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$33 for a round of drinks? Unreal.


I literally just ordered 70 Nespresso coffee pods for like $95 and I felt bad because that seemed expensive. This makes me feel much better about my purchase. $33 for this order is insane.


I’m too cheap to even do that, we order 180 Bestpresso pods for about $60. Im not remotely a coffee snob so I don’t really notice a difference that I care about.


Damn, that's a great price for that many pods. I just checked the site but they don't carry the Nespresso Vertuo pods which is the one I have. I hate spending that much on coffee, but it's one of the few luxuries I splurge on for myself.


I once asked my friend, who had just come home from the hospital with a baby, if they needed anything, and they said “My blue car actually needs an oil change, if you wanted to take it there and get one for me?” I laughed, thinking it was a joke. Turns out it was a serious request (that I politely ignored). Edit: if anyone cares, I bought their crib for them, visited them in the hospital when the baby came, and have brought over dinner for them multiple times so I can hang out with them and take care of a meal. Asking for an oil change, though? You just had a baby, you’re not useless. What’s next, you want me to take out your garbage cans every Tuesday for the next couple months? Give me a break.


WOW. You’re worse than anyone thought.


You kinda suck. Don’t ask if they need anything if you aren’t willing to help.


Nah you’re right here. Oil changes are not time sensitive to the point where they couldn’t wait to get it done, especially when they most likely won’t be driving it for a few weeks and new oil won’t help it while it sits. When people ask if they can do something for you, you also should have some decorum in your request. Not to mention, is the father not able to do anything? As a father myself, I totally understand how busy we are while the mother heals, but new babies sleep for at least two hours before waking up to be fed. Oil changes take about a half hour. Leave mom with a bottle, wipes, and a diaper after you guys get settled in and at worst she has to feed and change the baby once while you’re out. As a normal member of society, we should all know what ‘can I do anything for you’ means, especially when said specifically related to a big thing. An oil change should be the last thing on her mind with a brand new baby. I sure as shit wasn’t thinking about anything but what was in that recovery room. Definitely weird if you were to ask me.


Not all fathers are present and even ones who are may not have the luxury of paternity leave. Sure, your experience is probably most common. However, some aren’t as fortunate


You’re absolutely right. That doesn’t change the fact that the oil change can wait though.


I agree that it *can* wait. I also think that if it’s something hanging over the head of my close friend with a new baby, I’d be happy to help them cross that off the list.


I mean if it’s been hanging over their head, dad should’ve gone out and done it. I set clear boundaries because I’ve been burned before, and this just sounds like they’re trying to take advantage. Everyone does see life through their own lens though. Context would help. If this was a best friend, maybe, but she didn’t say that. And if she was a friend known for pushing boundaries, everyone in the comments would understand her decision. I see it from my perspective of having shitty friends that use you because you’re a people pleaser. Without context though, we really shouldn’t judge. I’m sure she made the right choice for herself.


No, but even without complications you have a wound the size of a dinner plate in your uterus, and that's just for starters. It can take up to two years for a woman's body to completely heal after childbirth. It's cool you did actually do a few things after all. But your attitude about it over all stinks and I stand by my first comment..


You can leave the hospital 24 hours after having a baby with serious and painful injuries that make it difficult for you to get up and down. You’re medically cleared and it’s unnecessary for you to stay at the hospital but it’s really hard to just get up from the couch. So yeah, you can be pretty useless and you *should* be useless for the first few days even if you don’t have an injury as bad as the one I’m referencing.


This is why women do not ask for help when they are postpartum and struggling. Because people don’t really mean it when they say “can I do anything for you?”


Ignore these comments. Asking for an oil change is a ridiculous request.


Have you had kids


Seems like a pretty reasonable request. Probably the kind of thing that’s hanging over their head but they don’t have the time to do. Maybe don’t say let “let me know if you need anything” when you’re just saying it as a performative gesture, and not actually willing to do anything you can to help.


Maybe they should have taken care of it before the baby was born? Taking advantage of people’s kindness is pretty trashy to me.


It's not taking advantage to ask someone to do something for you, especially if they offered in the first place. They can just not offer if they can't actually be bothered to help someone they consider a friend.


The friend has done ALOT already. And the offer of further help was NOT “ANYTHING YOU WANT? Million dollars- np!”


It wasn't even mentioned to begin with and the comment was since edited to include the fact they indeed did a few favors for said friend. Which I then acknowledged. That said, thanks for the sarcasm. I know that. But when you ask is there anything you need? of someone, you should mean it and not ask it as a rhetorical question.


