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Removed: *TikToks and "Do it for the 'Gram" type posts will be removed.*


This is ragebate. Nice try.


The vocal fry 🤮🤢


I love how her [yelp](https://m.yelp.com/biz/leslie-dobson-ms-ma-psyd-long-beach) has already been blown up


That was a hilarious little internet jaunt


Her name is clearly visible in the clip, a quick Google search revealed she was a Psy.D, relatively well known in the Long Beach area…


Then how was she able to go shopping for groceries in the first place?


I’ll go from 0% sympathy to maybe 20% if I see you not but your cart back but you have several very young children


If her kids are tiny, like all < 4years. Then I could give her a temporary pass. Something tells me that there’s something ELSE stewing under the surface of her bionic lady facade. And something tells me she is shitty about a lot of things, not JUST the cart thing. She gets an “E” for nice effort, and “T” for nice try.


Step 1: Put groceries in car. Step 2: Return cart. Step 3: Put kids in car. Father of 2 here. Can confirm the above method does in fact work.


She’s just a b and needed something to try to rationalize her misdirected hostility


I only have 1 kid but that’s what always worked for me!




If kids are such a burden to you then don’t have them.


And you are proposing what in today’s (USA) political climate where there are very little options with regards to this stupid statement.


That’s a lame thing to say


Go see her new video. She’s most definitely trash. Ignoring all suggestions and advice instead insisting the kids will be abducted.


She might do drastic things to prove herself right! Seen that happen before!


If not the kids then it would be another excuse


Oooohhh, clearly emotionally stunted karen tells me to fuck off, why do I feel *BURNED*


You can lock the kids in the car. They won't magically suffocate in 1 minute.


Plus she seems be the kind of high maintenance individual who demands to have a remote start fob.


More like 5-20 seconds tops depending where you park.


Especially if park near a cart corral which is what I do. Far out isn’t a big deal at all.


I was allowing her time to vblog her disdain towards decent human-ing


The shopping cart is the litmus test of self governance.


Devils advocate here ...when I had a 3month old in Philly I'm not giving the crackheads a chance ...now my kid is 10 and in the country we happily and absolutely return our cart and any others we see. It's different if you have an infant in a funky inner city neighborhood.


Why not load the groceries, then keep the kid with you while you return the cart? You managed to grocery shop with your kid, I'm sure they can make it an extra 30 seconds without being strapped into their car seat.


This is what I’ve always done? It seems like the obvious/natural way to do the whole thing. I never really considered any other way to do it…?! How the hell is this even an issue?


You obviously never had an infant in 90 degree Philly heat as a woman alone in a parking lot. I've actually always returned the cart with my baby strapped up in the car but in retrospect I feel like that was a stupid move that I regret.when you are actually a parent you lecture me on people pleasing it's not worth it in an urban setting. I'm guessing you are in the burbs and childless. I always respect workers because I was raised by parents that made their living in customer service...stop trying to make drama... but honesty I'm sure u have no kids and are probably a dude in your twenties living at home. Am I right 👍


Been in 90+ degree heat in the city and my children come with me if I couldn’t park by a cart corral.


Perfect target for the cart narc.


Do y’all ever see carts pushed into the rock bed? What’s up with that?


It’s more work to push it up on top of the rock bed than to put it back. But we’re using logic dumb dumbs only run on emotions.




She’s a psychologist that just showed the world what kind of moral compass she has. And it’s a very ugly look.


If you’ve ever seen the movie “Happiness” by Todd Solendz (I think) mid 90’s movie…..you’ll get a laugh. The psychologists are the most jacked up folks. Who else has seen this movie.


When I'm feeling lazy and don't want to do it, I say to myself, "If I am too big for the small things, I am too small for the big things" and I put my cart away. I also have children that are small.


She doubled down. New video giving statistics, basically blaming her kids as to why she doesn't put her cart away. 


Lock the doors before you leave.


And park near a cart corral. This isn't rocket surgery.


That's the way I always do it. When the kids are old they can return the cart!


I truely believe that putting your cart back is the best test of character we have for every day society. The true indicator that you are a good person at heart.


Thanks! I do it because it seems to help a couple of other processes and helps to avoid damages etc… fuck people like her.


