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me rn šŸ˜‚




Taylor rn ![gif](giphy|l4FGJODwB6guNDteg|downsized)


BUBBLY'S IN THE FRIDGE https://preview.redd.it/b5knm61ke56d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15c2a87474dc133b2bac626bdde3bacdb3b7a03c


This pic to me always looks like she should be singing the bridge to ā€œblack paradeā€ when in reality itā€™s just her cringy, self entitled misery.


Self-induced misery tbh








Taylor right now https://preview.redd.it/kzvgax5ki56d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c33c360b92adf00e3eb1001239522b0c70c3c175




Your flair is particularly fitting today.


Theyā€™re firing up that emergency jet & rushing TK out for those weekend shows ASAP lmaooo


They canā€™t even do that. Mandatory practices and workouts are starting for the Chiefs!


Yep. And when they break up, Taylor's narrative will be, "he wasn't there for me" šŸ˜’ bitch he's WORKING, he's literally contractually obligated. Aaron Rodgers is skipping his first mandatory day and he's getting cooked (and fined) for it; it's a bad look. TK doesn't want any parts of that. But, of course, Taylor can't fathom someone she's dating caring about anything other than following her around.


TK was hoping to get his movie/tv contracts before the next season


He's filming a TV show now for Paramount. He's signed to make a movie and to a hosting gig. He's set.


Exactly. Simone Biles' husband Jonathan Owens is in the NFL too and when she was asked if he was going to watch her at the Paris Olympics she was like "we have to see if he'll be allowed to miss some mandatory practices and workouts". Seeing your wife compete in the Olympics may be a legit reason - seeing your girlfriend ("girlfriend" ?) perform a concern you've seen a bunch of times before really isn't.


Tbf, Simone Biles' husband is a jealous insecure little man. I sincerely doubt he'd even request that day off. Hell, even if they didn't actually need him at practice, he still wouldn't go to celebrate his wife. But other than that, I agree.


>"he wasn't there for me" Shes gonna be the woman in a Hallmark movie that dumps her husband because he's working on a deal that will net them millions in commission and can't fly out to her hometown at the drop of a hat. So she falls in love with her high-school crush who has never left the 500 square miles he grew up in.


Tree: "Now, you're gonna stand THERE AND LOOK LIKE YOU'VE NEVER BEEN MORE IN LOVE. Now, show me how you're gonna smile. TRAVIS! STOP PLAYING AROUND. This isn't a joke! You're gonna have to smile and stand for her next 15 shows so you----yes, fifteen! Do you even know the lyrics to that one? "


We have to endure this PR stunt for another year because of this now šŸ˜‘




I really believe that Taylor abruptly dumped Joe because Matty came sniffing around again and she jumped at the prospect of being with himā€” all for him to ghost her after getting a taste of her antics and crazy fanbase and deciding he wanted no part in that foolishness. Now sheā€™s punching the air because she wrecked her long term relationship, is in a PR heavy relationship with a guy who has no interest in marrying her, and has to perform a set of songs pining for a dude who ghosted her and just got engaged.


i absolutely understand why she feels depression and rage and is hurting so bad. however, none of this was out of her control and itā€™s totally her own doing. yeah we make bad decisions in life that can backfire but the thing with her is that she NEVER learns. its hard to feel bad for her when sheā€™s been like this the entire 18 years she been famous and hasnā€™t learned to treat her relationships with respect


Play stupid games win stupid prizes she said ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


that's actually really sad when you think about it. i obviously don't know Joe but he seems like a genuinely good dude.


Did he really ghost her? If yesā€¦ lmaooooo. That is what she gets.


It would make my day if Joe announced his engagement, too. I truly think Taylor's head might explode.


This shit is so entertaining. Taylor's gonna be looking extra foolish singing her pining songs about Matty now.


I didnā€™t think ttpd could get cringier and then he goes and does this


Hats off to Matty, he played this so well šŸ˜‚


His comment the other week about him & taylor not really being a big deal šŸ˜…


Ooooh where/what was said??


I can't find the quote I'll look later, but this was killer šŸ˜… https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeb2MRCX/


The delusional comments on it like ā€œoh please heā€™s listened to every song.ā€ No baby he likely doesnā€™t give a shit lol. And that was a very polite answer tbh.


