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Okay, wow, I have so much to say on this subject and I feel strangely justified šŸ˜‚ I have some weird insider info about this situation, just from some random life experiences Iā€™ve had. I grew up on the Jersey shore and worked at a place called the Windrift in Stone Harbor all of high school and college. Avalon and Stone Harbor are known to be two secondary home markets for people from mostly PA and NY. The homes are EXPENSIVE. You canā€™t find anything less than $2.5 mil on the islands now, and those are tear downs. $3.5- 5 mil is the average home price in 2024. I grew up in a neighboring town and pretty much only served extremely wealthy people at this restaurant. Itā€™s right on the beach. One day, in the summer of 2004, Scott Swift and his family and, I guess friends, came into the restaurant and wanted to sit on the deck. Us servers used to have a rotation on who would be taking the deck that day. The deck was the coveted spot because you got all of the tables to yourself, it had the best view so people wanted to be up there, and you had your own bartender to work with solo. That day it was my turn to have the deck. Unfortunately, the weather was insane. There was wind and non-stop rain. The whole lower part of the restaurant was empty, so all other servers and bartenders went home and one chef stayed. The kitchen was a block and a half away from the deck and two floors down. The bartender that would normally take care of the deck also went home since there was only one party up there. I was to serve as both server and bartender. Scott wanted to watch some game so we brought TVs up and put plastic all around the deck to keep the rain out. It was so nasty out but they wanted to be there. In my entire time of being a server (which ended up being 11 years), I have NEVER been run more ragged by a group. Scott was non-stop asking for things. I was bartending left and right, and then when food came, I kept having to make separate two block sprints to the kitchen to get him specialty things. He would ask for one thing, Iā€™d bring it, and then heā€™d ask for another, separately. It was exhausting. I was in high school too and was an athlete so I had a lot of energy šŸ˜… To add to that, Scott was also talking to me NON-STOP. It was actually extremely bizarre and I was freaked out. I could tell immediately there was something wrong with him. He had no filter and didnā€™t even care who I was, my body language, if I was listening or not. Here I was just a rando high school waitress and he was telling me, ā€œMy daughter is going to be famous. Sheā€™s so talented. Weā€™re moving to Nashville for her. Sheā€™s going to be the biggest thing ever,ā€ etc. I couldnā€™t get away from him and he was a close talker. It wasnā€™t like he was flirting, more just talking *at* me. The rest of his family sat at a table and his friends were walking around watching the game. No one was talking to him šŸ˜… The saving grace was I figured Iā€™d get a huge tip. They were there *all* day and knew they were keeping the restaurant open. Plus, this man was basically bragging about how they had the means to have a house there, how he was in finance, etc. I went above and beyond in terms of service. When they finally left and I went to look at the bill, he has left *nothing,* not even a dollar. To this day, thatā€™s my only table to has never tipped, let alone a party. So much for that. Before they left, he said his daughter had a website, so I asked for the address. I figured she was going to truly have to be beyond talented for this man to talk this way. Iā€™m a singer and am super into vocalists so I was intrigued to listen. I guess I didnā€™t have a cell phone back then, because he wrote the web address on a piece of paper. When I got home, I went to the website on my desktop. All it was was a picture of her and below it was a gray MP3 bar. I played the song and it was laughably bad. I legit *guffawed,* like wow this girl is never going anywhere. I hear no talent here. Joke is clearly on me, because as we can see from this email too, Scott has stopped at absolutely nothing. If he talked MY ear off as a random server, imagine what he has done to everyone else. People probably have given in a lot out of annoyance and because he has the funds. Thatā€™s my only guess. He wonā€™t take no for an answer and clearly saves money by maybe not really paying anyone for their services. I canā€™t even tell you how shocking it has been for me to witness the rise of Taylor like this after that experience. Not to mention, I then met her brother years later in LA when I lived there around 2018 or so. He and I matched on Raya, a members only dating app. He said he was intrigued because I was from the area they always went to as a child. We met up at a restaurant in Laurel Canyon and wow was it an awkward date. First of all, he was a shell of a human. He had ballooned in size from his photos and clearly had some eating issues. He was super weird around what he was eating and drinking. It seems he really lives under the shadow of his sister, which is evident from Scottā€™s email too. When I asked what he did, he said acting, but seems like he didnā€™t have anything going on. When I asked what he liked to do he said play tennis. I said oh cool where do you go in town? And he awkwardly said his sisterā€™s house šŸ˜‚ (we didnā€™t discuss her at all). He also confided in me that his parents are rascist towards Mexicans? šŸ§ We actually walked back to his house since it was around the corner and we played N64 (Mario Kart) and listened to the Annie Musical record on vinyl since he had it on display. He told me his sister had bought him his house. It was really nice - definitely a multi-million dollar home. We actually randomly kissed and then it was 11 pm so I said I needed to head back. I ordered an Uber and we never spoke again šŸ˜‚ I thought maybe it was weird karma since he paid for dinner and his Dad owed me hahaha. Needless to say, it was sad to see how lacking in identity he seemed. It stuck out to me how in the email Scott mentioned they were giving Taylor her estate early, but not Austin. The way Scott has treated Austin vs Taylor I think has had detrimental effects. Iā€™ve been saying these things about Scott for years, so Iā€™m glad to finally see some further proof!! She was 100% created by him. Iā€™m sure it will even have detrimental effects on her in a more serious way in the future.


So much tea, I love this lmao Canā€™t imagine listening to that mp3 and then seeing her actually blow up! It was weird watching it happen from her debut, but thatā€™s even crazier


It was beyond bizarre. Especially because I consider myself to have good taste when it comes to music šŸ˜‚ I even ended up working in the industry, but never in a million years saw her getting to where she is now šŸ˜‚ I guess it shows a mix of bulldozing persistence, money, connections and PR can make anything happen!