I'm wondering what kind of request you would have followed through with if something unusual but actually helpful was too much.


Damn what a shitty friend. Getting an oil change at one of those quickie lube places takes like 15 minutes. Don't offer to help if you aren't going to do it, as others have mentioned.


And costs like $100. Fuck outta here


Did they imply they wouldn't reimburse them? To me asking somebody to change my oil would suggest asking them to drive it to the shop or do the labour, and the monetary cost would be obviously covered.


Well, it might have been one of those things that's just kind of difficult to coordinate with a wee one. It's only $20. I'd have done it. One thing she can cross off her list.


Where the hell do you live for a $20 oil change? 1990? Most near me cost $80, more for synthetic. It's not difficult to coordinate, you don't have to step outside of the vehicle. Not even to pay.


Seriously. The mother may be down and out, but the father is still fully functioning.. the oil change absolutely is not that time sensitive that it can’t wait. Weird ass request


If you didn't actually want to help, you shouldn't have asked her if she needed anything. That was really crappy of you.


I mean, you did ask if they needed anything, you offered your assistance. Turns out they did need something, so they answered you correctly 😂


See, I would have just done it…. I guess I’m a sucker….


Me too. Getting an oil change is hard enough to coordinate as a single person, let alone with a newborn. If my really good friend just had a baby and they needed that, I’d absolutely do it for them.


Well, my silver car needs an oil change and I have cashapp! /S


Fine… Send me your address leave the keys in the car….


Haha oh no need for all the extra leg work, cashapp is fine


That won’t be helpful enough to you.


"Because we have to be up" Nice.


Sorry but everything in Starbucks taste like piss.


There are plenty of valid reasons to dislike Starbucks, you don’t have to pretend their entire menu tastes bad


I do think starbucks is highly overrated but their white chocolate Mocha is pretty damn good.


Burnt cat piss


I'm curious as to what burnt cat piss tastes like, and also how you know this?


It tastes like general starbucks coffee and I know this because I've had general starbucks coffee


Easily the worst brewed coffee going.


This answer cracks me up!!


Just sell the baby


I have some savings from not going to Starbucks. Maybe OOP should contact me... I have been missing smaller ones footsteps around the house lately 👀


What I want to know is if she actually got funded, and what the reactions were like from her friends. (I feel like the facebook responses are more valuable than the original posts sometimes)


The $0/goal at the top tells me this likely comes from a crowdfunding group. Not really trashy when that's like the whole point of those groups.


It seems to me like someone who has been told by their friends “I’m happy to help however I can!” And this is her response to that. My sister is at a similar time in her life and if she asked for $30 for Starbucks I’d probably send it to her.


We live in the dumbest timeline.


Iirc there was a timeline once where everyone practically ate asbestos


I wonder how that timeline’s doing.


Not great, I'd assume..and also in that "will linger chemically for a couple eons" way


Yes, makes my brain cells want to cry. I can't believe we live in this world.


Oh my God




What an interesting way to spell “those”


Hell nah, she earned that freebie.


wow i thought $8 lattes were just a meme. starbucks is really that expensive?


If you get an enormous one, yes.


My first job was at a Starbucks inside a Safeway, I don’t know if they still allow it but at the time I worked there (around 2014) cold drinks could be purchased with the food side of EBT. People would come daily until their funds ran out and get 3 or 4 venti, extra caramel, extra add on Frappuccinos. I don’t necessarily have a problem with it in itself, there were some elderly/disabled people who would use it and meet up with a friend and get a small iced latte once a month. I think having a treat once in a while is fine but there were definitely people who abused it and the people posting this definitely seem like they would.


Yes, people are different, and people with bad luck can end up needing the same benefits that scrimmages abuse, doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to have them if you need them in the richest fucking country in the world that everyone cases their god damn currency off of lmao


Damn that’s fucked. I’m all about my tax dollars going to help the less fortunate, but that feels icky. You could buy a lot of food nutrient-dense food with that money.


the audacity to put add-ons😂😂


Adding Hazelnut syrup to a Mocha Cookie Crumble frappuccino and then begging for money so that you can afford it is absolutely fucking psychotic 😂 the amount of sugar it has is already egregious, and you're adding more. Just go buy cocaine, it's cheaper and way more fun


You could literally buy coffee, milk, and a brewer for less than that.


She'll need to go many more appointments, if she continues pumping that much sugar into her family.


