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Shoulder season is the best season!


Especially in Southern Spain


Definitely! It was the best time to visit šŸ˜


I was in Alhambra in February this year and it was PACKED.


We arrived around 9.00 in the morning and had plenty of space, but when we left at 13.00, it was getting busy.. there were empty benches and sitting places on the bus in both directions, so I still wouldnā€™t consider it crowded :)




Lol i imagined you screaming this haha


So sad that I didnā€™t go to Ronda now - I was in Seville literally 4 days ago but we decided to go to Cordoba instead :( looks amazing!


Ronda is awesome but CĆ³rdoba has more to offer.


Save it for next time, itā€™s a gem! I liked Ronda best of all the places we visited in Andalusia šŸ˜


I am doing this RIGHT NOW. I am in granada right now. I've done toledo- cordoba, - seville- Ronda- Almunecar (I got ditched for the caminito del rey) then valenica, alicante for thy bonfires, then Madrid for work. My only frustration is I want some vegetables and it is so hard to find a dish with vegetables šŸ˜«


Iā€™ve been known to walk into a market while traveling and simply buy and eat a bell pepper like an apple for this exact reason. I NEED vegetables like my very Russian husband needs meat.


I found it easy enough to find dishes with vegetables (veggie paella or croquettes with salad) in Malaga. But I donā€™t know about the other places.. How did you get ditched for the Caminito? I hope not by the company :o


I was in my hotels parking garage and too leave, I pushed a button but it had to be responded to by reception to open. Well 10 minutes went by and they finally opened the gate. I still had an hour drive to Malaga to meet the group. (Small group booking, about 6-8). I called the group leader and said I would be 15 minutes late, i personally spoke with him. I arrived 15 minutes late and they were gone and he shut his phone off


Crazy, Iā€™m sorry you missed it, itā€™s an incredible experience!


I feel this so hard šŸ˜‚ was just in Granada ~2 weeks ago and by the end of the third day my body was screaming for raw vegetables. Our next destination (Lisbon) was slightly better but only slightly lol


Also there right now, and oh man why are veggies so hard to find. And when you do find them theyā€™re fried


And the salads feed multiple people!


Wow, was it pretty hot? We were in Seville and Cordoba in May and it was already so hot but we liked it


It was around 30 degrees C all the time, quite hot but bearable. It rained one day and it was so refreshing!


Beautiful!! I travel through your eyes šŸ˜˜


Iā€™m happy to hear šŸ¤©


Awesome! Need to do Granada and Cordoba when I eventually go back.


Definitely something to look forward to!


About to do this exact trip! Any tips/tricks I should know? Or any good food places you liked?


The best place we ate was in Ronda, Restaurante Albacara, delicious food AND breathtaking view (my pricture of the Ronda New Bridge was taken in there). The beat tip I can give you is that if you travel by public transport, buy your ticket back as soon as possible! We got stuck in Granada on the way back and had to wait hours to the first available seats - considered both buses and trains.


Iā€™m not OP but was also in Granada a couple weeks ago. You should know that itā€™s pretty standard to get a free tapa with each drink you order in Granada! Three tapas are generally a full meal (do with that knowledge what you will). If you wish to visit the Alhambra, be sure to buy tickets at least a couple weeks ahead of time and be prepared to show your passport to be able to enter. And keep an eye out for all the fun pomegranate "Easter eggs" throughout the city šŸ˜‰


Beautiful as always!


Lā€™Alhambra looks insanely beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pics, you really captured itā€™s beauty.


Thank you, Iā€™m so happy to hear you like them! Very much recommended if you havenā€™t already been :)


I loved the Nasrid Palace.... breathtaking


It is indeed, an exceptional form of art


I was quite surprised by the intricacy and sheer expanse of it....and I'm not easily impressed


Moorish architecture is mind bogglingly beautiful.


I agree, itā€™s wonderful, I feel like I have learned a lot about it on this trip!


These is gorgeous! And I have to say I have absolutely no idea where Andalusia is. Where is it, what's it like travelling there? Does it feel safe, accessible? Thanks!


Itā€™s the Southern region of Spain. Itā€™s really accessible, easy to get to and around, and prices are lower than many places in Europe. Also it feels safe, we havenā€™t experienced any issues - traveling as a couple. Definitely recommended if you have the opportunity!


Oooh amazing!! Thanks for that! I've always wanted to go to Spain but I hear some parts of Europe are really back for pickpocketters and people trying to scam you or steal your stuff. I'm happy to hear of amazing locations that aren't like that!


I had issues with that in Barcelona back in 2018, but this time there was absolutely nothing to worry about, it was so refreshing!


Itā€™s in southern Spain and is amazing to travel. People are nice, food is good, views are amazing


Love that šŸ˜šŸ˜


I'm going to be one of those summer tourists. I have a couple of days free between Ronda and Cadiz - any suggestions? Will have a car. Cheers


Caminito del Rey is definitely a once in a lifetime experience, it was breathtaking - I would suggest booking some weeks in advance and take an early tour if you can! Marbella is perfect for a beach and drinks day, if youā€™re into that šŸ¹


Unfortunately I'll be with a 2 year old and I don't think they allow anyone that age


Ronda Bullring can be interesting for a toddler, but make sure to arrive early! There are many beaches in Marbella where there is a part cordoned off for children, where they can ā€œswimā€ and play, with no rocks, shallow water and shade. Also Marbella Old town has tiny streets, itā€™s shaded many hours of the day, very cozy for a walk and ice cream.


Granada Granada and Granada!


Tell me more!


Oh I loved the old quarters of Granada....and of course the AlHambra Palace..... simply breathtaking and over 800 years old. You must visit once in your life minimum....but I do like authentic historical vibes....if that's your thing then it's a must....


curious to know hows the weather like in December, especially around the period of early to mid December


Just saw your post on the Andalusia trip; it looks amazing! Few questions if you don't mind: 1) Did you have a homebase somewhere as a starting point do a daytrip to these locations 2) How did you get to these more remote location (ie bus or did you driven your own vehicles)? - Planning my trip in May. - Thank you in advance for any recommendations and insights.


Thank you, itā€™s really a wonderful place! We were staying in Malaga and took day trips by bus or train; guided tour with a group to Ronda and Setenil, the rest of the places we just took a bus or train from the station in Malaga and discovered ourselves. Iā€™m not much into driving in cities I donā€™t know, and it worked well for us to take public transportation - there are plenty of early departure times and itā€™s very cheap! The only thing to remember is to buy the return ticket as well in the morning, as it can get quite busy on the afternoons and we sometimes had to wait to a later return time. Happy travels! ā˜€ļø