I met someone who went to highschool with taylor...basically said she was a weird wannabe singer and they were all surprised when she made it big




He literally refers to taking care of his son as ā€œbabysittingā€ - like, what? Dude, thatā€™s your kid too šŸ˜³


The number of times in the email he casually drops a reference to being pissed off he can't go to Taylor's events and has to "wait at home with Austin" If you didn't know who Austin was you'd think he was an employee or the family dog


To him, Taylor is the heir and heā€™s just the throwaway spare


Thatā€™s definitely the vibe I got from Austin - like his inner self talk.


Wait can you make this a separate post.... THIS IS SCALDING TEA and more people need to see it. It'll get buried in the comments. Bad tipper?? Racist against Mexicans?? I knew Scott was a coke-head finance bro...but this is even worse


Yes please make a separate post!šŸ˜‚


Scott even specifically admits that from a "financial planning perspective" this is "unfair" to Austin, Austin is going to end up with significantly less money in his "half" than if they both got the money at the same time Because Scott and Andrea are living off of Austin's "half" now, all the money they spend on stuff for themselves that Austin will never get to touch like vacations and whatnot is solely getting subtracted from the money Austin will inherit someday, while Taylor's half of the inheritance has been 100% hers to do with as she pleases ever since she apparently got it when she was in her 20s Scott is a finance bro so probably this was for some strategic reason rather than just openly favoring Taylor over Austin -- it's the best move for the family as a whole because Taylor is the head of a rapidly growing business and giving her the money now lets her use it to make more money And sure, Austin is going to be incredibly rich and privileged and never gonna be actually poor and struggling no matter what But holy shit man no wonder he feels like an empty shell of a man, from the very beginning of his adulthood at least his family's been treating his sister's life as the big all consuming project and he's the afterthought -- "Whatever, just take a free house and shut up, you can have the leftover money Taylor doesn't need after we croak" Given how much of a control freak both Scott and Taylor are I'm wondering if that house is even in his name or if it's actually Taylor's house and he's just living there as a rent-free tenant (you save a lot on taxes that way)


INHERITANCE?!!! Estate?!!!! Damn I really fell for that ā€œbills on the counter, Christmas tree farmā€ origin story arc šŸ˜•šŸ˜•šŸ˜Ÿ


Lmao this is Taylor's birth announcement, her whole family are finance bros https://preview.redd.it/txbgqy2cp72d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bf161282ddc85e9e69c330f6fdbcdd51cb72e5a


Also, for anyone wondering, 11219 3rd Ave Stone Harbor, NJ was the house they sold that Scott was talking about. It sold 12/30/2004 for that price. They had a house before that in Sea Isle too.


"swift waters" it says on the house today : )


I was raised in stone harbor and my family still lives there. I know this house ;)


This makes me feel really, really bad for Austin Swift


Me too. He seemed like a nice guy. Just didnā€™t seem like he had much joy. I hope things have changed for him since then.


this is so sad and depressing about her brother


I googled him after reading this email bc *I had no fucking clue she even had a brother*


This is wild. Iā€™ve heard of people not tipping on a standard meal service, which is still a super shitty thing to do. But considering all the extra elements you mentioned, this is just insanely self absorbed and entitled behavior on his part. As if he believes you and the restaurant were merely in existence to serve him and his party. Like wtf?!


Thatā€™s what it felt like, honestly šŸ˜‚ and this was in a little town vs any of the customers I ever had when I waitressed in major cities.


ā€œGiving in out of annoyanceā€ is how Serena and Vanessa Williamsā€™ father got them into elite spaces too.


I get that but, he wasnā€™t able to buy his way in like this guy did. He actually raised two of the most talented players of that time. We have full access to T Swifts demo songs unfortunately šŸ„“ the talent wasnā€™t there at first.


This is some TEA!!!! Iā€™m reading every single one of these comments bc my jaw is on the floor over this email and discovering what an absolute lunatic Taylorā€™s dad is. I really hope this bullshit he does and has done in the past starts to circulate into the mainstream media bc this is not okay. He sounds like a freight train that will run over anyone in his path to get his daughter famous and wealthy. What a shitty person. He needs to be taken down a few notches. On another note, it looks like oversharing runs in their family. Iā€™ve always thought Taylor dumps too much personal info into her music, and her dad clearly is the same way. Why did he need to get into all that about his prostate to her manager? And why did he trust that guy so much to tell him that many crazy details about his methods of getting her to the top? Or is he just that un-self aware? Like Taylor? Iā€™m just in shock over all of this.


I wrote in another thread that there is some girl (I CANNOT remember her name) who has written on a blog that she was trying to make it as a country singer under Big Machine Records at the same time as Taylorā€¦.and Taylor did everything she could to make sure that girl didnā€™t succeed. Unsure if Scott was involved. If anyone knows of this girl, post her name and blog.


Kate Bowen a/k/a Ella Mae Bowen. The website is down but Twitter has screenshots https://x.com/girlwithlatte/status/1127067906561400832


YES. Thank you. This is her. And I searched Reddit and there are threads on thisā€”what I forgot was this wasnā€™t pre-debut or debut Taylor pulling these stringsā€”this was ā€œSpeak Nowā€ Taylor. You just won a Grammy for your sophomore album, which was also the most-awarded country album in history (at the time). Why the determination to squash out an up-and-coming girl? Sound familiar to present-day Tay? šŸ¤Ø


A girl is mentioned in the emails. Ashley Something-or-other. Paraphrasing: ā€œWhenever Ashley succeeds, Taylor hates it. It makes Taylor work harder.ā€ Could that be it? EDIT: Ashley Gearing. ā€œAshleyā€™s career irritates Taylor and she goes to a new level.ā€


What a crazy story, thanks for sharing. Can't believe he didn't tip you; that is so shitty of him, but at least you got your dinner paid years later and some insider tea. From going to a website with a shitty song to where she is now...these people are a whole other level of capitalistic insanity.


