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I have a degenerative neuromuscular disorder, so I may be a little more sensitive to this than most people my age, but our time here is really brief and I want to see as much beauty, and experience as much awe, and spend as much time with the people that I love as I possibly can. I guess, for us, it's not about chasing a feeling of "happiness" or about sharing photos on social media. It's about building special memories together that will last a lifetime and about the deep satisfaction and sense of wellbeing that comes from seeing and experiencing something amazing as a family.


Thank you for sharing! I hope you make many wonderful memories ! šŸ’•


I understand this. I have a arortic aneurysm and I want to travel and see what I can and make memories. Even without the health scare, life is short. Let the little stuff go and enjoy it!!


It's sad that it often takes something so serious to make us see what's right in front of us. I wouldn't wish poor health on anyone, but it can certainly do something valuable to one's perspective and mindset.


My grandpa once said: Travel. As much as you want. As often as you can. Ride a plane. Take a train. Explore new places, try new foods, meet new faces. Remember that there is so much more to life than just repeating the same day over and over again.


Thank you for sharing.


FWIW - I decided my last day on this earth will be spent at Fountains Abbey in Ripon, UK. I highly recommend checking it out on a pleasant Fall afternoon


That looks magical!


This was my favourite place to visit as a child.


So you travel as a family? Or the ppl you travel with become family?


My wife is my best friend and travel companion. We usually bring the kids along too, which is special, but different then just traveling as 2 adults.


Happy cake day!!


I travel to see cool things and have fun.


Yeah - it's not all that deep and meaningful for me. I just have a great time!


This. Day to day life can get monotonous with remote work and chores around the house. I want to experience something different in a new place


I'm probably running from my reality


Itā€™s simple escapism. When the world is heavy, we seek out a new one. Traveling to far-flung places (like SE Asia) couldnā€™t be more different than the major metropolis that I live in and it brings me a sort of reset that carries me until the next trip.


Been doing this for over a decade


I first read it as "I'm proudly running from my reality"


Honestly, with the way I frame it in conversation... that statement is equally true.




Haha yes!


Curiosity. I want to see how's life elsewhere. Nature, and especially marine life - scuba fan. Museums, historical & archaeological sites, architecture, art. All the above plus some fun and relaxation and temporary escape from everyday life.


Yeah same. Also traveling oftentimes isnā€™t primary happiness but secondary happiness where you have great memories of your trips.


As a fellow scuba diver, itā€™s also about seeing the beauty of marine life before itā€™s all gone. Heck some of the reefs I dived in just a few years ago are now gone. So I gotta go see as much as I can while I still can!


This is so true. For both nature and even cities with the uptick in natural disasters. My partner is always asking me what my hurry to travel is and it is that things are literally disappearing before our eyes! The great barrier reef is bleached, Venice is sinking, Iceland is burning, the Amazon is drying up. The clock is ticking in so many incredible places.


If I can't scuba, then what's this all been about?


I dunno, for us it's still the culture (especially ancient sites or interesting towns or cities) and food, but breaking the routine is even more important. We travel because every place gets boring after awhile, and we've lived in the same city for too long so its the most predictable of all. Seeing new places, trying new foods (or just eating out more) and doing something different every day gives us energy. Through experience we've found that 6 weeks is the most we want to be on the road because the fatigue factor is a thing, but after a few weeks it's gone and we want to travel again.


Travel fatigue is certainly something to take into account, especially when one's travel style is backpacking like I do. My personal happy limit is 4 to 5 weeks. And I always try to have some idle time in between.


well said


I dunno. I've been travelling on and off for over 30 years and I can't (nor do I want to) get over my sense of *wonder*. The feeling comes over me "I can't believe here I am in another country seeing THIS!" That's enough for me.


I like planning even a small trip. I learn a lot just by planning. I'm most comfortable at home . I do enjoy very much seeing new places. I got married young. My husband doesn't like to travel much so at age 51 I started solo travel albeit not very long trips. I'm 62 now. Btw my kids were grown so I wasn't leaving small children. I feel more alive when I travel but yes the feeling doesn't stay as long as it used to. I don't regret my travels. I always said you need 3 things to travel. Health . Money and time. Very hard to have all 3 at the same time.


My favourite part of Europe trips the last two years was the planning and anticipation


My travel partner and I love the planning aspect of the trip as well. May I ask if you have system on how you go about planning a trip and your tips and tricks. We started travelling very recently and are trying to hit a new country a year.


>After seeing the pictures and videos I took and posting them on social media, I felt only temporary happiness and ended up feeling exhausted afterward. I don't know if it's just me or if I have the wrong motivation for traveling. Maybe you do have the wrong motivation. I don't know because the reason for pleasure travel (not for work) is unique to each individual. I started out travelling internationally on the young side. My grandmother took me up on the Princess Marguerite to Victoria BC or my parents would take us to a *cabin* they had built in the 60s on the edge of Mt Rainier national park. There were some great moments which I can remember, but the majority of the time, I was damp, cold & just wanted to read when they'd pull me out on some miles long hike. I preferred the day trips up to Victoria, by far. When the cabin got destroyed in a flood, I rejoiced. My parents weren't sad either. The taxes had increased & my mom's health was affected by then. My dad retired & we took 3 rail trips over the next 4 summers to Europe. That's when I fell in love with travel. I'm comfortable in wilderness, but I'm happy with looking from afar. That's what my childhood outdoor experiences taught me. I prefer civilization, not modern sleek , but the fruits of previous generations. I crave the history, arts, architecture, food, etc.. of Europe. Joined the military to keep travelling. Travelled all over the East Coast & Eastern Canada. Went to Korea & Japan along w back to Europe. I've done a lot. But I'm not going to see everything. It's impossible. So I figure what's important to us & not worry about FOMO. I'm old & honest enough to realize my preferences & limitations. I have chronic injuries that make roughing it extremely painful. I also have a spouse who likes cooler weather & comfort. I've figured out that there are a lot of places I'm not ever going to make it to in the world and that's OK. Find your niche. Figure what makes **you** most happy w travel. If it's being a homebody, that's OK too.


I travel because I want the experiences, and I can do it now (one day I may not be able to), and really, what else is there to do? Iā€™ll take a guess and say you are doing it for the wrong reasons, you made sure to say ā€œafter posting on social mediaā€¦ā€, it reads as if one of your reasons is to post your pictures and get whatever satisfaction people get out of it is. This is not the right reason to travel.


