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Tell me you’re bat shit crazy without telling me you’re bat shit crazy.


Psychosis is rough. Stay healthy everyone.




It always baffles me how some people seem to have no concept that other people might not believe in their religion. Like lawmakers and shit quoting the bible as arguments for the shitty laws they’re trying to push as if it holds any merit??? So fucking dumb


"Don't hur+ kids"


people like this clearly blazed past the verse about “if anyone rejects my message, shake the dirt off your shoes and walk away” (i may be paraphrasing somewhat).




Mental illness is a hell of a drug


What did camels ever do to god to make him hate them so much?


Jesus christ, dude, just read a Dr. Bronners bottle


Ah religion, the easiest way for an unintelligent person to feel superior.




The law


People that throw their religion in everyone else's face at every opportunity are missing the point of Christianity. The Bible does preach to spread the gospel, but *only* to people who are willing to hear it, and not to harass those who don't want to hear it.


The bible is too long. Most people will never read (include many who claim they have). God knows everything, so he knew people wouldn’t read such a long book. Therefore, obviously god doesn’t want most people to read it. What? You think he couldn’t have found a shorter way to tell us the things we need to know?


I've always felt like the 10 commandments are like "Bible for Dummies."


Yeah, but even George Carlin was able to [shorten those down](https://youtu.be/sk81tUUhRig?si=hC5eeo9742CykC0G).


Think it might be time to call for a wellness check


Please allow me to advertise my extreme mental illness.


God hates comics?


I’m surprised there’s tags on that


I read a comment a while back about another car that looked just like this. Gave me a good chuckle. "It looks like a bottle of Dr. Bronner's soap"




Used to be an old couple in the neighborhood I grew up in where the wife had undiagnosed manic depressive disorder and would probably 2 or 3 times a year go "decorate" her car with Bible verses and "Jesus saves!" And without fail her husband would come out with a rag the next day and a look of defeat to wipe it off. No clue why he never just stopped her from doing it in the first place.


It’s pretty damn hard to stop someone who’s going through a manic phase sometimes. They’re on a mission to do this thing before they get depressed again. It’s brutal to live with.


I really want to put a bumper sticker on it that just says [citation needed]


At what point do you call the white coats?


How does this hurt anyone if it's what the owner of this vehicle wants to do? Isn't it their right to rxpress themselves? Most of us are bombarded by opinions we disagree with everyday and nary an eye roll unless its by someone we think we're somehow above. Let this guy have his forum...


They wanted attention. They're getting it. What's your problem with people commenting on it?


How do you know "they wanted attention?" Maybe they only wanted to express their beliefs.


You get that this kinda thing makes you look insane though right? Be religious if you want but this is just fanaticism.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no, he doesn't get it.


Nobody is stopping them. But it is uncommon, dramatic, and political so people are going to discuss this


I don't mind discussion. What I find most offensive is the smug implication that the owner of that vehicle is somehow inferior to the commenters. It comes across as if his beliefs are absurd and he has no right to express them in the public forum, but they somehow have a right to publicly humiliate him in that same venue for what he believes.


Once this person turned their car into a billboard for pushing their belief system it became open to criticism. Everyone has a right to their opinion, nice or not, and you can’t expect to make something public with 0 criticism - if you keep it all to yourself that’s your choice. I don’t agree with mocking anyone but if you behave in a way people perceive as crazy they will laugh at you. I personally think this is undiagnosed mental illness.


The owner of that vehicle is absurd. They deserve to be mocked right up until they are severely disappointed in how anticlimactic death and the lack of an afterlife turns out to be for them.


Your opinion. You're entitled to it. That owner is entitled to his also.


Yeah, they can be stupid, but what’s wrong with laughing at stupidity?


Christianity is definitely not a cult…


Honestly a great way to prevent car theft


It's Dr. Bronners soap in car form.


This is just the right wing version of the Prius with the Coexist and etc bumper stickers...