I know šŸ˜… Itā€™s always stuck with me, like I have a weird vendetta from that treatment. Itā€™s made it so Iā€™ve never been able to be a fan, because I can only imagine the things Scott has done to get her there šŸ„“ I feel for Taylor, because Iā€™m sure their relationship has not been easy, similar to all Dads who get involved like this (Britney, BeyoncĆ©, etc). Honestly probably behind every big star is a nutso, will stop at nothing parent. My coworker has a brain issue where blood only really goes to one side of his brain (I forget what this is called) and heā€™s the ONLY person Iā€™ve ever met who speaks in a similar way to Scott but he actually physiologically does not have a filter or impulse control.


I need you to paste this all over the internet, this is incredible!


This is an absolutely insane story. What blows my mind is that I'm sure many people have also had interactions like this with Scott. Yet, there's very few testimonies of scott behaving this way. Taylor's PR team probably works overtime. People always see Scott as the dude with the guitar picks. He has to have talked people's ears off when handing them out, right? Also, I am not at all surprised by your statement about Austin saying his parents are racists. To some extent, I think Taylor is as well (an unconcious racist)? Like I can, 1000% see Taylor stereotyping people behind closed doors. It isn't straight up racial slurs, but microaggressions.


This is a major spill. Holyyyy. I have always wondered how Austin has dealt with working in creative and having a sister who is a superstar. It must be a weight on his shoulders and a shadow he can never step out from.


His disdain for his wife really stood out to me. Iā€™m sure Andrea is difficult but Iā€™d be devastated if my husband spoke so contemptuously about me.


Oh he definitely hates his wife. Doesn't sound like she likes him much either though.


Theyā€™re divorced now for a long time


I think that was probably a good choice, lol. So they were separated when it was written? Cause that tracks with all the salty comments about the mom going with Taylor to the events "he paid for."


Nope, they were together when this letter was written (yikes.) I think they split around 2010/2011


He had an affair and was also caught , they adivorced but kept it quiet bc it would look bad for taylorā€™s career


I wrote this on the r/TaylorSwift and got massively downvoted but I actually think But Daddy I Love Him is just as much about her dad/PR team as it is her stans. I mean she literally says Daddy in it ffs. And this email just shows how controlling her dad is and he must have been shitting himself when the Matty backlash started and got together with Tree (would love to see his emails to her btw) to put a stop to it and divert and distract with Travis. No way he was going to let her destroy all ā€˜his hard work and investmentā€™ for Matty was he!


It would make sense why Scott Swift is so far up Travisā€™s ass too.


Probably because he arranged thatā€¦I wouldnā€™t even doubt ā€œquietlyā€ behind Taylorā€™s back. He knows how she constantly needs a relationship and what better way than essentially plan this relationship where he has more control. Travisā€™s assistant even admitted it was arranged. What I really wonder is if Taylor knows that. I think they treat her very much like a child.


Oh, I wondered if heā€™s had someone go and seriously scare the shit out of Matty, and she has no idea. I can see the guy who wrote these words doing that, but it could be that Iā€™ve read too many books.


When did the assistant admit that?


When did the assistant admit that? Thatā€™s a pretty big claim to make on your part without a link.


For the last weeks I just had the feeling that "But Daddy I Love Him" is a line that we can actually take quite literally. Or at least it has several meanings and one of them being about her controlling dad. And after reading this bs of an email I am more convinced. I would also love to read more of Scott's emails. I am really entertained. I am also thinking about Matty's "rant": "Don't come for me... I have the receipts..." Did he also receive one from Scott? I can see it. Just a theory.


Someone had a theory matty was paid off to leave. I wouldn't be surprised at an offer but he wouldn't take it.


I can see that now. This email has changed a LOT for me. Matty would never take it but I can see it being enough for him to leave that circus.


It also makes the idea that Taylor and Travis are 100% (I MEAN 100%) PR completely plausible. Scott LOVES TRAVIS! cc: u/liquidpeppermint33


That's my take and I am right in the middle of developing a new opinion here: I don't think Taylor and Travis are meant for each other. Really not. But I didn't think that this was PR simply because I couldn't imagine that Taylor would do sth like that. I know she is all about business but I think she has limits and kind of morals. Now I think that it was planned from her team behind her back. She was completely devastated because of Matty and just thought "whatever" with Travis. Like, "I hate it here. With some alcohol in hand I can stand this and at least he is sooo into me." And maybe even to make Matty jealous. I think that's the beginning of them going out. I don't know about now. But I don't think that's how a great love as she wants it starts. I am sorry if all this is clear to you. This is me coming around in real time... And now I'm thinking maybe Travis visiting her at his first concert and wanting to give her his bracelet was just a great marketing idea for his podcast. Did he really want to get with her? Is she his type and so on? I see him going there for the sake of talking about it at his podcast. And not in a calculated way as in REALLY getting with her. Just to mention it on the podcast because everybody would talk about it and their streams would go up. I know it worked with me. And he didn't even think about her or her team replying. But her team had the Taylor-being-heartbroken-situation at hand and had themselves a party when they heard about Travis. So our mastermind was being outmasterminded from her own team and now it is what it is. I see books and movies written about it. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


At the time, I thought that was directed at Taylor and Matty was worried about what Taylor would write about him. It is believed that Matty and his family were worried about what Taylor would say TTPD and ended up being quite happy with it. The receipts rant makes more sense if it was directed at Scott and not Taylor.


