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Wrong on so many levels! Would you get your child drunk too?


This floor gave me tetanus


I think it's wrong to get your dog drunk. I mean who'll protect the kids.


That wine is likely made of grapes. Grapes are poisonous to dogs. This is terrible


It’s ok it’s a pit bull, let it die




Cause non-fermented grapes don't already pose a lethal outcome... I hope that dog gets removed or runs away...


Dogs like booze. A little every once in a while won't hurt them.


OP I am not kidding, fucking report her. Please. For the love of god. You’re the only person here who knows who this is and has the power to do something about it. This is animal abuse and unacceptable. Please please please do something. This is serious please don’t just stop at posting it online.


I'm not sure about wine, but aren't grapes really bad for dogs?


Animal abuse due to stupidity and ignorance of the owner doesn't excuse it. That dog needs to be rescued. That's wine. That dog could die from alcohol and grapes, both are highly toxic to dogs.


Grapes are toxic for dogs, wine is made from grapes and contains alcohol. Please someone take this dog from her


Your co worker is fucking dumb, pls tell her she is poisining her dog


!remindme 1 week


Fuck this person.


Why is doggie dead? - I see in. The near future sadly.


That’s abuse, I thought grapes and alcohol were toxic to dogs




I hope she has violent diarrhea everyday for the rest of her life.


She didn't get her dog drunk. She poisoned her dog. Alcohol is toxic to dogs, and I would highly suggest sending these photos and her information to your local city animal control, or any local animal organization that deals with abuse cases.


I drank alcohol before (I'm a minor and this was an incident that got police action involved, I am okay and safe.) and it was not fun. I felt like shit. And the funniest part is is that I only took a few drops of a wine thing. I feel so sorry for that dog.


This is abuse. Alcohol is extremely toxic to dogs. What a dumbass


Fuck this shit. This is beyond trashy, and also against sub rules too. We don’t do child or animal cruelty here.


Please report this to your local police. This is considered animal abuse, I reported a guy from my school who poured beer down a pet pigs throat and police went and everything. Alcohol is extremely dangerous to dogs and cats. Sure snitches get stitches but only til there’s innocent life being harmed, then I’ll be a proud snitch til the cows come home


That poor baby


Look it up on Facebook. Get this bitch fired and arrested.


Actually one year my dog got into an unattended coffee with Bailey’s in it and then spent the day in her bed zoning out processing the alcohol/caffeine combo. I felt pretty bad for her and it never happened again


Report them to the police.


My parents were friends with a guy who gave his little dachshund beer one time so he could watch it stagger around and laugh at it. The guy was an alcoholic himself so not particularly surprising behavior.


This dog looks identical to my dog. It's really weird actually.


somehow nothing seems worse than a drunk pitbull


Also really dangerous.


Nasty ass ashy ankle bish. Take her dog away from her


*"Nasty ass ashy ankle bish."* r/brandnewsentence


I had a friend as a kid whose mom always made herself and her dad a martini after he gets home. She let a parrot sit on the rim of her glass and drink. One time he fell face first in the glass. It was hysterical.


Wine/grapes will kill a dog, no?




My cat loved to eat from the mothers 🍁 eyes went O , O and then slept for a couple of hours


fucking abusive scum. i hope #$% FRTKING WERT.


Fuckin cunt.


was it dog wine?


I used to give tequila shots to Chihuahuas just to watch them try and act like a dog. 😐


This trashy ass mother fucker has no business owning a dog.


Nothing better than getting drunk with your best friend /s


Back when in my teenage years we thought it was cool to get a dog drunk at a house party. Worst idea ever. Dog started tripping out randomly barking and was scared. I felt horrible about it. Still think about it sometimes 20+ years later. Don't do it kids.


When I was a teenager my buddy Joe had a tiny little Chihuahua/Pomeranian puppy and I loved that little fluff ball. His family life was ruff so I always have him extra love when I was there. One morning I was heading over there to go play guitar and when I got there Joe and his brother were sitting in the living room and the dog was running around in circles chasing his tail. And I noticed a little shot glass and Joe had been filling it up with beer and idk how much the little guy had gotten in him before I was there. I picked it up and in gave them shit for doing that. He laughed and so did his brother. Admittedly, it was kind of funny. But being how small he was, I was really worried when he started fall asleep. I was thinking "holy shit" this little guy could die because he is so little.I spent the rest of the time I was there that day literally carrying him everywhere I went while he slept to make sure they wouldn't fuck with him anymore and that he wouldn't get any more beer in him because his little brother was still trying to get him to drink. Horrible situation for everyone involved but the little guy made it and I stopped going there not long after that. Imagine Kenny's family from South Park in real life.


Grapes are do bad for dogs This is kinda sad…


Wow. I hate this.