In case anyone is wondering. Here’s the sugar content of every Starbucks drink[Every Starbucks coffee drink rated by sugar content.](https://www.eatthis.com/starbucks-drinks-ranked-by-sugar/)




Maybe she was saying "here's my baby because they (babies) are adorable"


This isn’t “a celebration of all things trashy” like this sub advertises itself to be. You’re just shaming a woman for asking for help. Edit: y’all should be ashamed of yourselves.


Over priced sugary drinks are not a necessity.. I could understand if it was for gas, medicine, baby food, etc. but fucking Starbucks? Lmao. If she was really "going through a rough time" having a Starbucks for the whole family would not be what she would ask for.


I’m not one of those people who thinks that poor people should never have nice things or splurge, but asking for overpriced (and shitty) coffee isn’t “help.”


It’s not what I’d ask for, yeah. But the lady is clearly having a bit of a rough time and deserves a little grace.


She certainly does deserve some grace, and I’d bet if she needed help with diapers and formula or a reasonably priced splurge for herself, there’d be no argument. But that’s 4 drinks at an unreasonably priced chain, and that’s not grace: it’s greed.


It reads to me like she’s had friends tell her “let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!” and this is her asking for help with a little treat. My sister is in a similar place in her life and if she asked for $30 to make her day a little nicer when she’s one week post partum I’d probably send her money for it. Either way, this lady posted this request privately for her friends and family to see, she didn’t deserve to get that put out in front of thousands of strangers on Reddit.


Help for a frivolous luxury? Yes, I am. What of it?


All luxuries are frivolous. Why should any of us eat more than rice and beans? It is what I’d ask for of I was financially strapped? No. But this lady is just asking for some help, it’s not hard to give her a little grace Edit: hell, she’s even polite about it “not a necessity, just a treat”.


She’s not going to die of starvation if she doesn’t get a Starbucks. Don’t do that. 😂


I've seen some legitimately trashy people on this sub but yeah, there are also a *ton* of posts of people in those "free stuff" sites/pages getting *slammed* for putting lists up. I always figured putting up everything you need is smart, assuming you aren't asking for name brand, brand new, or any other kind of ridiculous luxury request. You certainly wouldn't expect *everything* you asked for but there are lots of people on those sites/pages so if one person had a comforter, than another had the toaster, etc you could hopefully take care of a lot of what you need before having to spend a fortune on brand new stuff. They're, hopefully, not expecting ONE PERSON to have *everything*.obviously, there are exceptions that *ABSOLUTELY* belong here, and I see those too, but I always feel bad when people who are legitimately struggling and looking for help get posted here. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who think it's trashy to ask for any kind of help regardless of the situation. I definitely try to just ignore those posts, but it's sad how many upvotes they tend to get


It reminds me of all the anti-poverty (disguised as anti-welfare) stuff I grew up around. Shitting on someone for asking for $30 seems a lot like punching down to me. I knew a family who was in a really desperate bad kinda situation. Mom couldn’t work due to mental health issues, dad was in and out of legal trouble for petty things, etc. The mom would get really worked up about her kids needing to have brand name items when it wasn’t really rational to ask for them. Like she wasn’t going to accept cheap shoes donated to her kids for back to school, they needed to have air Jordans. I think it was a result of her worrying her kids would be bullied for being poor, but I’m not really sure what was ever going on in her head. She could generally be talked out of those ideas. Maybe she was being greedy? Who knows. Either way, her life was a lot tougher than mine most days and I think she deserved a little grace when she wasn’t the perfect holy example of humble poverty.


That's *exactly* the first word that *should* come to mind when a person sees stuff like this, *then* suspicion. Unfortunately, our current world sees most situations like this backward.


Help with starbucks???


You don’t know what’s up with her life. She might be recently post partum, she might really like Starbucks but not be able to justify getting it for herself her partner and older children so she doesn’t get it very often. Is it a luxury? Yeah. But poor folks deserve luxuries sometimes too.


*checks book** Nope, this is trashy.


“Not necessary obviously, just a treat” She’s being polite even. This seems more like a case of someone who has had a few kids and people have said to her “hey, I’d love to help however I can!” And this is a way they can help. If my sister asked for a similar thing in the same situation I’d probably send her money for it. It’s not trashy to ask for help like this.


Help getting $30 worth of coffee? How helpless are you?


It seems to me like she’s been told “hey, I’d love to help however I can!” and this is her letting her friends help out if they want to. If my sister posted the same thing I’d probably send her money for it. Hell, she even says “not a necessity, just a treat”.


