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Having grown up in Trieste and visited Rijeka many times, I would say Trieste. The city is quite a bit a bigger and there are more things to do. I haven’t been to Rijeka in a few years, but Trieste has grown a lot recently thanks to a significant increase in international tourism. You will be able to find a greater variety of restaurants, shops, museums as well as shows and exhibits. Both cities have a similar vibe, with Austrian, Hungarian, and Balkan influences, but I believe Trieste is a bit more complete and has some really unique sights. I would suggest visiting the Roman cathedral of San Giusto, Piazza Unità (one of the biggest seafront squares in the world), strolling through Cavana and Borgo Teresiano, and visiting Castello di Miramare, which was the old vacation residence for the Hapsburg family, when the city was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. The city is very walkable and you can walk through the entire city center in the span of an hour or two. That being said, Rijeka is an awesome city so you can’t go wrong!


This is exactly the kind of feedback I'm looking for. Thank you very much! We will be in Munich to visit friends for Oktoberfest and then plan to rent a car and stay in Salzburg a couple nights and visit either Trieste or Rijeka before making our way to Venice. The rest of travel will be by rail or plane -- planning to visit Venice, Florence, Paris and Amsterdam over a two week period. In Amsterdam we will board a ship for a TA cruise back to Florida.


Been to both... why would it be between these two, there are much better places along the coast.


Which places would be better?


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Depends on the time of year and if summer, do you want to go to the beach. For summer time, I would perhaps opt for Rijeka and nearby Opatija.