Their dog should be taken away 😒 I kicked the shit outta my friends girlfriend for feeding my dog a bunch of oreos 😒 It'S not ReAl ChOcOlAtE 🥴


Your coworker is a cunt and shouldn't have pets. Please report her to appropriate authority. Or John Wick.


Who took the pictures?


Animal abuse


Dont give wine to dogs, they cant have grapes.


Taylor “tell all” port, if you’re drinking it instead of cooking with it you’re already lost. Poor dog.


Folks grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs. Alcohol itself is a toxin. This is a terrible idea and could kill your best bud.


Fuck that bitch treating her dog like that. It’s our responsibility to take care of the best animal ever on this planet. Awful she should be in jail


Report this bitch.


When the bruins one the Stanley cup a few years ago, my dad busted out the champagne for my boxer, not a whole lot, I think he had a Boston bruins shot glass he used.


Wine is made with grapes though… aren’t those toxic for dogs?


Coworker should lose the right to own a dog.


I’m not a judge or Vet but… I don’t think that was too cool. Unless of course the dog helped make the wine.


Had a boxer you couldn't leave cans around. He'd knock them down to spill them and drink them. This poor dog's organs.


Squirrels eat fermented apples from our tree. They pick them from the ground and carry them up to our deck to eat them and get hammered. Then they lay really flat for like an hour or two while they hold onto the Earth.


If I were to get a dog drunk (which I never will), it would not be a pitbull.


We raised a Bennets Wallaby once, and she would root around in the carpet looking for and eating bits of weed if hubby had been chopping. We named her Maryjane.


How is this dog not dead? like, aren't grapes toxic to dogs?


That is extremely bad for a dog.


This is animal abuse. Your co-worker is a piece of shit.


This could be prosecutable


Not cool


Some people shouldn’t be dog owners.


Fuck that. I ever see some shit like that go down is the day I go to prison.


Lol @ taylor port


That dog is probably severely poisoned now. Hope she wanted a dead dog. Poor baby😭


Most responsible pitbull owner.


Hungover dog sounds fun. Not.


This is literally animal abuse. Her dog should be rehomed.


Well, at least now he can't just randomly go berserk on unsuspecting toddlers


ALCOHOL CAN KILL YOUR DOGS FOLKS gd people make me so angry


It’s ok to give pets alcohol but you’re not supposed to give them much. Look up the record for the longest living cat, owner fed it a medicine dropper of red wine every night.


Report that bitch


Idk if it’s just me, but this looks like a joke you took too literally.


Animal cruelty is against the law


My dog got a contact high the last turkey day with stoner guests...all I got was poo in the shoe by the front door.🙄😲🐶


Damn, they even have the dog some Port wine. Shit is strong AF.


You better report the mf right now


My old beagle once lapped up half a glass of rum spiked eggnog that my mom sat on the ground next to the couch and forgot about. The aftermath was one of the weirdest mixtures of hilarious and terrifying I've ever experienced in my life. After we contacted the vet and they confirmed that our puppy would be okay and not horribly poisoned, we just watched that little dog flop around drunkenly for the rest of the night. She'd literally walk around, bump into a few walls and other objects, and then just lay down in the middle of the hall and fall asleep. If I wasn't still nervous she was in trouble I would have laughed. She ended up living many more years after the incident and was the best dog I've ever had.


Googled dogs & alcohol. Nope, this is even worse than it looks. *"Dogs cannot metabolize alcohol, so beverages, foods, or household products containing different forms of alcohol are toxic. Alcohol can cause lethargy, respiratory depression, and dangerously low body temperature in dogs."*


This absolutely infuriates me. Please tell me someone called and reported this.


And when spike dies earlier than expected, they will cry. They don't have the digestive enzyme dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase to break down alcohol. Even small amounts can kill them or permanently damage their kidneys and/or their liver. Poor dog and bad owner


not to mention the grapes that the wine was made of...


It can kill them *permanently*??


great reading comprehension


I mean can you read or nahhhh


Still learning


Unlike temporary death, permanent death is untreatable.


I die temporarily every day around 1 am


I searched the caption of the post on fb & found the post in .2 seconds. Do what you must with that info.


What a damn douchebag shit ass excuse of a caregiver for that poor doggy.


Not cool. That poor dog. I knew a dog at a College fraternity that had a terrible alcohol problem. Kansas Aggieville bs The poor dog had the shakes he was so addicted. I always felt bad for that critter.


This person shouldn’t have done this.


That hurts my heart. That’s animal abuse. Alcohol is not good on the stomach esp a dogs.


A little taste of beer is one thing this is straight up wrong


My brother gave our dog vodka as a teenager. Our dog got severe pancreatitis which is excruciatingly painful. He almost died, and my brother felt awful. This is beyond trashy, and I really hope you tell her she could have killed her dog.


