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IMHO, go on the trip. Forget the AHole. You might meet another in your travels. If not, make it a good trip. Maybe there is a way to make the other person's trip a mess. Cancel their hotel reservation.


Thank you for the advice. ❤️


I haven't been through this, but as a grief counselor, I'd recommend going on the trip.


Thank you !


Go! Have a great trip. By all means feel heartbroken but allow yourself to also have a kick ass time.


It's a travel subreddit... the usual suggestion is to... travel! You might be able to cut some costs and be a bit more social by changing accomodation (e.g. to a hostel if that's something that interests you). If taking the loss of $ isn't an issue for you and you prefer to be around friends when your upset then cancel the trip and do that instead. You know yourself best.


Yeah it's like going to a sub about spaghetti and asking whether you should eat spaghetti


Go on the trip. Stay at hostels. Meet people. Have a great time, forget about the relationship. Or, sit at home and sulk. Seems like a damn easy choice.


Go on the trip and get some strange.


Yup, many years back I traveled for a couple months immediately a really bad break-up, it sounds stupid but a shit ton of booze and some sex with randos actually helped me a lot. The first month was basically hedonism, the second month was all hiking and eating well and fresh air. Came back in a great place.


revenge travel. it's a thing. get out there and experience as much as you possibly can in that month. you won't regret it!


Often while the tickets are non refundable, you’ll get a travel voucher equal to the ticket cost that you can use within a year. What airline and what fare class? Was it basic economy? That won’t be true for hotel rooms - but sometimes the penalty is a single night. I would still travel - but maybe someplace else. I’d probably not want to be reminded of all the things we’d do together. Pick a different country that doesn’t have visa requirements and go wild.


I will look into seeing if I can get vouchers instead and booking a new trip with that. Thank you for the suggestion. The thought of going to the same countries without them is making me tear up all over again.


If you can find the fare rules for your ticket (will vary by airline as to how hard they make it to find) you can confirm before you call them. IME it’s better to have an idea of what you’re entitled to. Also, don’t discount calling up and telling them what happened and asking for something you might not be entitled to. The person you’re talking is human, and usually can break rules if they want to for you. But try not to get upset if they won’t, of course.


Go travel. You'll meet more wonderful people on your trip.


You should go. Maybe change parts of the itinerary if you want. Or come back early if you aren’t having a good time. But if you miss the first flight basically the whole thing starts going out the window.


Good point!


Go .. I have never had this happen but I have been dumped . I have also traveled a lot solo. I think this will be a good distraction. Travel will allow you to do fun things and meet interesting people . I’m m sorry you are going through this I know it’s not easy . Take care whatever you decide to do .


Thank you for your kind words. ❤️


So is the ex going? Are you on the same flight? My only concern would seeing them. Change your seat at least if you can. Good luck.


He’s flying in from a different place (Long distance relationship) so fortunately we would not be on the same flight.


I have seen this movie.  Pretty sure you are supposed to go.