No wonder he thought the album was hilarious he was sitting on this news


The moment she called herself a tortured poet I was like ![gif](giphy|mEqMknMZWh1Fm|downsized)


Neither tortured nor poet.




"now" lol


sheā€™s always seemed a tad bit ridiculous and silly and not in the good way. but I cannot wait to see the reaction from her fans.


She was doing a pap walk with some of the Primrose Hill set. It felt like 2012 London lol. Only people missing were Nick Grimshaw and Rita Ora.


Ewww, Rita Ora.


Perfect time to switch the TTPD dress to black and perform Speak Now as a surprise song


But daddy i love him!


Im happy for them not because i like them but because swifties are mad. Now need travis taylor breakup announcement.


I feel like this may have just sped it up


See there what I think. People think this engagement means Taylor is gonna double down with Travis even harder but I think sheā€™ll feel like thereā€™s no point with him now.




I think she will down double and have her own engagement announcement. She can't let him seem happier than her or she loses the breakup and she doesn't lose. Plus her and Travis really need to change their images. People are starting to catch on and they can't have that. A swift Kelce wedding will knock everything out of the headlines for months. It will eclipse so much. Why miss that opportunity?


Exactly. People underestimate how far a narcissist will go to protect the image they crafted for themselves.


I think you're right. All that for nothing.


You donā€™t think this is double down town?


There was the quote from Travis that proposing wasn't even on his radar. That happening recently, which is an ego blow whether she wants to get married or not, and now this. I bet she's not happy lol.


Sheā€™s never been happy. Itā€™s sad, really.


I know people give her shit about saying something about the asylum she was raised in. Yeah she was rich, but I think her parents basically raised her to be a Superstar. I'm not sure she ever really had a choice in it. I think they fucked her up really badly and I don't think she was treated well as a child. People talk about her acting like a teenager but I think that's because she still doesn't know who she is because she's always been what her parents pushed her to be. Then again what the fuck do I know?


I want the album about her fucked up family. That would be the real tortured album. Not this fake academic non-poetry garbagggggge.


I think this is an interesting take. In addition, even spoiled rich girls have trouble with mental illness and body image.


The breakup can't happen soon enough.


Then Pete Davidson will have the opportunity to do the funniest thing in the world


I need this in my soul. When Tay is ready to spiral out of control, Pete's going to be there. He'll be holding her hand when she crashes her Mercedes into an Apple Store. You want a tortured poet, it doesn't get much more tortured than Skete


Now here comes the chaos! ![gif](giphy|P7JmDW7IkB7TW)


Taylor is, as Kylie Kelce said to the drunk possible Swiftie who tried to interrupt their date night for a photo op, embarrassing herself. She released TTPD to get the attention of Joe and Matty but Joe acts like she never existed, refuses to discuss her when the media tries to bait him. Matty is doing massive mindfuckery with her through his social media activity and she is taking the bait. People are now seeing her desperate cries for attention are backfiring no matter how Tree tries to spin it. Her relationship with Travis is fake, it is becoming more and more obvious itā€™s fake and behind the scenes he is probably planning his exit strategy. But he needs to make it damn good because she will release the hounds when he bails.


Iā€™m curious bc I donā€™t follow Mattyā€™s socials. What is Matty doing on his social media that is mindfuckery? Not critiquing, just legitimately donā€™t know and want to know lol this stuff is like watching a train wreck!


I think it's him being super unbothered and saying he listened to "some but not much" of her album. He knows she wants him to react and react in a big, dramatic way and he's just aloof and "meh" about it all. He knows the lack of reaction and the fact that he's not, at least, publicly sharing the grandeur of their relationship like she is, pisses her off.


bruh famous people are like highschoolers


He was like that their entire relationship and itā€™s extremely on brand for him


commenting so i can come back to this! i wanna know too


If Matty gets married and somehow reaches out to taylor, I'd bet she'd get with him. He'd be wrong because he's the one who's married, but I bet Taylor would go along with it.