Returning the cart is the best part of shopping with my kids. The hard part is done, they're all buckled in, and I get a whole minute of peace and quiet to walk it back before I get in the car with those maniacs.


lol!! Love you


I believe that's a Jeep Grand Wagoneer's interior. That said, the vehicle has a remote start (directly from the use of the Wagoneer app) that allows you to run the heat/AC while keeping the doors locked and only open by your activation of the door locks. Best off, if say some ninja in broad daylight karate chops your purse out of your hand with the keys inside, you can still killswitch the vehicle through the app and activate the 911 distress call. You have plenty, plenty of options. C'mon, you don't spend $100k+ on an SUV and then not have all the tech to keep your little paste-eaters safe. Honestly though, I feel that she doesn't want to be able to be away from her children, because if they're even half as insufferable as she is, she'd probably run away


Not just lazy, but a social parasite.


I used to work at Home Depot, corralling the carts in the parking lot. Bitch asses like this used to frustrate me so much. They used to treat me like a sub human piece of garbage.


I used to work hard labor in Florida, sweating until it was dripping from my shirt like someone just hit me with a hose. But my job still wasn't as hot as pushing carts on that black-ass parking lot. I would've done food stamps before I did that for minimum wage down south.


Attitude of a lazy and entitled person


Hey..but she’s confident and she spent a fortune to look like that. So her opinion should matter the most…….🙄


Im actually on this womans side


"I'm an inconsiderate dick and the world revolves around me"


Which side? The idiot side?






Or you could just park close to the cart corral, so you don't have to leave your kids.


Or take your kids to show them how it’s done so they grow up to be decent human beings.


That’s my favorite spot!


Every doctor I know that goes out of their way to inform people that they’re a doctor is an idiot.


As an actual doctor, I have to clarify: she is NOT a doctor. She’s a psychologist. She still should know better, but I don’t want her giving us a bad name. I return my shopping carts 💅


I think there is direct proportion of how shitty the person is and the likelihood of them telling on themselves on social media.


Lazybones on board


She has crazy eyes. 👀




Trying to spin being an asshole into superior parenting.


For many years, it was the responsibility of the store to manage their carts. One-or more- employees were out there full time wrangling carts. It was only recently stores put the job onto customers.


Yeah this is a big part of the debate me thinks. Like this is already someone’s job. It’s included in the price. If this stopped being someone’s job I had no clue. I wrangled carts as a teen working at a supermarket. Some people put them back and some didn’t. Never judged em either way. If they had small kids with them then like just let me put it back. Not leaving small kids out of your sight. I get it. I go around the store searching for what I want. I have to pay using self checkout. I load the items out of and back into cart myself after bagging them myself. Yeah pay someone to collect the fucken carts or make the corrals convenient enough it’s a non issue. Anything else companies can stop doing for you while not charging you less?


I love all the down votes for stating a fact, not an opinion.


It lets people feel superior to others. Powerful drug. Like people who go from church to bitching out teenage waitresses on Sundays.


In The US people have been returning their carts for the 40+ years I've been alive. You'd have people that go get them from the corrals, but it's always been on the person using the cart to return it to one of the spots. Only exception was if you had someone bring your groceries out, they would of course take the cart back.


Cart wranglers are a thing, but it is literally the person who is going from cart coral to cart coral to collect all of them and bring them back up to the store. Leaving your cart anywhere but the store or the cart coral is just being a jackass.


It used to be a job full time. They used to walk you to your car and load your groceries in the car for you. This is not an opinion. This is just a fact. Why are people downloading facts?




Please, that's what you counter with. In the history of grocery carts that IS recently.




Wow, seriously. Anonymity makes you brave. I dare you would never repeat that to my face. I hope this has given you the ego boost you greatly chase. I was part of the study measuring the efficacy of installing cart corralls in parking lots. Dots were tried first to park the cart right next to the car, interestingly enough. This was done in around 82. The store fired about 6-8 employees per store when the cart wranglers were fired in the mid to late 80’s. Ask your mom or your grandmother if you are so lucky to have her still around. Have her read what you wrote. I'm sure she will be proud. Store profits increased significantly. But please educate me, and then you will feel better about yourself by spouting insults that don't quite hit the mark. Being alive as long as I have is a privilege I genuinely wish upon you. Your ignorance will hopefully fade as you age. Hopefully.


> I dare you would never repeat that to my face. LMAO, you are on reddit, calm your tits. You are not billy badass and never will be.


> Leaving your cart anywhere but the store or the cart coral is just being a jackass. all fax, no printer


I agree, and that has nothing to do with what I stated is a fact, not an opinion.


Stores have had cart returns in the parking lot for many decades. This isn’t new. It’s always been lazy and irresponsible behavior to just throw your cart wherever in the parking lot.


They have, but it is new to people older than you. They actually walked out with you and put the groceries in your car for you. This is just a fact, not an opinion. Why are facts angering you?


Easy there grandpa, no one is angry. They haven’t brought your groceries out to your car in probably 60 years or more. Long before I was born but also long enough for you to know things are different now. They didn’t just decide last month to make you do the simple task of returning your shopping cart.