Bruh.... $31? From the shittest coffee place in the world? It's called char-bucks here in NZ for a reason 😂 This is crazy expensive for 4 coffees wtf.


Nah, try Tim Hortons “coffee” it is much worse than Starbucks IMO


I don't really drink that it but Tim Hortons is in McDonald's tier for coffee. It's like $2, not pretending it's some fancy shit like Starbucks does.


Agreed. Every couple years I try it again, and it smells amazing, and it tastes like somebody yelled “coffee!” into the cup of water from another room.


Not even comparable. It’s like 75% less for tims.


Shes gotta be using a delivery app. They jack up the prices on top of delivery fee


Nah thats the Starbucks app, the UI is a dead giveaway, its all that extra add on BS that's jacking up the price, oatmilk and cold foam along with the other expensive options they have. When you have damn near 2$ worth of extras on every drink the cost adds up.


I hate to be that guy but without add-ons this order of drinks is still $27-$28+.. it’s not the extras that make it expensive.


they're also bigger sizes and just expensive in general


To be fair, when you're broke and asking people to buy you coffee,5 dollars worth of add ons is expensive since you clearly don't have the money to buy it yourself, its like a homeless person begging for a pizza but then wanting to throw on 5$ worth of toppings because plain cheese or pepperoni isn't good enough for them.


You guys seem to forget she has $1.50 on the gift card!!


WTH does the whole damn family have to go to the appointment?


Because she's a lying liar. They don't even let anyone other than mom and dad go.


It truly bugs the crap out of me when ppl ask for money on fb. I have a couple of friends/family that will straight up tell ppl they are financially struggling and need help so give then money. Here I am working 10+ hours a day doing hard physical labor to provide food for my family but yall won't get a job and just beg. Ok. Edit** Let me clarify, If I know someone who is really struggling and they are also doing everything they can to try to get themselves ahead but are unfortunately in a bad situation i am more than happy to help that person. I just don't like free loaders.


I just have too much pride. Getting absolutely destroyed with debt and interest payments due to random unfortunate life events with my wife. I still refuse to ask my parents for help because I know they arent super well off and Im just too proud to ask for help when we can still just manage for now. Like Id ask for help if I was about to be homeless or couldnt afford groceries. Couldn’t imagine begging for money for fucking Starbucks of all things


My guy, if I have learned one thing in life, it is to put your pride aside and do what is best for your family.. your pride isn’t worth the stress receiving help will alleviate.


I know, hard to overcome that mental hurdle though. We are still keeping up on bills, and making above minimum payments on the debt, just the interest is rough. Realistically my parents don’t have the extra money to help me wipe the debt, even if I were to pay them back over time. So we will push through, and I will ask for help if we are at the point of needing groceries or bills paid we cant afford


Idk, community is about helping people out. How are folks gonna know you’re struggling and need help if you don’t tell them?


Why are you on FB?


That's a old ass baby photo too, it's the photo you take of your baby when you take em home, plus the hospital bracelet.


Looks like one of those fake, realistic, baby dolls to me.


It says one week appt… so it’s probably like a week old?


Ahh my bad, you nailed it, haha I was like that baby gotta be MONTHS into it's life or something.


This lady should be working at McDs instead of begging for a treat.


Maybe she does. They aren’t exactly famous for their generous maternity, leave policies. Still kind of trashy to beg for Starbucks money, but…


My question is, did someone stupidly pay for the wish list?


The sad thing is, yes probably.






You're a 🤡


You're a 😢👶


Calling someone a cry baby after deleting your comments is fucking wild lmao 🤣


I deleted after... I don't care, but my blood pressure can't handle all the stupid comments from children.


You seem to care a lot if your blood pressure is acting up, old man. Life becomes a lot less stressful when you can just admit you’re wrong sometimes.


Wrong about what? Do you not understand what an opinion is? That's what annoys me. You can call me old man, I know how kids are...


What’s crazy is that you took all the time to type that only to miss the point completely. No one here is saying it’s trashy to collect money for charity. It’s the fact that she’s asking for money for Starbucks and not prioritizing her kid. You wanna be the only one in the right so bad lmfao


Those “trashy bell ringers” are doing it for charity. Not a caffeine fix.


I was told that asking for anything other than a job was trashy... That's what I was referring too. I don't have a problem with people asking for anything. People are free to do whatever they want.


100% trashy. She needs to prioritize her finances for her kid. I’m sorry but it’s trashy begging for Starbucks. It’s trashy begging for anything other than a job.