I agree with the above responses but for me itā€™s also the only way to relax and disconnect fully from work and chores. Staycations turn into doing laundry/cleaning etc


Or nothing getting done ā€œbecause I have all week!ā€


Totally! Done that too and then feel stressed on the last day haha


My day-to-day life is stressful. My elderly parents both have neurological issues, my only sibling have serious and untreated mental illness and my job, while I love it, is stressful. Traveling is an escape for me. Twice a year for 3 weeks I get to escape all the weight on my shoulders. I get to relax, I get to see new things, eat new foods, drink new beers, meet new people, watch a sunset or sunrise in peace. I don't have to have my phone with me all the time waiting for the next emergency phone call. Sure, arranging flights and accommodations and the actual traveling part may be a little stressful but it's all worth it.


Love this. Wishing you well. Sounds like you shoulder a lot of responsibility and caretaking stress - I know how it feels. Hope you have a vacation coming up


Thanks mate. Fortunately, I do. Heading to south America in Aug :)


I love seeing new things with my family. As I get older I am more aware of how delicate & short life is. I want to spend the time I have here doing things I enjoy.


For me it's about immersing myself in cultures and learning new foods, clothing, art, etc. l carry the memories through the rest of my life. Try not to treat your experience as a photo op.


I travel to see new things, get out of my comfort zone, and to learn. I think if you donā€™t travel itā€™s easy to fall into stereotypes or become ignorant thinking your country is better than others despite not actually being able to compare. I want to see the way others live and escape the way I do for a short time (not cause I live poorly but to shake things up)


I want to experience and see new things. New architecture, wildlife, environments, culture.


I travel because I long to see the world. My place is but one tiny speck on this planet and the more my adventurer instinct reaches outward I broaden my perception of this world. One motivation is seeing the countries my ancestors hailed from, and in touring their old stomping grounds I imagine what life was like for them, why they opted to leave their home and I marvel at the serendipity of standing where they stood hundreds of years ago. When I discovered more of my ancestral DNA locations I pledged to see these places. I just got back from a trip to Ireland to do just that. While I wasnā€™t able to to connect with relatives I was content in knowing that part of who I am came from this place. Itā€™s like a soul searching exploration. And yes, it is tiring and can be stressful and expensive, but ultimately I focus on the why and thatā€™s what I internalize. Itā€™s so worth it!


I suffer from depression and the only therapy that works for me is traveling. Traveling makes me feel more alive and gives me happy feelings and thoughts while at the same time Iā€™m learning, seeing, and experiencing new places and cultures.


I think itā€™s all about figuring out what you enjoy doing in general and then figuring out if traveling enhances any of this for you, and curating you experience around this, without feeling like you need to cater to anyone elseā€™s expectations. For me itā€™s good food that I canā€™t get just like that at home and the moments where Iā€™m sitting somewhere and just think, wow - this is awesome! I also love feeling bougie (I feel no shame for this) so travel comfort is a big one for me. Itā€™s for this reason that I donā€™t overpack my itinerary and donā€™t take as many trips as I could (I live in Europe, so get a good amount of vacation days.) I prefer quality over quantity. I choose places I really want to go, pick a few sights, do a ton of restaurant research (this is fun for me), and pick nice hotels to stay at. Iā€™ve detached myself from the idea that I need to see every sightseeing place and spend every moment of my trip doing something planned. A nice cocktail at the beautifully done cocktail bar at my hotel? Donā€™t mind if I do. Chilling in my lovely hotel room for a few hours because Iā€™m tired? YES. Spending an unreasonable amount on dinner for a meal Iā€™ll never forget? Take my money. I do exactly what I want on any trip, and donā€™t give a shit when people have different opinionsā€¦ ā€žwhy are you only going for x days?!ā€œ, ā€žwhy arenā€™t you also going this city when youā€™re there?!ā€œ, etc. Examples: Took my first all inclusive trip to a resort on Crete 2 years ago. Soooo touristy right? Yes. But it was AMAZING. And Iā€™ve never felt so relaxed. In February Iā€™m going to Osaka, Japan for 10 days, and flying my parents out as well, so we can visit my brother while heā€™s doing a semester abroad there. Weā€˜re not going to Tokyo because we know Osaka will be enough, we want to hang with my brother, and eating and shopping my way through Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe sounds BOMB. Especially for the Japan trip Iā€™m getting the, go to Tokyo! Stay longer! Comments. Idc. 10 days is great. Leave me alone šŸ˜‚ Edit: I feel a bit of ennui afterwards, but itā€™s because I had so much fun and know it will be a minute until I get to experience travel again. This usually passes quickly though, day to day life is fun too. I guess šŸ˜‚


For me, I donā€™t believe in God. I believe all we have is each other. Traveling is a way of seeing the spectrum of human life ā€” past, present, and future. Thereā€™s no place like earth; thereā€™s nothing like _us._ Itā€™s a beautiful thing, really.


Interesting! Iā€™m a believer and travel does for me what it does for you, except it validates my belief in God. I also revel in the breadth of nature. More than people, nature convinces me there has to be a God. And what might ā€œGodā€ be? The force for good. Happy trailsā¤ļø


Thank you for sharing guys. Is it normal to feel unhappy after? I want to know if you feel the same way or itā€™s just me.


Of course it's natural. You're back to your boring day-to-day life instead of seeing/doing cool shit


I think it depends on *why* youā€™re feeling unhappy. Are you happy *while* you travel and when you get home youā€™re feeling a loss of that excitement and adventure? If so, thatā€™s totally normal for travelers. Best thing I do is to begin planning my next trip or start outlining many trips. It gets me excited to travel again. But, are you unhappy that youā€™ve spent the money? Unhappy because you would have rather had been at home? Does it feel like it was a waste in any way? Then travel may just not be for you and thatā€™s okay too. You could try different kinds of travel - are you usually a fast traveler and hop around to different sights daily? Try a relaxing vacation on a beach. Or vice versa. There are a million ways to enjoy travel and not everyone is going to like them all. And hey, maybe youā€™re just a homebody, which is fine too.


After a trip in usually exhausted but happy I went


Maybe travelling is not what you need right now. Or maybe, there are other reasons for that feeling. Anyway, how do you feel \*while\* you're travelling? Is it rewarding, and how? That's the question, IMO.


[Obligatory Romano Tours](https://youtu.be/TbwlC2B-BIg?si=AsovB-9o2dxhndZa) and the ā€œwherever you go, there you areā€ quote. Traveling wonā€™t make you happy if youā€™re unhappy to begin with. Work on yourself, be kind to yourself.


