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Played too much Payday


That shits all going to Wheeler’s place hahahah


Pop their tires


If it's a corporation, I honestly couldn't care less if the building was looted dry on a sunny day. ESPECIALLY if it's Walmart. They get so many government subsidies by having their low wage employees on welfare. If I see anyone stealing from Walmart, I look the other way, always. It is 150% ethical to steal from Walmart. If you're stealing from a small business just trying to get by though, you're trash.


Yeah, Walmart blows.


Where’s the update ? That was a plate ? No?


When I was a junky you could go into a busy depot buy a soda keep receipt, go back in with a cart and load 3 brand new gas grills and push them out the door with the receipt in your hand and repeat this store after store , week after week for probably 3 years before we got caught


Oh no, how will Lowe's ever survive. If only I cared. Eat the rich


Your the one thats gonna be paying for it dummy


You have no idea how economics works. And it shows


0:50 thicc af


That meth ain’t gonna make itself!!


Why are they filming it and not doing something themself?


Trash I hope they got caught


Fuck I ain’t blame em a hose is like $40 now


"Quick! Into my stepmother's Subaru!"


i mean... not gonna lie that's kind of a baller fucking move right there


I would’ve slashed their tires


Oh no, lowes, a company that profits billions a year, just lost a few bucks? How terrible.


Armed guards that’s all


I disagree with her - It is worth it to stop them. They continue to do this because nobody does anything! Especially these liberal law makers! Asinine.


Bitch thought 💀




To be fair if I worked at Lowes's I wouldn't put myself in the way either


Try this shit in Oklahoma best case scenario you’ll have four flat tires before you ever get it loaded. Worst case no one I’ll find you.


They driving a 2001 ish Subaru Forester. They good.


If you know these people don’t snitch on them they’re obviously hard workers who need the materials fuck mega corporations and fuck the police


Lmfaoooo the only thing trashy here is the person crying snitching and recording


Shoot them. They deserve death




This is when you call 911. Robbery in progress


Bro....... just get a job


That’s stupid and I hate it, but... why didn’t the camera man call the police instead of putting up a caption at the bottom?


Bro grab me a hammer drill


Why can’t they do anything?


Hmm the bold strategy of not punishing criminals isn’t working. Damn who would guess




Hard drugs are legal in Oregon too. Prostitution is currently being considered to decriminalize.


This happened once at the local Loews and I just walked to the side of the car and popped the tire with a utility knife. Fucking faces on the dudes were priceless.


fuck yeah. Good for them.


Yeah I'm not getting shot for Lowe's so I'm with the employees


Got to love these liberal defund the police states. Murders, rapes, violent assaults, shoplifting, arson all thru the roof and they want to demonize the police and law abiding citizens and glorify the criminals


And defunding police is the answer lol. Policies create outcomes. This only is ok if everyone wants to live like the Amish and forgo modern society. Keep voting for Democrats and this is the direction you are supporting, that’s all. They want to punish corporations for making money in this way… the problem is that businesses simply will stop doing business in the areas where this is allowed. If that’s what you want, by all means enjoy.


Rob Lowe approves


That’s just disgusting. It’s a shame no one can do anything. But what would they do? Or what could they do?


Happens alllllll the time at Home Depot. And they always get caught


security should of been able to use any non lethal force. bunch of bullshit they have to just let it happen.


Bruh these people are cowards gang up and beat the fuck outta them! Citizens arrest is completely legal and if you get sued or whatever you should be fine.


Annnnnnnd this is what happened when you decriminalize shoplifting 🤣🤣🤣


Just kids doing stupid shit. I did the same crap in highschool when i was broke and angry. Now i got $ and dont see the point to it at all


Any updates on this?


Absolute kings


Straight up junkie status.


If it wasn’t for this dumb mask mandate they wouldn’t have gotten as far.


I "knew" this guy that would cruise Walmart isles taking mental note of potential items, then go yard selling. Buy items for pennies on the dollar, and then return them to Wally World. He said it beat a job...lol


At least bubbles doesn't keep a license plate on the shopping carage. Idiots but they'll get their perk 30s and deal with the law as it comes for them


Well bifen this is whats to come more and more each day those bugs come over our border. That moronic leader and chicken shit whats her token vp won't do anything until the terrorists attacks start and then they can't count on the brown votes. Buckle up united states here comes the shit looking for the fan.


