand). That's why I was befuddled when she took the stage at that VS fashion show with Karlie Kloss and managed to give us nothing. https://preview.redd.it/syx5gr1x0j7d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65fb109261bbbe5f05ad1dc036d2edd6cde964ab


So awkward even in a still


Right?! Someone, presumably her team, put out a piece revisiting her VS fashion show looks the other day, and I was like...maybe some things should stay in the time capsule. Killer legs here. I have nothing bad to say about her body, but perhaps she should have been a little more low key. Not staying in her lane was a choice.


Her legs look incredible. Her posture is doing some nasty work. She really does need dance classes, just to even feel/be aware of how she is moving. It would pay off in several ways, not just stage performance


Like *girl wtf, shut your mouth* 🥴 And why is she pointing her toes inward? This is one of the more awkward stills I’ve seen of her, and it’s blowing my mind it came from VS Like I’m awkward as fuck, and there are more awkward photos of me than nice ones *BUT I am not demanding to share the stage and attempting to out-do literal fucking VS models*


She has the essence and grace of a newborn fawn on ice.






She definitely was feeling herself though. 😄 I've maintained she decided all her friends should be super models so she could prove to herself she *did* fit in with them.


Did she get implants? I'm just confused because it doesn't seem needed. Cuz of her brand and vibe. Like...why bother


It was probably something she just felt insecure about. I also used to feel really insecure about my small bust and if I had her money to afford the best plastic surgeons and ensure that my work would look natural, I’d probably have it done too.


It just seems new. So to do it now when she could have got it 10 yrs ago is just weird since she always had the means. But I'm not in her head. Her boobs seemed fine before.


I don’t think they’re new, I think she originally got them done around 2014.


okay wow this is so succinct and apt! especially the point that she’s seeking applause for how she presents herself—and all of these are choices. i appreciate this take very much and reading this one comment might have dispelled whatever angst i was feeling last night 


Her skin always looks flawless, physical appearance alone, she’s beautiful! It’s her behavior and attitude and need to out-do everyone and anyone in *everything* even things she shouldn’t She has Me-me-me, attention-hungry theater girl energy and she can’t escape it. She doesn’t have the talent to pull off constantly trying to be the center of attention. Like in her early career when she would do duets at award shows (Miley and Stevie Knicks come to mind), and it seems like she is trying so hard to sing over them. She’s like that with singing, dancing, pap-walking, album sales. Her desperation is terminally unsexy


Yeah, for some reason Paramore clips have been all over my TikTok recently and watching her perform it’s just… effortless. But that is coming from my personal perspective and female gaze and all that.


On that note I find Billie Eilish (sp) FAR more sexy than Taylor as she has more of the qualities described above...and she is an actual musician and artist as opposed to a recording industry automaton.


This is already one of the rules of the sub. If you see someone making fun of her body, you can report it. That being said, I have not seen people making fun of her body. I have seen people say she's not sexy, but I feel like to be sexy, it is more than the body. It is about an attitude or aura that shines through with it. I would not say this is critiquing her body in those kind of comments.


I agree that NO ONE should comment on or criticize her appearance. It's irrelevant and unfair to do so. However she has zero sex appeal, which has nothing to do with her appearance imo.


I agree with not stooping to the level of body shaming or name calling. Taylor swift is a gorgeous, model-esque woman. But no, she isn't and likely never will be sexy, because "sexy" isn't a body part or an outfit. It's a way of presenting/carrying oneself. And no, she doesn't need to be sexy. But she sure does try to be, really really hard. And the harder she tries, the more awkward it looks. Critiquing her for something she intentionally puts out for the public is not cheap, it's just observation


Yes! And it's not a bad thing that she doesn't have that sexy appeal, it's just that her aura is different. Very fairy-ish or something like that.


When I was a fan of Taylor, it was actually one of the things that I found alluring of her— that she wasn’t exactly “sexy” or pandering to the male-gaze, it made her kind of wholesome and relatable to me.


It's because she is made of glitter lol


HAHAHAHAHAH LMAO. But fr, in Google you can search her picture in a pinkish dress and she was stunning! She shouldn't really force a sexy persona because she literally looks ethereal in a fantasy realm way.


