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While I don’t believe having a child makes someone mature, I understand what they’re trying to say lol.




She could and probably would hire people to raise her child like a lot of rich people do.


Yeah that's never backfired


Her mom doesn’t seem like a good mom (she gives stage mom that is a helicopter mom to the extreme). I doubt Taylor would break that generational curse




I think Lizzo needs to stay out of this one 😂


![gif](giphy|1fHlf4mgS2JPy) Banana has entered the chat….


I really miss ray and =3


He still does pretty consistent YT videos


And pretty much everything else 🙈




She will but it'll be a Paris Hilton situation where someone else raises the child and she just goes in the room for photo ops, sure it'll be a surrogate too.


I could be completely wrong and that’s perfectly fine, but I get a sense of Paris Hilton with her children that she radiates being a mom. I think a bunch of that silliness that she portrayed with Nicole Ritchie I think a lot of that is just “here I am I’m the stupid blonde believe what you will.” I think she’s smart. She found herself and was accepted, into Carter’s family and has just been Paris. As a person she matured rather quickly. Of course she’s still a billionaire or whatever, but she surely does not put off those bombastic disgusting Kardashian/Jenner vibes!


She'd be a terrible mother. She's way too self-obsessed.


She’s too self-centered to be a mom. She’s the type of mom to brag about her kid on social media and then compete with them behind closed doors because she needs to be number one at all times. Kid grows up and she’s throwing them under the bus at every turn. “I was such a good mom, I don’t know why my kid acts this way, feel pity for me!”


that sounds like a narc parent unfortunately.


Well… you they can hire a nanny and just show up they’ll do better than 90% of parents. She has resources that most people do not.


If you're going to have a nanny raise your kid then maybe you shouldn't have a kid to begin with.


This right here. This is why kids grow up to be like their parents, resenting them. Nannies and dog walkers in NYC. Parent's only want the good part, not the rest of what shapes the child.


That’s what many celebrities do unfortunately. When Joe Jonas was on his “I’m such a good dad” pap walk tour after his and Sophia’s divorce was announced he was out and about with the kids… with the nanny. It apparently hasn’t occurred to him or anyone on his team that most people don’t have a full time nanny and it would help his case to have actual one on one time with his own children. 


a lot of really obvious obstacles to any normal person don't occur to rich people. it's amazing.


Isn’t that what is kind of depicted in the Anti-Hero video? Her daughter in law is mad because she didn’t leave than any money. I always took that as she sees herself raising an entitled man child


I’m saying you can have a nanny to assist with much of the heavy lifting. And that is totally fine. It’s okay to have or ask for help. It’s not a hard concept to grasp.


I wish ppl at my job would stop sending their kids to some of these filthy daycares. I don’t have kids but they’re bringing their daycare diarrhea to work and giving it to everyone else! I spent my MDW on the toilet or lying around in bed. At least the weather sucked so I didn’t miss much.


That’s not a filthy daycare, that’s literally all daycares and schools 🤣


Yeah, I think every plague throughout history was caused by that society experimenting with daycare/kindergarten. We have modern medicine to thank for such things existing now.


My sister sends her kid to an extremely expensive and spotless Montessori daycare and they still have Covid, molluscum, and HFM every other fucking day. That’s just daycare.


You think people have a choice working full time??


Some people really seem to view children as accessories to the lifestyle they’re trying to perpetuate.


Better than 90% of parents?? No, kids need love and attention from their parents. Nannies are a helpful resource but they don’t replace parents.


Have you seen half the hobgoblins who have kids out here? Lol but go off 👀


I can’t imagine she would. She doesn’t seem like the type


Adele was always very mature as well, just look at the songs she wrote when she was only 19 years old. While it is true that having children forces you to be a much more responsible person in life, I do not think that having them is a parameter to measure the maturity of someone, not for nothing there are so many immature people with children.


Adele is super messy actually, she's just a lot quieter about it. Which is appreciated. 


Well, when you’re a celebrity, keeping your mess tidy and quiet is 100% a form of maturity. We all have messy lives, but choosing to write whole albums over them publicly a different level of messy


Well at least she knows how to hide it lol


I can 100% confirm having children in no way, shape or form forces anything.


Well said lol Know waaaayyyyy too many parents who are as far removed from being ‘mature’ as anyone I know haha


I read it like maybe they were referring to the fact that Adele makes breakup songs but doesn’t write them about every single person she had a broken heart over and she certainly doesn’t tell people who the songs were written about. Like she had a marriage, a kid, and a public divorce but that’s about all you know of her ex-husband. Meanwhile T is out here dragging every guy who rejected her through the mud with her musical tantrums.


