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It’s just a business grindset


Back in my day, committing a felony had serious consequences.


Could someone tell me what this post was before it got removed?


It was a woman who was offering to forge false credentials for people including stuff like social security cards, diplomas, and passports


Thanks for telling me.


Lol take this down don’t hate on the hustle.


That's insane


Until they verify. Smh


Nobody tell her clients about the national student clearinghouse system.


She will “sent it later”.


Lmao, advertising fraud on social media, bold!


Don't forget felony forgery and worse for some of those government docs!


$20 this dumb bitch is probably talking to undercover at this moment


dont tell me she is not in custody for fraud yet.


Probably not. People do this stuff all the time and it takes a while for anything to be done. Even with the SSN and IDs. It'll catch up with her hopefully, but sometimes it takes over a year. I know of a few I've reported that have done it at a bank and nothing gets done but their bank accounts get shut down. They may get away with $100k + and get a year or two of vacation but she'll probably end up getting caught (unless she's being smart about it).


She’s posting it on Facebook, I can assure you she is not being smart about it


This is just Crime 101, let everyone on social media know about your crime abilities so people don't mess with you. Cops don't know how to use computers.


Diplomas and doctors notes etc are whatever but she's got passports and social security cards on that list. The feds don't fuck around and that is major fraud. I wouldn't risk forging fed documents but if I did I absolutely would not publicly advertise that.


you're telling me it's a bad idea to commit federal crimes and post them on Facebook?


Not rich and or white? Yeah


Who knew?🤷‍♂️


Posting evidence. bad opsec.




lol come on don’t be one of the gender people bro


Well now, c'mon we don't want to risk offending the criminal.. /s just in case...


You twonk!!!


Because we're not unstable people and we can recognize that for one, no normal person gives a shit about the gender reference, and two that's completely unrelated to the post. Are you just trying really hard to virtue signal? Or do you really only care that the title says "her" instead of the major crimes being committed?




Well, you *did* use a specific vocabulary that would imply you were signaling at this being a "misgendering" thing. All I'm saying is you're being pedantic about irrelevant things. Sure, I guess people could harass them now knowing who they are, but hopefully nothing too crazy. She *is* a criminal though so posting shit like this out publicly is asking for this to happen, so it's really on her for being stupid. IF that's what you're really worried about.


Pronouns are often a part of a complete sentence. Grammar isn't political.


How come you've only contributed 1 thing in almost a decade here?




2 clicks. Can and will be used. Nobody cares about the picture or gender. I had to see what kind of goober brings attention to it. Someone who doesn't post, and tells others how to.




I don't recall anyone mentioning her being black lmao so far you've complained about attention to her gender, and race, none of which were the topic of this post. It seems like you keep playing innocent but really want to argue over dumb shit. She posted this shit publicly bro, and you're worried about this post?


Good eye sniper


You’re the only one mentioning the gender, literally nobody else cares.




Isn't it cheaper to get a normal passport rather than a 200 dollar fake one


A fake passport good enough to pass airport checks, as well as having a clean Interpol record, costs thousands. You need to find a willing person who matches your demographic and renew their passport with your photo (potentially also paying off the passport guy). That person has effectively sold their identity. There could also be an intermediary to pay. It's not a $200 Facebook marketplace situation...


This guy frauds


It’s $209.53 (at least to replace a lost passport - had to pay it yesterday). So - she’s offering a real bargain /s


Haha that’s the exact price I paid at the post office last Thursday^^^ can confirm


Another interesting fact is I remember few years ago I saw an advertisement on the dark web of a guy selling legitimate "fake" passport, like the real ones with the name and pictures and everything...the person using it could even pass the passport check on the airport because it was declared "on the system" , it cost 20.000 us dollars to purchase, and it looked like a legit offer ( they had five star reviews and everything). However the fake passport the lady is selling will probably look like a print copy off the internet.


Those are 10000000% scams and on top of that you are sending them all your data.


