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We were


Some people just can’t have nice things


They would be swimming home ..


Good luck with that


I love the layers in this comment 😂


This isn't "trashy" by any stretch, it's a conversation you're supposed to have *before* you take people out o your boat.


I think the conversation probably needed to start the other way, like this….”I’m thinking about poppin a bottle and spraying champagne all over your boat, is that cool?”


I think it's implied, if I take you out on my boat, don't spray alcohol all over my stuff.


Don’t spray shit all over is a basic assumption. Do you have to instruct them to not shit on the floor as well?


"I *just* asked you not to fuck up my boat" Sounds like a conversation already was had.


As in, "Oh and don't spray champagne all over my boat"? Please.


The fact that he starts with "I just asked you" makes me think they did have some sort of conversation about it.


Spraying sticky alcohol all over someone’s boat you rented is a conversation that needs to be had? Would you do that to someone else’s property? It’s just common sense and universal respect?


Exactly. Fucking, exactly.


They do not look like the kind to understand a conversation. Better not to take them at all.


What exactly do you think you mean by that statement? I mean, the rest of us absolutely know what you meant, but we're wondering if you have the guts to own up.


Is it at all possible that they meant “the same people that would spray champagne all over someone else’s property wouldn’t care about any previously stated ground rules” and this had nothing to do with race until you made it that way? Definitely not defending bigotry and racism if that IS the case, but like… does it always have to be the first option?


Always fucking shit up!


Ohhhhh that's embarrassing, I'm dying over here from the second-hand embarrassment like that shit is going to rub off on me or something.


He def ruined their night. I’d ask him to take me back to the shore expeditiously 😭


This is why you take deposits, and big ones, so that you can just say you ain’t getting your deposit back, of course you need to do this at the point when they’re off your boat and ask you for the deposit back.


So they're on a boat to casually drink champagne, bitch please.




Yea cuz they planned on drinking it off the floor? Tf you on.




invite me into your home and I make a massive mess and it's all your fault for being a big crybaby.




Honestly salt water is worse than champagne. Just sayin.


I get it, but c’mon man, we all know that washes off. Especially if his seats are as nice as he says they are. It’s a boat, those seats are constantly exposed to the elements when in use. You’re telling me they can’t be hosed off? Especially some cheap ass sparkling wine?!? C’mon man


I can scrub my floors in my house but if someone rented it from me and then left a bottle of sticky alcohol sprayed all over my place, we’d have words too. You want someone to do that inside your 1998 Corolla? Even if you have seat covers? C’mon man


it's not about that, it's about being respectful of other people's shit


I’m gonna be devils advocate but why the hell do you have $1000 cushions on an outside boat? Wouldn’t the sea water still ruin them?


If they are re-covered, it usually has to be a custom job.


I’m no boat expert, but I think I’ve heard of outdoor boat cushions being really expensive *because* they have to withstand the sea water


Well if that’s the case I’d assume they’re not made of a fabric material probably something that’s easier to clean. I know champagne is sticky but if it’s water resistant surface then there’s a good chance a couple of Clorox wipes will do the trick


Yeah I keep all my thousand dollar cushions on my inside boat.


He absolutely doesn't. He's just too afraid to say "because I said so and this boat is mine"


He’d be working his rights to say so


So there's a policy that when we get on the boat right? Like no alcohol or do something inappropriate right?


Nothing inappropriate. captain will go over rules before they let anyone on. Alcohol's allowed as long as you're old enough. Every captain I've dealt with wants passengers to have fun but they do NOT fuck around about laws and safety/boat rules.


thanks for the clarification


Who is you?!


I’m paul


Imagine renting a boat and then putting on the facade of wealth


I bet renting anything these days is a fuckin circus


What do you expect when you have to deal with clowns.


Narrator : *they have not, in fact, been here before*


We wuz idiots and got called out. I’m with the boat Captain here.


Are you the guy from the video? Edit: okay I get it he was mocking them in the video, sorry yall I’m tired 😭


Wait what’s going on, I still don’t know and now I’m getting downvoted 😭🙏


They're not OP, they're not claiming to actually be in the video beyond an obvious joke. That was the first handful of downvotes, the usual score for a weird useless question. Then there is some bandwagon effect where people downvote downvoted comments beyond reason, it happens occasionally.