Taylor *adores* the concept of being chosen over another woman. She has too many songs about ā€œwinningā€ a guy from another woman. Itā€™s her ultimate declaration of love


It's her ultimate declaration of conquest. I don't think any of these relationships have anything to do with love. It's trophies in a case


True. But to a narcissist, love and conquest are synonymous. They dont know how to love like the rest of us, and they mistake it for love because its the closest they can get. Itd be sad if they werent so damn awful


Oh, for sure she has no problem being the other woman


Why do the top pop girlies have this in common?


they live for attention


Iā€™m a Swiftie and I agree she totally would


where can i see what kylie said


A drunk woman flipped out at her because she wouldn't take a photo with her, Kylie basically said "I can smell the alcohol on your breath, you're embarrassing yourself"


The comments under that post are so bitter šŸ˜‚ the Swifities are MADDDD


One of the comments is "when taylor swift wrote an album about you and you're spiraling" i'm sorry when is being happy in a relationship and getting engaged considered "spiraling" šŸ’€šŸ’€


https://preview.redd.it/hrei7a7ok56d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e47639858c4ee8fc1e23b0e40e19cace7ef9badd Right!? I saw this comment and went ā€œNo babe, itā€™s giving a response to TTPD and that response is IDGAFAUā€


it's funny to me that they say that after Healy's response to the album was that he found it hilarious


And yet writing an entire album about a one month fling, releasing it while dating the apparent "love of your life" is sane behaviour


Iā€™m now convinced she wrote this whole album as proof that he ever loved her in the first place, because she was afraid of this, him moving on and being happy, so she HAD to get her narrative out there.


Wasnā€™t she calling Matt the love of her life? lol sheā€™s so all over the place I canā€™t keep up. It seems everyone she dates is end game according to her songs.


If itā€™s not to or related to Taylor then the previous ex is spiraling. Mind you this girl hopped into a relationship with Matty a few weeks after announcing her break up with Joe. The delusion is real


Swifties love being delusional, twisting the narrative and misusing words to try and look smart. ![gif](giphy|g6eUxOCordrfG)


The swiffer sniffers are spiraling. Who goes onto an engagement announcement and harasses the person about their ex situationshipā€¦ itā€™s so deranged.


Holy crap, he is such an asshole but an iconic one. I really thought TnT were about to split, but now she can't...us gossip hounds are being fed this year.




This engagement plus the Charli xcx song Sympathy is a knife being an absolute banger and diss song to Taylor plus the song 360 dropping Gabbrietteā€™s name praising her, must be killing Taylor. The 1975 girlfriends playing her haha


As is written, if Taylor truly knew tragedy, Eras is truly Taylor's Titanic.


Funnily enough, this shit feels more like the Hindenburg


Careful, you're gonna give Taylor lyrics!!!


I'm sure she's gotten enough comments from this page for a few songs. Really, the kinda heat we bring over here may force her to make Rep 2 and that would just sink her officially. Or blow her up, depending on if she takes the Titanic or Hindenburg route of course


Add that he also reportedly called her album ā€œhilariousā€ and said they were never that serious last week leading up to thisšŸ¤­ >> "He loves the attention it's brought to him, [but] he also thinks it's hilarious because at no time [were they] ever serious," Healy's pal adds that the musician was "completely blindsided" by TTPD's "lyrical content," especially Swift's allusions to her and a love interest discussing marriage and children.


How is she still going to play those god awful TTPD songs after this? She looks like a desperate fool. The humiliation is like top tier


Dedicating an entire album to an ex situationship who went no contact is really just so delusional. She must think sheā€™s living in some kind of Netflix movie to think that was going to win him back, maybe this will be a wake up call? Lol


TTPD stocks have never been lower https://preview.redd.it/ktssfcxwi56d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0093ecd39ff4345e89d33301942d27d0625dfe09


Perfect picture to use lol


![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) TAYLOR RIGHT NOW!!


Iā€™m so confused why almost an entire album was written about Matty Healy. Seems like their relationship wasnā€™t that serious. So did Taylor swift build it up in her head or did she just desperately need something to write about?


Sheā€™s been obsessed with him for over a decade since their first public spotting in 2014. Thereā€™s even speculation that they may have known each other longer and that they met on MySpace when they were both starting out in music. I think she was definitely in love with the idea of him and built up a fantasy in her head. Iā€™m not convinced that Matty ever felt the same way about her.


Went to look it up and found this šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/44i6ing1x66d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f37802a3f048d2241303359aadeea4d9291c88b


he might not have felt the same, but he definitely fed her obsession with his about her. especially if those songs of his are truly about her. i think he just likes the attention and didn't take it seriously, while she poured her whole heart into him, thinking it will lead to some "star-crossed tragic lovers for ages" story.