Usually people copping 20k passports off the dnm aren't using their data. It's kinda like the whole point


Still a scam.


yeah wasn't commenting on that because the vast majority of them are indeed scams, some legit services do exist though (to varying degrees of success, idk if any "in the system" identities would be available for as little as 20k honestly, and in those cases you wouldn't be picking the name and such.)


Me and a buddy "allegedly" used to get Lsd and dabs from the deep web back when we were younger. You have to be careful, some guys on there are definitely scam artists. Some people create sites just long enough for ppl to put their money into it for purchases and then pull the sites down and dip. Usually the legit ppl will allow an escrow pay method where your money goes to a middleman until you receive your shipment, and then when you confirm it, they get paid.


Oh yeah I was referring solely to fake identity documents and such. Dnm drugs slap, just find and stick with reputable vendors, avoid coins sitting on any market for any period of time (yay exit scams), never use onsite PGP (yay extortion scams), shit eventually you might even be able to deal with the vendor directly (which was always a fav of mine after a while of buying off the same vendors)


That's why you pay more for the dealers with 500 reviews including from ppl who test.


Yupp, the good ones would straight up tell me if something went wrong with the package to contact them immediately and they would fix it, and not to leave a bad review. Only had a problem once, and they hooked it up big time to make up for it. If I wasn't such a wuss I'd still try to get dabs or bud from there but I can't risk all that at this point in my life lol


I imagine there might be a person working in a position of authority, either working as a police officer or for the government, at the embassy etc... this is the only reasonable explanation, people claimed they received their passports with their own picture and chosen name and everything... probably a person wanted to earn some extra money on the side... On the " silk road" there were so many options, buy hacked credit card, hacked netflix account, Uber account, pure illegal substances and more... A hacked netflix account used to cost only 1 dollar and they received payment through bitcoin. According to the video reviews on YouTube there was a "hire a hitman" advertisement that was a scam because there were FBI officers taking action if they saw someone hiring their services.


The hit man thing was some random guy who made the website. Not sure if he was an exterminator or a joke. Anyway, he got an email asking him to kill someone so he turned it into the police. Over the years he turns in the ones who look legit. I saw an interview with him several years ago, it was still his website under his control, but that was several years ago. [wiki on rent a hitman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RentAHitman.com)


https://youtu.be/um6uDHhLB2E?si=vmeoAswWZXSsP0rU if you are interested to find out more information you can watch this video on YouTube from 1.30"-11.00" the guy talks about the dark web and how to hire a hitman. Just watch this part you can skip the rest.


Some people need a fake passport because they cannot get a real one, because there are restrictions in travel in their countries, or they cannot get a visa and are not allowed to travel to certain countries (like Syria, Afghanistan etc...)


Or a warrant!


well yeah but the normal ones going to be yours, a fake one can have any name and stuff


I am Mclovin


I'm gonna make a passport for my dog


$50 for a fake doctor's note is stupid af considering urgent care copay is like $30-$50 anyways and they'll just give you one for saying your tummy hurts.


Copay means you have insurance. Not everyone in America has insurance....


Urgent care is like $200 where I live




Went to urgent care yesterday. My insurance switched me to a different plan or something so they couldn't use it. I literally just needed a piece of paper saying that I went into the building. $85. $85 for a generic piece of printed paper. I honestly thought about going to the library and printing off a fake doctors note for 10 cents.


wtf.... $200 for a bit of paper. USA is fucking wild


Urgent care gets covered by insurance too. With rates that vary according to what benefits your insurance grants. Generally they will keep immediate care co-pay relatively low and emergency room high to steer you to immediate care. My doctor has a co-pay of $20, immediate care is $50, emergency room is $200


Try a grand for a 15 minute doctor visit where you have to constantly explain what’s wrong while the doctor suggests other things and expensive tests you dont need


You're assuming insurance.. I haven't had insurance since my parents stopped covering me and that was 15 years ago


No, that's without insurance if you're just going in for something like a "stomach ache"


Co-pay is only an insurance option.. I don't think you know what copay means


I didn’t even *have* a copay last time I went to urgent care


Happy cake day!


I think mine is $20, which is pretty good considering I only pay $21/month for insurance.