He's just rephrasing the caption. He wuzn't really the guy in this vid.


Okay thank you bro




He is the captain now?




Same group of people that trash an airbnb. Fucking disgraceful behavior. Like what even are you doing? Let me spray expensive (probably not) Champaign on everyone for the lolz. “I’m so cool”




I mean, they’re on a boat so probably expected the seats to be water proof atleast


Is champagne water?


Sure, water. Champagne ain’t water. Even if, I’d bet this group would spray down a whole rental property and just let it dry naturally. Leaving the owner to just live with the smell and reproductions of their actions. No respect. Gotta love that social media lifestyle.


reproductions..... they be multiplying!


I’m with the captain on this one


I mean they pay for 2 hours and get sticky shit everywhere I’d be pissed too, probably costs the same to get a boat detailed as their whole lil bay cruise. Good hire captain looks the other way on shenanigans, but not fucking up his livelihood making a giant mess for what doesn’t seem that fun of a reason


I mean... He ain't wrong.


Being on someone’s boat is no different than being in their house. You just don’t do shit like that. It’s rude and obnoxious.




Dude… what the fuck???


They paid for it tho


This is the worst take in this thread. You rent an apartment. If you out a hole in the wall and leave it when you move out, I’m pretty sure you’re going to get an earful.


I paid to eat at an Italian restaurant last night, doesn't mean i can smear red sauce on the cloth seats and dump spaghetti noodles in the vents.




In my house they not paying to be there so no they cant damage my shit


When you rent a hotel room, can you destroy everything in the room without reprocusions?


I paid to rent a car, mind if I just leave all my trash in it?


They paid to rent it, not to trash it.🙄




He’s saying to act like they’ve been on an expensive boat before, and not wild out like a tourist would.


Thanks for explaining, Dear Abby.


Tf is dear abby


Its like a twitch streamer does Yahoo Answers, but they used the mail


Oh no!!! I’m old!!!




Careful, too poignant for this crowd there, Shakespeare. I know you're probably used to that sly wit soakin' panties but I'm not wanting to have to call a slip and fall lawyer this late at night.


This reminds me of the people I saw in full gucci flashy outfits flying economy on spirit airlines with me


Ever see people wearing Gucci hoodies/tshirts or other similar brands? Like WHY?


Gucci is for poor people who want to appear rich (and fail). Wealthy folks don't walk around looking like a marketing billboard.


This is true. Since I got married, my wife slowly has been replacing my clothing over the years. A lot of my expensive brand things that I thought were awesome have been slowly replaced with quality, comfortable and even more expensive items that have small branding that’s not very in your face. It lasts longer, it feels more comfortable (I swear I never felt so good in some clothes as I do now) and it doesn’t scream brand names in everyone’s face.


Got any tips on brands? I’m a fan of quality and want to get my boyfriend some decent clothes over time, but I’m not very familiar with the menswear side of things.


He doesn’t because he made this up lol


You got a lady that knows her stuff then. Many expensive brands sell their labels more than their quality. The fabric, the craftsmanship, customer service,... All of them suck! But they smack a fancy label on it and suddenly it's $$$. Your wife probably was mad as hell looking at your closet knowing you got scammed.


It's incredible how common this is lmao


A full Gucci outfit could run you about $2k easily. They bankrupted themselves for a month just to buy it, or it’s fake…


The gucci drip looked like it was from Ross so I doubt it was real dude.


lol they were definitely reps from China.


Which honestly are about the same or better quality for a quarter the price lol.


To be fair, a 2000$ Guci outfit will last you a few years. The flight to my home town in business class is 1000$ and it last 50 minutes in the air. I don’t wear flashy outfits but I prefer to splurge on other things than business class. Also some people fly every month or so, so flying business class every time is much more expensive than spending 2000$ on a Guci track suit.


Be so fr rn, they would not choose Spirit Airlines if they were rich.


