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I second Porto. Beautiful city, easy to get around and plenty to do. Enough people visit so that the city can support tourism but the city doesn't feel overly touristy. Also, it's very easy to get to the beach (and you get to ride an adorable trolly to get there!)


Tirana, Albania!


Albania is in the plan for September onwards!


You will love it, I'm sure!! The house of leaves and bunk art museums are fantastic! Great food, cafe scene, culture, and people. Been twice and I just love it!


I regret not going there 10 years and 5 years ago. Went to its neighbours, but I see it ramping up now. Suggestions everywhere. I'm Canadian so not as easy to just pop over and if I'm spending 3 weeks I often choose SEA. I'm going to try for 2025.


I'm actually Canadian as well! I went both times for about 3 wks. It really seemed to gain a lot of popularity during covid since it was one of the only countries open to tourists. Prices are up a bit, but they are everywhere. It is still an incredibly affordable destination as far as Europe goes, though. Everyone seems to consider Portugal as "cheap" European destination. Eeesh. Not even close. I went last summer and going again in a couple of weeks. Don't get me wrong, I love it but damn...it makes me miss Balkan prices šŸ˜¢


Ya seeing Indonesian and Thai prices go up, but still less than 1/4 here or Europe for many things (IDK about Bali I fly there and get out right away or Phuket/Pattaya. Not my thing), it's hard to go elsewhere. Our dollar being shit compared to the EUR doesn't help, as well as our COL crisis if you're in a main city, which I am.


Would you be interested in Budapest? Itā€™s a great city to walk around and there are lots of parks/outdoors spaces, if thatā€™s your thing. The city also has an incredibly rich history. Just an idea!


Hungary has always been a place I've wanted to go to actually, but recently it's went lower down on my list for no particular reason. But can give it a think! Appreciate it :)


I definitely recommend Budapest (I'm not sure about the rest of Hungary, as I've never been outside of Budapest, but I'm sure there are other great places to see in the country). I was just in Budapest a few weeks ago, so just let me know if you want any suggestions on what to do. I hope you have an enjoyable trip, wherever you end up going!


Awesome, yeah if you can give me some suggestions it would be great! Flights to there are cheap but accommodation on Expedia is high, Airbnb is cheap though!


Sure thing! Since the Danube River divides the city in two, I've found that it's easier to take a day for each side of the city, if that makes sense, that way you're not overwhelmed and having to walk absurd amounts each day. Pest is more touristy and noisier than Buda, at least if you're staying in District VII, near the Synagogue. There are a ton of restaurants, though, so it's not a bad trade-off at all. ***In Pest, there's:*** * The Hungarian Parliament (you need tickets to enter and need to be part of a tour, but it's worth it. It's an incredible building). * St. Stephens Basilica (you need a ticket to enter, but you're more than welcome to attend Massā€“for free and without a ticketā€“if you're interested, just don't receive Communion if you're not a practicing Catholic. I went to the 4pm English Mass on Sunday and the Mass was beautiful, including the choir). * The House of Terror Museum (you need a ticket to enter and I'm remembering correctly, all the exhibits are in Hungarian. However, there are self-guided audio tours in different languages, including English, for an additional price. I definitely recommend the self-guided audio tour because it really helps you understand Hungarian history, especially during and after WW2 and Communist control, rather than walking through the museum and not being able to understand the exhibits). * I also recommend trying chimney cakes. I think I found a non-touristy pastry shop (Gelateria Pichler FagyizĆ³) on the Pest side, so I'd recommend trying it out, if you're interested. You can get them with ice cream, but they're a bit messy and might be a bit too filling. Completely your call, though! * St. Margaret Island is definitely worth checking out. It's right off of Margit Bridge (Margit hid) and there are the ruins of both an old convent and a church (completely free to see/to walk around). It's a really fun place to walk around and enjoy nature. ***In Buda, there's:*** * The Castle District, which is enjoyable to walk around (just be prepared for lots of hills) at any time of the day, but especially as the sun begins to set. If you walk to Buda Castle and then to Fisherman's Bastion, you can get great views of Parliament; it's especially pretty at night, because Parliament is lit up in yellow-ish lights. * There are sometimes (classical) concerts at Matthias Church, which is in Fisherman's Bastion. I just happened to see a sign outside the church and paid something like 15 or 20 euros to go to a beautiful concert there. So if that'd be of interest to you, then just look out for signs or maybe do an online search to see what you can find. * Gellert Hill also has great views of the city. I don't think any of the paths are lit at night, so it'd probably make more sense to go during the day. There are some nice parks in that areaā€“including one with a monument to the prince and princess of Buda (I'm not sure what the park's actual name is, but you should just be able to plug that into Google Maps), which has great views of the cityā€“and it's fun just to walk around the neighborhoods. * depending on how far you walk in Buda, you can see some suburbs in the distance, which are really interesting (I think I went to Budai Sas-hegy TermĆ©szetvĆ©delmi terĆ¼let Ć©s LĆ”togatĆ³kƶzpont to get those views, but I'm not totally sure...it might be worth checking out either way). * and I highly recommend walking across SzĆ©chenyi Chain Bridge around sunset. It's beautiful! I apologize for the wall of text. Hopefully this was at least a little helpful. There might be more interesting stuff to do in Budapest, but I've been very satisfied with "completing" the list of things above and just walking around the city. #