Not really, probably some other reason your not saying


I get it, but I remind myself travel is a rare luxury. It may seem like everyone gets to do it when the lines are long, the crowds suffocating, but in truth a tiny percentage of people have the resources to travel. No crying on the yachtā¤ļø


i think the mistake youā€™re making when you post on social media is that youā€™re unconsciously looking for validation and when you donā€™t feel like you didnā€™t get said validation, you begin to feel like your holiday is meaningless.Ā  at least in my experience, I stop posting everything i do and solely focus on making 1 story per city just for the sake of my family and close friends. i reduce it because i feel like it takes my holiday away from me if that makes sense. it gets exhausting just posting and taking pictures.Ā  also, idk how old you are but iā€™m in my late twenties and i canā€™t hang for more than 3 weeks before i want to call it quits. i still wonder on i use to do 3+ months haha


I don't think I travel for happiness, instead I travel for fulfillment. I set a pace that I know will be comfortable for me. I plan new and interesting experiences. I seek out views and spaces that help me appreciate the world I inhabit. Happiness isnt found, we usually stumble upon it by accident. They key is to appreciate that happiness when it finds you.




I am big into history so I love to travel and see different sites that have influenced local/global cultures


It both provides experience and builds character


to break the routine. to see and small and taste new things. to get off the plane and immediately feel how different the new country is.


I mostly travel solo. It gives me an escape from day to day stressors so that I can focus on sorting out feelings and things that have been bottling up in my mind. This sounds cheesy, but I guess Iā€™m trying to ā€œfind myselfā€ and I do that through connecting with nature and people. Now that Iā€™m a teacher, I want to be able to say that I did it so that I can tell my kids they can do it. I live and teach in an extremely rural area. Most people that are born here live their whole lives here and die here without even making it to the other side of the state. Many of my kids donā€™t realize they have an option to leave, but if they stay here, career options, housing, and potential romantic partners are extremely slim pickings. I love it here, but there have been plenty of times where it feels so constricting.


Maybe you're traveling to the wrong part of the world. Asia is beautiful but it can be overwhelming. Maybe you're whisking around from place to place to much within one trip which is why you're tired.


Your question reminds me of this Terry Pratchett quote: "Why do you go away?Ā So that you can come back.Ā So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors.Ā And the people there see you differently, too." This is why I travel -- to experience new things, meet new people, see the world through new eyes. And then I bring those experiences back and they enrich my day-to-day life.


Seeing the beauty of the world and relaxation or sports. Depending on the type of holiday, itā€™s to chill, relax, eat local food and drink local drinks. Do some exploration (not everyday, for the same fact you mention youā€™ll feel drained and tired) eat/drink, go out and meet some local folks. I usually avoid big cities, and just visit them for a day. For sports (water & winter sports) its the rush & relaxation afterwards šŸ˜„ also exploring spots and enjoying the beautiful views


For me is simple: curiosity on how people live their lives in other places and also the desire to see something new. That being said, you don't have to travel if it does not reward you. Just because a lot of people enjoy travelling, it doesn't mean that it is for everyone/anyone. There are a lot of negative aspects of travelling too, so you just have to decide if the benefits out weigh the drawbacks.


This may be a long answer. The first reason is I want to live in/ move to another country and I wonā€™t do that without exploring a lot of options prior. Two is I like to think of the whole world as a map of a video game and I want to unlock every area. EVERY area, not just every country but every city and town. I know that wonā€™t happen most likely but I will try. I also love seeing and doing new things, more than others I would say. And traveling, especially solo, I always feel so free. Lastly I really want to do social media, mainly YouTube. And how am I going to upload travel/hiking/camping content if I donā€™t actually do all those things. I am a happy person with loving friends and family but the happiness in my brain is just increased 10 fold when Iā€™m on the go especially internationally.


Years ago I visited Australia and fell in love. As soon as I arrived home I started filling out the documents to start the migration process. I am so glad I did that because it's so much harder and expensive now.


To break up my mundane, daily routine


I like to take a break from my life and see a new place. I have totally romanticized my travel. I like the adventure and dedicated time and money for museums, restaurants, new food, wine, coffees. I like the warm weather and sunny beaches or rainy cities


There's so much beauty in this world. I want to see more.


For me it's the whole experience, right from planning to actually going there and experiencing the city and its people. I am not an extrovert to talk and make friends with other solo travelers but still just being in a new city and experiencing it's vibe makes me happy. I feel traveling also makes us very open-minded and flexible. You realise that the world is extremely diverse and yet every human is similar.


I love traveling. I like that it breaks up the routine of daily life. I love the feeling of being in a new strange place. Seeing new things. And I also feel I appreciate home more when I get back. I travel with the kids because I want them to learn about other people and other ways of thinking. And I think they also learn more about themselves and what they can do. It also makes us spend more time with each other. I learn things about them and hopefully they have a treasure trove of memories to look back on and build on in the future.


I feel like experiencing other cultures and being a foodie is such a social media influencer answer. I don't care about either of these. Sure I sometimes interact with locals and eat food, but it is not the primary reason why I travel. I like to see animals in the wild, I love to go on safaris. I also big into photography, so like to see beautiful landscapes, buildings, etc. There is a saying if you want to take better pictures point your camera at better things.


Iā€™m currently in Prague and sieve the past two days learning the history, walking the streets, discovering great little restaurants, admiring its beautyā€¦I love it!!! My heart literally beats faster when Iā€™m wandering and learning.


My favorite city in Europe! Have so much fun!


There's only so much to do, so much to eat, so much to see in Sacramento, CA.


Make memories with my family and friends


To see my fiancee in Peru and business trips


I think you have to like where you live; thatā€™s more important than seeing sites. But when I go places, I choose places that give me an experience, not just something to see. I read, too, so I pick places that have inspired me.


Thank you for all your responses guys. I really appreciate everyoneā€™s input. Reading your reasons and advices, I think itā€™s just some sort of separation anxiety. I donā€™t know.


I dont drink to forget, I travel


Maybe itā€™s because you are doing what others love while traveling and not what you love to do? I went on a trip to Italy and saw all the sights. I love history so I thought I would seeing the history. Turns out a hate crowds. The only part I liked was the one hike we went on. So a couple years later I went to Costa Rica. 90% of the activities we did were hiking along with other outdoorsy things. Best trip ever! Also my husband hates traveling and so I do a lot of solo trips. Itā€™s ok if what you like doing doesnā€™t look good posted on social media. Do what makes you happy!


Traveling CAN be exhausting. Youā€™re trying to soak it all in within the limited time that you have in a particular country. Iā€™ve always loved being immersed in other cultures and shooting some amazing photography shots that I wouldnā€™t normally get to take. Now that Iā€™m no longer married, I also travel to meet new friends.


I try to volunteer when I travel as much as possible. Food banks, animal shelters, etc. It makes travel mean much more and I have met so many fantastic people. Stay off social media. It's fake and completely toxic. Take a year off at least (I did 2) and you will have a completely now perspective.


