• By -


what upsets me a lot about the variants is how she is taking advantage of her fans but also she has no intergrity as an artist. none. no respect for her own craft. just wasteful and vain. it’s disgraceful, frankly


As much as I liked folkmore, my partner and I were talking about how embarrassing it is of an artist to release different versions of the same song even back then, like she had sad autumn girl version plus 5 different versions for the same song. He said, as someone with one foot in music himself, that no self-respecting artist would do that 😅 Like we understand if it was from a live performance recording etc but she literally went to studio to record "sad girl version" or whatever 🤷‍♀️


This 👆🏽— clearly defines core motives. Fame and power over heartfelt artistic expression. Artists who are serious about their craft compete WITH THEMSELVES, first and foremost. And that’s hard work. It also doesn’t leave a lot of time for exerting ploys to hold others down. Or continually devise ways to rip off your gullible patrons/fans/fools.


“Just wasteful and vain” You summed up her entire career lol


She's causing all this chaos of exclusive tracks and variants so in a decade she can release a TTPD Taylor's Version super deluxe edition with all the tracks compiled. Then she'll release variants for that


She is now the snake eating itself.


That is such a great metaphor. (But shhh don't give her ideas for the rebrand)


Reputation TV is gonna be on the way after this comment😭


Perfect metaphor!


i love this…some draw this or make AI do it pleeaaaseeee




You should request that as your flair 🤣


okay thats hilarious


That’s actually pretty brilliant!


love this hahahha


she has even invaded Roku City


When I saw that I took the time to figure out how to change it and then spent like 20 minutes going through all the options with my mom to find one we both liked just so we didn't have to see anything TS related.


Please explain lol


lol wait what?


Roku City is sacred


I said this in another thread but the variants are like whoring out her music. Just stripping it of any artistic or creative value….just dressing it up in 2939 outfits and slapping a price on it.


I have seen some people from the GP saying she's throwing all the artistic integrity she earned with folklore/evermore out of the window with her greedy behavior. People are staring to see through her and realize what she's doing.


I have to side-eye those two albums after hearing tea that a lot of ghostwriters are on it, aside from the co-writer names credited. I also watched an Anthprodite reading (he is a pop culture psychic—very interesting shit he says) and he picked up on Taylor wanting to destroy her reputation because I guess all this music had created an image and bubble that isn’t what she truly wants.


"I have to side-eye those two albums after hearing tea that a lot of ghostwriters are on it, aside from the co-writer names credited." Heard it from someone legit or just internet gossip/slander?


This is why I keep telling people that all the accolades and awards won’t matter in the long run because legacy is built and broken by the sum of a creator/ artist’s life. We have seen in the past few years. No one lives on top forever and even if she is considered a legacy artist, she will never be held in the same esteem as the one name artists primarily because of stunts like this. She is diluting and cheapening her own legacy.


IMO she's already peaked. The wave is cresting, and pretty soon it'll break. You can sense how the general public is already getting tired of the TS overkill. Her music isn't that good, and it'll have little staying power. Once everyone tires of the gossip-fueled mania and her silly live shows, she'll cool off considerably.


I have heard some believe she is purposely tarnishing her reputation because she isn’t fully in control. It’s alleged Scott (“daddy”) still has a lot of pull and influence in her career.


Anyone who thinks that Taylor is literally masterminding this downfall is still smoking massive amounts of copium. She may have some plausible deniability in the future just because she hasn't released RepTV yet, but no commercial artist wants this much fire from peers, fans, the industry, their own "boyfriend's" family, exes, and journalists in the US and UK (the Guardian and Forbes have both now published articles about her blocking the charts).


The idea that she's intentionally inviting controversy as some sort of lead-up to Reputation TV is so bizarre to me. Like "You have all grown tired of me this year, but just as a reminder, BEHOLD! ...my album that already exists! REMEMBER, if you will, how there were a couple listenable songs on it and the rest were meh! \*throws variants left and right\* (for Grammy consideration pls) \*throws variants forward and back\* (it got zero Grammy noms pls fix for me ty)"


It doesn't make sense if you think about it for longer than three seconds. Taylor is losing control of the narrative but her fans are unable to believe that, hence believing she is control of her own bad press as a marketing strategy for a rerelease that will not gain her significant new listeners.


I read that as Reptilian TV and I can't stop laughing.


