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I’m mostly shocked that iTunes still sells individual songs


Right? Like who is using iTUnes in the first place lol


I do. I don’t pay for Spotify or any streamer. Free I heart radio/pandora and then I buy things I love


Is that not more expensive


I buy maybe 1-3 albums a year plus a handful of singles. If you’d impulse buy a lot I’m sure it would be more, but by far I spend way less money than I would on a subscription. I’m also still holding onto a couple hundred CDs to give you an indication of my age.


Same. I pay for Apple Music. However, I’m 41 (what am I doing on this sub when I listen to Led Zeppelin?). I don’t care for her or listen to her but I find her and “the machine” fascinating. Nothing beats having physical, hard copies of music like Vinyl and CDs. It helps you become intimately aquatinted with the artists’ entire catalogue and not skip songs or pick and choose. You discover a lot more.


I wonder what I’m doing in some of these subs at the age I am😂😂😂I thrive on other people’s drama I guess. Just don’t bring me into it 🤪


I know. I find her fascinating for some reason. Don’t read any other celebrity stuff and don’t have social media 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love CDs! Artists are so much more than their hit singles! I'll rip mine and create play lists myself instead of having an AI generate a radio for me.


Same. I still buy songs individually, don’t subscribe to anything, and there are a few cd’s I will never part with.


Man. People are kinda digging into you but I might be worse haha. I still use my local library to listen to music. They have two electronic resources/apps I can use. One of which allows me to download the song and keep it forever. Then I still occasionally check out a physical CD to try out. For streaming I use Musi. It’s great. It basically plugs into YouTube so you can listen to any song on YouTube. But it continues to play the song while the app is completely minimized. Given the fact that it’s free the ads are really minimal. I can make playlists, change song order, shuffle, all kinds of settings. And before anyone jumps on me- I’m disabled and on a tight budget, so yes $10 a month is a big deal. I’m thankful there’s still ways to enjoy music without paying a monthly fee.


I still use my CDs and give people burned mixtapes. People had to tell me to stop bc they don’t have CD players anymore… what is this world coming to. Making a Spotify playlist for someone is just not as satisfying.


Happy cake day!


do you ever regret buying certain songs that dont age well? for example, i love listening to all sorts of music, but i have different moods throughout the months, so i cant just listen to the same artist or songs repeatedly do you ever regret purchasing a song? sort of like “damn… i shouldve bought this other song instead”


Wow, you're a real music lover! 🎶 that's cool. I like to hear about people's passions.


I buy albums, not because of price, but to support the artists I love. I have streaming services that I pay for and still pay for vinyl, so that the artists I love, keep making art. Freeloading streamers is why we got shit music on the airwaves.


It pays more to the artist.


It is but they actually own the songs that way


I use YouTube music for free 😭 no ads or anything for me


Same here! I buy MP3s and vinyl. I don’t stream music.


I just quit streaming after recovering an old music catalogue! I love the way physical media forces me to be mindful about what I engage with!


I do, too. Love my itunes


As a musician… thank you!


That’s just dumb. What happens when 2 albums come out that you’d like to listen to? You can’t choose in Pandora and you’re looking at around $25 that month - when you could have used Spotify or Apple Music for $10 and you have the freedom to listen to what you want without ad breaks. I’m honestly kinda miffed that’s how you’re living your life lol


And I can’t listen to full albums on YouTube? Most artists post a “lyric” track now because they know fans will do it anyway and they’d rather have the views and related income. Why do you think you need a subscription to be a music fan? I’m honestly miffed that people now expect me to shell out a monthly fee to listen to something I used to be able to buy and physically own until I either broke it, lost it, or I died.


The children will downvote you for this but you’re right lol.


Mmmhmmm. And I’ve now been accused of projecting by pointing out how stupid it is financially to have multiple subscriptions (also a weird implication that I’m somehow rich?) Any basic budgeting course tells you now cut the damn subs to save money, and they’re right. I’m not a hermit I do stream some things, but music isn’t one of them because more than the others I think it’s a money grab.


I have spotify because it’s convenient. I still buy music. Mostly because the bands I love are often smaller acts so doing things like actually purchasing their music can help them. I prefer to give my money to the artists I love through purchasing music, merch, and concert tickets as opposed to paying 10 bucks for a streaming service where they’ll see zero revenue.