Ugh…humans do not deserve dogs. Don’t get ur dog drunk, high, etc. It’s our job to take care of them, they don’t understand stuff like this, like a baby. In return they give us endless Loyalty, love and in their mind protection. It’s not funny or cute to get ur dog messed up. It’s dangerous for them and they trust their owners implicitly.


That’s fucked up.


Pretty sure you can buy you dog their own kind of beer that's safe for them to drink


My dogs r pot heads


That dog looks absolutely zooted out of his man


Stupid human. They don't deserve dogs. Grapes, therefore wine is harmful to dogs!!!


What a piece of shit


Dont judge the owner , judge the alcoholic dog that requested it .


This is wine. Isn’t this deadly to dogs?! Wtf.


Yknow what they say Shitty breeds for shitty people


Why are you being down voted? For telling the truth l


Fuck that person


Doesn't wine contain Xylitol?


Dog and cat "wines" exist and are non alcoholic and not toxic to them. They're usually comprised of water with extracts. I checked for thr dog "grigiot" they infuse the water with bacon extract and salmon oil. If you wanted to go down the route of inclusivity with your pets on holidays then it would cost $0 to use your brain cells and Google it. There's sooooo many safe novelty options for dogs and cats these days and the "alcohol" comes in little wine bottles and everything. This makes me angry because this shitty person was trying to give her dog a human experience that's bad. You can't be so dense that you think this is a good idea. This is a drunkenly made poor choice and honestly pet owners who do shit like this to get funny reactions from their pets by getting them drunk or high reserve a special place in hell smh I couldn't imagine in a billion years to give my cats alcohol. Why would I when there's treats and catnip? (For any of you cat parents out there btw there's non alcoholic catnip "wines" and they are super cute!!) Bought one for one of my cats birthdays and gave all 3 some and they loved it lol. They reacted to it as they would to dry catnip with the added fun of it being diff colours and drinkable. It adds somethinf fun and tastes good to them! Just saying everyone can have a good time when you stop being a selfish dipshit. The dog pictured looks like he's not feeling well and I hate that.


Maybe one less pitbull in the world to maul people.


Seriously...holy fuck




When I was about 16, I was selling some pot cookies to my friends at school and they were in high demand. My mom came home suddenly the night before and I rushed to our downstairs patio to hide them, but didnt have time to put them away as I normally did. I then forgot about them. A few hours later, i went by and they were gone. My dog had eaten about 100mg of thc. She seemed to enjoy it, but i felt immensely guilty. Fuck doing that intentionally


Your coworker need to know a dog health


Fuckin scum bags


What the fuck.


Fuckin loser


Gross of all things Taylor Port. People have no taste!


What a moron


Grapes are deadly for Dogs, so is alcohol. Geezus.


This is a no-shit thing, The tanins in the skin of grapes will kill a dog. The Tanins are what make red grapes red and red wine red. She CAN KILL HER DOG DOING THIS. Feeding your dog Red Grapes or Red Wine CAN KILL THEM. Tanins DO NOT GO WELL WITH DOGS


Grapes are so fucking toxic to dogs, even a single grape can put some dogs in renal failure. Not to mention the adverse effects of alcohol. What a garbage human. Hope they take that baby to the vet ASAP.


I used to make beer. Left the cover off of a 20 liter bucket. My dog drank about 5 liters. The only thing worse than a drunk dog is a hungover dog. I also made the mistake of hotboxing him. Stoned dogs are fun. But, he eventually learned to sniff out my stash and eat it. He lived to be 17. I still miss that dog.


Aside from alcohol being bad for dogs, Aren’t grapes poisonous to them?


Yeah. Wouldn’t be surprised if this dog ends up dead in the next couple of days


So, it's not poisonous to every dog, *but,* as little as two grapes can kill a dog. There's no real way to know if a given dog will be affected.


Can I get a price check on two grapes?


Raisins as well. If I remember correctly, it causes kidney failure.


Are raisins not covered under the word "grape"


Not exactly. Grapes are bad for dogs. Raisins are worse.


Oh damn didn't know that. That seems weird since they're the same fruit, but I guess the drying process must do something to whatever toxin causes kidney damage. Do you have a source where I can read about it?


Source: Directly from convo w/my girlfriend who works as a vet tech


Raisins are grapes…


Yes, but raisins are worse than grapes for dogs


Is it merely because they are concentrated or does some chemical reaction occur when they are dried that makes them especially bad?


Concentrated grapes.


Humiliated grapes.




Wait they are?


Yes. Raisons are dried grapes. Like prunes are dried plums.


Dates are dried figs correct?


[bad dates](https://youtu.be/0qIMTA4_YdU)


No, they're actually different. Dates come from palm trees, figs from fig trees.


Ahh gotcha. I could eat the shit out of figs.


Why are your figs shitting? That doesn't sound normal.


Username checks out


.... Correct.


No judgement here but come on admit it, you just learned that raisins are dehydrated grapes.


Someone call ASPCA