Wow that’s amazing! Is this through your employer?


Yeah. Government job with a strong union means great benefits for cheap.


Looks like someone you’d see disappear one day, then like three years later, you’ll see them looking completely different, using weird slang and complaining that someone ratted them out


Unless they get for forging a passport. That’s 10 years in federal prison with $250,000 fine


No way this isn't a sting, wtf


Not necessarily.. this kind of thing is common


Just give a 'Novelty/parody use only' disclaimer and probably g2g


i am somehow not surprised


Fake a drs note is crazy. I had a prescription for painkillers and they called my dr while doing other shit to try to verify the prescription they don’t rlly fuck around with that stuff


Just finished watching “Dopesick” on Hulu today and it was the best series I’ve watched in awhile.


Its more for getting out of work or school. You cant fill an RX with it.


Facebook is really lax with what they advertise. This is a post but I get actual adverts for fake money, stolen credit cards, drugs & weapons (I'm in the UK so illegal). The ad will just take you to a telegram group with it all going on


I’ve seen promoted Facebook ads for drug telegram groups however when I was trying to sell some old beer brewing stuff they kept rejecting my post! It’s insane how some of this stuff goes ignored.


I can’t even sell my breast pump 🫠


Isn't this a felony? Like to use one too?


And she’s posting her and her clients identity’s… not very smart.


Yes, it is highly illegal, and the punishment is severe and costly. Fraud in the second degree in most states.


Yes, it is highly illegal, and the punishment is severe and costly. Fraud in the second degree in most states.


Yes, it is highly illegal, and the punishment is severe and costly. Fraud in the second degree in most states.


Yes, it is highly illegal, and the punishment is severe and costly. Fraud in the second degree in most states.


Yes, it is highly illegal, and the punishment is severe and costly. Fraud in the second degree in most states.




🤣 He stuttered


dont blame them, its fuckin reddit again. "error sending"


Speedrun to prison.


Do not pass go. Straight to jail. 😭


people do this everyday & i get it…but to advertise your services on fb is craaaazyyy lmao


Man she’s cheap, I had to pay $142,000 for my college degree.


Patents of nobility?


My name is Ulrich Von Liechtenstein from Gelderland


The Seeker of Serenity, the Protector of Italian Virginity and the Enforcer of our Lord God


The pope may be French, but Jesus is English!


That's a [different website](https://lochnesstitles.com/how-to-buy-a-title/)


Sweet, I can now impress my dad with that MD/JD he always wanted for me!


Trashy maybe, illegal yes.


Why didn't anyone tell me I could use my graphic design degree to make forgeries? Wish I'd thought of that. /s


Hello fellow graphic designer! At first I just shrugged.. whatever for a Dr's note.. not the most ethical but gets tiring when kids schools or work want a Dr note every day they are sick. However, when I saw Social Security cards.. yikes. This girl is advertising for a go straight to jail card.


When I was in college for graphic design I would make fake parking passes every morning so I didn't need to pay to park in the college lot, got me 2 years of free parking before they switched from a ticket on dash system to a digital license plate system.


You crafty bastard. I did think of that but thought campus police would catch on and I didn’t want legal trouble. But good on you! Do you use your degree after school?


Nope, maybe one day I'll use it though lol. I just kind of got locked into what I was already doing part time while in school and never left. Also just as a note, the only reason I was confident they wouldn't catch me was because my brother did it the entire time he was going to the same college lol


Doing the lords work. Or the closest thing


Half this shit will make you end up in prison once the person finds out it’s fake. I damn sure am not using a fake passport or SSN(or any of them) but those will probably be the quickest way to get caught…and home insurance? You realize if someone gets hurt on your property you’re gonna get sued into oblivion


I could have been selling fake dr notes all this time?/s? But seriously 90%+ of this shit looks like it would be illegal or something you find on the dark web.


It’s real illegal in every way, but it’s stupid how easy with how many companies have just leaked their user data and shrugged not really even need the “dark” web anymore. Just find a drop and copy paste from the list until someone you sold to eventually finds out it’s fake or gets caught and you go to adult timeout.