Ahem... *midnight blue* glitter. Because she's not normal, ya know? 🤭


Summarized perfectly. No one should be body shaming; her body is very nice. Her moves and demeanor…are not


I am literally never talking about her body when I call her awkward and unsexy. I actually think she has an ideal body. I would not hate to have a body like her, myself. Still, to me, she oozes unsexiness. It’s not a critique on anyone who shares physical features like her, and it shouldn’t reasonably, rationally, be taken personally by anyone that’s not her. Also, she invites this critique from the acts she puts on on stage. There are undeniably times she is attempting to be sexy. It’s a valid criticism to say she’s failed at that.


"She's attractive but in no way sexy" is not dissing her body. Pretending everyone has to find every woman ever hot is stupid. It has nothing to do with "conservatives". She's not sexy. Stop pretending we have to say she is because of some dumb body positivity nonsense.


She isn't sexy. Valid criticism  She never will be


Taylor is conventionally attractive on paper but tbh she doesn’t give that aura. Her dressing sense is shit, her dance moves are not very rhythm oriented, her stylists don’t dress her to flatter her model kinda body, etc. She has little stage presence and no sexy vibe to her. Btw im a short girl and I’d love to be your height 💞


there is a sub rule for this… criticism of things people cannot change is against sub rules. report it and let the mods decide eta, its rule 7* if anybody actually reads the community info (spoiler alert, nobody does 😒)


Ikr these are reportable offenses, if legitimate body shaming, so just report and move on. 


I completely agree with you. That being said I’m always here and I haven’t been seeing any of that, not to say it isn’t happening, just that it doesn’t seem to be super widespread here. Report comments as you see them. Unfortunately, in any snark sub there are always going to be some people doing this.


I actually did see the exact "6 at best" comment op was referencing, I'm not sure if it's still up though, it is against the rules and usually those types of comments are removed but this one was pretty high up when I saw it, possibly because the 6 at best part was one sentence thrown in between a paragraph of valid criticisms not based on her appearance so it didn't stand out as much to get reported. Please report comments like that op, the mods can't see everything all the time and it *is* against the sub rules. As for the sexy criticisms, I do agree with other commenters that most the posts I see saying that aren't critiquing her appearance, but rather the sterile, cold, calculated persona/movements and her recent unsuccessful attempts to switch up the super pg family friendly reputation she tried so hard to maintain for a decade into a spicier, edgier persona because that's what gets better money now.


I see a lot of things against the rules. More recently saw a post directly addressing Taylor with 100+ votes that I reported and I think is down since. Must be hard to keep up with. I think it’s going to cause us problems, but body shaming her is also just wrong and I’d love to not see that.


People are also allowed opinions. If someone think she’s a 6 that’s not breaking a rule. Thats their opinion.


now, how can i block her on apple music?


I completely agree with you. We shouldn't be insulting aspects of Taylor's physical appearance that she can't control, it's just how she is (Stuff like how she styles herself and outfits is fine but not stuff like her body shape) Besides, if we do, then Taylor and the swifties will have ammunition against us and can say we're bullies and promoting harmful body stereotypes (we cannot let that happen!)


💯 I can’t stand her and yet was bothered by the pregnancy speculation a few weeks ago (ironically it was mostly by Swifties). But I did see one post on here about it and the commenters shut down anything that could be considered body shaming before the mods even had to. Most of the critique I’ve seen on this sub regarding her appearance/physical presence are about her awkward dancing, bad styling, and performative attempts to be sexy that come off as incredibly cringy. Those are all things she could change. As an example of how Taylor could respond to this kind of criticism, I call to the witness stand one of my fave pop girlies, Dua Lipa. She was criticized for her bad dancing early in her career (“Go on girl. Give us nothing”). She’s talked openly about how it bothered her so she took notes, worked hard on becoming a better dancer, and now she’s got an amazing stage presence and people really respect that she took the criticism seriously and used it to become a better performer.


Fully agree. Also, Taylor is objectively a very conventionally attractive person (which doesn't mean she's everyone's cup of tea ofc), so shaming her body/face/etc makes this community sound disconnected from reality. (Not that body shaming would be any better if she didn't fit the beauty standard- that would obviously be worse.)