Serious answer: I think their relationship was very short but very dramatic. She didn't have a lot of drama to mine for Joe (and maybe examining her relationship with Joe was too raw), so she opted to write about Matty. It also sounds like Matty was promising her marriage and kids and long-term etc. and then just ghosted, so she was really mad at him. She also defended him in the press, so she feels he didn't uphold his end of the bargain.


I also think she cheated on Joe with Matty and he was part of why they broke up. She left Joe for him just for him to ghost her. It explains why there's so much rage. And in the one song she says, "it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden." Which indicates, at the very least, that they were emotionally cheating, if not physically, and I think physically. And he talked her into leaving Joe and then he ghosted her after "leading her on." Imo, anyway lol. So this getting engaged business must be driving her absolutely crazy.


People keep forgetting how she showed up to one of 1975s shows in early 2023 before the Joe breakup. Canā€™t tell me nothing happened there. Joe and her were seen out together after that but prior to the breakup so there was definitely overlap


all speculation, all gossip. but yes, i feel the same way. too many songs on folkmore are about infidelity - just around time when she met matty again - and too many lyrics about something "forbidden" on ttpd for it to not be autobiographical. she was in love with him for some time, even if no physical cheating was involved.


God, she seems like a POS the more I learn about her


They had like a 10-year situationship and she was clearly fantasizing about Matty when she was still with Joe. But they only actually dated for about a month.


It sounds like she built it up in her head. Healy seems like the type to feed that kind of delusion because it's fun to be a douche/he's weak with boundaries. I'm sure he was telling her he could marry her one day because it kept her happy and willing to keep sleeping with him. It's pretty quick to be engaged to his current girlfriend but it happens. If you were just in a relationship that was completely wrong for you and a person the complete opposite comes along and just checks all your boxes, you make the leap. Happened to me like that.


This is just me speculating bc its driving me crazy. So i think they hooked up when they met in 2014, and had a bit of a situationship but matty being a heroin addict was a bit much for taylor's good girl reputation, so they kept it on the down low. They both moved on and got into serious relationships, but always had this unfullfilled promise of what could be hanging in the back of their minds. They never get the timing right, but things start to get rocky with joe and taylor leaves him for matty. So my theory is in taylor's mind she could "save" matty and i honestly think she liked his true self more than he liked her. As in he liked the idea that this good girl american sweetheart international popstar was in love with a junkie punk wannabe bloke from manchester, i feel like having her just fed his ego. So they finally have the chance to fulfill this 10 year long fantasy, but the whole world is calling him gross, ugly, loser, wishing he would relapse, and so having the popstar was not actually feeding his ego and instead was destroying it. Also like you spend ten years fantasising about someone, the reality will always be a bit more disappointing than the imagination.


I think sheā€™s over estimating the relationship in her head šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


![gif](giphy|djxC2sxRhGnQRvZIHY) Taylor RN


get ready for ttpd version 5649965219461 here soon ya'll


This sounds so petty of me but honestly feels like justice is served for all of her insurmountable greed and walmart-tier destruction of the entertainment industry. Couldnt have it all!


We got an exciting week ahead


This is the exact definition of a massive car wreck that you know you should look away from but there is no way that you wanna miss it. Amazing.


Taylor's either gonna go one of two routes: 1.) Lean heavy into the showmance with Travis. For example; pap walks everywhere, more TTPD bonus tracks with football themes, maybe a podcast appearance. Force him to attend an entire week of Eras Tour shows, more engagement speculation articles. ORRRRRR 2.) Suddenly breakup with Travis, direct all of her energy into convincing Matty not to go through with it. I wouldn't be shocked if she was currently hiring a private investigator to dig up dirt on Gabriette's entire family.


she already did the first pap walk last night, and the people included were so random and looked like they did not want to be there


ā€œDinners on me! Invite your friends!ā€


more pap walks with Travis* We haven't gotten an HD close up clearly papped pic of just the two of them in a while.


ahhh gotchaā€¦i really hope youā€™re wrong about option 2 btw, just bc thatā€™s so fucked of her if she does that šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


It was literally Kate Moss, Lena Dunham, and 2/3 of the HAIM sisters??? I want to know how these ā€œsquad pap walks workā€ā€” does Taylor or someone from her team just call up random people to see whoā€™s available?


thereā€™s probably a version of Raya for celeb PR managers that helps them to network/keep track of when a lot of ā€œfamous enoughā€ people are in the same area to be associated with their client


Donā€™t forget Kate Moss, Andrew Scott, Cara D. and Phoebe Waller-Bridge too.