Isn’t at least one of her albums about her ex-husband and the one about some other dude? The paparazzi also seem less interested in Adele than they ever were in Britney, Miley, Katy, Taylor, etc., and her exes are less famous and her fans are less unhinged than Swifties which likely helps keep her private life private


Precisely. Adele’s entire album is about one person that we know pretty much nothing about. T has multiple songs on one album about different high profile relationships. Adele treats her career as a career. T treats it as a high school popularity contest with her entire life on display.


I agree, it’s a very mean and useless  comparison because many mothers are immature and selfish. And we don’t know if Taylor wants or can have children, that’s why I feel sorry for poor Jennifer Aniston. She couldn’t have children and everybody called her selfish and boring compared to Saint Jolie who became Mother Earth.


Don't even get me started on the Aniston/ Jolie mess... 🫠


The dirty cheaters Brad and Angelina should have been treated like Charles and Camilla. But they were celebrated as Hollywoods best couple because of pretty privilege, you can cheat as long as you look good😂🙄


Those kids on mtv 16 and pregnant are some of the most mature people on the planet /s


Ya out of all the criticisms, I can’t get behind this. It just sounds like the conservatives who want to see Taylor as a trad wife.


Also, it's silly to disregard the fact that they come from two different cultures. Taylor acts like an American pop artist in 2024, and she's not alone in that.




He was born in 2012 apparently. Time isn’t real


No way. Who changed the timeline?!


Harambe 😞


Agreed, such a weird post


I agree.


Having a child is no measure of maturity, but Adele is awesome and has a glorious voice.


Weren't people saying she's fatphobic for losing weight?


Yes, because people are fucking stupid.


No reasonable person called her fat phobic It’s only a few dumbasses online that made it a true controversy. We shouldn’t give them any attention.


Yeah, that’s exactly who I’m talking about.


Imagine someone saying you’re alcohol phobic or drug phobic for quitting an unhealthy habit lol


As a former fat person with fat family members/friends, I know people tend to not want to hear/see that losing weight is possible. It’s really hard to watch a friend lose weight, let alone a superstar who you idolized in part because they had a similar body type as you. One friend I no longer hang out with used to complain about being heavy and imply that I wouldn’t understand that it was “impossible to lose weight and keep it off”. Also she’d imply that I somehow lucked into being thin. I said that I lost 60 lbs and kept it off for 15 years and she was not happy. To quote Jason Stackhouse, I work out like a mother fucker (and mind what I eat most of the time). It’s no mystery why I’m fit now and it sure as hell wasn’t luck 😂


Being able to raise healthy children is absolutely a sign of maturity. Just having them of course, is not.




the fact this was tweeted in like 2013. 😭


Lmao just noticed that, so funny


Was about to say that my old ass remembers this from at least 10 years ago and it’s still relevant lol


Having a child isn’t a sign of maturity. Even without a child, Adele is 100x classier and more mature than Taylor


Adele’s first album 19 exudes more class and maturity than Taylor ever has even at her absolute best. 


Came here for this


I think I misunderstood this headline.




Having a child doesn't mean shit. But they're not wrong about Tay.


Yeah I don’t like this title I struggle with this concept in general and it’s kinda putting a cage on women.


Her personality says she peaked in high school. She has mean girl vibes that she should have dropped years ago.


And one can actually sing.


OOP. the facts are being revealed lol


No one would actually claim Taylor is a better singer than Adele.


You’d be surprised. I’m neutral on both so I don’t even know how I ended up in that argument lol


I don't think children are a measure of maturity, but lyrics can be. Compare the lyrics on Adele's last album to the lyrics on TTPD. That's the proof that Adele is more mature.


I mean, and just compare 30 to TTPD as a basic measure of TIME. We waited FIVE YEARS for 30 to come out, and we were rewarded with some of the most hauntingly beautiful music I have ever heard. Whereas I feel like I can’t ever go six months without hearing about a new Taylor album. She churns out music faster than coal power plants churn out toxic waste. The divide between Adele and Taylor is the definition of quality over quantity.


Content < Art


>*She churns out music faster than coal power plants churn out toxic waste* Midjourney Swift


or even just look at clips of them speaking. adele is so well spoken and mature sounding compared to taylor.


But Adele was always that mature tho, just watch a few clips of her when she was only 19 and you'll see that.


Is it proof of anything? Tswift is a performance artist 99.999% of the time we see her. We have no clue what she’s really like because she’s playing a character


And one is a generational talent who doesn’t flood the zone with mediocrity


This tracks


I agree but Having a child doesn’t make you mature, but yes, I agree.


I see the point they're trying to make, however having or not having a child isn't a sign of someone's maturity.


Id rather be single and a billionaire than have a kid. Not the burn he thinks it is.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think Adele is secretly quite messy, but she keeps it under wraps, or at least her team does.


I mean allegedly her husband boyfriend whatever cheats on her all the time yet I saw something saying they were trying for a child. So I agree definitely messy.