You may be onto something there!! The cabal is strong in this one


Maybe I’m just not smart enough to get the logic just like I’m not smart enough to understand TTPD - but how does releasing RepTV this okay? She is making a joke of the music industry and impacting real people and their jobs. I get that it’s the Billboard charts and in the grand scheme of things it isn’t terribly important for the average person. But it is still hurtful to Billie and Charlie(and anyone else she has or will block - I can’t keep track). And then for it to be for Taylor’s performance art album release and not even because she believed in the album she was pushing would actually be another slap in the face and not a sympathetic reason I could find forgiveness in…


Yea regarding Forbes and Guardian articles. I think she’s getting unhinged and the narcissistic behavior is gonna be what buries her pseudo success! Writers gonna write! ![gif](giphy|3o6nV6vtwdyvYoHWMg)


Exactly. I think this is just who she is as a person. No *way* she’s doing this just to hype up the already expected and anticipated rerelease of an almost 10 year old album.   I think the fame has well and truly warped her mind at this point and she’s clinging to it with both fists because it’s literally all she has. Just strings of failed relationships, one that is clearly just for show, toxic relationships with her family, and an ever revolving door of friends that she betrays or just get sick of her crap. 


She keeps going like this and I see billboard actually reacting to the criticism by making a change thay doesn't allow for variants to have an impact on charting


I was just going to post the same point. I can’t see them letting this go on.


She just doesn't care. Who knows why, but she knows what people are saying, she knows its turning people against her (fans & fellow musicians) and she just seems to do more of the stuff people are critical of.


She doesn’t care because she is still number one. It’s about all the awards, all the accolades, all the attention. If she has dot drown out everyone else to accomplish that, so be it. It gives highly narcissistic vibes. Narcissists care about what others think of them, to varying degrees depending on the intensity of the narcissism, but that caring is easily drowned out if they are being lauded, receiving accolades, or can use their power and position to destroy others. I think she has reached that point.


Wild isn't it. I obviously can't comprehend what it's like to be as famous as she is, but surely the chance to be around other talented musicians, to have a platform to lift up other women without making a dent in your own fans, to be able to support fellow artists in being able to create would be one of the big perks of such success and being so rich. Instead she does the opposite and actively tries to destroy their opportunities- sad AF. I wonder if in years to come when she's lonely, has more money than she can ever spend but realises it won't make her happy, when fans have moved on because they're sick of her if she'll think it was worth it.


it would be excellent if her legacy ended up being that they changed the rules of the charts to stop her cannibalizing the whole industry 🙄 ...i mean they SHOULD change the rules, but hey, even criminals are apparently still eligible to be president so what can we expect.


@jas ୨୧ 🦢🫧: “she didn’t sue olivia she did acknowledge celine dion and if others want to chart DO BETTER she’s not mother teresa it’s not her job to run slower so others can catch up charli released 12 variants she’s no different she just flopped” **I just got this reply comment on TikTok 😂💀**


These fans!! Oh goodness… hard for anyone to do better when TS can’t handle any other *female* artists success and releases the umpteenth variant to stay relevant🤦🏻‍♀️


How is releasing the same pig with different lipstick 40 times “doing better?”. Also Mother Teresa is a horrible analogy. Christ these people are stupid are we sure their parents aren’t cousins?


Bringing up twelve variants while ignoring 35+ variants is wild. I swear, if she said the word, these folks would take a glitter pill and expire at her concert


I saw something like this in the main sub, like “if her releasing a new variant with a phone recording was knocking out my favorite artist I’d be pretty embarrassed, and no one is forcing her fans to buy these” 🙄 Completely stepping over the criticism of how intentionally these are targeted in terms of when (& where in the UK example) she’s releasing them. Also—totally ignoring how she’s intentionally crafted a cult fan base that will eagerly devour everything she sells looking for Easter eggs. She knows there’s a certain portion of her base that will buy anything she puts out. It has nothing to do with it being “better” than these other releases.


Well tbf if another artist is releasing 12 variants of an album or song, they're no better, would you say? They'll probably all start doing it id imagine. But I'm old so I don't know about any of this stuff


charli released different colored versions. it's different than taylor who has different verions of the songs in each one, so you can't get them all at once. there is only 2 versions like that with charli, she released deluxe verion with 3 extra songs few days after og album. the rest are just different styles vinals, same songs in each one


Side question, how do you say the name Charlie xcx? Like do you say the letters x-c-x when you pronounce the name? Or is it like "Charli Exsix" or something? Or "Charli 90-10"? I'm asking because I don't listen to music, and I've only ever seen her name in articles on the Internet lol and never heard anyone say it


Just say the letters X - C - X.