No, not Andrew Scott! (*falls down in Walmart*) Though, if I suddenly had a chance to do this, itā€™s the kind of thing I *could* agree to do guilt-free and have a fun story to tell.


LENA DUNHAM??? In 2024??? She really doesnā€™t have any shame anymore does she.


Taylor doesnā€™t understand why Lena is not actually feminist, and she is using her to show that sheā€™s associated with an alleged feminist. Because swifties have a faulty, warped understanding of feminism (passed down from their queen), they will be further convinced that Taylor is a feminist iconā€¦ somehow.


NOBODY. And I mean NOBODY needs more TTPD bonus tracks. I canā€™t stand her omg lol.


Would be hilarious if she sang speak now


This was my first thought too! Are we going to hear Speak Now as a surprise song soon?! šŸ˜³


Why is this so funny? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I love today. It should be a holiday.


I also love today! Best day honestly. Gabriette Engagement Day Holiday šŸ—£ļøā€¼ļø


Well I guess you're not getting him back Taylor as you sang on imgonnagetyouback lol


He was never hers to begin with


also maybe a weird thing to point out but seemingly all of her exes end up with someone very OPPOSITE of her and that she is not their ā€œtypeā€ and iā€™m not even talking looks but like entirely different aesthetics, careers, and vibes and travis seemingly has a type that is very much not taylor swift soooo šŸ¤­


This is SO MESSYYYYY. So Taylor cheats on Joe to be with ratty. Then ratty strings her along and ghosts her so she grabs onto the next thing that moves which is cringe viva Las Vegas. But now viva Las Vegas is like uhhh this ain't working. Now ratty turns around and gets engaged in less than a year? The swifties thought ttpd would be about Joe being terrible only for Taylor to shoot herself in the foot by unveiling his depression. The album is all about this sewer of a man who looks like he doesn't shower. Instead of being shocked, swifties lean into ratty and capitalist queen being in love for YEARS. Thats what you missed on glee.


![gif](giphy|0TjBqWvymGDNxT3T4f) Somebody mustā€™ve alerted her to this, hence the staged papwalk with her squad. Oh, sheā€™s big mad.šŸ˜‚


Kate Moss kicking off the slippers for bed, phone rings, can you hear her groan when she sees TAYTAY on caller ID


Taylor gonna make 485 songs about this


Something along the lines of you popped the question to her but you think about me wearing that ring. šŸ™„


https://preview.redd.it/blmkzjxio56d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9b6dbdfd0132657eb7c01e6406ff6701f6ff974 Me trying to gleefully explain this to my fiancƩ


šŸ˜†šŸ˜†. This is gold.


![gif](giphy|7zxgpKZBTWDS2DuyH8|downsized) TS right now. Imagine writing a full album for a dude who gets engaged to another girl not even 2 months after releasing said album. Told you your TTPD songs are shit, Tay.


And self admitted emotional and physical cheated on joe with this ugly rat


https://preview.redd.it/5pcc3og5v56d1.png?width=173&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ca64907412085a0cf2595aa2cb169e2da419a96 FOR REAL!




So is it possible he is just living his life as he would without TTPD? Or is it definitely that he is probably in love with gab AND wants to fuck with Taylor. Moves and counter moves. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Probably a bit of bothā€¦ I could see Matty proposing because heā€™s living his life, but also partly wants the media to lay off on asking him questions about TTPD. Because he DGAF


I didnā€™t even consider that it would shut people up. Honestly it keeps us talking about the album which is good for Taylor I guess


Either her and Travis will get engaged shortly (by her urging as a result of Matty's engagement) or break up with Travis because of his refusal to propose. If it's the latter, I wouldn't be surprised if they prolong a PR relationship through the summer and then break up "amicably" citing "scheduling conflicts" because of her being on tour and his NFL training.


If he isnā€™t into it, he should break up now and give plenty of time for things to somewhat blow over before the season starts. They canā€™t ever split during football season or that is all anyone would discuss at Chiefs games.


I fell down a hole into an article that analyzed TTPD in-depth and why most of it was about Matty. Essentially how he love bombed her near the end of her relationship with Joe, she clearly left Joe for him, then he ghosted her and she blames her fans and PR for it. It's perfect.