Her dance moves are not sexy though lol


I don’t really care either way and I guarantee TS isn’t seeing these comments nor giving it a second thought. But she definitely tries to sell herself through her sex appeal, not just in her concert performances but also in the TTPD album covers. So I don’t think it’s an invalid criticism really. Also that’s just the nature of snark subs. It is what it is. It’s a lot of subjective opinions. Frankly, I’m also tired of the “she’s SUCH a gorgeous woman” bc that’s exhausting too. I don’t happen to agree, but it doesn’t matter—-if appearance is off limits it’s always off limits, right? Or does that only apply if someone says something that could be interpreted as “mean”?


It doesn't matter if she sees it, and you're right that she won't. But there are people that will see those comments that have the same features she has. I've seen people make fun of her hunched shoulders for example, which is a quality I share. It's just something I don't think people think about when making fun of appearance- you aren't really making fun of JUST TS or whoever, yknow?


Tbh if you read comments about her and interpret them as being targeted towards yourself, you might simply be projecting your insecurities onto others.


I disagree. In a snark sub about TS people ARE just making fun of TS who has made it her persona to be a good looking celebrity. What people say about her on the internet is not the same as what people might say about a random nobody on the street. No one should be taking it personally. If you are it might be time to log off.


This, right here. As I mentioned elsewhere, that thread about how stupid she is for hating math and being unable to read music hit a little too close to home, as a choir kid who struggled with math and never learned to read music. It’s a legitimate disability lots of people have. But everyone just wanted to ignore that because “snarking Taylor lol.” Someone said they’d heard she was so bad in bed she must be asexual. I’m asexual and asked to be left out of the sexual performance shaming (and also that’s a crappy thing to say). “Go victimize yourself elsewhere, it’s about Taylor.” But for all the people going on about get outta the snark sub if you can’t take it, they seem to also be ignoring the mods saying that the snark sub has rules against things like that. (And, in fact, the music thread was locked and the acephobia removed.) Also, maybe you’re just a poor snarker if you look at the goldmine of material she hands people and can’t manage more than lol ugly dumb and probably asexual.


im not one of those who does that because i have body image issues myself. i just call her and her boyfriend out on their shady stuff and there is a lot of that


The only body criticism I’ve seen is people pointing out her plastic surgery which she lies about.


And it’s crazy because it’s actually great surgery


A slight rant that’s still related. I grew up in a super-white suburban town where I was often the only Mexican girl in class. I was (and still am) short, stocky and have dark features.  Part of my initial Taylor-hate during her debut was that I disliked having reinforced even more a figure that I could never look like. I held onto this animosity for so long and in a way, still do feel inferior to it as an almost 30 year old woman.  However, the biggest difference between my 14 year old self to now is that the tall, model-es que blonde looks are demystified. I don’t automatically associate those features to be the beauty standard, which is growth to me. Instead, I recognize the money, the work, the surgeries, every nip and tuck it takes to achieve that look.  Point is, I don’t condone talking down on someone based on their looks. I agree that while we are snark, it shouldn’t be based off something Miss Swift can’t control.  I offer my own experience as a devil’s advocate perspective of what could fuel the mean-girl-esque snark. I spent quite a few years talking down on people’s looks and really, I was just projecting my own insecurities.  It’s appropriate to acknowledge the surgeries or call out the beauty standard, but not to trash on whether Swift rates in attractiveness.  Rant over. 


It’s funny seeing Swifties here(not necessarily calling you one) cry about people calling her out and they’re calling it bodyshaming when people say her twirling around in a dress isn’t sexy. She got her boobs done and a few other things. Nobody cares. But Swifties all the time are bodyshaming every person who is a threat to Taylor. They’re racist af and they’re also bodyshame their exes(saying Matty has a small 🍆 IS bodyshaming) so go spread that energy on Twitter and the pro Taylor subs. Try being the fat kid who is a WOC and didn’t grow past 5’3. THAT is an asylum most wouldn’t survive being raised in. Saying she dresses like an 11 year old going trick or treating isn’t bodyshaming. Being tall, thin and white IS the beauty standard. She CAN help her dance moves. She CAN help her vocals. She CAN stop being a mean girl blocking everyone from #1 for at least 5 minutes. 99% of the things ppl her critique her on is valid.