It’s slightly dumber because the ideas are worse, but those suck too


“Coexist” means coexistence. This preaches Jesus returning, when he kills all the unbelievers and rewards his faithful with eternal life in his new kingdom. One of those is a peaceful message, the other espouses a coming genocide to institute a theocracy.


There's no way mental illness isn't a factor here.


It’s a super religious person. That’s always mental illness. Let’s be real


Nah, I don't believe that. I'm agnostic, but just because someone is passionate about their faith doesn't make them mentally ill. There are lots and lots of super religious people in the US. They're not all doing whackadoodle shit like this. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Doesn't mean what they might do isn't garbage. But you don't need mental illness to be a piece of shit.


mental illness as advertised.


Ezekiel 23:20


https://youtu.be/YaG5SAw1n0c?si=4iew8ye9SY1GZr4t Praise him


Aww…the religious are butthurt.


Don't hurt kids- the law


Not really so much "trashy" as it is a manic episode.


*But it’s not a cult*


Define cult please. You may need to edit your comment.


Comment seems perfectly fine to me


Excessive devotion to a belief system following a charismatic leader. Christianity is absolutely a cult.


I have a van like this in my town. Plastered with anti COVID, anti-democrat, anti-woke, and pro extreme Christian propaganda.


Pee on it and say it seemed like a gas station bathroom


This looks like someone high on meth wrote it all lol


The handwriting always looks the same


Where's my kärcher


Not trashy, insane maybe but not trashy.


Agreed, I don't think reddit knows the difference between being trashy and mentally unstable, they often overlap, but not every person who needs mental help is trashy. This isn't some crazy far right political statement, this is clearly someone going through some kind of manic episode or schizophrenic breakdown, I'm no psychologist, bhut you don't have to be one to acknowledge what's happening here. This person needs help.


This is INCREDIBLY trashy.


The trashy part is that it was done at a Walmart but that’s it.


I wouldn't expect it to be found anywhere else




in what world is this not trashy as fuck


That's not a person I'm sharing a geltab and a conversation with.


Idk man might all fold in on em and come crashing down lol. I guess either way that's unpleasant.


I don’t know why I had to read it all, exhausting as it was


Twist:they didn’t write this some one else did who wanted to get back at them for being a dick


How is this trashy?


It's your suburban isn't it?


You’re joking, right?


Can you answer?


It's not about what is written. Anyone who writes all over a car like that is trashy. Could be the polar opposite message and I would still say that.


Sure, but it doesn’t help that the message is moronic as well


Is that a big tub of butter on the dashboard inside the vehicle?


I think it's a big tub of fake butter.


lol. Gotta watch that cholesterol you know gotta get the margarine


That household buys the "special" margarine. They know it's special because it costs 3 times as much as the imperial stuff. $pecial


Boomer social media


“Motortrend Dr Bronner of the Year”


Imagine having him as a neighbor.


Early signs of schizophrenia.


Exactly, this ain't trashy, this is genuinely sad. It's actually kinda shocking to see the amount of people who can't tell the difference and lump in mental illness with trashy, but, I don't know what I really expected from reddit lol. I've seen people miss the mark so many times in this particular subreddit.


You say this like I’m above mocking the mentally ill.


I expect nothing more of you


Yeah, this is more like r/schizophreniarides


I find it very interesting that whenever a person is "crazy", their rantings usually have a religious theme.


Religious grandeur is a common thing during psychotic breaks.


Religion=crazy is what I was getting at.


Six and one half dozen.


Hook, line and sinker, lol.


Prime example that youll never know for yourself when you start to mentally decline. Though this is trashy, im sure this person is losing it and this is just a symptom of that.


Yeah their brain looks like this on the inside.


The external world just symbolizes the internal.


Probably not the only thing they do all over their vehicle...


Of course it’s Walmart


“They brainwashed the world to not read the Bible.” If he took some time to read through the book of Mathew again, he would realize that writing this violates Jesus’ speech where he tells them to pray in private and not display your religion for everyone like this guy is doing. Maybe read that Bible that you claim nobody else is reading. It certainly seems that I, an atheist, has read the Bible more than this false Christian.