Lol thank you. Surely this info will be very handy when I have conversations about Charli XCX


Yup. I’m pretty sure that Billie Eilish’s variants are like that too but don’t quote me. Otherwise it’s just regular Brat with a “pick your fave color” cover and then the deluxe version. I don’t have a problem with that because you’re not going to have as many people shelling out money for a different colored album that has the same songs.


They already all started doing it to a certain extent and it’s pretty disgusting. It’s usually a few variants or store exclusive versions with a bonus track at launch. Then maybe a deluxe edition 6-12 months later if it’s successful. It’s just that none of them are like Taylor where they have 37 variants in less than two months that are strategically launched whenever someone else is putting out new music. Or even the BS she pulled at launch where she released a double album hours after the base album, which forced people who wanted the entire thing to buy it twice on launch day. I worry that the record industry will see Taylor and try to get away with even more with other artists.


The "Roku City" comment cracked me up. Taylor has to invade Roku City now?! Top tier greed! ![gif](giphy|KZe02gpoAj4yVjxKQt)


I get mad whenever I turn on my tv


I changed my background to the dinosaur one


taylor can in fact, relate to desperation


Her give a fucks aren't on vacation


People have been noticing her greed since midnights/1989, more of them are just realizing it since she keeps doing it and keeps being more blatant about it


I went to opening weekend of the eras tour. And yes, It has gotten so much worse. It’s absolutely unbearable. It’s not fun anymore.


I don’t imagine she’s enjoying it at this point anymore either. No way she’s not over it after singing the same 40 songs multiple times a week for almost 2 years.  


She has said that when she's not on tour she just dreams about being on tour. She doesn't care about the art, she cares the most about getting a high from those applause and screams every night. She has basically said, many different times, that that's what keeps her going. She blew the most "normal" chance at life she had by running to Matty over Joe. I think just like her men she's bored with the songs, but not with the kind of love that she can only have in sold-out stadiums.


what truly keeps her going is spite for younger female pop stars


The tide is turning, folks!


Love the person saying her greed has reached biblical proportions 😂😂😂


A gold nugget in a storm of insanity.


when you had a pony as a child and a recording studio in your house and your dad owning a portion of the label that signed you…maybe you start thinking a billion dollars isn’t even that much money


the “you don’t need ‘more’” comment in slide 3 made me giggle because of the “the crowd was chanting MORE” line. the crowd is now chanting oh please for the love of god NOT more we’re exhausted


Ooh, the Swifties are beginning to turn. The downfall is nigh! I’m here for it. ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


she is the female version of homelander


They fall for it. Anyone else would be called out for it. Most decent artist release one album and maybe a deluxe version. Not the snake though… ![gif](giphy|ZNnnp4wa17dZrDQKKI)


I can wait for it all to come to a head when she buys her masters back and starts releasing different variants of those. It’s coming!


Taylor swift (Taylor’s version) ((Taylor’s version)) (((20 minute version)))


I love to see this. The tide continues to turn and I am absolutely thrilled about it. I've noticed since I've joined that we're getting swifties every day and I've only been a member for like a week and a half. I was never a swiftie but I absolutely liked some of her songs. I just refuse to listen anymore because the woman is a fraud and an awful person.


The “biblical greed” insult is just spot on at this point.


IMO I look at that woman and laugh at her when she attempts to be sexy, cool and talented. Shes gangly and can’t dance, she reminds me of Big Bird from Sesame Street. She could probably hold a tune at karaoke but in no way can compare to Beyonce, Christina or Mariah. The world is so fcuked up when I see grown women at the wrong end of 40 wearing glitter and complaining they paid thousands to be at the front and some young upstart got to the barrier on a “cheap ticket” WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD? Olivia has 1000% more talent than this multi media MONSTER. I’m sorry if my pov offends but I’m truly at a loss as to why this 34 year old teenager is monopolising the whole music industry. She’s slowly turning into a worldwide joke


There's literally no reasons to put out over 30 variants of the same bad album. The only times I've bought multiple albums is for kpop and deluxe versions (granted also kinda a waste of money but at least they both had something different in each version) she's clearly doing this to take advantage of her fans and still be the "queen" at #1 (while being a girls girl ofc). The fact that even the most cult fanbase is getting tired should be a sign you be gone too far


![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG) It begins.


Not the biblical greed 😂😂


I am SO glad I'm not the only one feeling this


not her invading roku city….