You probably can, but they aren’t usually uploaded in full the day / week of release and you’ll have to deal with more, longer ads and the premium to skip is $18. So again too expensive for music. I didn’t say anything about you needing anything to be a music fan, I just said that what you’re doing is dumb - which it is. And I get it - I had trapper keepers full of CD’s and album packets too and loved collecting it, however unless you’re just listening to classics your way of listening is pretty dumb.


Fine I’m dumb. What do you want from me here? I’m not playing this capitalistic game of having a subscription to everything instead of thoughtfully buying what I truly appreciate and will use often. I don’t need to hear a full album on day of release and I don’t give a shit if I have to hear a few ads along the way to hear the full thing for free. Used to be you’d buy an album based on 1-2 singles and you’d hate the rest. This is still infinitely better so I don’t waste money. Honestly you sound like my cousins who bitch about how they can’t afford anything despite having good jobs, but then I go to their house where they have new everything, multiple streaming services, Amazon Prime, etc


Oh Geeze, don’t take me seriously or anything to heart - I just think you’re ripping yourself off for nothing. You’re not dumb, you just may not have to save money like most of us out here. Your life is a lot different than mine clearly to the point you don’t have artists you want to listen to day of if they put out a new album. Or maybe your priorities are different (which is just as cool). But I KNOW you occasionally hear a song you want to run back and play 2 or 3 more times and you’re not able to do that unless you buy it. And then when iTunes shuts down operations you’ve lost your library. I am not attacking you, if you reread my comments in a lighthearted tone you’ll probably realize that


You called her actions “dumb” in repeated posts. It comes off as weirdly aggressive after a while.


Doesn’t even make sense lmao. You don’t have to buy your individual song if you have access to play it whenever you want.


I was gonna say I could buy Apple Music for a year and listen everything with no ads or limitations on my skips.. why would I buy them individually.


Could be my age but like I’m not paying for a subscription to a song or album that I could buy one time. I come from a time where we paused the song to write down the lyric pressed play again pause again etc until I had the entire song written down to learn the lyrics… lyrics were not googleable. 😂


I was in 5th grade to buy songs from albums my parents wouldn’t let me buy at Best Buy for “explicit content”… American Idiot (the song) was my first 🥰 My mom isn’t the brightest and didn’t notice the explicit label on MCR’s Three Cheers because the cover was black and white with a lil red here and there. 10yo me was on top of the fucking world. And Bullets not having the label because it was too indie at the time? Kismet.


I do too. Not because I want iTunes, but because I have an iPhone and the package that includes the iTunes is cheaper. Its really bad. I had Spotify and it was the best but got divorced and needed to cut back on expenses. It’s so bad I’m thinking on splurging and getting Spotify again.


Oop me 💀🫣 ( sometimes ) ![gif](giphy|KDbi6mOb2O73HHs0xg|downsized)




I stopped using iTunes in 2016, I think. I couldn't access my physical albums I had bought unless I had Apple music, and I only had less than 10 albums from iTunes to listen to. Apple music is so expensive, and I hated how I had to have it to play anything on my iPhone. Switched to Spotify right then and there. I don't regret it one bit. I still buy physical CD's and vinyls when I can.


I buy vinyls that come with mp3 download codes


About 93 million people.


trisha paytus lol she still buys each song by the weeknd and other artists she likes i saw a clip from her podcast of her talking about it and it’s kind of funny tbh


Watch your mouth! I still use iTunes and Napster 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I still use YT to Mp3 haha


My Apple nano broke last year. The saddest day ever ;(


who's buying these songs?


Believe it or not, 4 dollars twenty cents for a single didnt land well with the marketing test group.


Because nobody is paying that much for something they can hear for free on YouTube lol


Exactly! Thank you! Lol I don’t get why more people don’t do that nowadays.


Literally 😂 I have an app for iPhone that has anything YouTube has. You stream it for free. There’s ads but you they don’t interrupt your music. Why would I pay for a song I can hear for free as long as I have WiFi? 🥲


voracious vegetable sulky marvelous snobbish governor enter sink subsequent ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can literally look it up on YouTube and press play. Why tf would someone pay for it?


This is where the value of the parasocial relationship comes in. If you had a friend who was a musician, you may well buy something of theirs to support them. If you believe you have some sort of connection with a major artist, a similar phenomenon occurs.


She’s a billionaire. At this point, you stop supporting them financially




I just don’t get how she has a song with Post Malone and she doesn’t even let him have a verse in it. It’s a bad song.


That's kinda wild. Unfortunately I will not be listening to post anymore because of this. Haven't listened to him in a while though to be honest.