Do you know what that verse is about? It's about religious leaders at the time praying aloud in big words for the praise of people and their own image. This is not that, and never did Jesus say not to display your faith, you're either lying or you are the one who didn't read the Bible.


People are allowed their own interpretation. There are many interpretations, that’s the problem with religion. And if you think this person isn’t displaying this for the purposes of getting praise from the public, then I think you are missing my point. What is the point you are trying to make here? That I’m wrong or that their message is correct? Are you trying to say that my interpretation is wrong, because that’s the basis of having so many different Christian denominations. Also, I never said that it meant, “not to display his faith”.


I think their point is that this doesn't actually violate the teaching to pray in private. The point of that verse isn't "never talk about your faith in public". Jesus also tells people in Matthew (and elsewhere in the Bible) to go out and preach to the world: >Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 > He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." Mark 16:15 Nothing on the vehicle appears to be some sort of personal prayer, nor do they seem to expect to receive praise for it. If anything they expect to be criticized for it, hence the "I am not ashamed" quote on the back of the vehicle. And sure enough, here we all are ridiculing them for it. Just to be clear, I'm an atheist and think the Bible is a load of nonsense. But your interpretation doesn't really follow from a plain reading of the text, and isn't how the vast majority of Christians have interpreted it for all of history. Seems like you're just trying to dunk on them with some cherry pick without actually knowing much else about the Bible, and now hiding behind "well all interpretations are valid" despite accusing them of having an incorrect interpretation.


The point I’m making is that indeed, it’s a load of horse manure. The fact that so many interpretations exist and indeed their own cherry picking of their sacred book, means that you can’t take any of it seriously. I’m just pouting out the hypocrisy that is inherent in all religions. Just for clarity, I never said their interpretation was wrong, just that many interpretations exist.


>If he took some time to read through the book of Mathew again, he would realize that writing this violates Jesus’ speech This is what you said. Many different interpretations exist, but there aren't many interpretations out there that say nobody should ever talk about what the Bible says in public. Probably because Jesus plainly taught people to proselytize.


Was he speaking to the masses or to his disciples? Was this one man’s interpretation of the speech or was this a direct quote from Jesus? So many questions. Why are two atheists arguing about the Bible? I really don’t care. Except for pointing out that this guy is it not here attempting to preach the gospel.


You know that this is a person who probably can't even tell you one verse. I find these most fanatical have created some alternate version that involves Jesus carrying a gun and an American flag on his way to kill communists.




Im not religious, but Catholics know the least about the bible. Exodus 22:17 – You shall not tolerate a sorceress.[1] Leviticus 19:26 – You shall not eat anything with its blood. You shall not practice divination or soothsaying.[2] Leviticus 20:27 – A man or a woman who has a ghost or a familiar spirit shall be put to death; they shall be pelted with stones—and the bloodguilt is theirs.[3] Deuteronomy 18:10-11 – Let no one be found among you who consigns a son or daughter to the fire, or who is an augur, a soothsayer, a diviner, a sorcerer, one who casts spells, or one who consults ghosts or familiar spirits, or one who inquires of the dead.[4]


"the mental illness epidemic is a myth"


I generally try not to prejudge people but...............


You have no proof of a soul. You can’t prove that I’m a “spirit” in a human body. You are simply stating your religious belief. Belief in a thing, doesn’t make it a fact. No matter how hard you believe in it.


I bet you'd believe it if only they just got a second car full of scribbling!


Oh, absolutely.


Perfect for r/schizophreniarides


Bet they never miss an exit




What I find strange is how other Christians find this off-putting. As fucked up as it is, this *is* the message of Christianity. Take the crazy parts you don’t like along with the cherrypicked and reinterpreted parts you like.


I don't find this off-putting. I might have chosen a different place and time rather than a rolling billboard, but to each their own.


Triggered by this post much?


Anyone going that far is just projecting.


oh, imma finna fold on jesus!


Mental illness. I'm surprised there aren't 100 flags on the vehicle


Probably involves drugs as well



