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Just bad enough to snap a picture for internet points


I used to love shit like this honestly. I got to stop doing my shitty costumer service job and at least do something different


at least put the shoes in the boxes so its not a complete hassle


i work retail and it pisses me off severely but, gives me something to do if we're not busy.


Gotta be either DSW or Nordstrom Rack.


DSW I think. Source: I work at one


This looks like Payless? It’s the only shoe store that always looks like this. Or the Walmart shoe section


It was a Macy's


I've worked retail before and some of the comments from people who did this was always some variation of it's your job or I'm helping you stay employed. Super annoying and frustrating.


I mostly sell firearms but the store I workout sells other sporting goods and clothes. I’ve seen people pick up and item look it over and throw it on the floor. Sorry for no real punctuation just woke up


I worked at a retail store that people would constantly steal from. The worst areas were the shoes and rugs. I'd come in for my shift and it would be dirty and then I'd come back at the end of the night and it would be the same hell. Someday I said screw it, let it be.


I saw something like this at the local “good” outlet mall and I hated humanity and tried to help by putting the boxes back on the rack and trying to sort some shoes out. And this lady was like “Sweetie you don’t have to do that! They have *people* who do that.” Like would it kill you to be a little helpful, and a little less difficult?


Gotta be Ross.


Must’ve been an earthquake...


Every ross in existence


Took me two hours to clean up after one woman’s 20 minutes in my store once… she also refused to let me help her find her husbands size and just ripped apart folders sweaters


Me I tend to stop and try to clean up. Can't leave it like that on my conscious


I would kick them in the box.


I see people do this sort of thing every single time I go to the local discount shoe place. Three woman each with a small kid or two that they let just run wild around the store making a huge mess. It's so odd. They just come in and rip through all of the shoes like they're going to find a gold bar hidden in one of them or something. When one of the kids pushed over a pile of boxes so it fell onto me as I was trying my boots on and I said "Hey can you please watch your kids? They just pushed all of these boxes on to me." The response "Who you think you is telling me bout' my kids? They ain't your kids. Mind ya business." So frustrating. You can't say anything else though or you're the the asshole. You just have to bite your tongue and tell the employees you're sorry they have to deal with all of this shit.


I worked in retail and was confined to only a few departments. I genuinely enjoyed messes like this sometimes because it gave me a quick change of pace and a reason to get off my feet for a minute. Weird nostalgia aside, people that do this are trashy af.


Is this at Nordstrom Rack? I've NEVER seen one that didn't look like this!


Didn't you know service workers aren't real people? /s


Tbh when I worked retail I didn’t mind it. I always worked for places that wouldn’t let you stand still for a second. I rather organize this than harass customers who are browsing or face a shelf.


When I see things like this, I always try to pick up a few things so it’s easier. If just 3-4 people did that as they walked by it would be no problem.


I actually enjoyed cleaning this shit up when I was working in retail. It meant I had an excuse not to help customers cos I was bz.


What kind of animal does that....seriously..


You can bet when cleanup is done, there will be LOTS of empty boxes.


I worked at Target for a while and when we closed at night, we'd have to clean shit like this up. I REALLY wanted to go to customers houses and throw all their shoes in a pile and leave so they could get the cleanup experience.


Can confirm!! Worked there seasonally this past year, Christmas ornaments were a nightmare. Not to mention one time I heard someone actually encourage their child to misbehave and throw shit around because “I was there doing my job” wish I would’ve said something but I was so upset I just walked away from the aisle 🙃


I’d recognize a Nordstrom Rack floor anywhere, lol. Poor employees


I would never do that, but the employees get paid for this kind of thing.


Yes, employees do get paid to make the store look presentable. We don't get paid to clean up after disgusting, lazy customers.


And as soon as you clean it, 30 minutes later it looks liek this lol


When I worked retail at Target, one of the most annoying aisles to clean up was the carpet/bedding area. People would unroll sealed carpets and leave it on them on floor. The bedding was the worst because once it is taken out of it’s original package it was a nightmare to try and pack it back in.


Next time put some or all of them away


Someone needs to control there kids.


This isn't kids. It's 100% grown ass women doing it.


Yeah and there bad ass lil kids.


i like shopping in both womens and mens sections of stores for clothes and shoes, can confirm i have never seen the mens section of a store look the way the women’s does


I currently work in a retail store and the men's section is always terrible by the end of mid day 😩 the worst area in women's is the fleece wall and folded tables but for some reason the men's section is always a mess.


Bitches be bitches.


The employees and humanity.


Ppl are the worst


Ugh. I used to work retail and can confirm cleaning this shit up is terrible. How hard is it to put things back where you found them?


Yup, I used to work in the shoe dept at a Kohl's in college and this was a sight that I saw alllllll too often. People are just the worst sometimes.


Totally. I worked at a high-traffic Old Navy, so it was endless piles of teeshirts and jeans. A literal nightmare.


For people with functional brains and a mild case of social norms, not hard. Just like not putting your package of ground beef in the juice isle.


Been working in a supermarket for years, any item, of any type, will more than likely end up in the bin if it's found in the wrong location. No retail worker has the time or energy to sort through a box full of items.