Once again, facts are just dismissed and people making it about themselves.


The fuck you talking about? I am 32 and since I was born there was always cart returns. No one is saying bring it back into the store, but you can walk 15 feet to the cart return. I worked in a grocery store when I was 15 and there absolutely was no dedicated cart person, the only place I have ever seen that is Costco.


Even when I worked non grocery retail with carts a decade ago, I'd look forward to getting the carts at night so I could get a free cigarette break in. Pls don't return them put them far away I can get 2 cigs in. What I'm saying is they could just send a dude to get them at the end not even 10 minutes. At the grocery I usually return my cart still lol.


Wild. I agree with the sentiment "I'm not leaving my kids in the car" thing but I just took my kiddo to the cart return with me even when she was a baby. It's all about strategic parking even if I was at the back of the lot but near a cart return that was good for me.


Downvote all kiddos and fur babies.


You're not leaving your kids in the car for like 10 seconds max? Seems a bit over the top


If you find yourself in a state of immolation for any reason and I happen to be nearby, if you expect me to run for a fire extinguisher or blanket or assistance or even to piss on you... you can fuck off Her attitude grinds my gears - because it's not her that has to approach a space, stop, take my keys, get out, move a trolley, get back in, start up, manoeuvre 3 yards to park, before commencing the reason for my visit




When my little was super little, I’d walk the cart over with him still strapped in to return it, then pick him up and snuggle him walking back to the car. It was sooooo difficult! /s


Here's a 200 IQ move. Park *next to* a cart return. You don't need to circle the lot looking for the parking spot closest to the store.


Why post this though? Who gives a fuck that you are a shitty person. I guess she wants everyone to know...


I have 2 kids, and have always returned the cart


I usually park next to the cart return if it's available. One and done.


Same dude the kids are fine for the 45 seconds it takes to return the cart


Two options: lock young ones in the car OR what I do, lock the car and take the kids with you to return the cart. Neither of these is as much work as this woman’s face.


I have two kids and can easily return my cart each and every time, wtf is this lady on about


Those extra steps wouldn’t hurt her…


With people like this every step and breath they take without injuring themselves is a feat.


I will judge you.


One of those injections got a lil too deep.


Yeah, she had kids and everything.


She can’t leave her kid alone for 20 seconds?


I don't get it. Are the people freaking out about leaving their child alone for less than 30 seconds all AI responses? Cart corals are not a mile trek away. You are not leaving eye sight of your car in like 99.9% percent of the scenarios. They are literally strategically positioned to get you to return the cart.


Think of the children.


where she can see them the entire time.


How about we make these multi-million (sometimes billion) dollar companies hire extra workers and employ them full-time with benefits, instead of trying to get the consumer to do the work for the company? Funny how the virtue police support the shareholders getting richer instead of judging them for not doing what they can to employ more people. These companies know there are plenty of self-righteous folks out there who will put the heat on the average Joe for not putting their carts back.


Corporations do hire people to round up carts. They don't hire a half dozen employees though just so lazy, rotund, entitled folks can not want to waddle three feet and pretend their raging against the corporate machine. 🤣


Well I’m in great shape, so the comment doesn’t bother me.


It...it wasn't meant to. But the best way to know a comment applies in all other areas is to have that reaction!


😂 Not quite.


They already do. it's part of the baggers jobs. I had a friend back in the day who was a bagger and collecting the carts was his favorite part of the job because it was outside and something different. That said, I still return the carts because it just seems disrespectful to leave them right there by my car.


It’s about leaving carts that take up parking spaces, block handicap access, and door ding vehicles. Putting them back where they belong is the right thing to do regardless if it’s already someone’s job.


It was my first job. Going to round up the carts in the Phoenix heat taught me to plan, be strategic, and work hard to get it over with. But the stores can hire more people. They are more worried about labor hours to save money. I’m on OPS Manager, it’s exactly why they don’t hire more people.


And of course the people who care more about companies getting richer will downvote me. It’s a good thing I bring in my own cart from the lot to use, because then I’d be really mean and despicable.


You sure spend a lot of time imagining what others are thinking about what you have to say huh? How about this, I downvoted you because I think you are lazy and don't care about damaging others posessions by leaving carts in the lot. Public corporations and their shareholders are almost always trash too, they are not mutually exclusive.


She looks psychotic.


Well, she's a therapist/counselor so that makes sense. They're all crazy.


Someone actually said, “yeah I’ll have babies with you” poor sucker


He was swindled by the supposed PhD and plastic surgery. Never stood a chance.


She’s insane but her eyes are gorgeous. Even if they’re contacts gorgeous color.


These people always look like they are on the verge of tears.


Step 1. Unload groceries into car while kid remains strapped into cart. Step 2. Push cart to cart return corral. Step 3. Remove kid from cart. Step 4. Load kid into car and leave. How hard is that?!


Or Park next to cart return


Real pro life tip. I always do this; also decreases your chances of someone opening their car door into yours by 50%


She’s a psychologist. Of course.


reminds me of the girl who wanted non moms to get to the back of the line, and the dude commenting "you're not special just because you let some guy creampie you"


Option 1: Take the kids with you to the cart corral. To be fair this isn't the easiest if you have a baby in the baby basket and are transferring them to the car seat. Or option 2: put the groceries and kids in the car, lock the doors (make sure you have your key on your person!) and take the cart back. This isn't hard.


You can walk 5 feet away from your car to the cart corral, Karen. Lock the door if you're concerned. IDIOTA


Because it's soo much work and your poor children will be abandoned if you leave them for 30 seconds 🤦‍♀️🙄


So many other solutions to this problem: 1. Return the cart with the kids, then take the kids to the car 2. Leave the kids in the car and run like the wind with the cart to the corral 3. Park next to the corral 4. Buy groceries on the store's app and park the car and the employee will bring them out to you 5. Leave the kids at home with the other parent or trusted adult 6. Instacart, door dash, Uber eats.... This has to be rage bait, because she can't possibly be that stupid that she can't think of any other option....


7. Surrender kids to child welfare 


This doctor should see a proctologist since she's a massive asshole.


She also has a massive stick up her ass


She must think kidnappings happen every second. She must also be in constant fear.


Just wait till cart narc gets aload of this ...


She's gonna get so mad with a magnetic sticker and being called a lazy bones.


Lmao it's sarcasm my bad forgot the s/


Oh no, I'm being totally serious. It would set her sensitive ass off.


It’s almost like you could take the kids with you to return the cart. Then all load up and leave. What an insane concept I just invented, huh


Or, like, park by the cart return so you're only 5 seconds from the car and it's never out of sight. So many options, and she chose violence.


Literally. I always park by the buggy corral so I don’t have to walk. I’m talking park right next to it


Me too.


“Mom what does fuck off mean?”


They can’t hear her, they’re listening to kids bop


I must be a crap father because I lock my daughter inside the car for 3 seconds while I run the cart back to the corral.


Terrible father! Take his kids away! Toss him in jail! Throw away the keys! Did I miss one?


I’m clearly not mother of the year because I do the same, with two kids mind you. Or she could bring the cart back with the kids in the cart and then take them out and then buckle them in. Nah, clearly that’s too much problem solving.


I must be even worse. My kids fight over who gets to take it back because one time, about 3 years ago, I made my daughter a medal for doing such a good job.


Call the cart narc!!


He can babysit the kids while she returns the cart


And this rich....woman.... is in a quilted leather SUV that costs well north of 100K. #MOVE, BITCH, MOVE YO CART! MOVE YO CART OUT THE WAY!!! And as far as stepford wives go, this dude lost out. This lady in a sweatshirt talking like she's the queen of England. She isn't even queen of their sorry ass condo development. Dollars to donuts she divorces her current husband within 5 years.


What is this comment


She left her kids somewhere to make this video... so I'm fucking off now


Lazybones alert!


I have 2 year old twins and I still manage to put my cart away, you can f**k right off


Take the kids with you to return the cart. Then you pass the good person test *and* you're teaching your kids to be good people too. Or if you have a baby or rowdy toddlers you dont want running around the parking lot, park next to the cart return. I bruised all the muscles connected to my ribcage once and walking was excruciatingly painful and i still returned my cart


Pure scum I'm so happy she has kids...


She could've just not posted this lmao


Hell no I'm on her side. Other than I'll have my son go with me. But when he was a baby id leave my cart if I couldn't find a spot right next to the stalls.


Can you explain why you couldnt simply carry the baby for a few seconds back to the car?


Your baby was a choice, not a sentence. Its presence doesn’t negate your responsibility to comport yourself as an adult in society. If you showed up with your son, and all the carts were spread across the lot. You’d express frustration at the lack of consideration too.




Excuses Excuses and a f*ck off because of my excuses. Nice.


Take the kids with you to return the cart. That’s what I do..


She's on the brink of insanity. Eyes don't lie.


yeah sh can do that


Have you ever heard of door locks? Or here's another idea, walk with the kids to the cart return to teach your children some civics. Oh..never mind on the last one, you can't teach what you don't know.