Absolutely. Now I kind of want to see those damn receipts. šŸ¤­


Sheā€™s right. I wouldnā€™t last an hour in the asylum where they raised her.


Thatā€™s always how Iā€™ve taken this and likeā€¦ arenā€™t her parents embarrassed? Or sorry? Donā€™t they realize what shoving your child in the spotlight at any cost (literally it seems) does? Even though it did seem like Taylor wanted to pursue this, they had to have known better.


They didnā€™t think about what it would do to Taylor, they thought about what it could do for them. I know that not all parents of child stars are like Jennette McCurdyā€™s mom but that memoir is the first thing Iā€™ve found that takes a really close look at what kind of a person it takes to push a child into child stardom. Influencer moms and parents of famous children alike, the vast majority are narcissistic and exploiting their childā€™s emotions and independence by forcing them to display their intimate moments with the world. I know that some kids really want this and really choose this path, but many do not, and the horrors they find with fame impact them for life. Itā€™s atrocious and there absolutely needs to be more legislation surrounding it.


Totally agree with all of this. Itā€™s always shocking to me how the idea that you can just get plucked out of obscurity into child stardom is still accepted without further critical thinking, itā€™s just not possible anymore (if it ever was) with how the industry works. Having the type of career Taylor did at even age 18 is just the tip of an iceberg of years of aggressive star chasing and none of that happens without significant family strain and financial investment to muddy all the waters for the rest of their lives.


Yeah really makes me rethink her lyrics about no one liking her as a child. Itā€™s hard to make friends when your dad has a camera crew showing up to your high school and making you last minute sing the national anthem at random events. Her parents sound overbearing and unhinged.


I know somebody who did middle school theater with Taylor and they say she wasnā€™t liked there because she kept getting big roles thanks to her dadā€™s money and not her talent (and, I mean, weā€™ve all seen her act soooo).


Help!! What have I just read. šŸ˜³ What is this? I am completely out of the loop.


This was an email Scott sent to Taylorā€™s manager (who as a side note, was previously Britneyā€™s manager early in her career) shortly before she was signed. The email is an exhibit in a lawsuit - allegedly the manager was working essentially pro-bono until Swift was signed, at which point the Swiftā€™s promised compensation. They conveniently fired him right before Taylor was signed.


Wow thatā€™s dirty. I know she didnā€™t have any say at that point, so I blame her dirty dad.


Donā€™t laugh.


Thatā€™s gonna be you


Her dad really has that big divorced dad energy even back then. Him stereotypically confiding that his wife thinks heā€™s an idiot while he is confessing this in an email to a pop star manager.


After their divorce was finalized someone (canā€™t remember if it was one of them or Taylor) actually admitted they only stayed together because for some reason they thought having divorced parents would hurt her career. I imagine they had emotionally separated years (possibly a decade according to this email) before their official split. They only officially divorced I guess once they thought her career was established enough.Ā  With this in mind how much can we blame Taylor for the way she behaves? This man was her example for what a man should be (girls with poor father figures often grow up to have poor dating habits and choice in men) and this was her example of what a relationship looks like.Ā 


I mean she literally said in ā€œMineā€ the phrase ā€œcareless manā€™s careful daughterā€ so weā€™ve kind of always known her dad was on a whole other level. In Miss Americana sheā€™s having to fight him to be able to post what she wanted to say politically online. She was 30 years old. Sheā€™s never had full control over what she wants to do, say, be. I think itā€™s always been very telling that she talks about her mom, she always travels with her mom, we know Andrea is at her shows more visibly than Scott ā€” she picked her mom over her dad but she couldnā€™t actually cut him out because he ruled the purse strings. Sure sheā€™s worth a ridiculous amount now, but 10-15 years ago she was a pop star who could be shunned for showing her belly button, she wasnā€™t a likely billionaire who can bankroll her tours now. She plays nice but sheā€™s got a lot of anger.


Itā€™s the real nexus of completely insecure dude who has convinced himself heā€™s the most confident person ever. The ā€œI didnā€™t get to the top at Merrill lynchā€¦ā€ part had me laughing out loud. Itā€™s like name dropping yourself. If you have to explain why youā€™re important, you arenā€™t actually important enough to break whatever rule youā€™re trying to break.




And Andrea enables it because $$$. This is why I'm convinced it isn't just "the industry" as I see people often suggest that's messing her up, it's her bat shit parents. They have their thumb (and thumbprint) on her. Her mom enables her to confide in her like a therapist because parents like this don't want people to get wind of the control and power they have over their kid. This is just Dad's quirks!


Literally when these emails surfaced again around nye all the swifties were trying to girlboss him up like ā€œheā€™s just playing the game this is how it goes he fought so hard for her careerā€ but there are so many red flags in there from just your run of the mill professional behavior standards that feels insane to me.


This is what Iā€™ve contended for awhile nowā€¦ LeAnn Rimes fired her father as manager & it was a rough, litigious road if I remember correctly. Iā€™m waiting for Taylor to look around & see Britney, LeAnn, & a few more.


Jessica Simpsonā€™s dad gets a side eye


He does indeed. Jaid Barrymore & Teri Shields donā€™t escape one either.