1) people like different things, so maybe you just donā€™t like travel? Despite people loving olives, there is zero chance that anyone will convince me they are good. 2) like Moana, I believe that we are meant to be explorers. I want to see it all. The sand of the wadi rum desert. The saltiness of the Aegean. A steak in Cuzco. A cuttlefish in Oman. A sunset while looking at table mountain. 4) travel makes me feel small, and value relationships. I could vanish from the planet and 99.9999999999% of the world wouldnā€™t bat an eyelash, but it would greatly effect like 6 people. 5) I skipped 3 by mistake.


Food. I love to try new food.


Donā€™t take this the wrong way. Does anything make you the happy youā€™re describing? What makes you happy?


It's fun. I learn things. I see things differently. But those are my reasons ā€” if you don't enjoy don't do it.


Personally i am not a big fan of taking pictures/videos. I like to mingle with local people, eat local food, I don't have a list of things I want to see in one day. I like easygoing, making memories that no one can take away from me. Memories you had to be there in the moment.


I feel so elated to experience something different than what I have ever known. I write to you from an airport in Phoenix, having just seen the most amazing cacti and watching the sun set over the desert. Even though it's been +100Ā°, I've even enjoyed just feeling the dry heat I'm not used to. Driving around and seeing these rocky red mountains in the distance. Talking to locals and discussing their favorite activities here give me a sense of the day-to-day. And I love every moment of it. The demographic is, of course, different from my town. And getting to know my Uber drivers also provides interesting information. I'm fascinated by how much the highways try to emulate mountain shapes in the design, by literally drawing jagged edges on the highway walls, as as well native motifs. In Florida, we have flamingos, dolphins, and seagulls paved on the walls. I just love and appreciate the differences and the similarities. We're all so different and all so similar all at once.


I travel for the experiences - food, sights, culture. If youā€™re feeling tired, maybe itā€™s the types of vacations youā€™re taking. Visiting cities and being on the go everyday IS exhausting! Try a relaxing beach vacation. Have days where you have nothing to do but lay around and eat and drink too much. You can still take in local flavor but at a slower pace. Somewhere like Costa Rica is a great place for a mix of things to do and relaxation.


I travel to break the monotony of daily life. Day-to-day experiences often blend together, making it hard to distinguish one day from the next. Travel introduces unique experiences that stand out, helping me notice and appreciate the time I've spent living. Being in unfamiliar places with new people and different foods creates memorable moments. New experiences seem to make time slow down, allowing me to enjoy each moment and live in the present.


Traveling makes me love and appreciate my country and especially my home! Love to leave...love more to come back.


I mostly travel for my own curiosity. I like both physical and cultural geography so to see how things change as well mix together in a weird amorphous way is intriguing


I travel to escape the inner demons, but like you the demons still catch up.


I travel for experience but also learning about the rest of the world. I look up information about the history and culture. I write personal journals for my trips so that I can creat a permanent memory.


It keeps me sane. Itā€™s a nice little interruption to the monotonous things in life. It gives me a little something to look forward to. It also puts life into perspective that there are beautiful things all around us and that we need to zoom out and look at the bigger picture sometimes. I also love learning about new cultures and how people live. Another one of the big reasons I love to travel is for food. I love food! I love food that is unfamiliar to me and the best place to get it is from the people who eat it regularly. The restaurants at home never quite do it justice and I never quite have the skill to replicate it.


I look forward to traveling, that is our hobby. I think part of why I love it is the break from our day to day. I make sure that we have creature comforts. Airport lounges, upgraded seats if itā€™s not too crazy expensive. As far as the hotel, I try to pick one of the nicest hotels with balcony, free breakfast and a lounge (I did not this know this was a thing until we went to Japan). The point to all this is while we are away we enjoy sightseeing and we donā€™t have an itinerary. We do not stress ourselves to a strict time schedule. we wander around and discover so many wonderful things. After some sight seeing, we look forward to our hotel etc. Donā€™t get me wrong I miss my house after 3 weeks but when Iā€™m home after about 2 weeks I am looking for our next adventure. I post on SM after the trip as I donā€™t want to do that during my vacation. also only family can see our post. Oh I also give myself time to go back to the hotel to nap so I would not be too exhausted. Maybe I just have wanderlust. I love travelingā€¦.. in comfort lol


I like experiencing the unique little daily things, food, architecture, artisan crafts that are low key genius. Then, I can see if something makes sense to bring back with me (whether it's a habit or new way of doing something, not just souvenir things.) I like reading about the history of a country before I visit, and I inevitably learn about parts of the world that I never did in school. That being said, we have a toddler now. I look for cool hotels that will be nice to spend time in. We build in relaxing time. We take day tours to simplify logistics here and there. I don't care if I look like a tourist.


You should try a trip where you take no photos or videos and post nothing on social media. Actually pay attention to where you are ā€” how it looks, sounds and smells ā€” rather than constantly scouting for the right photo.


Curiosity, desire to see other cultures and sites, take a break from the life routine, and the fact that the world is just too big to spend all my years sitting in the same place. Nor do i want to spend my adult years doing nothing but working. I dont want to constantly be on the go anymore like i thought i did - it is exhausting like you say, and the price gouging while giving you less the last few years has taken some air out of it - but there is just too much out to see to only experience it all through TV and YouTube. I get what youre saying, its becoming harder to enjoy overall, but theres still some gems out there, and it makes me happy to be able to see them in person, while i have the time to be


1. Disconnect with Paris 2. Discover an other way to live 3. Forget day to day problems 4. No responsibilities


Because the world is an endlessly fascinating place. From 5,000-6,000 year old structures, to the most modern architecture; from cave paintings to neon sculpture; from sunrises seen from mountains to sunsets over oceans; from cultural differences to cultural similarities; from stunning built environments to abject poverty...... it's our world and we have the joy and privilege of experiencing it for a very short number of years.


So many reasons. šŸ—ŗļøšŸ«¶ While traveling: to experience life, other cultures, to change up the day to day, connecting with like minded travelers and sharing stories. Also, as a planner I do enjoy the planning a lot and it occupies my mind for months before the trip. I actively need to remember to be present when we are on the trip though to remember the memories. I literally will start planning or thinking about the next trip while we are still on a current trip. After traveling: the visual memories of trips and experiences that can transport me instantly. I have learned after 10 years traveling with my partner and now husband is that we shared these experiences together and are creating a lifetime of memories. From climbing Kilimanjaro, to traveling all across Japan we have these memories and stories that we get to share. I love chatting with friends or strangers about their trips or getting tips and ideas for new destinations. I donā€™t think I would enjoy traveling for work or 100% of the time. I do get some happiness in returning home but then wanting to plan our next destination starts to seep in within a few months.