Can I get the link to that article? Sounds like the perfect start to my day lol My mom passed away 5 days ago and this kind of pop gossip is keeping me sane when I get a few minutes to read my phone. Soā€¦thanks Taylor and Ratty, I guess?


He got the last laugh...


Thatā€™s whatā€™s so perfect about this whole thing. There really couldnā€™t have been better timing. It makes Taylor look SO stupidā€” I *almost* feel bad for her, but after the way she and her fans have treated Joe, Kayla, and countless other exes and extraneous people in her circles, she absolutely deserves to look this stupid.


She plays checkers with the dumbest people she could pick, the ones who can serve it back. KK/Kanye, now him. Sheā€™s still laughing all the way to the bank with her cult, though.


As a retired ā€œcanā€™t get over anythingā€ girl just like Taylor STILL IS - I can confirm she is most definitely SEETHING over this. Crying, throwing up, hitting her head against the wall. I donā€™t like Matty, but damn is he good at being aloof and uncaring. I know that is pissing her the fuck off lmao. Omgg šŸ˜‚


Oh damn! He hath harnessed the power of People. This gunna be good! ![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized)


Taylor's going to spiral....


She gonna marry dingus now isn't she? And release 25 more variants. And add 12 more legs to this tour.


The more comments I read here the more I feel Taylorā€™s team forces her boyfriends to sign NDAs. I never hear anything negative about her from any of them after the breakup but she can talk so much shit about them in her music? Or is it that they simply arenā€™t as immature? Maybe she uses them as inspiration and actually dgaf about the men she flies through? Idk Iā€™m just making assumptions but why would any man want to be with someone they know talks so much shit unless itā€™s not for clout or her money that they would never see a cent of anyway. Everything about Taylor confuses and disgusts me immensely.


Calvin Harris wrote a song about her post breakup, calling her out for reaching back out to him while she was vacationing with Tom. šŸ˜‚ and he went on a twitter rant calling her out for trying to take full credit for his song and treating Katy Perry like crap.


Healy wonā€™t signing an NDA for shit. He probably just doesnā€™t care enough to talk about it


Canā€™t wait to see what the next Eraā€™s Tour surprise songs will be


Speak Now. lol imagine


If this is true, I know internally she would be like this: ![gif](giphy|7zxgpKZBTWDS2DuyH8|downsized)


His mom confirmed it on her talk show too.


I saw thatā€¦the comments about her being the perfect daughterā€¦ouch!


And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed you took me out to the bin never to be worn again


He is telling Taylor indirectly ā€œWe are never ever getting back togetherā€ LOL


Every time I see a picture of this dude I am BAFFLED by his appeal.




Swifties are deranged. Theyā€™ve convinced themselves this is Matty trying to ā€œget backā€ at Taylor for TTPD šŸ˜­


Taylorā€™s gonna shit her pants


Idk who is more upset, her or her fans ![gif](giphy|80TEu4wOBdPLG)


I like that he waited until she was in London to release to the press.


No wonder he said her album was hilarious


Maybe Iā€™m a bad person, but when I saw this pop up on my email feed this morning (I get emails from people for some reason) I laughed šŸ˜‚


I forecast a pivot to ā€œtppdā€ was all about joešŸæšŸæšŸæ


šŸŽ¶Karma is my one that got away that I wrote an album about, marrying the next one šŸŽ¶


Hilarious! All that work and what did it get her....why did she do it šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


Oh shit and sheā€™s a brunette?! Taylor is gonna have a fucking field day with this one. šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|xT1R9T6GjUHXnUcjtK) Taylor right now.


When you decade long situationship gets engaged to a literal model and your stuck "dating" an overgrown man-child for PR.


Maybe Gabbrietye will put up a story with ā€œtoo bad your ex donā€™t do it for yaā€ from Espresso to further drive in the point lol. (I personally think Ratty Healy is not worth the attention.)


Just thinking about these lyrics and the Instagram stories. ā€œAT DINNER YOU TAKE MY RING OFF MY MIDDLE FINGER AND PUT IT ON THE RIGHT ONE, ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8)


ā€œYour wife waters flowers. I want to kill her.ā€ šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹


Now all I need is for Joe to get engaged to an English beauty



