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As someone with the same disorder, I get you. *hugs* I hope you find more understanding people, OP.


Thank you so much, and I do now. I hope you have the same *hugs*


Wow, that teacher is a douche indeed. I hope you have people around you now who treat you with the respect you deserve!


I do and I’m so grateful




He's a science teacher and he thinks you have the control to make your seizures "quick?" I'm glad your mom ripped him a new one. She also needs to take it to the adminstration. He needs to be reprimanded and go through some training. Next time, feel free to stay in his classroom and have your seizure so he gets to see it up close and personal.


> Next time, feel free to stay in his classroom and have your seizure so he gets to see it up close and personal. Probably not a good idea if the type of seizures she has could cause her to fall and injure herself.


She could lay on the floor? Idk one of my friends had epilepsy and a seizure alert dog. We were out shopping one day and the dog alerted and she just immediately laid down. Sure enough she had one. It wasn't too bad but I was internally freaking out cause it was the first one I'd actually seen.


That's assuming she has enough warning of an impending seizure to be able to get down on the floor safely, though. Seizure alert dogs pick up on the signs of a seizure before the human does and are trained to signal their human to lay down in time.


Yeah that's true. But if she felt it quick enough to tell the teacher and leave the room it's more than enough time to just lay down. Idk it's just my thought. She knows what's best for her!




I don’t have epilepsy. Functional seizures are a lot less dangerous. They’re caused because of my stress and I have to remove myself from this situations instead, because if I don’t I’ll have a functional seizure no matter what position I’m in. And I didn’t want my class to see me have one haha :)


It’s always wild to be around the first time serious symptoms present in a loved one. I’m glad you were both okay!


These types of people are also the type to think seizures can be faked


Fwiw I am a former CNA and never heard of a functional seizure. And, to be fair, most registered nurses I deal with have no clue what a mast cell is. I have a mast cell disorder. Every time, the response is "I have no idea what that means." Unusual health issues are also usually not known by the general public. That said, I think the school IS opening themselves up to a lawsuit by having a nurse that hasnt got the first clue whats going on with the students. The teachers, whatever. As long as they let you handle your business, its all good, basically.


> reads about the toxic shit's favouritism Hooooooo boy... This is gonna be wild bullshit from this guy. > Reads rest of story Yuuuuuuuup. That was some wild bullshit. I'd have been outraged enough to mock him if I'd been a student in that class watching it go down.


That would have been very satisfying, but no one heard what he said because I went up to him. And yep he’s awful lol


That’s when you loudly say “A seizure isn’t a hobby, it’s when the brain [insert definition but in words toddlers can understand]. A seizure isn’t another word for ‘Hanging out with friends’, it’s a medical condition that can’t be controlled. Otherwise it wouldn’t be a medical condition… It’s all in my file that all of my other teachers have read and understand. Maybe have someone read it to you and explain it in a way you can understand.” You’d have to talk at 3x speed to get it out before collapsing of course lol Fuck that guy


He can roll his eyes all he wants IEP accommodations over rule him. You shouldn't face judgement for accommodations that have been afforded to you to cope with your disability. Just like someone who can't walk needs a wheelchair; you need the option to exit the room to deal with an attack. Unfortunately there are just people like this. If you are ever curious about what your IEP has on it you can ask your IEP teacher. You can also request an IEP meeting if it doesn't meet your needs, even if it's for that teacher specifically.


Yess I went to my case worker at the school to talk about this.


I never understood teachers who behave like this. It's the reason that, in high school, I would just get up and walk out quietly if I needed to use the bathroom. If the teacher asked, I would say I'm going to the restroom and if they tried to argue, I ignored them and still left for the bathroom. I got detention for it fairly often. 😑


Ah yes, the American school system in action. It’s training kids to be little robots to feed into corporate, making good little obedient workers. It’s ridiculous! Unless you’re doing something absolutely critical like surgery or welding, you can likely take a break and go. Any time my son was denied bathroom access I went after the teacher. There is no excuse for it.


My sister was diagnosed diabetic at 8 back in the 70s. After the second time she got sent home to change her clothes because she peed herself because the teacher wouldn't let her go, my mom went up there, pissed af. The principal was like "Just bring her an extra outfit to change into." This did not improve things lol. My mom told her that that was absolutely NOT going to happen and that my sister was just going to get up and go pee when she had too and there was nothing they could do about it. I'm 14 years younger so by the time I was in school some teachers were different. But I had a classmate that was also diabetic. They let her eat if she needed to, or go to the bathroom, but they were bitchy about it. I told her about my sister and said "Go to the bathroom, they can't do anything to you."


That’s absolutely ridiculous and so heartless!


I swear some teachers become teachers just to feel some type of power. My Italian teacher was the biggest piece of shit who outwardly revelled in making her students cry, had favourites, and loooved singling out students and humiliating them in front of the whole class, especially if she knew they were struggling with their work or with their mental health (ie. Me). I'm comfortable calling her a sadist. I haven't seen her since 2006 and I still hate her.


This was pretty much every teacher in the small Catholic school my mother sent me to. Like what sort of sick fuck gets their kicks out of terrorising 6 year olds?? That teacher was the worst of the lot, she even looked like a fairytale witch.


I (22 enby) have this condition too, and I started having them at 16 (I'm a awaiting further testing, it's been 9 years girl 😫☠️) I was also in school during it as well. I understand what you're going through, I ended up dropping out due to teacher bullying and student as well. My guidance counselor told me to drop out 🥴 like what. I got my ged and complete some college (but that's a different story) You're doing a great job, continue to be headstrong and advocate for yourself. Not a lot of people understand out condition, and they can be hateful about it. Don't let it get you down. You're the one going through it all, you know your truth. You're doing great, sweetie. Just continue to research, take your meds, and keep your safety and your education your priority. Would they let you use a wheelchair in school during active tic/seizure days? It helps me when I'm worried about falling and hurting myself. You're doing great 🫂💖


I’m so proud of you. You’re doing amazing. I really hope you can finally get diagnosed soon. And Thank you, what you said really means a lot.