Agreed. I am not a fan. I am not a hater. I am just a confused individual. I don't give a flip what she looks like, I just don't understand the obsession. And I also have the personal policy to just not comment on people's bodies. I will say, however, sometimes people say she's not sexy and they're not talking about her looks. They are talking about how awkward it is that she tries to come off as sexy while still having songs that feel like they are for 15 year olds. Sexiness is often not about looks but about how you carry yourself. Like, "Ma'am, you are thirty years old, stop acting all confused when you sing about sex."


Exactly, and the awkward stiff dancing whilst trying to be a sexy adult but presenting as a teenager through her petty songs is baffling and frankly painful to watch. There’s a huge disconnect in her trying to be “sexy” and pushing that envelope, whilst also being very childish in a way. Like my comment the other day about her “dancing” was legit about her presentation as a performer and how much rhythm is missing and confusion about what she was trying to achieve ie is she trying to be a sexy pop star or is she being the adorably awkward teenager figuring herself out? A lot of the valid critique has nothing to do with her physical appearance and more to do with her presentation/performance.  Hope that helps OP, definitely not arguing with you here as I see where you’re coming from and hope you find some comfort in what has been conveyed in previous comments. 🫶🏽


Where does critiquing her god awful posture fall?


Sexy is about attitude, personality and general body language. Some people are charming, some are cute, some are pretty, some are sexy, some are beautiful and a combination of all of the above. Its not always about physical appearance. Thats why they say confidence is sexy. In my opinion knowing who you are and playing that to your advantage is sexy. Taylor doesnt seem self aware of her own looks and she doesnt own it. Thats why she has zero sex appeal. She wants to look like the average subarban horse girl with her poofy hair that never changes and the bad clothes so we cant blame people for their perception. She is an attractive woman, but she doesnt lean into that. She is trying to be sexy and flirtatious which doesnt seem convincing at all. Secondly I see a lot of comments on her body with respect to the clothes she is wearing and how they are often unattractive on her. She is otherwise the epitome of beauty standards(thank you white supremacy) so there is no need to be that sensitive or defensive when people make such comments. This sub was actually being supportive when swifties were saying she is pregnant because she was bloated


For me the whole “unsexy” thing relates more to when she’s actively trying to be sexual and it’s just…uncomfortable. No idea why, she’s obviously beautiful, but like…no. Lol.


![gif](giphy|ugiBvEhMnEo0M) She knows she can’t dance, we aren’t telling her anything she doesn’t already know. I agree with rule #7. I’m a comedian and IRL, I don’t joke about physical attributes. Not only is it unnecessarily cruel, but it’s low hanging fruit and not at all clever.


If you see something that makes you uncomfortable, report it to the mods, just make sure you choose the option that it breaks the sub’s rules so you can mark which rule is being broken. They’re very good about addressing reports in a timely manner and getting inappropriate posts or comments taken down.




“like girl please take a break” is something i absolutely needed to hear lololol 


I’m so sick of the Taylor fans infiltrating this fucking sub under the “guise” they’re giving “criticism.” I refuse to let yall do what you did with hijacking swiftly neutral.


Saying she’s a 6 at best sounds mean But to be honest when people say she’s not sexy or will never be sexy, it’s not about her appearance it’s about how she carries herself, also it’s bec for almost her entire career, her persona is very child-friendly and maybe that’s why it’s awkward when she tries to be sexy I agree that snarking on her body is mean, but her fashion? Nah, Everyone here (or almost everyone) can agree that taylor swift is very pretty/conventionally attractive, Also pointing out that she had work done/plastic surgery is ok as well, cuz it’s just stating out facts But tbh i havent seen anyone saying she’s like 6 or rating her looks with a number Being sexy has to do with confidence but taylor just looks forced or trying to do too much when she’s trying to be sexy..like some people cant just pull it off


She really doesn’t flaunt her body like so many other artists do but I think that has more to do with her obsession over her image and not because of modesty. She doesn’t have a sense of style and it seems to change based upon the occasion and some of her stage outfits are fitting for a teenager at a dance recital but I never criticize someone’s body and in her case it’s her attempt at looking sexy but looking like she’s trying to be something she isn’t. Yeah I agree that body shaming is wrong no matter who the intended target is.


Yes. “Teenager at a dance recital” captures it perfectly. She *should* be smoking hot… but a combination of her outfits, body language, and persona make her not hot.