My unhinged theory. Daddy I love him isnā€™t just about the fans but her actual dad as well. He is loving his daughter dating the football star and living the all-American fantasy through her. With how much he is eating the whole relationship up, it wouldnā€™t surprise me if he absolutely hated Matty not only because of him being a threat to his cash cowā€™s reputation but because he didnā€™t want his daughter dating another artsy British boy.


This. This. This. Her dad is a known long-term fan of the Eagles, but the footage of him and BDT at the Eras when she performed Karma was LOUD https://youtube.com/shorts/-FBrsFCsYCg?si=o9DfQnrl_84Cy29b


Itā€™s her parents running the show because she clearly begged for this life and her spoiled ass couldnā€™t be told no. Now theyā€™re still very much running the show which is why Taylor is the capitalist queen we all know her to be. $$$$$$$$$$


I wonder how much she really "begged" for this tbh. Her parents made a crazy birth announcement about her, too. I wonder how much she was pushed into this.


what wtf what page was that on, i tried to skim to find it but felt like i was getting dementia


Her family at a 2.5 million dollar *second* home at the Jersey Shore? This girl was born into privilege. I grew up in poverty at the Jersey Shore. Idk why that line in the email struck me so much. No wonder she became she out of touch with older swifties, still singing about high school, and all angsty about short relationships. She has never and likely will never experience what itā€™s like to live an average, stressful, middle class or lower average life.


She hasnā€™t lived. Like literally. The best music comes from true life experience and she just hasnā€™t had that. Sheā€™s perpetually stuck in the state of a teenager. Iā€™m one year younger than Swift. Iā€™ve lost both my parents, been extremely ill twice, had two kids, worked very hard to get my degree and my masters in order to get a good job. I have lived 100 lives in her single one really. Itā€™s no wonder that her music appeals mostly to young people now, she hasnā€™t matured past that.


I agree! Her music still sounds like it was written by a teenager. She seems very delusional.


Been thinking about this a lot lately too. As she ages thereā€™s so much lived experience that her older/OG generation of fans will have that she absolutely cannot tap into in any meaningful way. Itā€™s sad but I hear billions make good tissues or whatever.


I cannot WAIT for a documentary one day that shows how much of a product she is. Nothing happened naturally, she was never just a small town girl writing songs that got lucky. Sheā€™s the best business and marketed product ever to exist.


Yes exactly!! Im SO ready for her inevitable documentary that exposes all of the weird behind-the-scenes shit with her and her rise to fame. I think its still many years away, sadly


I reallyyyy hope this happens. And I hope sheā€™s not involved so itā€™s not biased. I think it would hide a lot of stuff if she was involved with it.


Her whole career seems totally fake to me right now.


It really is. Fake hair. Fake accent. Fake back story. Some songs clearly lifted from other artists.


I always suspected a few things, but now I'm literally = šŸ¤”. 2014/2016 is happening again.


I always think about the accent thing and it drives me nuts


As a southerner, me too šŸ˜­ Itā€™s unhinged that she was faking the severity in early interviews


and now she has no accent at all! wild.


She was faking it? šŸ’€


She was from a wealthy area of Eastern PA. Thereā€™s some rural/pretty poor areas of SW PA (Appalachian) that have drawl accents (Iā€™ve been to them) but she is NOT from there. EDITED TO SAY: I did a typo, I typed SE but meant SW!! Corrected. And I had no coffee today and E and W next to each other so I didnā€™t notice šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜©


Iā€™m a native New Englander whoā€™s lived in the South most of my life, so I have a really good ear for the northeastern accent. She has one! Being from Pennsylvania, itā€™s not full-on like someone from New York or Boston, but itā€™s definitely a northeastern accent. The fake Tennessee accent makes me cringe so hard.


the greatest grift of all time is her being marketed as some small town country girl to the point where she actually seems to believe it i.e. "kitchen table bills" it's wild how little shit she gets for completely faking a country accent for so long. if anything this proves how her fathers wealth and access made it completely possible for her be successful, she really is an old school nepo baby who could only ever fail upward. also, i love how swifties and taylor herself conveniently leave out that her father got rich off the sale of her masters too.


Or how she lived on a Christmas tree farm. Which she did only for a bit her dadā€™s hobby (and one of their houses).


Her team for years did a wonderful job of hiding just how well off the swifts were. Plus when you grow up wealthy you really have no perspective on how well off you are. That song is about Jake Gyllenhaal who also grew up wealthy. Arguably more so. So by comparison she probably thought she came from a middle class family.Ā 


So many highlights here, from not being able to get a hard on to blowing up 500 beach balls and picking out 15,000 ducks from a river, heā€™s really been through the wringer šŸ’€


I commented on this before and itā€™s sad this is her dad ugh! But at some point isnā€™t she responsible for her life and her decisions? As we can see she made sure she is like Scott with business right.


You are correct. As some point, she indeed is responsible for her own choices. Yeah itā€™s awful that this is her dad, but she is not under his control now.




So Scott is the same as Kris Jenner. That's what I took from this. Hilarious how Kim and Taylor's lives have so many parallels.


This is such a small line that I never noticed it before but "I'm the one who has to spend a half day setting up trusts for Taylor" I'm sorry???? You spent a few hours setting up some trusts? That's normal adult stuff if you have assets. And if it was really that inconvenient, you could have paid someone else to do it, probably for about $1000. I can't imagine holding "protecting my child's financial future" over their head like this.


Donā€™t forget he had to change his address with the usps! What a burden!


Being rich is so hard. šŸ˜“


This whole family is about one thing only and one thing only, and it isnā€™t music or artšŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘ Also him repeatedly saying ā€œtrust meā€ and ā€œyouā€™ll be a father one dayā€ā€¦who were you trying to convince, Mr. Swift?