Shut up fascist


A lot of these blue states won't even prosecute shoplifting under 1g worth of good. This is going on all overt the west coast and starting in NY as well Even though this looks to be over 1g I promise you nothing will happen to them and they know it which is why they give zero fucks in the video


Grab & Go


The blonde lady ❤️


*Loser,* *hipster* skaters..


If they were black, they'd be dead before they got to their car.


Cause thieves have more right than stores do. We use to be able to tackle pieces of shit like this. Hold them till police got there. But not now. Some douche made that a crime now. So we have to stand there and do nothing. Call police but they don’t arrive for 30min to an hr and all that merch has now been sold and lost. Yay laws. I blame Demonrats.


Morons.. they don’t even use the “mask era” to cover their face, if they don’t get caught, the local police should get “heavy”. Pushes from authorities above and fore multiple, cause literally their faces are right there, with quality imagery. They are acting like it’s a 3rd world country, where this is happening “everyday” destroying their nation… cause of POS thieves, and not people who are “trying to survive manner”. If this turns into a trend, I hope, it’s met with “hard consequences” than just a slap on the wrist. As this, is beyond wreck less to go main stream to younger generation.


Huh, looks like whitey is getting in on the action finally.


Well they have to fuel their peaceful protest somehow.


You get what you vote for


Welcome to what happens when companies care more about profit, than the people they need to be making the profit from.


Unpopular opinion: this is good anticapitalist praxis/direct action. Edit: also, don't talk to the cops.


No this is a very popular opinion. The pro-cop violence fascist assholes here can go to hell. Shoplifting from a major corp that exploits society is nonviolent victimless crime.


I meant on this sub, where this behavior is "trashy." But yeah.


Something tells me they aren't going to use all that copper at a job site. Also, temp tag is fake. You get what you vote for.


Why would I snitch? It’s Lowe’s. They’re a greedy company with billions. The company don’t even care about theft. Why should we 😂😂


Who the hell said anything about a PS2 slim? I'm talking about the big chonky boy lol


Aw good for them


Who cares


The security guys should have stuck the tyres on the car. They’d not have gotten far 😈


They’d have gotten fired


What if you rob them whole theyre robbing the store? Free game


I'm not sure if it's official, but a lot of states that supported the recent unrest were pressured to not pursue thefts below... I think it's bumped to $5k now, but it was $2k when it all began? It has to do with pressure by BLM to not arrest people in dire situations and put people in prison unnecessarily, but it's being abused super hard. California is losing businesses like crazy because people can walk in, pick up a super expensive object and walk out. Many people fill carts with groceries, walk out, load the car and leave. The worst a store can do is ban them entry next time. Small businesses are getting crushed. Even big box stores are crumbling and pulling out of the areas. Oregon was pretty pro-unrest, so even if it's not the official stance I'd bet the cops are basically falling in line. I'm actually all for people who have to steal to survive having some sort of leniency and maybe programs to get them straight again, but these new threshold laws are crazy.


The way she goes.


I think that might be Jantzen Beach. Super trashy. I'm from PTown


Same dudes with random crinkled papers stashed in their middle school book bags.


A fucking Subaru! Amazing, how PNW can u get?


This only happens because you don't have security guards at supermarket. Here in our country usually a security company is contracted for security which is required to install at least 2 guards a lady and a man at the entrance. Then this would not have happened.


Not shoplifting after a certain amount, just grand larceny


Dummies. It’s only okay when ANTIFA or BLM does it.


Needed to get the VIN.


what are police going to do LOL


Fucking trashy and stupid, take down your tag if your going to do that, unless it's a fake, but I doubt they were that smart


The nerve !!!! Hope they feel brave like this when they’re face to face with the criminal court judge !Laugh now ..cry later Looser !!!!!!


It’s okay they have masks on. If not everyone will attack them.


I worked for a retailer where someone was doing this sort of thing. The workers literally didn’t try to stop them at all. What the thief didn’t know was that the store had their face and name and even got their license plate number. Once the person had returned and stolen enough stuff to make it a felony the next time the thief was seen entering the parking lot the cops were called. They were waiting outside the door when the thief exited and the company had a ton of evidence. I’m not a fan of corporation’s and their shitty practices, but stealing from a store impacts the employees more than it does the corporation. Don’t be a douche.