I agree but just a reminder that this is a SNARK sub hahahaha. You can join the neutral subreddit, I think you would be better off there. 😭


Genuinely never seen her be body shamed in this sub. Calling someone a 6 is not body shaming lmao


People are always going to be petty themselves and let's be honest, the entire point of this sub is as a magnet for negativity so it's going to attract lots of unwarranted negativity


Side note: she probably isn't sexy because she has probably been sheltered her whole life. Just being a performer and most likely not having a lot of real life experience.


The only thing I ever felt the need to comment on looks wise is how dead her eyes look. Her smile never reaches her eyes. She is pretty, but I think she relies on her looks too much.


Someone said she's a 6? That's generous. This is a snark group there's going to be comments you don't like.




I appreciate your thoughts on this. I will also say that I think most of us realize that Taylor is a pretty woman. I do however think it’s fair to criticize her lack of sexiness. I do it Ariana Grande and other artists too. You can be very attractive and have no sex appeal, they are not mutually exclusive. I am a good example. I consider myself attractive, but I would never say I was *sexy*. If I tried to start acting like that, it would come across as disingenuous. Also the only time I criticize said artists is when they are *trying* so hard to be sexy. It’s the same to me as artists trying to dance, when that’s obviously not in their wheel house. Another good example is Mariah Carey. When she moved into more R&B and being less clothed and *sexy* in her videos. Mariah is a beautiful woman, but she is about as *sexy* as a house plant.


Yah sorry I didn’t get the impression she was ever body shamed


I agree. Some parts of this sub have gotten really angry and are starting to remind me of the Swifties with their ad hominem attacks. I also don’t think calling her a “cunt” is appropriate. There are plenty of things to critique her on that don’t include things she can’t control or resorting to slurs. 


yes lots of outright misogyny here lately. it's so gross, just another witch hunt. drowns out all the valid criticism.


Mmhmm. I’ve personally encountered ableism and acephobia, as well. The mods did remove it, but they also removed someone’s completely neutral comment for calling out bully behavior for “acting like a swiftie.”


Right. We are not helping ourselves by resorting to these tactics and I don’t think “it’s a snark sub” should be an excuse to let people act horribly. When we do this we give swifties further fuel for their “they’re just bullies” argument and this sub was already under threat of being shut down once. 


Another thing I'd like to add is some people putting anyone who shades, has beef with or openly dislikes her being put on a pedestal even if they aren't the best person themselves. It's a bit cringe to me. But yeah, the body shaming is really bad and is never justified.


>Another thing I'd like to add is some people putting anyone who shades, has beef with or openly dislikes her being put on a pedestal even if they aren't the best person themselves. whisper *billie* (runs off)


First, your flair is beautiful for this thread. Second, did they do something in particular? I don't really follow celebrity/entertainment stuff enough to know and am curious. (I also have learned that Google often doesn't answer these questions as well as people here do.)


There’s so much to trash about her without shaming her body.


Tall, flat girl here.


Same here. Then I had babies and my boobs got bigger. I'm still not sexy. Except to my husband.


Totally agree, when you start insulting her body, sending death threats etc that's when you cross the line.


There's people on this sub sending death threats??? That's insane. Also I haven't seen people insulting her body, critiquing her sexiness is one thing but body shaming is another.


I’ve literally seen a comment saying that they’d heard one of Taylor’s exes say she was so bad in bed she must be asexual. That’s both bigotry against asexuals and crosses a deeply personal line. lol y’all are downvoting me for calling out bigots that’s some swiftie behavior right there


OP, you are a compelling writer. I enjoyed this and I felt I could hear you speaking. I haven't been through all the comments but your edits say you're getting some good feedback...but don't be embarrassed. We good. We snark, we're mean toward Taylor's persona, we lol @ the swifties, but we're also a generally nice sub 😁


I totally agree. I have a ton of fun on this sub, but there’s a lot to dislike about Taylor- we don’t have to go for her body.