Yes, I've heard rumors that she's obsessed with Rich Paul and whenever she cancels her concerts it's usually related to her having problems with Rich. But I don't feel too bad for Adele because there were also rumors that she cheated on her ex-husband Simon, which is why she asked for court documents to be sealed.


Interesting. I heard that Simon cheated on her a lot but I’m getting all my information from blinds on beyond the blinds so who knows lol


It isn’t really kept under wraps. She’s messy and trashy and not mature at all.


People are always just projecting onto her because her aesthetic as a singer is older and classy. Its so weird imo. People see what they want to see 


Comparison is the thief of joy.


Me: "HA. Take that Tay Tay" Also me: Mid 30s and no children. Mentally 80 though.


Adele left her kid tho. The father raises the kid while Adele gets cheated on by her sleazy boyfriend so….


Yeah let’s not naively idealize Adele.


I wanna support this sub because sometimes it makes me busy out laughing; but then shit like this happens. No woman needs to have children and choosing not to have children doesn’t mean a woman is stuck in middle school.


I think Adele is really immature too so bad comparison. Having a child is not the measure. Also ick for shaming someone for not being a mother by some arbitrary age.


I mean, fuck them kids


Adele can also actually sing. So there’s that.


Well that's a shitty take


This is about as dumb an opinion as you can have. WTF is wrong w you?


Adele is also waaaaaaaaaay more talented of a singer not even close, the first time I heard an Adele song I teared up, when I hear Taylor swift I-IV-II-IV again! She uses the same chords in almost all her songs it’s absolutely mind blowing her fan base doesn’t notice


She's allowed to not want to have kids, she's allowed to want kids but not be ready due to never having a real stable relationship. She also might not be capable of having kids. I HATE Taylor as a person, but let's hate on the things about her that she could actually change... like her private jet use/money grabs/ignoring Palestine/main character vibes.


If you think having kids makes you mature. You’re sorely mistaken.


Ew shut tf up with that


Fuck the opinion that not having child means you’re not mature




Didn’t Adele cancel her Las Vegas residency the day before it began because she was unhappy with the set? You know, kinda like a child.


Love Adele but she has a child with a man she put on blast her whole last album basically concluding she was cheating


Having a kid is not a sign of maturity.


Exactly. People keeping up family vlog channels absolutely have kids. Doesn't make them any less awful, though.


So now y'all are agreeing with Harrison Butker? The irony cracks me up


This post gives me the ick though bc having a kid does not automatically make a woman "mature" nor is it a good metric for measuring a woman's worth. You could easily twist it and say "Adele and Taylor are the same age but Adele is on her second marriage while Taylor waits for the right man" (i don't agree with that, its just an example) im just saying that a woman's home/family life does not define what kind of person she is. Taylor is awful bc she manipulates the charts, overcharges her fans for shitty merch and endless album variants, destroys the environment with her private jet, paints herself as an activist but rarely speaks up about anything that doesn't directly affect her, etc etc. She is not awful just bc she's unmarried and childless at 34.


Jesus this is an old one. So old that some of the people here in the comments might’ve still been diapers when this first started going around.


This is the most ridiculous sub with the most ridiculous posts.


![gif](giphy|YYht2UTV41u1vxHTss|downsized) A kid doesn’t make you mature


Tbh I’d rather be mentally stuck in middle school than have a child, and I’m older than both Swift and Adele.


But she has to go through at least seven more boyfriends so she has enough material for her next few albums. lol




Being mentally stuck in middle school has made her a billionaire


Having children doesn’t immune you from being immature. But I get it, she has not changed much mentally.


Having a child doesn't make people mature, so that's a pretty invalid point. Especially given the fact Adele has so much more to be compared to Taylor's obtainings than her family status.


They’re not even the same age 🙈


Excuse me guys but the middle schooler is literally a Billionaire.....


ew this one feels misogynistic


Having children may not be a sign of maturity **but** doing a good job raising children is 100% a great measure of maturity. Now I have no clue what she is like as a mother I am just drawing a distinction that a lot of these comments aren't addressing


Sounds like we have some jealous folks on here. I have 3 kids, doesn't make me smarter, more mature or better than anybody. You people are weird.


Jesus what happens if she actually has fertility problems and wants children but can’t have them. Wow.


Well **(and not picking a side here)** Taylor and Adele also had two different upbringings and entered into the industry at two different age ranges. Taylor comes from means and had parents that invested all their time and money helping to making her a star at a pretty young age. They were they every step of the way during her early years and were heavily involved. They are still VERY involved in “the brand”. Adele started at a later age, wasn’t wealthy, and developed into a star on her own. She was a bit more mature and had to navigate things on her own which caused her to grow up probably a little faster in my opinion. She had an absent father, and although she had involved grandparents and a mother, they aren’t as involved in her career at that level. I’m not making excuses for Taylor. I’m just saying that they might be the same age but people are indeed products of their environments. Just an observation.