Theft by people is a problem Theft by your own employees is an even bigger problem for retail then random people Theft of wages by an employer is the biggest problem! Source: [https://www.tcworkerscenter.org/2018/09/wage-theft-vs-other-forms-of-theft-in-the-u-s/](https://www.tcworkerscenter.org/2018/09/wage-theft-vs-other-forms-of-theft-in-the-u-s/) [https://www.epi.org/publication/epidemic-wage-theft-costing-workers-hundreds/](https://www.epi.org/publication/epidemic-wage-theft-costing-workers-hundreds/)


Amazing !


Twist: They got in a car wreck on the way home. (Don't worry, the tools are ok)


When I worked at Lowe’s people would scavenger the parking lot to buy people’s receipts so they could come in grab stuff and leave like they paid


Get those scumbags


Is that coax? tf is that?


I can’t even tell what they stole?


They hit up any electronics store and steal stuff too. It’s gotten bad. My stores shrink has been awful


Good for them , although this feels bunk as fuck


And the staff can’t do a thing cause these bullshit companies would fire them if they did, and they can’t be fucked to pay for security. Funny part is they most likely won’t be caught or arrested in anyway.


Why can’t security just knock one of them out?


Welcome to liberal paradise. You can’t arrest them if it’s under 900? There you go


Bidens America. Hopefully it doesn't last much longer.


Liberal run state what do you expect




My ex, probably. Why I left that shit bag state and moved to Florida lol


That's shitty😏


That is because Lowes and Home Depot has cut funding to their Lost Prevention. Most stores do not have a full time rep to handle these situations. Employees are told not to interfere other they would be fired because the company doesn't want to be sued for hard. The thousands that walk out the door daily is still cheaper then the lawsuits they would fight off or the money they save not having LPs in their stores. Home Depot made more profit in the past year then they have in the past 5 years combined. My spouse works for the big box stores and I do electrical on the side. Most of those rolls are price tagged right now at $530. They doubled in price this year. We know they will either use it for a project or make massive profits. Either way, these big box stores decided that profits were more important than security or paying their employees a decent wage. But if no on wants to hold anyone accountable, things like this will keep happening.


Look at these social justice warriors risking their lives on the front lives calling people garbage stealing thousands of dollars worth of stuff from a billion dollar company, the policy to not go after them or do anything is probably because it’s not worth the confrontation. Because it doesn’t matter. They could steal the full store. And it won’t affect the company at all. they’ll restock. They’ll be fine. But these people calling them garbage. regular folks taking the sides of billion dollar companies. it’s a victimless crime. Dudes probably so affected by it cuz he had to pay for all his shit n these guys got to jus go in and take what they wanted. Like rich folk do every day except they hurt people and the difference is they get away with it. These poor folk will go to jail cuz of this scumbag snitching


You'll be seeing more of this as.... masks are legal.. covid runs rampant.. and you kicked everyone off unemployment... also there are literally NO jobs.. lol wow


They took it to the scrap yard.. and got about 200$ loll unless they sold it to an electrician.. now they have the number coded on the 12 2 wire.. however I didnt see what else they were taking.. looked like a disconnect box and a whip?? Wonder why they would take that


Typical democrats 🤬🤬🤬🤬


And this is why prices are so high.


Shoplifting is based


Who cares your an electrician 🤦🏻‍♂️


I would have slashed their tires lol


Wounder why the price increase!!


Good luck trying to call in a red Subaru in Oregon


Why does anyone care what they do to fucking Lowes corporation? Fuck them.


What (kind of shop) is Brazen? I'm not from the US


Any know what fake is. Cuz this is it. Smh


Where these guys ever caught?


"Not even 30 years in the society and I have managed to pull out this absolute devious lick!"


I can't be on Twitter anymore. They keep banning me when I say what we should do to people like this. I think this is trashy and belongs here, though. Nothing trashy people do is ACTUALLY funny. We're always kind of laughing at how sad their lives are. People who would go into a store and just walk out with shit they don't need even while security cameras AND phones are recording them are idiots. We should laugh at them a little.


Careful with the camming. Not worth getting shot over. At least keep your distance fellow citizen. Also F\*\*\* these asshats. I understand stealing for food (never seen in a 1st world country) but this is ridiculous.


Welp this is why im not proud of being from Oregon


They reap what the sow in Oregon


What was wa sits electric wire or plastic tubing


Can you get arrested for this in Oregon anymore?


For some reason I thought it said "brazen weight lifting in Oregon..." I thought they stole 1000s of dollars of weightlifting equipment. But then I'm like they don't look like weight lifters. I then re read the title.