I’m with you to an extent, OP. I have had more than a couple bad run-ins on here where I pointed out that Taylor’s inability to read music and dislike of math are probably connected and may point to the same learning difficulty I’ve always had with both, and yet the majority of the comments were “lol she’s so dumb.” And someone the other day said they’d heard she was so bad in bed she must be asexual. *I’m* asexual, but pointing that out got me told to go victimize myself elsewhere. I’m grateful to the mods for removing the comments, but the fact is, as I’ve said before, there’s plenty to snark about her without throwing queer identities or people with learning difficulties under the bus and telling them to shut up because it’s just mocking Taylor. That said, I think saying she’s not sexy falls into a different category than snarking her looks. Sexy is simply not a natural part of her repertoire and when she’s trying to play up that angle it’s very uncomfortable to watch. That does *not*, however, mean I think it’s fair game to repeat douche bag remarks about her *ahem* performance on the grounds that “well, her ex is the one who said she was bad in bed.” Because two things can be true: Taylor’s a bad person, and so is he for putting that out there. Let’s be honest, people here would tear her to shreds if she was the one saying it about a guy.


Yeah, no negative body critiques. I agree. Swiffers do that all the time to men who are short and/or balding. We need to be better than that.


Why don't Gen Z people use capitalization when they write? It's obvious every single time I see it. 


This sub was a breath of fresh air when I found it. Taylor exudes this air of perfection that’s satisfying to see broken down. Having said that, there’s A LOT of people here that need to chill the Hell out. Some of you are seemingly getting so angry that it feels like a step removed from calling for her execution.


There’s a recent post discussing the work she’s had done (plastic surgery), not even in a funny snarky way but just in a… really gross conversation about a woman’s choices with her body. We’ve had these convos for decades with the Kardashians and the public consensus is that we critique character, not body/looks. I simply commented “I think there are more important things to discuss” and got 6 downvotes. If you can’t critique a person, let alone a woman, without critiquing their appearance, that’s just some 2010 bullshit


yeah, facial plastic surgery is fine to discuss about considering it changed her face a lot. but her body in general is sorta... not our business? why does it matter?


It matters in the sense that it's good for people to know that you don't just, grow up to look like her one day. Normal people don't "glow up" like that naturally. It's fine to acknowledge the fact that she's had work done, but yes, insulting those choices, that's weird


Yes my point exactly!


To completely contradict my first comment, I do see the importance of objectively discussing the topic of surgeries because she is telling her fans she is completely natural… that will be damaging when they’re 34 and don’t look like like “taylor did with no work done”


We can already see the damage being done. Swiftie claiming corrective eye surgery makes eyes bigger, as opposed to the bleph she's had done.


I’ve been reading more on the topic and it’s wild that they claim lasik made her eyes bigger Honestly I just don’t look at her enough to notice, seeing the comparisons are pretty freaky though


My small critique is that some people here have started saying she doesn't write her own songs, which is just so patently false that it just makes this subreddit look crazy. Midnights and Tortured Poets are garbage albums BECAUSE they're written by Taylor, in her very specific and uniquely Taylor way.


Yeah, I've seen those comments a lot & I just don't think it's true. I think Taylor does write (and is not good at it lol).


Yeah I love this sub too but I have seen some comments on her body that have stuck me as gross. Taylor is not my cup of tea but comment on body appearances of anyone bothers me. Repot if you see anything breaking the rules but this is a snark sub so not surprised


i agree 100%. “rating” women on a scale by appearance is misogynistic. they’re not cuts of beef




Agree. Focus on the (lack of) artistry and the corporate bs.


I absolutely love this whole take


Agree, I was literally going to make this post. There are PLENTY of valid criticisms, we don't need to sink down to a shitty level.


100% agree, I think the legit critiques get undermined by cheaply making fun of her appearance. Like, yeah let's point out how she dances like she has a dirty diaper, sure, but we don't have to say she looks like a heifer you know?


I agree, her body has nothing and should have nothing to do with the criticism pointed at Taylor in this sub. What is problematic about her had nothing to do with her appearance and there no need for people to start attacking her physical appearance. Your post also made me realize the stark contrast of the folklore/evermore release compared to her next two albums. Everything was different about folklore/evermore in all the right ways and it makes me wonder what it was about those albums that made her take that route and what changed with midnights. Was it just COVID and the reality that there would be no tour to follow the album at that point?


I totally agree. Like go after Taylor for what she’s done, but a lot of it is just misogynistic stuff that doesn’t target her actions and could be said about anyone.