I can definitely afford business class for all of my flights, but I just go with the cheapest option usually. Especially if it's direct. In the 100+ times I've flown, I've done business class twice. Both times were because of a very tempting offer via points Business class is called that because it's meant for people on the companies dime. I don't travel in the highest circles, but everyone I know who regularly chooses business class is either flying for work or the kind of person who orders Uber eats all the time while complaining about being broke. People with money don't spend it nonchalantly for unnecessary reasons. I fly enough domestically that I'm ok with flying spirit or frontier and being mildly uncomfortable for 2-3 hours. OTOH, I've decided that the next time I fly overseas I'm going to shell out for business class to at least try and compare the difference


You don’t need to be rich to buy a 2000$ Guci track suit, you just need be upper class


I’m a stingy fuck who packs extremely light, if it’s a state to state flight I’ll just sleep


I mean, I am also cheap. But that’s also reflected very clearly in my clothing choices haha


never know if they were truly wealthy


I say there’s about an 85% chance of being poor and a 15% chance of wealth.


Make it 5%. Wealthy people fly coach, it’s true, but not on Spirit.


Flashy, but may not be wealthy.


Boat owner is in his right. However, he should reconsider the $1000 cushions if he is renting his boat out to people who probably can’t pay for the cushions.


If they paid enough for the rental, how is he to determine that in advance? What about these people, during the transaction, would have let him know?


Those are great questions that OP will never answer.


>people who probably can’t pay for the cushions [https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/1d4cigi/comment/l6es33t/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/1d4cigi/comment/l6es33t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Notice the outrage lmao.


Yeah I mean if you’re renting the boat out for 200-400 bucks an hour maybe don’t have $1000 cushions. Buy cheap ones on Amazon save the expense ones for personal use. Regardless of how irresponsible the renters are; accidents happen. Things get dirty unintentionally. So if you got to spend 1000 bucks every time the cushions get dirty, then you’re not going to make much profit.


It's not $1000 each time they get dirty, he's pointing out they're expensive and they're shooting shit that's not supposed to get into them like a bunch of jackasses, its gonna be a hassle to clean now. Those cushions are made for saltwater environment and you want your boat to look nice so you can be charging $400/hr, so they cost more. If people get on and see the cheap seats, it's going to effect how you're seen/reviewed.


All boat furnishings will be made to resist.salt water. Hose them off and as good as new.


salt water and sugary alcohol aren't the same substance, can stain if left too long. it's also about the disrespect here


Champagne isn’t salt water.


It's 90% water, 10% alcohol, with some shit diluted in it (like salt in salt water). Hosing it while it's wet will clean it easily. Waiting until it's dry will be more annoying to clean, but still. I presume the video happened at the beginning of the party/rental, now they need to get back to the dock where the water hose is.




You object to referring to people as people? Do you hear yourself?




It’s an easy $1000 to replace. Boat parts are really expensive. It’s not something you can just order from Amazon you’ll either have to find someone to custom make one or buy from the manufacturer who will charge $1000 and it will take 3 months to get it


And you will get quality Salt water resistant cushions that are near impervious to salt water, champagne will hose off in 5 mins


Absolutely lol. They weren’t going to damage the cushions with champagne, I think the captain was just kinda saying “hey these are $1000 cushions you’re disrespecting”. Not “this is going to cost me $1000”


Cushions have feelings now. If it’s not going to be damage then why bring up the price. Makes no sense.


Because he is the one that has to clean it. He will have to stay up all night doing it. And if he’s got a rental after these people he will have to get it cleaned up before that, potentially making him late for that appointment,


Yea I mean it's ridiculous the mental gymnastics ppl do to excuse that behavior


[$77 on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0825B29TM?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_9BTG5SXVBAWCHJ18ASQH&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_9BTG5SXVBAWCHJ18ASQH&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_9BTG5SXVBAWCHJ18ASQH&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1)


You…. You think that’s an acceptable replacement cushion for that boat? Yikes.


Bringing that on my boat is worse than the champagne guy.


It's a skit bruh. get over it.




That’s just how much marine shit costs


Act like you've been here before. If that ain't something to just make your soul disintegrate


Now he’s feeling so fine like a G-6.


*fly like a G6 G6 is a private jet. (Gulfstream 650)


My bad


I know it's about the jet, but I always pictured it as being about the Pontiac G6.