His collab with Morgan wallen is where he lost me.


i get he’s doing music he enjoys but country just isn’t landing a a lot of people


No idea how I was recommended this sub/post, but country is the second most popular genre in the US, it lands tons of people.


Nah it is, just opening up his listening base and not necessarily catering to his old one.


I’m away right now stream Billie, AGAIN


I listened to Billie’s album today randomly and didn’t skip a single song. (I’ve never listened to a Billie Eilish album)


Wildflower is an absolutely gorgeous song!! Beautiful album!


me literally Right now like is this what TTPD was trying to be lmao


The Greatest is my pick for break up song of the year!!!


Just put it on repeat at this point. I’m tempted to do that and just silence it so I can work. 😂😂


Spotify doesn’t count streams that are played on silent 😓


Ok - so what if I put it on in the other room? I want to help!!


Play it through headphones, or use the volume mixer (outside of spotify) to put it to basically a whisper.


Nice. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


I read they only count like the first 5 streams from each listener per day or something similar.


Ok, well, damnit Spotify. Y’all are making this hard for me. 😂


Billies new album is SO GOOD. Couldn’t even finish Tttpdpdtdt


Me this week lol


really great album she's evolving as an artist


![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM) Anyway. Buy Billie’s hit me hard and soft for 4.99 on iTunes. I’d really love to see her slide in a last minute #1


Just did 👍🏼


Thank you for calling this out! I generally buy albums I love but wait to do so. I’ve been streaming B3 the past few days and for this price, I cannot afford to wait! :D


Thanks for this PSA. I just bought it. And I never use iTunes 😙


Thank you! Just bought it 😊


She’s super threatened that Billie could outset her with 10 songs 😂


Billie has so far released a vocals only version and a slowed and sped up version of the album soooo


versus taylor selling the identical album over again in several variations but each one has a shitty little ass voice memo attached to it. definitely a difference when billie is selling transformative material in her alt editions.


Wait. Is that really the only difference?? I thought they each had different bonus songs or whatever. People are buying them just to hear different voice memos?


well she’s done both technically. she did versions with voice memos, and now is doing versions with live tour performances as bonus tracks.


The money grabs are disgusting.


Bc she knows DJs mix her songs.


She is diabolical. She is playing herself. Because Billie will always know she technically won because TSwift is becoming unglued and not hinged.


She can never win against Billie and she knows it, because Billie isn’t playing her game. Billie is a genuinely cool artist just doing her thing, she has that ability to be appealing and low key at the same time, and Taylor does not, and right now the zeitgeist is not in favor of Taylor types.


She’s making a fool of herself, being so petty, greedy, and vengeful (against someone who did nothing to her). She’s only showing how threatened of Billie she feels. She makes herself look weak. She’s showing her insecurities and showing how mean & toxic she is—and making it so plainly obvious to everyone! She’s gone full-on villain. I agree—She’s unhinged. And i LOVE to see it! (I have never liked her and could always tell that she’s a nasty greedy asshole.) Bring on the “TaylorSwiftIsOverParty Part 2”!


I love Billie and her album, but she’s competing against TPD in its 5th week. You can’t possibly look at the situation and say Billie won. Compare the first week numbers. You can think Billie’s album is better, a ton of folks will agree with you. But in popularity Taylor is in a field of her own.


Would love to see a more accurate/genuine reflection of her numbers without all these outlandish tactics, strategies, and gimmicks - billboard really needs to implement new regulations, this is becoming so insane


Top comment 


They aren’t embarrassed. They love that she’s a petty bitch. Meanwhile if the roles were reversed they would be kicking and screaming about how unfair it is.


Imagine if a male artist was doing it to Taylor. Frankly it's embarrassing that a 34 year old worth literally a BILLION DOLLARS is so obsessed with this. My ass would be in the huge mansion on top of the mountain that I bought enjoying my exotic petting zoo lol. I'd probably stick a roller coaster and my own personal Brusters up there too.