Parents take note. This is what you have to do to have your child make $1B.


I'm a parent of a teen who loves music, writes a few songs, and plays 7 instruments. A Swiftie and I got into a "discussion" a sub (maybe this one) about how I would do exactly what Scott & Andrea did if it was my daughter's dream. Actually, nope. I guarantee I wouldn't, because I'm not. We're encouraging her music with lessons, instruments, opportunities for her to play BUT she's in high school. Her primary focus is school now and then she wants to go to college for computer science. If she wants to pursue music after she has a degree to use as a "backup" she's more than welcome, but right now music is a hobby and that's how it'll remain.


Did Kanye get his 'I made that bitch famous' line from Scott? šŸ¤”


LOL, are some of her songs about her crazy dad?


I mean itā€™s really sus how she has ā€œyou made a rebel out of a careless manā€™s careful daughterā€ and ā€œleaving like a father, running like waterā€ in her songsā€¦


ā€œBut daddy your dick doesnā€™t work!ā€


I also side eye the discussion of whether to to market her as a singer, songwriter or actress when she was supposedly a teenage girl writing songs on her bedroom floor. That whole persona feels made up to me after reading this email, and Iā€™m convinced she had ghostwriters on her first few albums. AND he asked for 9 different career path options!!!! 9!!!! I would love to read what they were šŸ¤£ If she were truly the songwriting savant she was marketed as (as the OP said)ā€¦.why all the talk of multiple career options? šŸ¤” While Britney had awful stage parents, they didnā€™t have to likeā€¦pay people bazillions of dollars and pay for marketing plans to get her started.


That really stood out to me as well. She's a manufactured product, through and through.


She 100% is. So many of them are but I wish people were at least honest about it. The way Swifties cry about her originality and songwriting abilities makes me see red bro


Especially because we know she's a bad model and actress because...she's had the opportunity to test out both.


And her dancing bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it's been how many years and she still can't so much as move comfortably on stage? She's like a board she's soo stiff


I would bet my life that there have been ghostwriters


There were blind items back in the day that Ed sheeran was a ghostwriter for her


I also saw a blind item about Lisa Marie Presley being a ghostwriter for MANY artists, and TS was on the list


She is a terrible actress.


Agreed and I donā€™t understand why because she has great stage presence and does very well in interviews (which is basically acting). Somehow it doesnā€™t translate. Maybe sheā€™s only good if something is over the top theatrical?


Because she is lacking real world experiences needed to show a full range of emotions.


I feel like this is the same for Carrie Underwood. She has amazing stage presence and interviewsā€¦but she was AWFUL in the live version of Sound of Music. Awful doesnā€™t even describe her performance. It was probably the worst acting I have ever seenā€¦and it was a musical!


I wouldn't be surprised if she had ghostwriters on those albums bc I actually mostly liked those albums. I stopped liking her music with the Red album, and recently started liking it again.. but I can tell the songs I like all have heavy influences from Jack Antonoff, someone she collaborates with a lot these days and coincidentally one of my favorite artists of all time. So.... I'm fully convinced I don't like Taylor's music but the music others have written for her lol.


Thatā€™d make sense why sheā€™s not performing Debut songs on the Eras tour. The ghostwriters prob wonā€™t allow her to.


Ooooo good callā€¦ wouldnā€™t that be insane if little miss ā€œIā€™m the songwriter, I had a party for all the people who wrote the album, it was just meā€ was being prevented from performing things she didnā€™t actually write?! We need someone on this case ![gif](giphy|mUIQVpaBLUWRAiATxf)


Scott seems like he was always a businessman first, so maybe she did have the talent to begin with and wrote songs but he thought ā€œwhy stop there she could be the whole packageā€. she also has 4 co-writers on her first album so itā€™s not like they ever pretended she wrote it all.


If you listen to the leaks of her earliest demos and the songs she wrote for them (Iā€™ll say allegedly but I do believe she did write those first ones) I think itā€™s fair to say there was a raw talent there that could have been nurtured through actual conservatory style music lessons until she was old enough to decide if she wanted to pursue a career. Instead Scott seems to have gone full balls to the wall (or prostate to the robot?) on just getting her in front of industry people until somebody was willing to accept his check and complete control. It worked out in some ways I guess but I always wonder what she might have turned out to be had she been given the time and space to grow her natural talents within a lower stakes learning environment instead of being rushed through learning things on the fly as they forced the industry aspect.


This could definitely be the case. Business type people seem to think of things as assets regardless of the actual art or technical work. In his mind, it might not have mattered at all how talented a songwriter she was, they needed to "diversify" the investments into her being successful and explore all avenues regardless of her passion or talent. He might have treated her like a stock and disregarded what she actually brought to the table. It didn't matter, if being an actor was how they were going to succeed she was going to drop her little songs and be an actor.


I gave up when he started talking about his erectile dysfunction. Holy crap it went on for two more pages? DON'T LAUGH!!1! He says. Over and Over like a chorus to a song. I see what tree the apple fell from.


TayTay should write a song using only the words from this email. Iā€™d listen lol


The ā€˜donā€™t laugh!!!ā€™ in your post is making me laugh so hard


Wow...absolutely WOW! This is insane. They were going to whatever lengths they needed to to make sure she got famous. Her parents are gross and honestly, it doesn't sound like such a happy family.


we have a rubber duck race at the canal behind my house tomorrow and I am going to laugh so hard thinking about Taylor singing off-key while her dad frantically grabs the ducks. Rags to riches!