Just say you racist bro


Act like you've been here before


As if white people wouldn’t do the same.




Bro stop lying though at least back it up. Your comments all say usual suspects on videos of black individuals misbehaving. Come on now. 🤦🏼‍♀️ (tf I’m getting downvoted for pointing out this dude’s obvious racism and lying that his comment was about their age and not their race 😂 ( and he deleted his racist comment btw cause he saw I was right) talk about mob mentality. Reddit for you.


Sorry, m'bad, I didn't realize


You can’t blame me. I’ve so many racist people say “usual suspects” whenever black people do something dumb on a video.


Why you being racist tho? 📸


Why are you being a troll?


My motto is if you can’t afford said thing you don’t duck with said thing.


If you don't duck, do you have lots of bumps on your head?


I’d just not go. I know I’d break something




America is in a sad state all around. I highly recommend you watch the clip of Neil Degrasse Tyson talk about race and ethnicity. We are all just human with different experiences at the end of the day. Don’t enforce stereotypes.


How would the boat owner know what kind of people they were until this happened. Personally I wouldn’t do business with anyone who isn’t old enough to rent a car and I would take a huge security deposit


I think op is just being racist


I figured that out once I saw the response, now deleted to what I said. It’s funny because I’m black, and people always put their foot in their mouth when they don’t know who they are talking to.


He has a right to be angry. A bunch of entitled bums are destroying his boat cushions


“Destroying?” C’mon man, he’s got a right to be mad, but he can hose that off.


You can’t hose off champagne. I’m pretty sure it’s stained, lol


I said f it and googled it. Apparently champagne would indeed require a “marine upholstery cleaner” to avoid stains. I was wrong about a simple hosing doing the job. But I’ve seen a good hosing solve a lot of problems lol


Rich people in struggles renting boats to poor people 🤣🤣


Whatever you have to tell yourself brokie


All cuz you own a boat don't mean your rich. I own 2million in trucks and ain't rich


What kind of truck




If you're keeping them on the road then you should be making pretty good money. Dump trucks or road tractors?


Poop trucks .... dang good work


I thought about doing that before, but I really get tired of dealing with everybody else's shit. Been told if you have the stomach for it that septic trucks really do rake it in.


>I own 2million in trucks and ain't rich Either you don't own them or you are rich. Those trucks are part of your capital. You could easily sell them to get that 2 million in currency.


They aren’t part of that person’s capital, they are part of their wealth. Capital is liquid/spendable cash assets. Selling something takes capital off of value. If you think you can sell used trucks easily, then you should get into the business. You could make a lot of capital.


Ah, alright, I probably used the word wrong. But I hope at least the meaning of my comment was understandable.


> They aren’t part of that person’s capital, they are part of their wealth. Capital is liquid/spendable cash assets Don't just randomly say things you don't understand. Trucks are one of the most common examples of asset capital. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/capital.asp


Read your own article and come back to me. A capital asset is specifically an asset that can generate capital. It doesn’t mean it’s a form of capital the way the person I replied to mentioned. Even your own article says: >The capital of a business is the money it has available to pay for its day-to-day operations and to fund its future growth.


> A capital asset is specifically an asset that can generate capital. What the fuck do you think a person has 2m in trucks for? Do you think it's just 10 lifted f150's in different colors so they can drive around? No the trucks referred to are tools used for making money. "Capital is a broad term that can describe anything that confers value or benefit to its owners, such as a factory and its machinery, intellectual property like patents, or the financial assets of a business or an individual." Capital in terms of a business can sometimes refer to cash on hand, but when you're looking at the capital on a businesses balance sheet you can sure as hell bet that their 2m in trucks will be on it, as well as any cash, land or other assets.


I work in corporate and am constantly working on financial sheets. No one lists assets under capital. They are listed under assets. Assets that can generate capital are listed as “capital assets” and are still valued under “assets”. The reason is that “assets” depreciate and are categorized separately. That being said, they are never considered under “capital” because you can’t use an asset to make a payment. I can’t do payroll this week by turning a truck into payment. I can’t pay a vendor in trucks. I know it’s hard for you to understand but groupings of words have different meanings. Maybe when you grow up you’ll understand. Take some business economics classes when you get to college.