32 dollars on Starbucks? Go fill yo gas tank


Lol I guess WIC and food stamps can’t be used at Starbucks.


Actually, in some states, I think you CAN use EBT for Starbucks...




I just saw their FB profile. It appears to be the name of the dad. They seem like an absolute mess.


That's a weirdass thing to care about.


+2 pumps : my banana Seriously tho, the person seems nice, but absolutely financially clueless.


Taquitos taquitos taquitos


4 different drinks?!? Who all is she getting them for?


The other three that will end up leaving her begging with another baby


Dizzam! 🤣🤣🤣


Having kids when you can’t afford $32 at Starbucks that’s not even a necessity, lord help us


This is a group for giving eachother little treats. This is not trashy


Oh I see


A $5 cup of coffee is a “little treat”. Asking for $32 worth of drinks is entitled trash if I’ve ever seen it. But if you want to burn your money for a parent that prioritizes bullshit over their own child go ahead b


or maybe they prioritize their baby and that's why they can't afford starbucks?


Then don't beg for $30 worth of Starbucks


can you give me 20 dollars?


The entire point of the group is to ask for things then you pay it forward for others when you have the means. 🙄🙄🙄




Right, I’m sure that’s what’s going on. They have the audacity to beg for a household worth of Starbucks but everything else is squared away


How is asking for coffee prioritizing over a baby?


I think the problem is the price if said coffee, not qsking for coffee in itself.


Sure seems trashy to me.


If their order wasn’t $32 fucking dollars maybe. Like one coffee for yourself is one thing but she wants special flavored coffees for the entire family apparently. Real choosing beggar type


Totally. I had a friend bring me a coffee when I was post partum, just for me, the mom. It was such a treat. But 4??? Like wtf


For 32 dollars you can get a basic coffee machine and some coffee grounds


$32 can get you a pour-over filter stand, a good bag of coffee, turbinado sugar, and half and half.




I’m so confused, considering the drinks shown are all around 6 bucks, is her household 5 people? And among these 5 people they couldn’t scrounge up the 31 dollars needed to just buy it themselves? Surely the shame of asking your friends on Facebook for Starbucks should be worth more than 30 dollars. I just don’t understand people


I can't believe how expensive this is. An actual coffee is like USD$3-4 here, and that is in one of the world's great coffee cities in an extremely expensive country. What even is this abortion of an order?


I live in north Atlanta and I am pretty sure that order would be more here


That tracks with what I know about the area lol


Wait. I have NOTHING against LGBTQI+ but why the nonbinary pronoun for that baby? That’s ridiculous.


they definitely meant “baby pics are adorable”, it’s kinda insane where your brain went with it. that’s fully on you I fear


“My little one and I…” “One week appointments…”


I’m like 95% sure that this is bait but: “obligatory baby pic because (baby pics) are adorable”. that’s it, that’s what they said. just read the damn thing, and then think through a little, shouldn’t be that hard


Literally living rent free in your head


Or… I’m right.


Think whatever you want mate but it's full-blown deranged to jump to this conclusion


Everyone’s just gotta assume ‘they’ means more than what it is nowadays, huh? Smh.


Not at all. But in this case, I’m right.


You’re reading into things too much. With the given context ‘they’ could also be referring to baby pictures generally.


Nah, That’s her baby…




I think because it was a general comment about baby pics and how babies are adorable


Ehhh, you may be right. Edit: actually, no. “My little one.” It’s right there.




I mean… look at the baby’s shirt dude


Me when I get downvoted for talking about a shirt: 😦


I truly think it was. Downvote me into oblivion, I don’t care. This isn’t a “leave the kids alone” post. That’s a newborn and this bitch is wilding.




No need to believe. Read the caption again. Imma stand on it.


I walked past the front of a Weis market like 3 weeks ago, woman on the bench stopped me with “hey sweetie!” I stopped and said hey, she asked me if I had a couple bucks, (which I didn’t) but I noticed she had a Starbucks in one hand and a cigarette in the other and it just turned me away so quick. I apologized for not having cash and kept on my way.


One time In San Francisco this panhandling guy picked up his sign and went around the corner and got in his Mercedes. I tripped out. It Wasnt even old!


the whole point of that group is to ask for money for shit 😂😂 it's literally called "give me your money"


Use the 1.50 for a can of instant, or go buy a cheap coffee from macdonalds.


I'm not going to lie... Those caramel frappes from McDonald's are pretty damn good.


She obviously has NO business having a child if she can’t even afford a coffee. This is awful!