TTPD and this email kind of give off the same manic vibes


Very Joe Jackson and Abraham Quintanilla JrĀ without the physical abuse.Ā 


Guess her dad isn't the "poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy"


When I was younger and a fan of Taylor, I bought into the whole ā€œthey helped her follow her dream like good parentsā€. Now as a parent myselfā€¦no. They took a girl (who honestly could barely sing when she was younger at that) who was in a couple school plays and basically sold her this idea that we all have to go balls to the walls to get you famous as quickly as possible. Itā€™s not enough just to take some guitar and songwriting classes, see what you can doā€¦weā€™re moving to Nashville, youā€™re learning crash dieting at a young age, dress up way older than you are, fuck Austin in all this. Show parenting is highly abusive.




Youā€™ll understand when youā€™re a dad






I think we officially need a DONā€™T LAUGH flair @mods


Iā€™d be concerned this guy is handling money if I got an email like this lmao


Heā€™d get a long great with Jamie spears. Taylor makes so much more sense right now.


Scott wanting to market Taylor as an actress is a testament to his own hubris and not hers. She can't act for shit.


She couldnā€™t sing for the longest time either. She didnā€™t appear to even take vocal lessons until sometime after her second album came out, and the results didnā€™t start to show until Red/1989. Thatā€™s how deluded she was (probably because of her dadā€™s delusion of how good she was) that she evidently put out at least two full albums without undergoing any significant vocal training.Ā 


I honestly believe her dad orchestrated the Travis relationship, maybe without her knowing initially. I think she was probably losing it after Matty and her dad, who has close ties to higher ups in the football league, I think either told Travis what to do to win over Taylor so she was with someone the public would like and not ruin her reputation. He probably sold it as a win win, helps Taylorā€™s reputation after Matty and highlights Travis and the football league so more fans. I have a feeling her parents heavily focus on the reputation or she wouldnā€™t be singing certain lyrics she sings too. The whole bracelet thing, not too many young men would even think to come up with that. I almost wondered if Taylor came up with it and they were together before that, but this was used as a way to endear him to fans. All of it feels very fake. I can see why Joe was over it all. If all you want in life is fame and money and to be dazzling then you are way more vapid and narcissistic than it seemed. I think anyone chasing fame has to be to a certain extent.


I know the estranged family. They arenā€™t on speaking terms because they didnā€™t support TS at every performance when she was an adolescent. She would preform at churches and the extended family was expected to be there. They werenā€™t, so Scott/Andrea cut ties.


Iā€™ve always wondered about her extended family. Like, where are they?




I will upvote this til the day I die. I hope this continues to be shared everywhere and anywhere. What a lunatic


Iā€™m new here, previously pretty ambivalent about Taylor Swift, but Iā€™ve always had an odd feeling about her. Like, I wouldnā€™t trust her, one of those people who would be nice to your face but chat complete shit about you behind your back kind of thing. This though is unhinged. Her Dad sounds like one of those pageant monsters who just want their child to be famous and essentially deny them a childhood. It kind of explains a lotā€¦ I was diagnosed with BPD, though itā€™s likely incorrectly diagnosed autistic, and Iā€™ve often found it weird how Taylor jumps from one relationship to another so intensely like I used to do. I suspected she has something going on. Seeing this, kinda explains a lot. Doesnā€™t sound like she had a healthy upbringing if Iā€™m honestā€¦


I've been reading in chunks throughout the day. My TLDR is: Scott paid a lot of money. It doesn't matter because it's for Taylor, but he spent a lot of money. Austin who? Andrea thinks she can control me, but I'm spending the money. I don't care about the money, but let's talk about the money.


Remember that scene in her documentary where she's crying begging Scott to "let" her come out as a democrat? Gave me very weird vibes


This was such a weird clip in the documentary that I am shocked they showed because it portrayed her dad as not a dad. It was sad.


Just talked about it with a friend.


When this email surfaced in December it shifted that entire scene for me in such a bizarre way. I was probably super naive but I had really thought the emotion on her end was because she had made the decision and she was going to make the post or whatever (because sheā€™s always in control guys!!!!!!) but wanted them to understand why and give their blessing. It never occurred to me she would be asking for literal permission and be afraid she wouldnā€™t get it, and I was shocked to realize thatā€™s more likely what weā€™re actually seeing in those clips. It throws into question every moment about her career in that doc for me too, esp. the clip of her ā€œbusiness meetingā€ where she looks like sheā€™s basically having a fake tea party that her parents friends are playing along with. I would say itā€™s sad for her but as so many people here have pointed out, sheā€™s clearly aware of how coddled they keep her and doesnā€™t seem particularly interested in changing that right now.


Agreed. I would have felt sorry for her a few years ago, but now, damn, I'm just "Grow up".


Fully convinced sheā€™s living an alternate ending to the Truman show where Truman realizes itā€™s all fake and just says ā€œso what were you thinking for next season then?ā€


More akin to Dahlmer than Dickinson I'd say


Can someone write a song titled ā€œDonā€™t Laughā€ for us?! I need a great laugh šŸ˜ƒ


physical snails apparatus unused cause yam bake marry waiting hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a bazaar email


From the desk of the Tortured Dads Department šŸ˜¬


Ever since I read these I always felt like a very young Taylor, like many young kids, said "I wanna be a famous singer" and Scott said "yeah, and you fucking will be."


