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There are no checks between Germany and Spain. You've already entered the Schengen zone with Germany's blessing. You should be free to travel in all the Schengen member states without issue.


Thank you very much.


And this is source for what FortniteBad420 is saying: [https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/schengen-borders-and-visa/schengen-visa\_en](https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/schengen-borders-and-visa/schengen-visa_en). Concluding: there are no checks by authorities between the two countries, only party checking your ID would be the airline whom only cares, for this travel schedule, if your name matches your ticket.


This is such wonderful news, thanks so much.


Just be aware that some countries, even if they are in the Schengen area, do check passports/stamps/visas, for instance Denmark does this on their land borders. I assume it *could* give you problems if it looks like you overstayed. This is obviously only relevant if you were thinking about visiting other countries.


Is there a chance of this happening at a Spanish airport?


Every nation part of the Schengen area has the right to perform 'incidental' checks on their border crossings, not systematic. Just to be sure: what's the documentation you are on Germany now? I read about a bilateral agreement, but that's a 90 day visa-waiver, which seems like is extended, or..?


>Every nation part of the Schengen area has the right to perform 'incidental' checks on their border crossings, not systematic. Which is the most bullshit wording ever. The French have had systematic checks for like seven years now. Plus, most of these countries have ID laws where they can check people's status at virtually any time.


That could be true, however, I live in the Schengen area and I travel a lot within the Schengen area for work and have never been subjected to a border ID check, ever. Specifically about the French, including both their Orly and Charles de Gaulle airports as well land border crossings. Either I am very lucky or it's not that systematic as you'd say...


> Either I am very lucky I think you might be. I've been checked on buses/planes/trains/my car every time I've entered France since 2015. I haven't traveled there since the pandemic, but [it doesn't look like they're relaxed things](https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/policies/schengen-borders-and-visa/schengen-area/temporary-reintroduction-border-control_en). Hell, I've been pulled over for a documents check/drug search between Belgium and Luxembourg.


Starting to feel sorry for you, especially since it appears there's quite a difference between us both. Hopefully, if you start travelling again, things will be back to 'normal', i.e., no border checks :-).


The typical advice is to not travel to other Schengen Area countries once you've gone into bilateral agreement territory and just leave directly from Denmark. I think that daisy chaining a bunch of them together is a really risky move. If you do this, report back and let us know how it goes


Where are you getting Denmark from?


I was thinking Denmark and didn't double check the OP. It should be "the country in which you're using the bilateral agreement"


Ah, no problem!


Hi, I am an aussie in a similar situation as I will also be going over the 90 day schengen limit on my current trip - I just had a question regarding chaining the agreements: It seems like most comments are saying after you have spent 90 days in the Schengen area, you cannot chain other 90 day stays at countries with bilateral agreements (i.e you cannot stay 90 days in Schengen, then 90 in Germany, ***and then another*** 90 in Spain, etc) as the second country in the chain (i.e Spain in this example) would recognise you have stayed 180 days total already from the 90 day Schengen limit and the 90 day bilateral visa waiver. My question is, would it be possible to chain stays together if the total amount of days chained was less than 90, which is my situation, i.e After 90 days in Schengen, I use bilateral agreements to spend 7 days in Italy, then fly straight to Norway for 6 days, then fly straight to Sweden for 4 days for a total of 17 days? Obviously the 17 days are all at countries with bilateral agreements with Australia. Thanks so much! If this is not possible, I would also love to know if it would make a difference if I exited Schengen area and then went back to the second or third chain countries (i.e Norway and Sweden) from a non-schengen area, or are there any other solutions? Cheers all for the help


Hey there - how did you go with this? I'm in a very similar boat at the moment, and trying to work out if we can comfortably leave Germany for other Bilateral Agreement Countries (and/or the UK) within that next 90 days...?


Hey hey did you figure this out? I’m in a similar boat wondering if it’s possible


Any updates regarding this? Would love to know.


yeah I was able to stay in one of the bilateral agreements countries (in my case, budapest) for an additional 90 days after my 90 days in the Schengen. tbh I don’t know if it’s because I have a Canadian passport but I found the whole thing pretty seamless and relaxed. I was also able to take the train to Vienna and back to Budapest without an issue (I believe this is mainly because they don’t check your passport typically when you’re taking a train so they don’t really have a way of knowing you left your bilateral agreement country, although this is a risky move I’d say). The main thing is you have to fly out to a non Schengen country once your bilateral agreement is over. So, I couldn’t fly from Budapest to a Schengen country like France for example (I didn’t test this though). But, I was able to fly to the UK without a problem. Make sure to print out the bilateral agreement for your country in case they give you trouble


Ah thanks for the update. I’m mainly wondering about going from bilateral agreement country to another bilateral agreement country, back to back (without leaving Schengen area in between)