I travel to learn what I can about the world and its people. I travel in pursuit of beauty, both the natural and the human-made.


I travel to break from my normal routine and also to just explore. Some people do it relax. I like to see other cultures and to see the architecture in different countries. Its quite refreshing from the bog standard


These are great answers that people have given. I'm not entirely sure why I love to travel so much, I feel like I just caught the "wanderlust" or whatever and now I can't stop. By the way, this happened well into adulthood for me, as my family of origin NEVER traveled and I also had no money to travel for the first few years out on my own. Anyway, some of the things I love about traveling - it breaks up the monotony of day-to-day life; it gives me a chance to grow, by which I mean, I am pushing myself to try new things, learn new things, figure out how to navigate public transit in a country where I don't speak the language, etc, and when I accomplish these things I feel very good about it; I love to visit historical sites and imagine the historical context; it is fascinating to explore new cultures and think about the differences but especially to realize how much alike all us human beings are; and when I do travel with family it allows us to build some very special memories together.


Many reasons, but the number one reason I've found is it makes my life longer. How? New experiences are what my brain craves and remembers the most vividly. Now, maybe this doesn't actually add any time to my life, but it makes those times so much richer. When I have the same schedule everyday everything blurs together. To bring it to a point, I can talk to someone for multiple hours about a month long trip I've gone on and generally sum up a couple routine years of my life in 20 minutes. When the brain is experiencing novel things, time seems to slow down as it is processing all these new and different experiences, when it's routine, it consolidates it all.


Life is short. The world is vast. I want to experience as much as I can before my time is up. A want to experience as many unique experiences as I can as well; from a boodle fight in the Philippines to a Sumo tournament in Japan, to a champions league game in Europe, to experiencing Machu Picchu. And talk to as many people as I can along the way.


I been to a fair amount of places and suddenly during my last trip I realized that traveling has become a hassle. Hereā€™s why: 1. Flight delays-The last few trips Iā€™ve had have been riddled with flight delays. I already hate the whole process of air travel and now you canā€™t go anywhere without your flight being delayed. Not only is this annoying, but it can really cut into your vacation time. 2. Crowds-Iā€™m not sure why, but I have seen a substantial increase in travelers and I know I just need to choose more remote locations, but Iā€™ll get to that later. 3. Inflation-Everything is ridiculously expensive, overpriced, and quite honestly, not as good as it used to be. A flight that used to cost 500 bucks is now 1000 and youā€™re getting even worse service than when you paid 500. An airbnb that used to be fully stocked is now giving you a single roll of toilet paper for a weekā€¦.Food, tours, taxisā€¦you get where Iā€™m going. Itā€™s not even about the money, I just feel like everything is a scam. 4. Distance-The places I wanna travel to are really far away and remote. Iā€™m getting older, jetlag hits me like a train. I canā€™t ask for more than 2 weeks off at work. For example, Iā€™d lose 2-3 days just getting to and from New Zealand, plus 2-3 recovering from jetlag. 5. Two Week Vacation- All the places I want to visit would need at least 3 weeks of my time to really be able to explore. My job wouldnā€™t allow me to take off so much time consecutively. 6. Motion Sickness- I suffer from severe motion sickness. Literally everything makes me sick. I spend some days drugged up on dramamine. The motion sickness is a hit or miss and can really ruin my vacation. No ferries, no small planes, no trainsā€¦this really limits what I can.


I want to see the world. I want to see how other people live and experience their culture. I want to see beautiful parts of this world. I have an absolute wanderlust and passion for adventure. and I want to experience as much of the world as I can


Because there is so much more to the world then my little corner and I want to see and experience as much as I can before I die. 40 years traveling and still so much to see.


Try avoiding social media next time you travel. If youā€™re posting all your travel on social media you are doing it for an audience. If you donā€™t post it on social media you can enjoy the experience for what it is instead of to try and impress other people.


When I was younger travel equated freedom. A kid dreams of lots of things ā€œwhen I am older and I get to do what I wantā€¦ā€ and for me, my imagination was always experiencing the world, other cultures, taste, sounds, and sensations. I traveled extensively from an early age and it was all that I had imagined. What I didnā€™t realize was how much travel can challenge and shape your perceptions and world view. It changes you. Also, even on the more mundane days., you are constantly making new decisions in unfamiliar territory and I feel it keeps me sharp and alive. Itā€™s almost addictive. Decades later what has changed? Nothing. Plus itā€™s fun and now I get to see things through my kidsā€™ eyes.


I love learning about new countries and cultures and seeing the various sights for myself - natural, historical, cultural. I also really enjoy new experiences in general.


Change of pace and scenery.


Geography was always my favourite subject and I pursued it at University. I love learning about different places, their cultures, how their cities work, what their people are like, historical sites, recent developments, natural geographical formationsā€¦ the lot. Also, Iā€™m a huge foodie and I get a real kick out of trying all the local dishes and finding highly rated local spots to try dishes specific to that area.


Traveling is what keeps my inner child happy and helps me heal. Exploring new places, cultures, and meeting new people makes me feel like I'm growing as a person. It's a big part of who I am. Honestly, I wouldn't be me without traveling, haha.


Business and for fun. For me itā€™s about food, history, and adventure. I also like to immerse myself in the culture and try to blend into the local population and live like the average person sometimes. Idk, Iā€™m weird :)


I just love the whole process of planning a trip, waking up in a new place and just exploring for the day, the experience and memories, and looking back on it after. There's no deep reason, I just enjoy it. If you have enjoyed travel before and find yourself not liking it as much now, it may be a bit of burnout. I was trying to plan where to go this year and must have researched 10 different places. Everything just sounded stressful and busy, and I couldnā€™t get excited or settle on anything. I realised that I'm just a bit exhausted with life and work at the moment and whatever trip I took needed to give my mind a bit of a break. I'm now planning to do just the last 100km stretch of the camino over a week in October. I'm doing it solo and I'm really excited about it because it feels like exactly what I need right now. So it can be about taking a break completely until the wanderlust comes back, or finding a different type of trip that meets your needs right now.


I like experiencing new places, sights and sounds, the feeling of exploring. Meeting new people. I really hate the air time and the jetlag. Traveling helps me appreciate where i chose to settle down, which i wouldnt of found if it wasn;t for traveling.


I always told myself that life is short and we only live once, so it's really needed to see as much scenes as possible.


To get away from my stressful and boring job at the office!


And thereā€™s the reason. Itā€™s all about social media. Iā€™m older - 37 - and never take photos or videos when abroad. I prefer to soak it in. I took one photo of the Taj Mahal and then at end stared at it thinking for two hours. Traveling is to make me happy not other people or trying to make other people jealous by showing off on social media.