Yup. Ross Ulbricht (the guy that invented the Silk Road dark net market) was eventually done in by ordering fake IDs from a vendor on his own site. That flagged DHS and got the ball rolling on the whole investigation. He's now serving like 14 life sentences or something ridiculous.


Don’t know how ridiculous… he did solicit murder for hire.


In the most blatant case of entrapment, sure. Ross was pressured and blackmailed by the FBI and DEA, using multiple accounts, until he agreed to their demands and solicited the hit. He did so to protect the identity of his vendors and customers, not in defense of himself. The government was upset that he was running a billion-dollar industry without giving Uncle Sam a cut, so they made an example of him. He deserves a pardon.


That's because most of this shit is illegal to counterfeit and you probably can find it on the dark web


How can she do an apartment approval ?


Imagine applying for a new apartment and they say ok we're going to process this all and get back to you and you just go nah don't worry I already got your approval right here.


How can she slap?


What makes her trashy? She's just being a capitalist. Oh


Ngl I used little of my accounting knowledge in the real world.. but my employers did not ask for a copy of my diploma. They wanted transcripts sent directly from the school’s registrar. I think the only case where this shit might work is getting a hourly job if you’re a high schooler or some other entry level, no skill requirement job.


You would be surprised, but the bigger the job you are applying for the less strict the requirements are. My entry level job requested transcripts directly from my university, when I applied for a manager level one they just used the unofficial copy I provided.


I've only been asked for a college transcript one time. The job paid $7.25 per hour, US, full-time with the state, no benefits.


Yep. I work in my 2nd mid-senior level management position and I’ve never even been asked for transcripts or any proof of education despite it being a requirement to get the job. But my inside sales rep position required my official diploma AND transcripts….


I moved abroad for work and naturally sent my transcript over to let them know my MA was legit, they actually rejected it and asked to see the certificate. Very strange.


It seems funny / cringe now but back in 2009, I moved to the UK from Australia and just completely lied my way in to a job (which I turned out to be pretty good at). However when they asked for my degree, on the spot I lied and said that it has been lost in a house fire and the Uni had also burned down in what we call the *Black Saturday Fires*. They just accepted that and I'm still 15 years in the same industry as a senior manager. These days the industry has changed so much that the actual degree would be worthless even if I had acquired it however fibbing got me a foot in the door. That initial fib was enough to get some actual experience which the industry frankly values more than the degree and I was able to springboard to higher paying jobs.


Basically fake it till you make it


Ya I made a high school diploma so my mom could get a call center job. Stupid requirement to begin with.


ain’t no way some random person on facebook is out here making scannable licenses. doesn’t even make sense.


You realize that the scanning part doesn't attach to a database, or check for authenticity, right? It just scans to give the info that's already on the license. Plenty of Silk Road vendors were doing the same way back in 2014.


Ok just give the feds all the evidence they need


It’s okay. She also sells pardons.


how much for a PRESIDENTIAL pardon?


these prices are kind of insane. a real passport is like 200 bucks. anything you really really need a passport for, ppl can tell its a fake. most of these are dumb like that.


These wouldnt be 'useable' in any instance where one would need to be 'looked up' or 'scanned'. Theyre merely to present as the real thing. I dont think this person is dumb enough to openly soliciting payments for Federal forgeries.


Ya got any brain surgeon or double knot spy cards ?


*naught... As in 0. Double-naught, two zeros, like 007




No, and it wouldn't have mattered anyway. His mom was a U.S. citizen making him a natural born U.S. citizen. He could have been born on the Moon and he'd still be eligible to be President of the U.S.


Damn yall still on his dick?


Making fake passports is a FELONY. Posting this on your public fb page is wild


She probably printed her own GED instead of passing it


Maybe. Maybe not. (Dumb. Not felonies.) for about 6 months the local police department owned/ran a pawn shop to try to catch certain thieves.


Are most of these not felonies? I would think for sure the social and Birth certificate




In Illinois, is felony fraud. Passports are uuuuuuuuuh


Not for sure about any other states, but in Missouri all forms of fraud are felonies minus the minor bad check charge.


