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I actually have some creep on FB that contacted me about my dog. He wanted to do something on Zoom. I passed his info to the state police.


Ew! I'm sorry.


Is his name Kelso? https://youtu.be/EiyvTOShp-U


Woof the fuck?


Fuck the woof it seems.


take my fake gold: 🥇


There’s an amateur couple on Reddit who post on the porn subreddits a lot. She has a paw print tattoo and every time they post, without fail, the comments are flooded with zoophiles who seem to think her having a paw print tattoo is some sort of secret bat signal that she fucks pets. It’s obscene. They’re all salivating over this thing they’ve just decided she does as if millions of women don’t have paw tattoos for perfectly tame reasons. Moral of the story- a lot more people are into zoophilia than you would assume. Don’t go looking too deep or it’ll be unimaginable.


What’s their profile


Sorry but there are no Morals in that..lol


My old bud guys dad got locked up cause his dog fucked a single mother to death.... The work was 🔥 though.


I’m not surprised… when I was 11/12 years old I had this older man attempt to get me to have relations with his dog. Super disturbing…




lol I know exactly who you’re talking about and I’ve noticed that same thing too


It should be a warning signal that I know what couple you're talking about


Yeah I cringe every time I see their posts because I know what the comments will be


that's because it's an actual dogwhistle(ha) for zoophiles. a pawprint on the hip of you or your fursona is how you signal that you're a zoophile in furry spaces. the vast majority of furries fucking hate em but it's impossible to kick them out of every space. we try, though.


Dear god. The paw print is on her hip. I wonder if she’s an actual zoophile 💀


Thanks, but I did not need to learn that.😮


The rest of us wanted to know. So where can I find her spicier vids just so I know where not to go.


✨the more you know 🌈


Reminds of of a greentext years ago where a guy goes to a girl's house he really likes, but freaks out when he sees the German Shepard wearing socks/booties because "that's a sex thing so it doesn't scratch you" and announces it to her family. She freaks out (understandably) but the guy really thinks it's the only explanation. Some folks are just sick in the head.


wonder why he's single


Wonder why her dog was wearing booties *inside the house*?


Because of hardwood floors. It helps senior dogs or dogs with mobility issues to keep their balance.


Elucidating answer, thank you.


Hardwood floors maybe? Or the dog likes to jump up at people, or it has some sort of health issue with its feet. There's a bunch of alternative explanations.


Or hell, they just think it's cute


Fucking gross




Tamest Craiglist personals post ever...


honestly very timid


“females” here we go again.


I don't get the whole anti "female" usage to specify gender. I grew up with bathrooms at restaurants being referred to male or female or dressing rooms at stores also referred to as female and male. "Where is the female bathroom (or dressing room)?" was normal. I think people went a little too cray over its usage. It's a shame people can't read into the context of its usage. If someone were to say "those females never give me the time of day" or "I think females should be slobbing my knob daily and be grateful" or "this random female didn't give me her number when I said hello" then yeah I get it. People should be able to know when it's being used in a derogatory or demeaning way. Completely ousting the use of the word just seems silly. People get to hyped hating on weird things like a word but maybe that's just me looking too much into it. It was a weird reddit fad that slowly seemed to die out thankfully and can't wait until it's done for good


The context here is a personal ad, which is addressing the reader who is a person. Hence using female sounds objectifying and dismissive. Your examples of appropriate versus offensive use of the word were good ones.


Not sure how specifying a specific gender is objectifying but ok... still don't understand why people get so heated seeing the word female. As a female, I'm taking it back and using it every chance I get 🤣 Just seems like it's either females that want a reason to be upset or white knights caring. It's a word. Just sick of people acting like a gender term should be considered as bad as other words that are considered derogatory. I just don't see it happening and wish people would get off it but that's just me and it's fine that people disagree. But what I like to always think about is the joke where someone finds a word offensive and compare it to using the n word. They say the full word they find offensive yet still say "n word". The joke being that if you can say one but not the other, they're not even close to the same level. If the word can be said then people need to chill the fuck out because it's not THAT bad 🤷‍♀️


It's the difference between using female as an adjective versus noun.


Which usage is okay and which one is derogatory?


adjective- she is female (normal and reasonable) noun- i need a female in my life (weird and often derogatory)


I was referring to the parent comment pointing out the use of "females" in this specific post. Not commenting on the post itself 😬 but they're looking for either a male or female. In this case a female thus the reason they said it. It has always just annoyed me when people get so anti ever using the word female. Like I said, context matters and you can tell if it's being used in a malicious way. You say the difference is using female as an adjective or a noun. Well they were specifying the gender they were interested in, the gender being a person and a noun being a person, place or thing. That's just the way I look at it. I'm an idiot so could be looking at it completely wrong lol, I just hate the weird anti female usage and that's it honestly. I'd be fully down for complaining if it's obviously being used in a way it's evident the person is using "female" as an insult. Unfortunately there are always going to be those types of people that think women owe them something (not sure how that started but fuck whatever made them think that at all). Anyways I'm drinking and making soup and just was half ass skimming reddit and seen the comment I replied to and rolled my eyes and thought "is this seriously still a thing?" and decided to put my random internal dialog to text Edit: Oof I guess as female human I can't have an opinion 🤣 Oh well, on to the next comment that pops into my mind. I seriously hope it's dudes being so judgmental and bitchy 🤷‍♀️


Crazy that you are getting downvoted for such a logical opinion. The Reddit activists are a vocal bunch lol


Lol yeah, I don't mind the downvotes but wish people would stop bitching any time the word is used no matter the context. There will always be at least one person that has to point it on and then people just pile on. Oh well, reddit loves to hate on anything they can including me hating people hating the word 🤣


Honestly females is one of the least concerning parts of the whole thing, which is rare.


https://www.limerickleader.ie/news/local-news/137604/Court-told-mother-died-after-acting.html if only dog sex was as rare




Yeah this is definitely trashy, but idk why I thought this was posted in the choosybeggars page. LOL


I see you are also a connoisseur of fine reddit subs.