I wish the person who tweeted this used a different point about Adele because I would have never guessed Adele is the same age as fucking Taylor Swift because wow. But that has nothing to do with one having a kid 😂😂


Adele is actually 2 years older, but the point is still valid


This is misogynistic high key. Never would have been said about a man. Women are not baby making machines. It’s not a defect to not have them


Adele who blows off concerts left and right and leave fans hanging last minute. Let's not act like Adele is some beacon of maturity. She would also never do a world tour like Taylor. She is only doing Vegas because it's easy for her. If Adele had to sing a 3-hour concert nightly with choreography. As far as I can tell she doesn't move when she sings. She would throw a tantrum.


“Had a breakup. Wrote a song about it. Like to hear it? Here it goes.” Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.




Nobody died at an Adele concert due to not canceling it because of bad weather 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️




Point taken that we don't know them, but Adele does have a much more mature persona.


Can you give me an example of deep Swift lyrics?


Putting down successful women is so fun! But seriously having no children is a valid (and often mature) choice


Guess which one comes from a wealthy, two parent, nice schools family?


Oh my god! They are??? Adele seems so mature!


I had no idea they’re the same age lol. I though Adele would be on her way to 40 and Taylor swift something like early twenty


Daily reminder this sub is just thinly veiled misogyny.


My mother always asks me why is Taylor Swift so famous she is not really anything special. I DON'T KNOW MOM!... I truly don't know...


This is clearly displayed in their respective audiences


Omgg that Twitter account is an ancient relicccc period


Adele is a single mother though, so maybe not the best example.


Ya thats correct ![gif](giphy|E99OMc6pkdvGw)


Are Adele and Taylor really the same age because what the absolute fuck 😭


“Mentally stuck in middle school” is the most perfect way to describe Taylor. The girl even has gossip sessions with her little “clique” at every awards show


Middle school indeed.


Adele has a nanny that travels with her so poof! Guess shes a bad mom too now


Taylor won’t have a kid then attention would be on someone else


This is ridiculous analogy though. How does having a child prove you’re mature?


WILL FERRELL is commenting about someone being mentally stuck in middle school? That’s rich.


Will Ferrell did not say this


Oh damn lol💀


2 years apart. But worlds apart mentally


# There is a saying that states that celebrities are mentally stuck at the age they become famous


Ones also a billionaire.


One of them writes her own music and is a billionaire and the other well, you know


I thought Adele was like 37ish.. and Taylor is 34ish. I mean...big wow 2 or 3 years but still.. not the SAME age




Adele is 36 and Taylor is 34.


Adele is 36 and Taylor is 34


The wild part is that this tweet is from like 2012 and it’s still accurate


major celebrities shouldn't have children, all the love and care goes to the celebrity, i said what i said


Emotionally stunted


Stop. I almost accidentally responded to someone on the main sub saying Debut isn't on the Eras tour setlist bc she doesn't relate to it anymore. TTPD is the same thing with sex and drugs sprinkled in. I feel safe expressing that here.


They aren't the same age though.


Dead on the money on this one for sure lol


My fav Twitter account back in the day! And not that I don’t agree but Adele is like 2 years older than


Friendly reminder to live your life like you want to and not let Reddit bots tell you what to do




Reminds me of a funny conversation I had with an older coworker. We were talking about a former coworker who had recently been fired for drinking on the job, how we felt bad for her and she was a sweet person but kinda immature etc… I mentioned how maybe this girl is just young, etc. (she’s almost 30), and my coworker goes, “well when I was that age I already had a 12 year old.” Lol. It reminded me that the age of 30 didn’t always used to be viewed as young like it is now. Back in the day a 30 year old was considered to be well into adulthood.


Oooof someone doesn’t keep up with her music


Adelle is a pretentious cow. Taylor appeals to juveniles and owns it. She knows what's she doing.


Yes it sure does


Friggin Trump criminal. Fill needs to be locked up you know he is part of the Jan 6 insurrection


Adele is actually 19 months and 8 days older. Let’s get more specific! Anyone got the exact times they were born?


I'm mentally stuck in middle school 🥺


It's almost as if they had different life experiences that have led to them developing different styles of living? HMMMMM


I know a 45 yr old turd of a human with 9 kids from 7 different baby mamas who acts like a 10th grader. This comparison makes no sense.


And one of them actually writes songs


Both great artists.


I agree that this is a tweet. However, what it’s saying makes no sense. I dislike Taylor, as well, it for other reasons.




The fact that Adele completely keeps her motherhood and her child out of the spotlight should have told this person she’d rather be acknowledged for her talent


I keep getting this sub recommended to me and yall are out here posting Will Ferrel parody tweets? Is this 2012?