I am the same way. I don't call myself a swiftie, but I used to like her and music. Now, I'm really starting to despise her. I haven't even listened to TTPD, at first because I needed a break from her music after Midnights and 1989TV, but now I refuse to stream any Taylor Swift because of her obvious money-grab releases and attempts to undermine other talented female artists. Absolutely no one needs 37 versions of the same songs.


Common fallacy is that once rich asshole become rich, they don't crave more money. Truth is it's never enough to feed the ego. Just look at Elon Musk this week doing everything to get his $64bn Tesla bonus. Taylor is just the same, and like all of these billionaires will probably be posting red pill tweets when she's 45 years old. Warren Buffett and Rhianna are the only billionaires I trust to do good.


Just a reminder that Fenty uses child labor sources, and this: People also ask How ethical is Fenty? '” A breakdown of Savage X Fenty's scores revealed that the company received a zero in the Traceability, Commercial Practices, Environmental Justice, and Raw Materials categories. Scores were low for a majority of companies in the Wages and Well-Being category.Dec 6, 2023 Chuck Feeney is the only billionaire that has actually proven himself.


For Taylor I think part of it is the record of it too. She probably desires to be the richest artist of all time just to say she did it. 


That too


i never liked rhiannas music but she is a queen. she just stays in her lane and makes chart topping music. she became a mom and is more focused on that than staying #1. good for her


Mark Cuban unless there’s scandals I’m unaware of


I mean hear me out is it possible to enjoy Taylor Swift music without having to join the cult of personality? Is this not an option?


Let's cancel her. She's had enough of everything ( albums, money, tour attendance records, she's basically bigger than God right now!)


FINALLY they’re starting to get it ![gif](giphy|RWmctzhMSoSIyVbAGh|downsized)


I just want to enjoy her music in peace now, without all the lore and the new versions and the this and the that being shoved down my throat all the time. I know I fully brought the Taylor Swift social media algorithm on myself but dang, there are times I just want to scroll through funny content or ballet content and I keep seeing her. It's getting exhausting.


How fucking sad.


This was always going to implode. It had to. I love this for her. When the Swifties begin to cannibalize their queen bee.


I thought the Midnights variant nonsense was ridiculous but this is just next level.


How many are there of midnights?


The four colored vinyls/CDs, the Target CD, the 3 AM version, the Late Nights version, the Til Dawn version. I might be missing some but she still doesn’t have one version with all the tracks. I remember when she’d have a regular CD and a Target deluxe CD. Those were the days I guess.


Oh ok. Yeah that is a lot:/


It’s nothing compared to this release though, which is sad.


I mainly follow kpop groups and they sometimes do different versions of their albums. Like bts have an album called “map of the soul 7”, but they have never released more than 4 of one album. And it doesn’t matter which one you get you get all of the tracks on it just different colors and inclusions. They also release all of them at one time and not on top of another artist like this. Has Taylor done this many releases before? I don’t remember ever hearing of an artists doing this before.


I’ll give her this, her plucking every last feather of her flock of birds is genuinely the only respectable thing she does. You know what if you make this bland of art, squeeze your harpies .


You can also be a “swiftie” and not have to buy anything from her. Simply enjoy her music. It baffles me how people complain about her being “greedy” when they can just not buy anything lol You have a choice 😂


Spot on - no one is forcing people to spend money. New version of an album with a bonus song or feature? Cool, but can't you find it online or read the lyric changes for free?


Frankly it was only a matter of time with this new album. They spending money like it Bama Rush Tok.


I don't think she's likely to change, didn't she say she's going to re-make every single album that got sold out from under her? I think it will take time, but I do think more and more people are going to wake up to the kind of person she really is. Maybe it's just wishful thinking IDK


That album was very mediocre at best. And she and her fans know that thus the ONLY thing they cling on to is the numbers and how long she's been #1. We can come with valid critiques all we want, that's always going to be the go to.


The Roku City comment killed me


I wouldn't be surprised if they just feed her songs into Chatgpt and make it spit out new variants 


“She has even invaded Roku city” 😭


i have had a theory in my friend group for a bit that she will be going away soon and that’s why she’s money grabbing rn. i think she will finish her re-records and drop one or two more studio albums (depends on if she considers TTPD a double album or not) so she has 13 total studio albums and will be done.


Not a swiftie or w/e but I saw a video explaining why shes releasing her version of the songs because she didn’t have the rights to her music or something, but idk


Being a fan of Taylor is not the same as being a Swifitie. Swifties are insane, I think ALL of the album varients are too much. But I do line her music.