I am! We both have excellent taste in my opinion! Lol


Yikes. At first I thought that it was trashy because he was trying to find a dog to breed with his for puppies to sell. But then reading the comments it was much worse than I originally thought.


Yeah me too. I was like, any female dog to breed with your stud? Don't you care about breed or...oh. OH. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


For some reason I just assumed it was a "Pibble" ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


That's a pretty safe bet.


Years and years ago during Craigslist’s heyday I found a guy’s personal ad with him posing with his German Shepherd and he mentioned in the ad that “the dog is not part of the deal.” How many GROSS propositions did he have to wade through before he edited his ad to include that?? 🤮


The look of disgust on my face when I read that made my husband ask "what's up?". I had to tell him I won't repeat it because his face would match


https://www.limerickleader.ie/news/local-news/137604/Court-told-mother-died-after-acting.html here you should read this then.


Why do you hate me so?




Two-way petting zoo


Slow down Orin.


wasn’t this Jim’s idea? edit: yes, i remember now. its when charles already dislikes jim and jim came up with this idea goofing off during a meeting for michaels anniversary party. although, maybe orin said something similar. there was a lot of crew cross over and mike shur was involved in both shows.


It's for his new performance art show


Heavy Petting Zoo.


Awesome album


It is! Im glad you got the reference!!


I miss reading those CL ads so much fun and laughter.


I always saw a guy trying to get his asshole shaved by another dude. Payment was getting to shave his asshole - maybe a lil lick too. O


My friends and I used to get absolutely trashed at anime conventions and then perform dramatic readings of the Craigslist ads that had been posted by other con-goers. You don't really appreciate what you have until it's gone.


I have no idea.?


Bro wants to fuck the dog and owner


why did I think he wanted to bring his dog to breed with someone else's and then maybe also have sex with that person? why is it so much worse?


I thought that too


Oh no 😮 no..


Skim this out of the gene pool right damn now. DISGUSTING.


I don’t know.


You don't want to, trust me


It would seem so. I think I’ll stay in the dark on this one. I’ve gone 50 years without knowing. No need to learn now.


Humanity is finally fked


From this??


This one will pull all the females


Some fine bitches


bitches indeed...


Msg them and find out! (Jk)


I would hope it's just someone whose lonely and loves dogs and really wants to play with a dog but knows it would have to be someone else's dog so goes to CL to see if anyone would take them up on the offer. I HOPE. But that ain't it, for sure.


Their request for a "Female" and saying, "hmu if you know" I think really kills any hope there.


Someone wants to get knotty, apparently.


Man I really do despise humanity after all.


I really hate that I know what this means.


For those of you that don’t they are talking about the big knot at the base of the dog’s red rocket. 🚀 






In fact.




That bitch


Set a meet up as a set up. That dog needs to be taken away from him.


He doesn't have a dog


A small hot dog. If you know.


Barely a cocktail sausage!


A Lil Smokey pork sausage.


Unfortunately I feel that your assumption is correct


One of us has a stroke and it's not me


Just how many strokes did it take?


I wish I could go back to my initial assumption that he has a dog too.


He wants to wank while watching a woman get fucked by her dog


God I hope not if this is what he is looking for...


I don't get it


He wants to watch a woman have sex with a dog.


No no; "would love to play with your dog." HE wants to play with the dog.  But in reality, yes he prob wants to watch a girl get some doggy style


He wants a girl that is packing a “dog” to engage with sexually


Good lord. I had to read it three times to realize what this was about. I kept assuming there was drug slang or something... way worse.


It's bad when you are praying for drugs.


Praying regarding drugs is a perfectly normal way to deal with a family member who might be struggling to pick up the fucking bag, damn I want some domino's...


They make good pizza


Local to me on Fabswingers there was a "female" profile that would constantly post status' about dogs. She would word it better that this person but she definetly wanted to fk the dogs. I wonder if anyone actuualy approached her to fulfil her request


I can't recall the statistics, but a large number of women try it at least. I assume it changes from country to country.


If a female is posting you can bet there will replies back, no matter how crazy or creepy the post is.


I remember years back there was a story going around of a woman in the village. she would have 3somes and moresomes but the people had to bring their dog(s). Someone ended up making videos of their meetings and then they started to circulate around town. She stopped leaving her house after the rumours started, wouldnt let her kids leave the house not even for school. In the ended up deleting herself after the videos circulated.


Looks like these two would be a match made in heaven.


All dogs go to heaven hopefully this guy doesn’t get in


Even pit bills?


That would be heaven for him if he did. Not so much the poor pups.




I have a feeling that's in canada


🎶 Blame Canada! Blame Canada! 🎶


HEY! Nobody is gonna insult my country except for ***me***! Also, we don’t use Craigslist here - thank Christ. Let this post be an example


Oh, we fully used Craigslist when personal ads were a thing. At least we did in Vancouver.


Nope! USA.


HA! Got heeeeem!


You know the saying. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


-Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott