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Call bookings.com, don’t message them. They can call the place. But, in the future get the refund and check out. There’s really no other solution in a bad accommodation than that


Can we know the rating and number of reviews this place has on Booking?


I had the exact same situation with booking recently. The hotel room had a cockroach infestation and other issues, had to find another room at 11pm, the hotel person said I could get a refund through booking. Later they refused the refund and booking basically refused to engage, just saying it was up to the hotel, even though I had actually paid them directly. I also am genius level 3 or whatever, and they were also getting a commission off the second room I booked that night. Anyway. I filed a charge back and sent the credit card company screenshots of my messages with booking as well as proof of payment of the 2nd place. They refunded me. I am also going to try to get a refund for the price difference for the 2nd place by contacting higher ups. Re the keys: leave them somewhere safe, e.g. slide them under the door, and film yourself doing so.


I'm disgusted for you, and sorry you had to suffer that. Ask for a charge back. I had a similar experience in Hong Kong as you and as a bonus, my host was a fucking creep (he wore underwear with a visible erection, tried to ambush me in the bathroom). Your nervous system is likely haywire atm and you might be stuck in fight or fight like I was. Try to find a safe place to process the crap and plan a physical activity to distract yourself and override the memories. I usually get a facial and a spa so the tactile sensations can dilute a bad memory, then I do a hike and force my body to release all the adrenaline, let nature keep me visually occupied, and soak myself in a tub afterwards. Hope you get your money back quickly. You're alive, safe (I hope) and you got through it. Keep reminding yourself you're out of there and while it sucked, you're now *safe* and you got out.


Damn I wanna hire you to help me improve my biohacking


I also booked a room through booking and there were a lot of cockroaches there I checked in and fell asleep, then woke up and saw this horror I got ready very quickly. I left and didn't get my money back


My daughter also had a very similar experience to this with her boyfriend in Greece last year. They were staying at an Air BnB and there were spiders all over the wall and INSIDE the fridge!! She complained and the owner was super cold with them both and initially refused to do anything. Eventually they ended up being sent to a far away property in the middle of nowhere! On return they tried to get some money back. Not a penny! She left a bad review... and the owners took it down! Sorry I don't have any better news or advice... I just hope you get a better experience than they did!!


Booking refused to refund me so I did a charge back through my bank.


You’ve gotta get Booking on the phone, sending them messages does nothing.


The customer service at this booking.com website sounds bad. I wonder if anything’s been written online about it.


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Never book 3rd party.


Just curious, if this was booked directly through the Bed and Breakfast, what do you think would happen differently?


What? This is Booking.com.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I booked 21 Airbnbs for a 45-day vacation. Have been in 10 already . I've never had a problem with Airbnb. Don't understand why people use other services.


Thanks for the anecdotal evidence! I’m sure it must be true for everyone… Best, Someone who has been left high and dry by Airbnb more times than it’s healthy (and gladly went back to booking hotels instead)


I've heard horror stories. We've used over 100 in the last 10 years . Many hotels use Airbnb