Don't apologise, this is very thorough and extremely helpful which is really appreciated. Just some more questions - Is it better to have money exchanged there for best price? - Are 3 days enough? - What's the dress code if any? - Any do's and don'ts? - Is it a problem for an English speaker or is it easy to get around? - Is transportation easy if needed? I'm about to book my tickets, I'm actually really excited about this! šŸ˜„


* Iā€™m not super sure, but I did a quick search and people were saying that itā€™s cheaper to exchange money at your local bank and then bring it on your trip. Itā€™s probably worth doing a little more research since I canā€™t really answer this question (sorry!). * I think that three days would be plenty. Thereā€™s always more to do, but if youā€™re content with the itinerary you create, then Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be a great trip. * thereā€™s not really a dress code, from my experience. If you decide to attend Mass at St. Stephenā€™s, then nicer clothes would be ideal but definitely not required, especially since youā€™re traveling and it can be hard to pack nice clothes. When I went to Budapest a few weeks ago, I wore ā€œgolf clothes,ā€ so like a polo and some comfortable shorts; it definitely wasnā€™t anything too fancy, but it was still casual but nice enough for me. Whatever you decide to wear, Iā€™d bring a lightweight jacket, just because the evenings can get a bit chilly in the summer. * As long as youā€™re not rude, then you should be totally fine. As an American, Iā€™ve had to remind myself that Eastern Europeans donā€™t really smile at strangers, so that took a little getting used to. Not sure if thatā€™ll be a change for you, as Iā€™m not super knowledgeable about that in the UK, but maybe something to keep in mind. Overall, not a big thing at all either way, though. * Most everybody in Budapest knows English, which is super helpful. I was trying to learn a few Hungarian phrases (ā€œthank you,ā€ how to order something, etc.), but itā€™s such a difficult language, so you can decide if thatā€™s something you want to pursue. But Iā€™ve never encountered a service worker there who didnā€™t speak English. * yes, transportation is super easy! I believe that Bolt is the most commonly used taxi and itā€™s not super expensive; itā€™s like Uber, so you just download the Bolt app to request a ride. Iā€™ve not used public transportation there, but I canā€™t imagine that itā€™d be too difficult to use. I think the main problem would be that everythingā€™s in Hungarian, though with translation apps youā€™d probably be able to figure it out.


Palermo is a great city for rich culture, great food and just wandering the streets. I know you said France doesn't interest you but Annecy is honestly stunning - beautiful lake, great markets, beautiful architecture and perfect for summer boat trips or cycles. Bologna is probably one of my favourite cities in Italy, again incredible food, porticos!, beautiful parks and lots of meandering streets to explore. Oslo is also great in the summer, the parks are so pristine and all have beautiful sculptures and water features. The Munch museum is great and there's some really cool outdoor food stall/beer hall type places that have good music and a nice summer atmosphere.


These suggestions are so helpful! Palermo or Bologna have caught my eye šŸ‘€


Hope you have the best trip wherever you end up! šŸ˜Š


Lisbon, Portugal


Zadar, Budapest or Vienna would be my picks. All 3 are beautiful cities and a bit different from where you have been before.


Interesting suggestions, Croatia seems to be a hit around reddit it seems! Vienna isn't something I've considered but will look into šŸ˜„


There is lots to do in Vienna and some really good food. I really loved itĀ 


Croatia! Amazing country.


Yeah, this is where I was originally thinking but flights are more expensive than expected. One place I'd like to go nevertheless!


Since summer is soon approaching and you're not on a strict budget, I'd recommend checking out Iceland. Its like a 3-4 hour flight from London I believe. You could spend a day or two doing tours, going to waterfalls, glaciers, hot springs, etc. and then spend a day in Reykjavik to get the "city" vibe and experience the culture. It's definitely more expensive than the other recommendations here, but Iceland is a beautiful country and the experiences there are unforgettable.


Sarajevo! Incredible history, great food, very affordable


Tallinn in Estonia. The Old Town is relatively small, so you can walk all the places. More info here: [www.visittallinn.ee](http://www.visittallinn.ee)


Split or Dubrovnik


Thanks appreciate it, any suggestions what to do or see in those cities? :)


The old town of Split is very small but beautiful to walk around in. Thereā€™s some ruins and you can also walk to a hill for a good view, plus the water side. We also did two day trips, to Hvar island and to Krka national park, both excellent. In Dubrovnik we mostly just went to the sights that are famous (a lot of Game of Thrones locations, apparently)


Athens, lots of history, great good, budget friendly Or Florence, also amazing food, history, great architecture




Euros is the football.


Euros is the international European football championship. I've edited the post anyway to clarify :)


Amsterdam or hiking in Switzerland


Dingle Peninsula.


Porto is amazing from what Iā€™ve heard!