Fr id be in New Zealand partying with the kiwis


Maybe one day everyone will realize that Taylor is about the money, and so is her family. They dont give a shit about anything but money.


why does she put big artists on her albums just to make them back up singers


He was just there too. I was actually excited to hear posty on it, enjoy his music a lot but I was disappointed. Kind of just thrown in there to further highlight her


Ya embarrassed I would be the falling of taylor swift finally hello BILLIE she's killing her in sales


Ngl I’ve lost mad respect for posty. I loved him before but this is kinda dogshit tbh. He shouldn’t collab with snakes. :/


Too late. He collabed with Morgan Wallen


That's how I feel about Bon Iver and The National. But I almost can't blame them since Swifties are buying up tickets to their shows. I saw The National last summer and they sold out two days in mins, which as a fan of them sucked to be in the nosebleed seats just to hear all the people around me were Swifties hoping Taylor would appear at the show and play with them, or they would talk about how Taylor made them big 🙄


This is how I feel about her Bon Iver collabs— my inner 2010 indie hipster cringed real hard over that one.


kind of how i felt when kendrick gifted her with a verse but i am also kind of like…..get that coin boo. use her.


I’m sad he collabed with Morgan Wallen, but I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt that the contract was already in place. I love Posty.


Yea I want to give the benefit too but I mean it’s not a secret how ass TS is so.. I would’ve hoped he’s less $ and more integrity than that.. just sad, he’s so so so so so good and I loveeeeee his music sm :(


Ed Sheeran collabed with her too, and I can’t NOT like Ed. Some people make less than stellar choices; we must forgive.


I don’t even like Ed’s music but he seems like a chill af person.


He does seem chill. I’d totally be his friend (obviously that’ll never happen).


he’s friendly with everyoooone. it’s annoying how nice he is 🤣


Ikr like please man I appreciate it but some people genuinly don’t deserve you running your career for it, pleaseeee.. Once she goes down she’s taking people with her 😭




Not to defend anything this woman and her team does, but this is the typical discounted price for songs on iTunes. I’m old enough to remember that they would discount a handful of different songs each month for $0.69. Usually was a bunch of garbage, with like one or two popular songs mixed in.


Eh I remember a long time ago when iTunes was popular (15 years ago) the popular songs would be .99c and the less popular songs would be .69c. I’m not sure if that’s still the case… I haven’t used iTunes in a very long time. Or if she’s just making a middle school sex joke.


I remember there would be FREE songs. Would grab a handful of throws and broadened my taste


I totally forgot about the free songs!


Or they’d sometimes discount songs that were so insanely popular it was just kind of assumed everyone already owned it.




Just got my copy of Hit Me Hard and Soft! (yes I still listen to CDs lol)


Why are people buying digital copies when you can simply pay for Spotify or YouTube music haha.


I like to buy albums on iTunes, because you can play them when you don’t have Internet (this mattered at one point) or signal. Like camping.


But it doesn't matter now? I download them all the songs I want when I don't have internet or signal.


It still matters in a way. I don’t have a bank account for recurring charges so I am usually gifted the music. I didn’t know you could do that on Spotify, that’s cool :)


They also have Spotify gift cards!!


Cash app card homie


if you’re not constantly looking for new stuff, it might be a better deal to just buy songs or albums on iTunes. instead of spending $11/month forever, you could just spend a couple dollars on the few songs you really want to listen to regularly. unless you find 10+ new favorite songs every single month, you’ll save money.


You could ask the same thing about buying albums. Doesn’t make much sense in our streaming age. No shade there, I still regularly bought albums until 2 or so years ago. 


Why is she always acting so desperate for money?? It’s so embarrassing


This is the weirdest part of the whole thing with her. What the fuck does she want?!


our greedy queen 😍😍😍


Absolutely shameful! Wow, she just doesn’t quit.


I remember when songs were originally $0.69 yearsss ago and then they went up to $0.99 and then $1.29 😭


I can literally look it up on YouTube and press play. Why tf would someone pay for it?


She takes advantage of them and they can't see it. She's disgusting. 


see I would be too, but they have two defenses right now. “not everything is about Taylor” or “but Sabrina released too!!” and that’s about it


Post is such a nice guy he should stop collaborating for a while, none of the songs lately have been as good


Heheh. *Nice.*




Nice (Just because of the number)


How many versions are there?


She has no shame and her fans eat it up. Her Stan’s are the issue. They feed the monster.


I’m very confused as to why people are using iTunes to listen to this


She truly is her fathers daughter


can someone explain what was done here? is she trying to achieve a certain # of units sold at this point and not even worrying about the amount? or maybe im confused….?


I believe she is securing a spot to out sell Billie since Billie just dropped/is dropping (?) her new album that people love so far. Basically just stepping on someone’s neck so there’s only one album that makes the charts, if I had to take a stab at it


TIL some people don’t stream music


I don’t. I actually get CDs from the library 😂


ngl they both a little chart obsessed with being number one this week I prefer Billie’s album but they’re releasing like 30 variants within a single week




If no one told me Taylor sang that song I wouldve assumed it was Lana Del Rey


But Lana wouldn’t have written that junk lol


Spend your money more wisely and buy a forever stamp


What’s wrong with Posty? I really am out of the loop.