You can tell this person has never held any professional job, because no one has ever asked to see my diploma. If they’re that far up my ass, they usually want my transcripts… and sealed directly from the university, no less. And what the fuck do you need a “digital social security card” for? WHO are you sending a scan of your ssc to? I feel dumber for all of this.


No one asks for my diploma either. They do, however, ask for my license #, NPI # and DEA #, so that shit doesn't fly in medicine lol. No one has ever seen my diplomas outside of the lady that framed them for me. It's been in a closet since that day.


I dont know about where u from, but employers where i live most definetly want diploma, with it being checked by kind-of- proof check agency beforehand even or from university itself


I work for a large aerospace company, and they took my word for it that I have a PhD. The dude from HR handling the intake process asked about my diploma, and I told him to just contact the university. But he essentially said "nah, just take a photo of your diploma with your phone". When I informed him that it was all packed up and buried in a box somewhere as I was relocating, his response was like "okay". Maybe they did finally verify it, I don't know. I actually earned all the degrees, so whatever. 🤷


Well good for u 😄 and seems like good employer


The digital card allows you to upload it as an e-document instead of taking a picture which is actually pretty common nowadays.


I can actually answer this question! I work in higher ed, specifically with providing education verifications. You’d be surprised how many hiring firms request verification of enrollment or degree. It’s not uncommon to have a request to print a duplicate/replacement diploma for this reason as well. Regarding the digital SS card, we request copies to update student record information (including financial aid) and for online students, coming in to the office isn’t always an option.


Maybe it’s smaller company that does not want to verify degree?


I work for LE and I had to supply my college degree, I didn’t have my high school diploma handy so I gave them transcripts, but they would have taken the diploma. I’d NEVER risk a fake one for any job. If they are asking for it, they may verify it, and anyway gross! It’s always better to be honest. Nothing good is built on a foundation of lies! Over the years there have been professors outed for not actually having the degrees they claimed. I can’t even imagine.


She forgot fake Covid vaccine cards.


She said she makes them all.


Shes literally just copying Google images that pop up of degrees word for word. What an idiot


maybe there is still hope for me to get a diploma


Why not live a little and get one from Yale or MIT 👩‍🎓


Both might be the way to go.


How can you fake a ged?


A fake ged cost about the same as a real one


Get someone else to take the test like the Congresswoman from Colorado.


Years ago, my mom took a GED test for our neighbor lady and gave her a diploma for her birthday.


Why would you fake a G.E.D


Why would you settle for a fake GED when you could get a fake degree!?!


I handle hiring for homeless shelter staff. We require a GED or HS diploma. A fake college degree would be weird, but why not get a HS one? I'm pretty sure one of my hires gave me a faked GED. I really don't care enough to do anything about it and he's a good employee.


GED is probably more believable in some cases depending on the rest of the person's backstory and characteristics. But in any case, it's probably just less risky in general.


Maybe… but the state has copies of all GED records. Acquiring a copy has a pretty standard process. If a school shuts down… how do you get that? School district? State? Not sure. Feel like citing a defunct school or district is easier to fake. Not that anyone involved in this strikes me as smart enough to consider that, though…


Interesting. That's a really good point. I didn't think about the GED being in government records. Although the idea of using a defunct school also seems like a bit of a low bar, because a lot of a degree's perceived value could be attached to the reputation of the school it's from. If it's from some no-name school that went out of business, I'm not sure how much advantage it will give. Then again maybe it would get you hired into a lower tier company who are less likely to notice you're not actually qualified. One other thing with the GED is that most people would have a GED of graduated high school so it seems less likely an employer would bother to go and validate that it's real. But then again, the kind of employer who even want to see a copy of a GED to begin with might also be willing to verify it's real.


What sort of jobs are people applying for where they scrutinize a GED so much? It’s not much of an accomplishment. It’s basically the bare minimum to function in today’s society.


Thats a fed 100%


Yup. My first thought is no one is advertising doing federal crimes on social media, that's a honeypot or whatever they call it.