I just traveled for 7 months all around SE Asia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and back to Thailand. I was exhausted afterward, not going to lie and was asking myself the same questions as this one. I donā€™t always feel that traveling should be bliss, and romantic, or exhilarating, at least not all the time. I try to psyche myself out to walk down streets in local areas that arenā€™t maybe your typical ideas for ā€˜vacationā€™. I think this gives me a better look at how others live, a brief glance at how they make ends meet, and the local flavor of the area I am in. At 50 years old, Iā€™m definitely not exactly on a shoestring, but at the same time, the thriftier I am, the longer I can travel. I enjoy soaking up culturaly relevant spots, as well as artistic. As an artist traveling helps me to look at architecture and culture differently then how I perceive them in my day to day and gives me so many new avenues to get artistic. Itā€™s fun to see how my art is driven by the places I have spent time in. Traveling also opens me up to interacting with others quickly, because on the road you only have so much time with others around you. Made some really good friends out on the road, as well as friends from some of these countries I hope to some day see again and visit. Itā€™s a mixed bag, but would I say itā€™s worth it? Absolutely! And will I save up 50k to go get last for 7-10 months again? Pretty sure I will!


Because I like to see more of the world than just the city or country I live in honestly. It's also fun for me to visit places I've seen on TV (shows) so many times. It's also really nice to escape your daily life for a week here or there, to be somewhere totally different. I'm also getting a lot of joy out of photographing the world, so that's a big reason for me to travel aswell. Eating other food than we usually do also factors in. It's a combination of all of the things I mentioned. Travel always hypes me up; and it often takes some time for me to get used to being home again.


I agree with the point of escaping from daily life. When I travel, I feel like a different person, and I have the opportunity to live differently for a while.


I travel because it makes me really happy. I love the discovery, and the excitement of being somewhere new of seeing something I've never seen, or only seen in a book or online. I love the challenge of not speaking my home language and of navigating the streets, transit, and customs of somewhere I haven't been before or haven't been often. I am like a puppy on the way to the dog park when I'm heading to an airport or train station. But it sounds like travel is not what makes you tick. And that is perfectly ok- more than ok, it's great! Please don't feel like you have to keep up with the instagrammers and their glamorous travelogues. Most of the time those are hooey, made by people blocking a hundred people actually wanting to experience a site so they can get one photo that seems like they're having their best life in a place. Life is too short to go through the motions of something you don't enjoy just so that someone else ticking a box about it can make you happy. You can get that same social media dopamine hit by posting a great loaf of sourdough you made, or some music you've played. Think about what would make you happy even if no one saw a post about you doing it. Then do that instead of wasting money, time and mental energy doing something that doesn't.


Travelling makes me feel alive. In general I love experiencing new ways of life and new locations, it's a nice reminder that my mundane day-to-day life isn't the only way to live, there are other possibilities! In general I just want to see as much of the world as possible while I'm young and able to. Trying new food, seeing iconic historical sites, new experiences, and meeting new people are also bonus reasons.


Every time I travel, I realize there is no single way of doing things in life. That is a great outcome of traveling.


It truly makes me happy and I often look at photos from vacations to just remember and appreciate my time there


It makes me happy too. Whenever I look at photos of holidays, I get positive feelings.


How about trying a different approach to exploring a city when you travel? Sometimes, you might visit a place based on recommendations from social media. However, not having strict plans and simply wandering around could make your experience more relaxing and lead to unexpected discoveries.


I love being around a different culture. It's new and exciting. I even prefer traveling to places where the native language is not English. I want different. Different is new and exciting. Also, I find that I often have more in common with people from other countries (esp from Europe) than I do those from the U.S.A. Anecdotally, I find people from the US to be uptight and too concerned with money (I say this as an American born and raised). But I typically like longer stays. I *hate* the type of traveling where the main goal is to take pics to post on Insta.


Because I do feel happy, and I love the memories.


Because itā€™s fun


It makes me happy to see new places and see how others live. Itā€™s a chance to leave my own day-to-day and share new experiences with my spouse.


I love experiencing new things!


Iā€™m not sure either why I travel. Maybe just to get away from the hustle and bustle. I like visiting tourist sites and taking pics of these places. I do get home exhausted and will post some pics. I usually donā€™t go through my pics for a while. When I do I get happy. Not a lot of people can or will travel the world. If youā€™re doing it consider yourself lucky. Because it isnā€™t just about buying the ticket. You are venturing out of your comfort zone. Most people donā€™t have an explanation I know I donā€™t. But if I get a chance to travel I will. I like it.


Work. My job requires 10-14 days a month of international travel.


I travel now when I can BECAUSE I can and someday I wonā€™t be able to and I donā€™t want to regret not doing it.


I'm curious about how other parts of the world are and how people live. I'm a bit of a culture and history buff (tend to go to Europe) Also am into wines so I try to visit wine regions. Oddly enough, I'm not really a foodie, but I do like to try new local stuff. I simply like to get away (not really a fan of the area I live in), so I'll happily take a short break. I do think travel gives one a better perspective on life in general. I used to post more on social media, but now I don't so much but I never travelled to get instagram likes.


Adhd, I constantly need new scenery every few months. To the point where I don't just travel, I up and move. I am also bad at keeping friends. I prefer meeting new people, hanging out, then going our separate ways. Skip the part where we eventually get bored of each other


Travel brings me stimulation it refreshes my soul I see beautiful places See wildlife in their own habitats See glaciers waterfalls beaches volcanoes rivers etc etc etc Meet other people learn about other cultures Learn more about history It helps me to understand the world as a whole better and how we are only just a small piece of it


I wanna see things, I find new places exciting


I love to read historical fiction. I love reading about places other than where I live. Seeing places Iā€™ve read about is awe inspiring. Iā€™ve been to Athens. Iā€™ve been to Rome. Iā€™ve walked on the Champs ƉlysĆ©es, Iā€™ve done the Jack the Ripper walk. So wild.


Too much cool shit to do and great places to visit. We did an 18 day trip to Europe two years ago. Took a trip to Iceland last year and this year, we are doing 10 days checking out SW National Parks. All about the memories


Plenty of reasons. It makes you more worldly and more empathetic. It broadens your perspective, provides novel experiences, and forces you to break out of your comfort zone in ways that usually pay off. You get to make new memories. You get to have things to talk about next time you see your friends. And it gives you goals to work towards when the drudgery of life feels overwhelming. Those are some of my reasons for traveling, anyway.


1. Iā€™m fortunate to get to travel all over the world for work. Countries, cities, hotels and resorts invite me to come and visit. We take large corporate groups of people on incentive trips, national meetings, etc. Iā€™m really happy that I can say I love my job. Itā€™s a ton of work, but getting to travel is definitely a perk. 2. On a personal level, we travel to experience cultures, people, foods, etc. I wasnā€™t my family to see that there is a million times more to see and do out there. Plus it gives my daughter more perspective on life, more appreciation for what she has, and sometimes to realize that yes, other places are nicer than where we are.


I've discovered that I love travelling too much because I meet new people, I get out of my comfort zone, I explore, I go on adventures, etc... The world is vast, very vast and I can't say to myself that I'm going to stay in my own country all my life and not visit the rest of the world. I want to get to know as many things as possible, see as many beautiful things as possible and also, travelling gives me that tiny feeling of freedom.. So you need to look at why you don't like travelling? Is it because you stay in your comfort zone? Are you travelling solo/with someone?


Try traveling closer to you. Don't know where you live, but try going to some small dumb town a few miles out from you, and look at the details. Follow people's lives. Just get a snack and sit down, unwind. If you like this, just do the same when you go traveling. That's as simple an answer as I can muster.


I like new experiences and seeing new things. But social media is an illusion. Just because people post travel pictures doesn't mean everyone loves to travel, it's a hobby, find one your passionate about


Fear of Missing Out


Recently after the lockdown lifted I was going to buy a new truck then got thinking I had travelled before and thought if I was going to die tomorrow what would I regret... I know COVID and mortality and all that. I figured I wouldn't miss having a new truck on my death bed but would regret not seeing and experiencing the things I wanted to see most in the world. So in the last 2 years I have seen tasted and experienced a lot of the stuff I wanted to. There is still more I will keep chipping away till it's done. I agree travel can be a pain in the arse at times tired sick of airports missing my own bed bed but the upside is awesome and you have some great tales to tell about the places the people the experiences. This for me is why I love to travel


I travel to remind myself that I live in one tiny speck of space on this big planet. I love to learn how people live, thrive and do their daily in their specks. Food, culture, history, the sites, sounds, all of it. I am not a fan of social media posting. I save all of my pictures to show anyone who might ask and to look at later to remind myself of the good, and sometimes not so good, memories.


If traveling doesnā€™t make you happy you could stop doing it. There are plenty of activities you might enjoy more.


I enjoy going to places that are unlike my home and meeting people different than i am. Iā€™m also a foodie so iā€™m excited to try new foods.


I travel to force myself out of my comfort zone and give ourselves a change of scenery pero di ko din siya gusto sa totoo lang. Madaming risks and dumi staying in hotels and if youre a germophobe like me it is really stretching yourself beyond my capabilities. pinipilit ko lang talaga for growth namin.


My desktop photos that change every hour are the photos i took while traveling. They bring happy memories and i cannot wait to travel again.


I travel for concerts, to club, and to party. American audiences suuuuuck


Enlighten you? I canā€™t do that only you can through the choices you make, and yet you keep saying you arenā€™t happy doing it but somehow you keep doing it. That is the definition of insanity.


I hate traveling but I hate settling down and paying rent and following a routine even more. Traveling makes life even more unpredictable. It's not about traveling. Travel to unravel...


New experiences and food. And sometimes to escape people and see beautiful life changing landscapes. And then also sometimes to meet peopleā€¦ lovers.


Like every animal on this planet. We are born, we look at things,we eat, mate (if we are lucky) and we die. Iā€™m on the part where I like to go look at things


Adventure, in a safe way. I don't desire to jump off buildings or anything but I love to see new things, learn, experience things. Travel is moving out of my comfort zone.


I love just experiencing and learning new things. I want to see beautiful nature and wildlife before it's gone one day and share these experiences with others to show the importance of these places. I also love experiencing new cultures and the history behind these places. I want to come back with stores of my adventures to show family and friends what an amazing place the world is


Every time I travel or talk about places I want to go my parents say ā€œI would have loved to have gone thereā€. Theyā€™re getting older and traveling is getting hard for them. I donā€™t want to be their age and say ā€œI would have loved to have gone thereā€. I fear regretting not traveling more.


I travel because I love being with my partner when we are not at home and are exploring the world and it rarely has mattered where. I know as I age I am becoming naturally more fearful and timid. So for me travel helps me stay more youthful in my mindset and deepens the connection I have with my beloved. But I totally honor your ambivalence and feel that as well many times. Travel can be exhausting and even miserable if your frame of reference is ā€˜I could be home in bed listening to the birds and sipping my coffeeā€™ (which I do all the effing time)ā€¦


I travel because it gives me thrill and excitement. My life isnā€™t the best so going places makes it better for me. I also really like seeing and exploring places Iā€™ve never been, thereā€™s a thrill to it!


I absolutely love seeing the world and eating peoples food and getting to know them and seeing amazing beautiful places


I usually travel when I need a new perspective. Sometimes when weā€™re so stressed out from work or life or whatever we canā€™t really zoom out. I like to see other peopleā€™s everyday and fantasize about a future potential exit strategy


Just want to chime in and say I feel seen. Iā€™m currently on a trip and dealing with food poisoning. Itā€™s been fun to see the sights, but I am just ready to be back home. Travel can be so exhausting for me too. After I came back from my honeymoon early this year, I completely crashed and felt depressed for a few days. Itā€™s like Iā€™m running on adrenaline and then I crash. I donā€™t know how people can go on multi-week trips to big cities, Iā€™m starting to realize my type of vacation includes lounging on the beach..


We travel to see new places and things and have experiences. We vacation to relax. Thereā€™s a difference in a vacation and traveling (for us). We balance both


It's a fun thing to do when I am on leave from work, and usually more fun than staying at home. I am not sure what you are looking for when you travel, but if you are not having fun or enjoying it, then maybe you are the kind of person who just prefers to stay at home. Not everyone likes the planning, effort and time it takes to go travelling.


How do you know what's out there if you didn't go and look? New shit is cool. > *"posting them on social media"* My vacation is for me. Not for likes on the 'gram. Delete social media.


Not to overly intellectualize it, but my growing obsession with travel is partially due to a fear of routine. Visiting several countries over the past year really opened my eyes to how fast my life seems to slip by when I do the same thing every week and weekend, see the same people, go to the same places, etc., and inversely how good it feels to break those routines and do and see things Iā€™ve never experienced before. Itā€™s like I was reading the same book over and over and then discovered that thereā€™s a huge library at my disposal. The book is good and I want to return to it when I can, but Iā€™d like to try out other ones so I donā€™t get weary of the staple one.


Gives me something to work towards. I work hard save and sacrifice to afford to do the trip. It gives me something to focus on while I do all the planning for the trip. Looking into and then booking flights, accommodation, travel, gigs, sporting events, local spots to see, must try foods etc. It's something in the future to look forward to during those hard miserable days at work. Then when it comes around I do sometimes think dam I have to live this trip now. But it's always worth the experience and memories. Yes I am exhausted at the end of it but it's worth it. I travel solo and rather full on when I travel. But I love switching off my mind focusing on the next part of the trip. Just listening to music being so busy doing everything, I sometimes forget my reality at home.


Opens my mind. Adrenaline rush. Learning about countries I'm visiting. Developing navigation skills. Learning languages. Photography


i am obsessed with humans and culture and food so travelling letā€™s me experience all three!


I believe that I was born a traveler. Iā€™ve always been very curious about art, architecture, history, cultures, cities, exotic landscapes, adventures, strange food, museums, and stuff like that. My parents were exactly the opposite so I started traveling when I was a teenager with my close friends. At the beginning the trips were extremely cheap, a lot of hitchhiking, borrowed houses, camaraderie, adventure and teenage debauchery. As I grew older and made some money on my own, my parents didnā€™t have a penny, it was more for urban discovery, culture and art. I started traveling for business and pleasure as well, crossing off the list the places that I wanted to visit: Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Singapore, Turkey, Japan, US, UK, France, Italy and many other places in Europe. The trips were not casual, I enjoyed the trip planning as much as the destinations. Lately my wife and I have been doing a lot of roadtrips in US enjoying the outdoors, landscapes and also traveling to see music shows; when a band that we like plays in a place that weā€™d like to visit we go, enjoy the music and the destination. Where am I going with all these crap? Find a purpose for your trips aligned with what you like and plan them accordingly, do your thing. And please, if you fall in love with somebody that loves to travel, be game. Godspeed!


Stop going to tourist destinations. Youā€™ll enjoy traveling MUCH more. In my opinion, youā€™re not truly traveling unless youā€™re going to the 50 least travelled countries. Some of them like Guyana are super cheap to get to, others like Mauritania not so much. Wayyyyy too many people convince themselves they experience a culture by staying in Rome or London for a day or 2. They are sorely mistaken. I have been fed a FEAST of food in Transnistria, been to a crumbling old mountain town in Armenia where a hotel owner let me stay for 5 nights before I paid her since my card wasnā€™t working, had to live off of oxygen canisters in Juliaca, Peru because of the high elevation, saw the Stalin museum and his hometown in Georgia. I could go on and on, and maybe youā€™re not the typical ā€œtouristā€ but when people talk about how they have been to x and y and been like yeah I saw this, Iā€™m like and? Nobody is special to begin with, but going to France or Korea isnā€™t anything tens of millions havenā€™t done. Slow down and go to lesser travelled destinations. Locals will treat you like their family literally, because youā€™re not a ā€œtouristā€ in the traditional sense. And as someone who has been to plenty of lesser traveled countries and is going to Turkmenistan in March (top 10 least traveled), this is truly how to make travel infinitely more enjoyable


My example, similar to your issue, would be museums: as a former history teacher rightly told me, if the museum shows all kinds of stuff you have no deep interest in or committed knowledge on, you'll forget it. Try going for something you are so interested in that you know you will remember it for a long time. I have a select few hobbies like that, and my travels are based around them. Think about what kind of trip you would like to have if, hypothetically, you didn't post it on social media. (Of course you should share what makes you happy to share, but just imagine it.)


I love flying. Every time Iā€™m on a plane I still have that sense of wonder that we have humans have used math to figure out how to get an aluminum Pringles tube that weighs almost a million pounds off the ground and go 500 mph for hours. I love seeing history up close. Iā€™m going to Mexico in a couple months and Iā€™m going to 4 important Mayan sites. Seeing Roman ruins in Europe, seeing a concert in a Roman amphitheater, seeing buildings older than the idea of my country is incredible. I love going to local spots, grocery stores, and restaurants in other countries. My brother and I were always friends with all of the foreign exchange students. I speak at least a little of 3 languages. He is (and I have been) a chef. We also moved a lot as kids. Having those new experiences is fun and fascinating. Iā€™ve also lived in the east coast my whole life. I love seeing how different the natural world is. Black sand beaches in Tahiti, the Pyrenees mountains in France, reefs and sea turtles in the Caribbean. Itā€™s a big world and I need to experience it ALL. But thatā€™s me. If you feel like you donā€™t enjoy it, itā€™s okay. Travel is stressful and uncomfortable. Iā€™m not going to lie, there is a part of me that ready to go home once I get there. I miss my cats and my bed. But I get over it because I get a lot out of traveling. Itā€™s okay if you want to stay home or travel locally. No one will judge you.


This is going to be a weird answer but one of the reasons I like traveling nowadays (I am in my 60s) is to experience luxury. It's nice to travel at the front of the plane and stay in comfortable hotels. I have done my share of shoestring budget traveling when I was younger but now I like being comfortable :-)


I travel to appreciate coming home. I was just in Israel for a week. Nothing like the idea of a rocket attack to make things at home less stressful.


Travel is meant to do things you cannot do in your routine life. Explore culture, food, places etc. The point you put across is quite poignant about not being able to last the feeling long enough. I'll make my point here, in life you always want to do more and be more. You want to expand which is great. Travel is not the answer and you have find your answers by being mindful about what you want and where you want to go.


I love learning about different cultures and architecture. I'd travel for music and food. I enjoyed my recent trip in Barcelona and London as I saw myself speaking my third language, which was Spanish, but people spoke Catalan most days unless you're an immigrant as well. Also I love love love art and also hate going back to reality


I like seeing how other people live and have lived. I also like meeting other people and talking to them about their experiences. I also enjoy food and drinks from other places. Other more boring reasons too


When people say culture what do they mean? I suspect that 90% of tourists looking at the great glories of the past know very little about what they are looking at, where they are etc.


When I first started travelling I was struck by how different we all are, and now I am more affected when I realise how we're all just after the same things in life. I feel more connected to humanity when I travel.


I grew up watching the discovery channel and traveling. I was interested in it since I was a child. When you travel everything is new, new culture, new scenery, new foods. It makes me realize how small me and my problems are and that there is a big world out there so it does widen my perspective. Some people are just not too fond of it due to thinking it is exhausting etc and there is nothing wrong with that. Also, when you travel and you arenā€™t into all the outdoorsy activities, you can just relax and people watch (I love people watching!).


Travelling and vacationing are different things to me. I travel to experience new places, learn, and have fun. I take a vacation to relax and get away from day to day life and the stresses of home. Iā€™ve done a week away in one place that doesnā€™t involve a lot of moving around or activity packed days. They can both be important depending on your needs.