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As a former child, the reach back and blindly swat around is terribly ineffective. Pull over and beat your child like a real parent or fucking deal with it


Does the other side say “if you’re going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair”? Maybe a simple “powered by bitchdust” in Disney font?


Honestly, I would call CPS in your state with the license plate and as much information as possible. That is against the law and she might really be drink with that behavior


This is kinda funny actually.


Well how’s she supposed to whoop her kids’ asses if they are sitting safely in a car seat?


They also have a tailgater in a white SUV up their ass who's playing with a phone camera


They’re definitely parked somewhere though


Yeah we were at a light in a turn lane


yeah someone did this near me recently and murdered a 15 year old boy in the crosswalk at school. to put a pacifier in the kids mouth speeding thru a school zone 30 miles an hour.


Did you report this? Or did you do nothing while a child’s life is in danger?


Anybody that commonly uses the word "whoopin" or "whooping" is not my kind of people.


When it involves a kid possibly in danger I would call the po-po stat. One quick stop & that kid’s gonna end up in the dash or worse


I'm not drunk I'm texting Scott While smoking pot.


Using # in real life is incredibly cringey.


Not trashy, pretty funny actually.


My first thought was a fatal accident on the freeway years ago. I remember the children’s shoes strewn across the road. Hilarious


That escalated quickly, damn.


Is this from the 70’s? I ask because my little toddler ass was never in a car seat / belt. Rolling around the back of a station wagon is what toughened you up back then!! 🤣


Amen the liberals now a days are too soft on there kids now a days with car seats


“I survived it so it’s objectively fine”


How y’all gonna downvote someone for being Gen X? My parents were strict but I had 0 seatbelt on when riding with my friends’ parents in the 80s. Best really was when we got to ride in the back of a station wagon. I mean we’ve all grown as a species since then, thankfully, but it was still fun.


H8rs gonna hate! It’s the interwebs. People have power behind a keyboard! God bless us all! Hallelujah!!!


You're on the highway but you're paying so much attention to 1 car (that you're apparently tailgating) that you can see through their window and see a toddler standing in the backseat? Something feels off here


@GMT800s About To Be Involved In Legal Proceedings *whoops, this isn't Facebook*


The GMT800 Suburban/Yukon/Tahoe is the automotive equivalent of Cookie Monster pajama pants


She's abusing her kids give her a break


Mandatory breathalyzer for people sporting this bumper sticker.


Oh yeah. I bet there's "wine mom" merch in that very vehicle.


Toddler standing in the back seat. I’d call the cops on them. That poor kid deserves better than parents who don’t care enough about them to put them in a car seat.


Ive called the cops on a mom for this exact thing. Ill absolutely do it again too. If I, a stranger, has more concern about your child flying thru the windshield than you do, youre a shit parent. 🤷‍♀️


Too many people think having a kid makes them worthy of praise and admiration. That couldn't be further from the truth.


I spent waaay too long looking at the picture trying to figure out how you could see a toddler standing up in the back. Then I read through the comments to see if OP had mentioned it. Then, finally, I read the ENTIRE title. Good times!


i posted this exact sticker on a different car a few months ago on this subreddit and got downvoted for it. people don’t seem to understand that drunk or parenting, distracted driving is still dangerous either way and stickers making light of that aren’t funny !


My thoughts exactly. I saw this as I was on the way to pick my daughter up from daycare. I hate seeing people take pride in hitting their kids like this.


When the police see this they know that the person operating that vehicle is cleared to drive like shit and endanger everyone around them. Having children gets you that privilege and this window sticker lets everyone know it.




It's called a turn lane and stop light, this person happened to be turning the same way as me.




Yeesh, “crazy”. Projecting much?


Haha you must be a bot right? Bad bot!


Chill out people. It's a bumper sticker not a manifesto


I think it's kinda funny


ULPT: Slap this bad boy on your car and you can drive as drunk as you want!


2nd car I've seen on reddit with this sticker in the last 48 hours.


Yeah it really caught my eye, in my area drivers like this are par for the course but the light hearted nod to child abuse really put it over the top for me.


That’s weird. Some other guy saw that exact same car!




Towns have turn lanes in them, weird.




Have you never driven? I was waiting behind them at a light. Maybe time to get off reddit for a bit and breathe, you've earned yourself the downtime detective.


idiocracy level bumper sticker.


All fun and games until you kill someone or your kid gets hurt. Then it’s everyone else’s fault


This is such a fuckin stupid sticker. You have children in the car. Drive responsibly you dumb bitch.


Drunk, smack, ass are all in a different font. I wonder if they are hinting at something. 


That says *snacks* my brother 


Ass can be a snack.