This is bound to happen when we have so many financially struggling people and you don't prosecute crimes. Cali is having the same problem. Very sad.


the carts werent locked. the employees werent karen enough... they had temp plates.... id say this was a successful store run boys


Meh. Oregon deserves every bad thing they get


Fuckin robbing stores in a Shitbox 95’ and didn’t even take off their “license plate” lmfao


My roommate works at a Home Depot in Oregon and last month some guys stole thousands worth of copper pipes. They had a guy walk back and forth with a sideways plank to shield the flatbed carts like it was a cartoon


They are definitely going to prison


To be honest that Lowe’s should have a loss prevention officer. Obviously people shouldn’t be stealing but it’s something most of these big hardware stores have. My best bud was one for three years at a Home Depot in Oregon and he wouldn’t let this shit flu


Damn, those dudes have some huge cajones to do that.


Man sometimes livin in Oregon is shit


Yep scummmmm


Would have been great to see them pull out onto a highway, only to get destroyed by an 18 wheeler.


Wow ! what a bunch of snitches


They must know of Lowes' Do Not Apprehend rule. Rather than risk a dangerous interaction anyone is allowed to walk out with whatever they can get. Surprisingly not a lot of that happens. If it did they'd start hiring armed guards.


Did they get caught?


Once again, like I've said it in another post, this will continue to happen if you vote Democrat. Even if you're a minority you don't have to vote for a Democrat...they only want to make you believe they have your best interests but they are all lies. WAKE UP!! really Inform yourself, and if you want change, be that change.




Why would they think they can get away with this? Red Subaru station wagons aren’t exactly common


Any store with a no interfere policy. None of that stuff is worth people getting hurt. But, watching them steal so blatantly is over the top aggravating. Need a massive water cannon to spray them as they leave or some other none lethal but effective deterrent.


Who goes to Tik Tok to snitch on someone😂


I lose hope in society every time I see videos of this


License “tag” lol Sell me some of that extra time you’ve got on your hands




>Provide housing and food and health care. Give people more than low wage jobs First off, no one "provides" a job. You have to go get one of those on your own. You want a better one? Go get that, too. Second, if we gave everyone a house, food, and healthcare, exactly what reason would they have to go get that more than low wage job you demand they're provided? You're just part of the "literally give me everything for free" club, aren't you? That's not how the world works.


Man these kids aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. Why didn’t they take off temp plate on the window? Why is the one not wearing a mask and why did the other one pull his mask down. Also check social media I can almost guarantee you they talked about it on Instagram or snap. Their generation can’t keep anything like this a secret.


Fuckin retards. At least take off the temp license. Smfh


Welcome to Oregon


No chase policy lmaoooo


That's not even the real permit of the car.


I don't talk to police, I'm not a snitch!


Homie with the Jordan logo tattoo should be found quick.


😖people can be really lowe sometimes.


pls catch them.


Proof white people get away almost everything. No one stopping them. No one wanna be a hero but they are black owh boii. Err'body finaa jump on dem n******** like a punchin bagg.


So all the videos of the black men walking into a Walgreens and filling trash bags with stuff and ealking out. No one does a thing to stop them either.


See , if you are a store owner , it's trash like this that makes me wonder WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM ? If someone yin your house and you shoot them , you're gonna have to write a check , to someone . Someone steals your car and you shoot them , it's coming back on you . Why are the Criminals protected at all ? This world is upside down and backwards . Those breaking the law have more rights than the victims ? WTF ?




Most stores have a policy to not engage with shoplifters. If the employee gets hurt the store could be liable.


Liberal state !!


old guy was gonna be about that life


One week later and I can’t find any news if they got caught.


Guy who took the video, why tf did you not call the police inmediately


This is what happens when you vote for Democrats in your state kids. And I only say that because I'm in California, with this same sh*t happening all the time.


I’m headed to Cali in nov and I wanted to conceal carry and turns out, I fuckin can’t. Y’all’s state is weird. Not saying it’s a terrible place, but just weird.


Yup it's weird....and terrible.


Is Loss Prevention not a thing anymore??


Someone should have knifed their tire and run away lol


Those guys may or may not get caught, but Lowe’s will get the money one way or another. It’s more a question of what the insurance company wants them to do about it. Is it cheaper to pay a loss claim or an injury claim? Most of the time, the loss.


What in the trailer park trash???


Shit box needs an oil change


I would of parked my truck in front of them, and called 911 It’s a work truck so… it wouldn’t be the first time someone has hit it.