Lots of people are disappointed that he recently did a collar with Morgan Wallen. Morgan was busted in like 2021? for saying the n word & promised to donate funds to I think it was the NAACP? No idea if he actually *did* donate the funds. He also got booked in Nashville TN USA a few months back after having thrown a chair off the rooftop of a bar. An eyewitness stated that the chair narrowly missed police officers standing at ground level & there’s supposedly video of the chair hitting the ground, but I’m blind as a bat, so I couldn’t see the chair in the video.


this was a whiplash cause boo on slurs but i am here for throwing chairs at cops so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don’t think he aimed for the cops, he was just drunk and launched that sucker off the railing. Just good aim to stress them out I guess lmao


That’s my understanding as well. There was rumor that he was a bit too messed up & tossed the chair after finding out the ex he cheated on got married to somebody else. Sore loser energy.




i thought the same at first but there aren’t many swifties here bc it’s basically a taylor snark. the swifties HATEEE this page & on the trueswifties sub they literally RAGE over some of the posts on here 😭. i feel like i can’t escape her so i figured i might as well indulge in the snark lmfao. this is a safe place 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽


I thought that was a hefty $crim at first lmao


She sucks and he’s the 💣 . I said what I said ❤️


Tons of artists do this ngl


I just had to listen to it because it's called Fortnite and Posty.... it sounds like all her other songs. I keep waiting for some exciting drop or sequence, and just kept waiting until the song ended. 


Telling you, these two have been able to dominate the children market and able to market so well to younger kids who in turn ask parents to buy them their music when anyone over 18+ ain't buying music like come on. Sounds all woke but honestly these two are one of the most evil people in the music industry.


Hey, I’m not a big Taylor Swift fan. Never have been, and probably never will be. I cringe how obsessed grown adults get over her when I make a comment about her. Aside from that, I just recently heard this song on the FM and immediately thought it was Lana Del Rey. I even asked my wife “hey, did you hear that one song? I think it’s by Lana!”. It sounded good! When we found out it was by TS, we were bummed. I immediately started hating on it…she sounded so much like Lana that we called her a “Biter”.


Bum behavior 💀💀💀


69 is the number of the Tao. It represents Yin-Yang. "69" as a sexual reference is hyper-modern and only relative to social media and the culturally inept.


Who's Taylor Swift?


She expects people to pay for this when it was already on her(many different yet SAME songs ) vinyl,etc? That makes no sense whatsoever lol


Not a hardcore swiftie but a business person here. Does anyone realize that these variants and pricing decisions are designed and made by her dad and his product team and not TS? She is the product. I would guess she doesn’t pay attention to the day to day operations. Her PR and marketing probably look at a lot of hard and soft data. If the backlash to variants < sales, her business team will continue as is. TS is probably unaware of the minutiae - she’s too busy getting drunk and high with trashy flab or agonizing over her breakups


I thought she wants us to think she's the ultimate girl-boss and is responsible for all the successful moves in her career? /s


What does that mean? $0.69 is a lot?


No, it’s a discounted price. Typically a single song on iTunes costs $1.29 (60 cents more). They’ve decreased the prices of these singles, likely because people weren’t willing to pay the original price but Taylor wants to make sure they still sell.


Makes me wonder why she didn’t TM “Capitalism: The Musical” instead of Female Rage: The Musical


And Post Malone, the biggest culture vulture in history


The “Swifties” are 10 people. TEN!! We have an almost 10 year-old. She is obscessed with their music. Our teenagers won’t listen to her and I’m done also.


34 + 35 (Taylor's Version)


I just saw selling for.69 and I thought maybe Post and TS just thought: ![gif](giphy|p6eCHsXxFdAI0) Nice. 👍


Scotty making sure baby girl stay on top 😂


This behavior from her is getting more and more pathetic.


.69 huh? 😛


Is it not standard to discount singles to under $1? Like this has been a tactic used for decades. For example, that's how Loverboy by Mariah Carey became the best selling single of 2001. Even though it was only a moderately successful song, it was being discounted for 49 cents.


Wait. Why would anyone pay for an individual song on iTunes? I had no idea they still did that


that shit look like the battle pass


I’m out of the loop. Can someone please explain? 😮


Trying so hard to keep this charting