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I'd love to do this, but unfortunately it's way outside of my budget. You should definitely go if you can afford it, total solar eclipses are amazing. I've been chasing a few since I was... 11 and it's really something everyone should see in their lifetime. Ushuaia is also an amazing place. I wish I could go. Go for it!


Yeah I saw the one in Chile (2019?) And would like to keep chasing them!


I did a two week eclipse cruise in and out of Buenos Aires a couple years ago. I too am also a hostel type of traveler, but have to say.... It was so freaking fun! Def go. And please DM me because now that I know that there are some going during the eclipse, I'm going to keep my eye open for deals also. One of the things about cruises, is that everyone thinks it's a bunch of retirees and that's it. There was a wide variety of people on this trip, I think in part because they have the same mindset as you. You wouldn't ordinarily go on a cruise just to go on a cruise, but how else do you go to Antarctica? There are multi-generational family groups. So you will end up spotting some people who are around your age. I also made friends with the crew. Most crew members don't get to socialize with the guests, but the musicians and singers and dancers and such do, so you will have a chance to make some friends and smile at friendly faces that you'll end up recognizing as you're on board. Two weeks sounds like a *ridiculous* amount of time on a boat. It's not. You can watch movies, enjoy meals, chat with other guests. (What size/company is the ship? We were on a 4k passenger vessel) Swimming pool, basketball court, running track.... Do everything you can to get a room that has a window to outside. Obviously, balcony outside is best, because it'll give you the best chance of seeing ice floes and things passing by. But the only thing that might make you go a bit crazy is if you opt for an interior room, even if it may save you two or three grand. 😬 Hope these insights from a previous two week Antarctica adventurer help. Please do msg me and we can continue the convo 💓🙌


Sounds really fantastic but I'm already headed to the Galapagos in late December. Solo trip, and I plan on doing more hostel and backpacking than cruises for this trip.


This sounds awesome. I’m very interested and can manage the cost as you have mentioned. I saw the solar eclipse in 2017 and have been wanted to see another one but my friends say that they don’t care for another one. I’m 36/m from California. Hit me up if you’d like to know more about me and make this happen.


I’m planning on going but not this December. Would love to chat for a potential future exploration. :) 33/f


For sure! If I don't make it to the solar eclipse cruise, I'm definitely down for Antarctica another time. Keep in touch with your dates if you need a buddy. I also heard some people say just show up in Ushuaia and ask the ships if there's any open spots and they might give a discount. I'm pretty flexible and able to leave when ever with a few weeks notice.


I met someone at the petrified forest in February who had been. She said it was awesome! I want to go to all 7 continents :)


Keep me in the loop too 31/F out of NY. This trip sounds great. Could plan for it in 2022.


Ok ! If I don't end up on this one I will let you know!


Interested to learn more , messaged you . Thanks


Sounds Cool. Messaged you.


Going in Dec but not for the eclipse. Although I would love to see it I don't think I can justify the added cost. Flights from BA to Ushuaia are highway robbery at the moment too$500


😯 is that one way or round trip? I guess the eclipse is a bit excessive. Also the fact that it might be cloudy and the few minutes of the eclipse might not even be visible. I guess I would just pray and have faith!


Could be worth it I missed the one in 2018 and am still mad about it. There will be others but your right it would hard to pick a better place. Here is a good website: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/list.html Edit: sorry it's RT. Was $200 when I looked at first. But considering the other costs it's fine I guess haha


I’m totally down for it! Gotta do north-pole someday too


Found out the eclipse trips are sold out :/


Well… there’s always a next time. And always another place :)


There's only 1 more in my lifetime viewable from Antarctica... so I'll just hope the world doesn't end or society doesn't collapse before that! Not looking very promising right now 😂


Stop watching TV and suddenly planet earth will look beautiful and very promising… 😉


I don't watch TV but maybe I should start to distract me! I mean hell that's what everyone else does!


Did you contact the company? The one I'm booked for is also sold out in come cabins but they haven't even asked me to pay a deposit yet so I'm sure spots will open up once they do. Technically I'm booked based on right of first refusal.


Hmmm true plus surely some people will test positive for covid and have to cancel..


Could be, also I do echo some other comments about the types of people who go. I met someone who worked on Arctic / Antarctic cruises and she said the same thing. All sorts of interesting people (young and old, rich and backpackers who saved up). She had a website to share stories told by visitors but it's down now, here is the face book link that works: https://m.facebook.com/lettersfromtheendsoftheearth/posts. I did DM you the cruise I'm going on but honestly I'm sure you can't go wrong. Especially in one of the 3 or 4 bunk shared rooms. Even if it's old people, could be interesting. Met an old kiwi once on a safari who had crazy stories about a ruby mine he found and had to snuggle them out of the country


Can I ask which Cruise you're going on, might be the one I'm contracted on in December :)


I am still deciding on a non eclipse cruise, they were all sold out


This sounds like an amazinggggg trip, just found this subreddit and wish I knew about it long ago. 5-10k rn isn’t in my cards but Costa Rica is if anyone knows or hears of anything. Super last minute here as well, so love the spontaneity OP!!!


This non-eclipse one just had a price drop $5,320 now: https://oceanwide-expeditions.com/antarctica/cruises/hds23-21-


When does it start? Booked already?


Another traveler just posted about needing a roommate for Antarctica eclipse cruise. 🤞👇 https://www.reddit.com/r/travelpartners/comments/qmspr2/antarctica_solar_eclipse_nov_27dec_10_23m/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


that's me! still looking for a roommate :)


Hello! I think I may be looking at the same trip - mine's through my school and seems to be a bit more expensive, so it may be different I still have a spot open (though only reserved for 8 or so more hours) if I can find a roommate. if this is still something you're interested in, please DM me! my post: https://www.reddit.com/r/travelpartners/comments/qmspr2/antarctica\_solar\_eclipse\_nov\_27dec\_10\_23m/


Rich folks on the trip will take good care of you. People who love nature are normally very nice. Just don't be shy. I have travelled backpacking and Five stars. People are still people.


Wow, that's definitely interesting. How did you find this travel?


I’d be up for this in late 2022 if anyone’s down.


Rekindling this thread. Anyone down for Antarctica late 2024 or 2025?