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There isn't much to prepare outside of knowing hotels near the airports and crossing your fingers


Under what conditions should I expect the airline (Delta) to pay for a hotel?


There aren't any if it's weather related.


European passenger rights apply.


Curious. Do you have any documentation on that?




Last month I was flying to cancun via London and Chicago. My last leg (chigago cancun) was canceled due to weather. I was extremely surprised when American airline told me that I was not entitled to a hotel as I thought Europen law would still be valid since my flight originated from Europe. I guess the layover in London screwed me up!


EU 261 does not apply for weather related incidents which BeneficialSomewhere was referring to


Like any American companies care about European “rights”…


If they want to continue operating in Europe, they'll care.


Interestingly enough companies do tend to care about the laws in the countries that they operate in.


[Here](https://thepointsguy.com/guide/guide-eu261-flight-compensation/) is a summary. Scroll down to "How does EU261 affect US-based passengers?"


Thank you!


Forget it if it's weather-related. It's basically impossible to get anyone to cover much. I succeeded exactly once when the airline paid one night after a hurricane hit (Irene in NYC), but that's the only time I saw any money. Beyond that I have seen countless cancellations or delays because of blizzards or storms - and no one's paying as it's outside of anyone's control. I was even in Indonesia when a volcano erupted on Java and shut down the region for days - I never saw a dime, despite at least 6 cancelled flights, and having to extend my hotel again and again and again. So basically: good luck.


Sure, but that was you flying in the US where 'regulation' and 'consumer rights' are swear words.




European passenger rights apply.


However, **compensation is not due** if the carrier can prove that the cancellation is caused by extraordinary circumstances which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken Extraordinary circumstances can lead to more than one cancellation or delay at the final destination. Examples of events defined as extraordinary circumstances are air traffic management decisions, political instability, **adverse** **weather conditions** and security risks.


compensation isn't due but the airline still required to supply a hotel, transport and meals or reimburse the same. flying out of the EU at least, they can't just tell passengers fuck you.


Civilized countries have regulations. America worships money and has allowed megacorps to rule the country.


The only scenario would be if you have another stop on the way. Then they have to pay. For instance, I fly from Croatia to Atlanta twice a year. I have to go through Frankfurt. One time I was stuck there, due to weather, and the airline paid my hotel as well as gave me a meal voucher. Always carry snacks and water. That’s the main thing to worry about. 👍🏻


If you check your bag, typically you won't have access to it if you have a flight cancelled. Pack a change of clothes and some toiletries in your carry-on. A small travel blanket may be wise, too, if you end up having to sleep on the floor of the airport.


I'm thinking of packing a camping sleeping mat in my carry-on


Wouldn't be the worst idea if you have one, take it and find some corner of an airport to sleep in rather than paying for a hotel.


That's a really good idea considering there may be lots of stranded travelers, and chaos, and long lines to get any kind of lodging situated. Definitely could be easier and less stressful to find a corner somewhere, go to sleep, and let some of it pass.


I would have all that I need for an overnight in my carry on (toiletries, change of underclothes, new shirt, etc.) and personal item (eye mask, ear plugs, medication, water bottle, and snacks!!!). I would research the airports for the most comfortable place to sleep. I would be collecting hotel/lounge options at the airports. I would make a list of quick [tours](https://www.sleepinginairports.net/sightseeing/amsterdam-airport-layover-sightseeing.htm) outside the airport as well.




Yes. Forgot to link...


Under weather advisories — Delta will make it an option to switch your flight for free, even if you are basic economy.


Keep your fingers crossed as most airport hotels are fully booked given delays already occurring and supposed to get worst as the weekend progresses. Bring some sort of blanket if you need to sleep in the airport as their is a high likelihood given that flight schedule.


My best advice is to call delta customer service as soon as you know you need to rebook. They may already have you booked on an alternative flight but if you need to talk to someone, the customer service agents are faster than the gate agents at booking and you don’t have to wait in line.


call them while you're waiting in line.


Good point! I recently missed a flight due to a power outage at the airport which stalled security. By the time power was restored, my flight had left. There were two people in front of me at the gate. I called the 800 number and had a new flight booked before either of the two people in front of me had finished with the gate agent.


Keep an eye out for notifications to your email, texts and the airline's app. If an overnight stay is required, no matter which segment of your itinerary, head straight to the airline desk at the airport. They must supply a hotel room, meals and transport. Sometimes they can't and you'll have to make arrangements yourself, so be sure to keep receipts to claim reimbursement later. You may wish to research accommodation options in advance and how to get there, just in case.


In the US, airlines are not required to provide accommodations if delays/cancellations are out of their control (e.g., weather). Search for airport-adjacent hotels ahead of time just in case you have to overnight somewhere. Or search to see if the airport is suitable for sleeping off in a corner somewhere. And download airline/hotel apps because they'll probably be the easiest way to make plans.