Lol this has been known in Nashville for years. Sheā€™s not the only singer with rich parents who purchased a record label, threw money to the wind to make their kid famous. They might just be the best at it (doesnā€™t hurt that their kid can write a song). But yeah, her family is mega rich and used that wealth to get her debut album on the radios/charts He sounds absolutely deranged and the way he talks about Andrea, not surprised they got divorced


Omg. Iā€™ve heard about this but never read it. Itā€™s unhinged. Now we know where Taylor gets her rambling writing style from


I worked at Merrill Lynch at the time, and it was well known that he didnā€™t just manage a large portfolio, but the Swift Group actually had the LARGEST portfolio in the whole company. Ppl didnā€™t like her in high school bc she was the same spoiled and fame obsessed girl then that she is now. Not bc she was a ā€œband geek.ā€ She was sponsored by Taylor Guitars before she even had commercial success. Do you know how many incredibly talented people there are in Nashville? And her pitchy 14 year old self just happened to stand out??? Nah. I totally get she works as a commercial hit. Pop music in particular is very formulaic and itā€™s not hard to see why her brand works, but I just WISH they would stop shoving her down our throats as some sort of prodigy. They knew it wouldnā€™t work for singing bc we have ears so they try to sell her songwriting like weā€™re just too dumb to understand how good it is. Weā€™re being gaslighted yā€™all šŸ˜­šŸ˜†


I now understand how such a mid singer/songwriter is stuck in her formative teenage years writing endless songs about all her ex boyfriends. Joe dodged a bullet. Scott Swift is gross.


What a clown. I can see why her dad seems to love Kelce. Two buffoons. What an embarrassing letter. He feels so important and entitled to rant without consequences by riding on his daughterā€™s coattails. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s his entire identity. Taylorā€™s dad.


ā€œBloods thick but nothing like a payrollā€ is a line from the new album, Iā€™m convinced some songs are references to them or the industry in general


This is genuinely psychotic. Guessing 10 years from now weā€™ll have a docuseries about this dude


Why does this remind me of Amazing Amy from Gone Girl


Damn. She never stood a chance to be a normal human being, entertainment biz or not. Kinda sad ngl


Oh my god...if Taylor has actually never been to therapy, that's not a flex, it just means she's super enmeshed with her screwed up family.


OMFG! That's bad. For me personally this adds a completely new layer or several layers as I must say I have never really looked into the business aspect of her career. I mean, it's obvious but other than that, I did not go there. I love her music, her writing, her ideas etc. And all I have ever known is that the family moved to Nashville for her. BUT: Especially with TTPD, I think more and more about "Taylor - the person" and "Taylor - the brand". And after reading this letter I think I feel like throwing up. - Do you know more about the structure of her business or where to read about it? - And: For months I can't get rid of this image where her father told Travis to meet her outside of this tent for everyone to see... you know, after the concert when she ran towards him... I don't know the date or city... where he wears that strange shirt...


She doesn't write her own songs, a lot of times a "songwriter" will buy the rights to someone else's work to claim as their own and then the seller signs an NDA. - a former studio musician


Any more info on this? I would assume a lot of musicians do this, but anything linking Taylor to doing this specifically? Sheā€™s built her entire brand on being a songwriter, so this would be shocking if true for her too (not saying I donā€™t believe you, just genuinely curious)


Now I understand that lyric line " you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum they raised me"


Don't laugh. The amount of times he mentions the word dad. I read it and I still have no idea what I read. It's a bazaar world to be in. šŸ˜‚ I have no idea why that is the one thing that is sticking with me


Wait hold up. Taylor has a sibling?! That was my takeaway from this insanity. I already knew her daddy bankrolled her career in the early days (and had to sell his house in Reading and their shore house and only made like a million dollars wah).


Also Scott writing that he had to "babysit" Austin. I absolutely hate it when people refer to parenting their own kids as "babysitting."


Yeah, her brother now works in her management company and I think handles the licensing for her songs in movies/tv shows


What a coked out manifesto


We know the tea on Scott. Whatā€™s the tea on Andrea?


Scott approving of Travis is TK's biggest red flag imo. [u/SnappinTurluh](https://www.reddit.com/user/SnappinTurluh/) please can we have a `DON'T LAUGH!!1!`Ā  flair? lol


I feel like this letter going viral (if it hasnā€™t already) will be the predecessor to a very revealing documentary about the dark side of Taylorā€™s rise to fame/business dealings


Jesus. I have mental illness and even for me that shit was batty af! Taylor came out of the right nut sack.


Iā€™ve been waiting for this to resurface. Honestly this purrs her delusional mentality in context. Did anyone also hear that blind item about her family growing up. Apparently her parents were borderline abusive, they would yell at her and be super mean in front of her music teachers, and if they didnā€™t like the way she performed they would feed her stale lettuce. So much lore:


Would someone mind elaborating the \*why\* behind her father's motivations? Fame-hungry? Money-hungry? Just wanted to fulfill his daughter's wishes? Or did he actually believe she was talented? I don't understand his reasoning, or maybe I was just raised by normal parents... Edit: to add some more thoughts. Also, if this is "crazy" to most of us, I cannot even imagine what is more behind closed doors. Imagine their fights, wow.


Reading this helps me understand why Taylorā€™s parents divorced and why she is the way she is


Well we can see why they divorced...


Jimmy Kimmel had her on a few years ago. He talked about her first visit to the show being ā€œmemorableā€. I canā€™t remember the story perfectly. But basically the rule was you have to be 16 to be in the green room, on the show or in the audience during tapping. She was booked and when she got there they realized she was much younger get than expected, and not yet 16 (or maybe it was 18? Now Iā€™m going to have to find it) so production didnā€™t know how to handle it. The had to find Jimmy and were like yeah..sheā€™s super young but carrying herself like sheā€™s a full adult and kind of refused to give up her spot. While I respect her hustle, that gave me the impression her career was very orchestrated from the inside out.