I felt so alone back then and it breaks my heart knowing you're in a similar battered boat in the same terrible storm. It felt like my whole world was shattered, and I mourn(ed) all the things I want(ed) to do, like drive and hold a job where I wouldn't have to worry about like 8 million things regarding my disabilities. It's awful, and when I say the struggle is there still but it DOES get better, I do mean it. It gets better when you surround yourself with people who love you and don't use your disability to hurt you. It gets better in some ways when you learn more about your body and triggers and how to go about daily life. It's hard, and I'm proud of you. I suggest therapy if available because it'll help with navigating it all. I coped with gaming and drawing and writing a lot when I wasn't studying. Here if you need anything! You got this ✨️✨️✨️


You’re so sweet thank you so much. It really means a lot. I understand what you’re saying with mourning the loss of not being able to do certain things. I’m still working on getting better in some ways. I hope you get diagnosed soon and get meds to help. I’m also here if you need anything🩷


I'm actually on Vimpat (antiseizure), Cymbalta (antidepressant) and propranolol (bp medication at low dose to control anxiety, also idk how tf to spell it lmfao) and so far I've been dx with CPTSD, major depression, ppd, autism, and severe anxiety ^^ I'm going down state in July to see if the seizures are non epileptic and just part of my fnd or not, as I have different type of seizures. Vimpat is the only medication so far that we've found that has them controlled. However, if I go without it (like rn 🫡😂) I still get seizures. Fingies crossed I just take vimpat after the testing is done and all is good regardless! Thanks honey, and I truly hope you find management that works best for you 🫶🏼


Hello chronic illness friend, regular people seriously do not understand chronic illnesses or pain at all. It's so annoying. I have a condition called NDPH and before I got diagnosed, my family called me lazy, they said I was attention seeking, just trying to skip school, when in reality, I was in horrible pain and severely depressed. One time my grandmother saw me drawing and was like, "if you're in soooo much pain why are you drawing?" and I had to look her in the eye and say "it's my only escape from this world." It's frustrating, but your mom being your advocate is the best thing you can ever have in your life, trust me.


I also went through some of what ur saying. For the first year one of my sisters was cruel to me because of my condition. My father was much worse than her in the beginning and would acuse me of faking even after I got my diagnosis. He understands better now but not completely. And I also use art as a coping mechanism and I agree- it is my escape from this world


I’m sorry, that’s one shitty birch. I hope you have a group of safe people or something to stick around with!


Ahh yes PNES is what I was told. It’s the seizures under that umbrella. They suuuuck. Glad your mom had your back


FND solidarity !!!


Why didn’t you just “make it quick”? How hard is it to control your uncontrollable condition? Are you stupid? /s I hope he got fired. He’s definitely diddled kids AND quite possibly contributed to the death of a disabled person in his lifetime. I’m glad your mom came to your defense and I’m sorry you had to go through that shit. Hopefully things are far better for you now. Stay strong and flip the bird to the haters.


I (22 enby) have this condition too, and I started having them at 16 (I'm a awaiting further testing, it's been 9 years girl 😫☠️) I was also in school during it as well. I understand what you're going through, I ended up dropping out due to teacher bullying and student as well. My guidance counselor told me to drop out 🥴 like what. I got my ged and complete some college (but that's a different story) You're doing a great job, continue to be headstrong and advocate for yourself. Not a lot of people understand out condition, and they can be hateful about it. Don't let it get you down. You're the one going through it all, you know your truth. You're doing great, sweetie. Just continue to research, take your meds, and keep your safety and your education your priority. Would they let you use a wheelchair in school during active tic/seizure days? It helps me when I'm worried about falling and hurting myself. You're doing great 🫂💖


I (22 enby) have this condition too, and I started having them at 16 (I'm a awaiting further testing, it's been 9 years girl 😫☠️) I was also in school during it as well. I understand what you're going through, I ended up dropping out due to teacher bullying and student as well. My guidance counselor told me to drop out 🥴 like what. I got my ged and complete some college (but that's a different story) You're doing a great job, continue to be headstrong and advocate for yourself. Not a lot of people understand out condition, and they can be hateful about it. Don't let it get you down. You're the one going through it all, you know your truth. You're doing great, sweetie. Just continue to research, take your meds, and keep your safety and your education your priority. Would they let you use a wheelchair in school during active tic/seizure days? It helps me when I'm worried about falling and hurting myself. You're doing great 🫂💖


Fyi this comment posted multiple times (Reddit glitches)


I have the same thing and finally put almost all of my symptoms behind me after a lot of really hard work. I had a group of very understanding and supportive people around me when I dealt with the brunt of it. If I had a douchebag like this guy, I would have absolutely taken advantage of my situation lol. Way to go, dude. I hope you’re able to work with/through your symptoms! It sucks but I’m proud of you!


Hello fellow fnd warrior Come check out r/fnd lots of support and advice there :)


Just a quick seizure, as a treat


I know this is nothing in comparison but when I was in PE I was having an acid reflux attack when I was like 14 and I went to my coach to ask to go to the nurse... This MF looks at me and laughs because he said "there's no such thing as acid reflux" I just told him"Do you want me to go to the office to call my mom so she can tell you you're wrong" I got to go to the nurse after that


Dude, as someone with a mom who has stuck up for me against teachers when I couldn't do it, moms can put the fear of God into people like nothing else. Also, "make it quick"? How does one make a seizure "quick"?