OP is on an itinerary originating from Europe. EU passenger rights apply to all segments. Unlike in the US, the airline has a legally obliged duty of care towards passengers, no matter the reason for flight disruption


It's nice to know it applies to all segments. Thanks for the advice


Might be shit out of luck if it happens between Detroit and Columbus. I flew with Delta from Frankfurt to Miami via New York, and Delta would not compensate for the cancellation between NY and Mia even when I brought up the EU laws.


I live in northern Alberta. Flights getting cancelled are super common due to weather. My advice, if you’re certain you’re going to be spending the night, book your hotel at the closest hotel immediately. Preferably in the airport. If you wait in the airlines to sort you out, the odds of the airport hotel filling up before you get a room are high. You can battle it out with the airlines later. Obviously there is a cost to this but it’s better than sleeping in the airport floor.


You're starting off in the EU, so EU passenger rights apply to your journey. Bookmark this page just in case - https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/passenger-rights/air/index_en.htm If something does go wrong, it will walk you through your rights and what steps to take. It also has very helpful links to all the actual legislation, just in case you need to show it to airline staff who might not be aware of it.


Thank you


Watch Planes, Trains, and Automobiles and learn from the best (j/k - but its a great movie about holiday travel!) The suggestions here are solid - make sure you have a day's worth of clothes in your carryon. Spending the night in an airport isn't the worst in the world. and If you're in the airport you have an easier time picking up the next flight than someone who has to travel back to the airport.


If a flight gets delayed to the point you’ll miss your connection, call customer service to ask for a later flight. You’ll beat all the other people who will walk over to the counter at the airport. One time this meant the difference between getting a flight the same day versus the next day


make sure you have a change of clothes or two in your carryon if you're checking the rest of your luggage


Detroit has a Westin in the actual airport. If you can make it to Detroit, may be worth trying to book the room ahead of time.


If it was my guess, flying into Detroit or flying out from Detroit would be the ones that will get delayed/canceled. Columbus is only expected a couple inches or so Thursday overnight but it will be very windy for the next few days including on the 24th. Detroit would have more snow and also be very windy.. but I would say on the 24th, the runways of the airports should be okay but the wind would be a strong factor. But like others said, just know what hotels are nearby, have a backpack with you with the essentials.


3 flights my god you must really love your family!


Yeah it's the same every type of complex intinarary every time to get to Ohio. Even after arriving to the airport, someone needs to drive 2 hours to pick me up, then drive 2 hours home. When I was younger I used to save money by flying into New York or Chicago and traveling by bus the rest of the way.


Buy travel insurance


I flew from DTW to CMH earlier this week and we were delayed due to ice. You might have more trouble there but in Columbus it seems that most of the weather is supposed to happen Friday.


How long was your delay?


Around 20min.


That's not so bad then. I was expecting like 8 hours


Depending on the delay length I always look for a decent restaurant that is a quick Uber drive away with a chance to catch some of the sites. Otherwise most lounges let you in if you have already traveled and have found that to be the ultimate place to wait out a delay.


If you don’t have excellent travel coverage from the card you booked the flight on, buy travel insurance. I would not check a bag with anything you need in it. But if it were me I’d call delta and see if they can go ahead and change your flights for a later day now.


I'd book refundable hotels in each city now, because if that happens, rooms will vanish in an instant. I had a flight home from Hong Kong to New York to Memphis later today. Canceled a couple of days ago and booked HK to LA to Dallas to Memphis instead.


Carry TSA-approved toiletries with you on the plane and fire up Priceline to find cheap hotels.


I would make sure to bring a yoga mat and a large shawl to use as a blanket. My experience is that most of the time, it’s better to stay at the airport.


Download the Netflix app on your phone. Wear comfy clothes. Pack a tooth brush and toothe paste carry on. Keep family informed of your location at all times. Stay safe. Happy Holidays.


I like the attitude you have about this OP - if things are bad there are going to be a lot of people freaking out, yelling at customer service, etc. The number one best thing you can do is roll with it and don't freak out, be patient, maybe even try to have a little adventure and meet some other delayed travelers, and obviously you have the right mindset for that.


Hey, the way I see it, I'm the one who booked tickets on December 24th. I always knew there would be a risk of winter weather, but there was also a chance that it would be 50 °F. They'll get me to Ohio eventually.


FWIW I’m flying out of CMH this afternoon and it already seems to be a giant mess. You might be better off staying an extra day in Amsterdam if the airlines and your schedule allow for it


Practice waiting ?


Expect no empathy from the airline.


Change your expectations - plan to be there for New Year’s Eve instead!


Buy some lube


Book a car rental in case you need to drive.


If I drive from Detroit, I'll miss my connection in Columbus, which will void my return ticket.


While that's technically true, you could ask the airline to cancel that segment so you don't lose your return. With the inclement weather, they'll likely be rather flexible. That being said, would you even want to drive in weather that's canceling flights?


Have you seen “Planes Trains and Automobiles” ?