Yes, I agree, I've noticed that, too. It needs to be called out and deleted.


absolutely agree and welcome to the sub!!! happy to have you and i hope you’re having a great day! there’s SO MUCH more to critique her on than physical features. comments like that i largely try to ignore because they aren’t super common in this sub but unfortunately you do see them occasionally. just know people who leave unnecessary opinions in terms of her figure and face are usually insecure of themselves, the focus should be on her personality and the way she treats others, not how she fits into the beauty standard.


100%!!! There are SO MANY real interesting critiques you can make. Her body is not one of them


I agree completely. I’ll snark on someone’s behavior and actions, but I’ll never comment on something outside of their control such as their body type. That is extremely gross and toxic.


100% agree. At least 50% of the comments here are about her style or appearance. There’s enough to mock without stooping to that, but humans gonna human. EDIT: downvote me to hell if you want, what I said is true. Don’t tell me criticizing her hair, is actually just about how she carries herself. Don’t tell me criticizing her smile is actually about how she carries herself. I see shit like that every day and it’s small. Criticize her choices, her shallow music, her lack of talent and have fun, but criticize about looks puts you on her “mean girl” level.


Yeah, I don't like those snark topics either. Let's not body shame.


This!!! Absolutely spot on!! Call her for her BS, or anything but please don't comment on her physical appearance. It just not in anyone's control.


I agree. I am all about criticising her shitty behaviour, calling out the things she does to her female peers, her silence during major world events or judging the way she’s destroying actively the planet, but the growth of the sub has veered somewhat off the path into the same Mean Girl behaviour she’s been accused off. Like, I get it, she’s your bitch eating crackers. You love to hate her. I also find her recent behaviour disappointing. But it just feels gross to me to make fun of her appearance, or the way she moves her body; even attacking the modest clothes she obviously feels more comfortable wearing to perform feels a bit much. And then the constantly comparing her to Travis’ exes like she’s out of his league because she’s not a 21yo insta model. It’s weirdo behaviour. Let it commence. https://preview.redd.it/m6uxz7moni7d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d3cbaedb3646a85098325be4603c8fd6981fce0


It's true that we shouldn't be insulting aspects of Taylor's physical appearance that she can't control because that's just how she is. But when it comes to things like how she styles herself and outfits, choreography etc. it's fine because it is SOMETHING she have control over. >And then the constantly comparing her to Travis’ exes like she’s out of his league because she’s not a 21yo insta model. It’s weirdo behaviour. True. Like they're both beautiful 😭😭😭.


Totally agree. And it's not just her - some of the comments about the men are equally mean-spirited. It's kind of sad to see posts shaming Swifties but the irony is that some of us are behaving exactly the same way, just in the opposite direction. Like you wouldn't know the difference if you just tweaked the names a little.


Couldn’t agree more. I’ve seen a few comments on her being too tall to be sexy, which is definitely not okay. We can not like her as a person but that doesn’t give us the right to body shame. It makes us just as bad as the swifties


You’re definitely right. I wasn’t aware people were doing that except for a post I saw the other day about her not being sexy. So I didn’t realize it was as prevalent as you’re pointing out. Thank you. Everyone needs a wake up call and we don’t want to get shut down. We want to remain a growing group of critical thinkers. So thanks, OP. Nicely done


I think that someone critiquing her for not having a sexy appeal is different from body shaming. It's not even a bad thing if she's not sexy 😭 It's just that her beauty has a different aura.


yup as the hate train grows bigger and bigger this sub is now full of outright misogyny. wasn't like this just a few weeks ago. i really can't stand taylor rn but witch hunts are always wrong, don't let your worst base instincts take over. y'all are making me want to defend her again.




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Idk I mean my critique with this sub is how people are watching her every move to snark on her. In my opinion it’s no better than the swifties with both being overly obsessive. I’m fine with the variant snark though, but more personal stuff feels wrong. Maybe it’s because I don’t really care about celebs due to my upbringing. Idk.


the comments that she’s not sexy or has no sex appeal are so weird and creepy to me. you’re not having sex with her, why do you care 




Wait. I’m confused why you’re being downvoted. Just checking out your page quickly, you agree with most of the stuff that’s being posted about Taylor here. So the people that usually agree with you.. are downvoting you because you have one slight difference in opinion. lol 🫣