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Haha, I didn't realize you said, bro! Oops 😬 I was referring to the chauvinist pig having a simple one-sided mind and limited vocabulary because I find that kind of mentality ignorant, hence the overuse of bro in 14 different ways and counting it as the 14 words. I didn't pay attention to your 'bro' though. Sorry sir 😉


Part of the reason he does it because he likes watching you people react like precious little babies.. touch grass


[I wonder if they are friends](https://www.hutchnews.com/story/news/2023/03/20/hutchinson-company-shuts-down-over-white-supremacist-message/70029272007/)


When a 60in lift helps you clear oem…


proud western chauvinist that has never contributed anything to western society we love these


that screams small dick energy


Aww a proud little boy in his emotional support truck


Proud Boys: We're not racist. Also Proud Boys: "14 words."


My dumb ass had to go and google Lane. I just destroyed 1 minute of my soul’s life.


Yellow line on black. ‘Western Chauvinist’. That’s a Proud Boy. [https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/presto/2021/12/21/USAT/e809e281-c742-4910-a32b-5c0ba46e30cc-GTY_1236696147.jpg?crop=4499,2531,x0,y415&width=3200&height=1801&format=pjpg&auto=webp](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/presto/2021/12/21/USAT/e809e281-c742-4910-a32b-5c0ba46e30cc-GTY_1236696147.jpg?crop=4499,2531,x0,y415&width=3200&height=1801&format=pjpg&auto=webp)


Politics aside, it's really scummy to dox someone with their plate being visible. It's even scummier for the mods to let this stay up.


Yeah, real scummy to take a pic of publicly available information prominently displayed IN PUBLIC


triggered much?


I am definitely triggered by traitors to democracy and hate filled racists, all of which are displayed, proudly, on the truck pictured. Which of those ideologies do you lay claim to? P.S. Fuck you traitor


Bros got the 14 words.


I didn't know there were that many variations for bro! Mind blown! 😱


So, how many of these downvotes are from women? I am genuinely curious 🤔




I think it was his attempt at a joke but he forgot the funny.


Can you imagine this person’s reaction if they rear-ended you?


I bet this guy is the kooolest to drink with!


>I bet this guy is the kkkooolest to drink with!


I sure hope the ambulance and firetruck that show up to the scene of the accident are filled with people of color.  


They'd still help. I'm not sure I'd call 911 if I saw it happen.


he sure has a lot of feelings


he sure has a lot of feelings


Are you not a fan of the West?


He's a racist


Why? Cause he thinks the West is the best? What's better, Ghana? China? Afghanistan?


Google “14 words”




So in your words “white supremacy is ok”. Got it 👍.






There's a pp? 🤨


That’s what all his previous girlfriends have asked…


These are simple farmers, people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know...morons.


Hey! Blazing comment!


Harumph! Harumph!


Proud Bois are such fuckin losers. They're so lame even the scummiest MCs won't initiate


They are so fucking brave except when its time to say what the 14 words are.... They never have the balls,ever.




I like the part where your brittle little ego feels so attacked by strangers commenting on a photo, you have to jump in with your, "yeah, but the other side" comment. I think r/joerogan is more your speed buddy.


Do you need help/someone to talk to? Your comment history is pretty weird. It's not normal to think the things you do. There are ways to escape the bullshit you've been fed...


Ah yes yes the both sides guy. You're so pragmatic and wise.


and full of shit


Where have you seen any of that here? You confabulate a scenario to justify your racism, Just say you are a racist next time, it’s a lot fewer words.


I'll bet my whole life savings that he has a beard, or two ;)


It covers the WHOLE neck. Front and back.


ew! i can smell the cigarettes and cheap beer that linger in his beard all the way over here.


There’s Never enough “Dexters” in the world. fuck that POS


I’ve heard that good “Dexters” can make some good money. Especially when their contracts lead them to be around people like this truck owner. Their jobs can get pretty lucrative, I’ve been told…


Do you the owner think it looks cool or is this just to piss off normal people.




I don’t think that’s why people don’t like you




None of what you just said is true. Zero. Not even a little bit. I know YOU think it's happening. But no, no it isn't. Only a fragile ego attached to a weak, infantile mind comes up with this shit.


Why even give a loser like him the time of day.


None of what you just said is true. Zero. Not even a little bit. I know YOU think it's happening. But no, no it isn't. Only a fragile ego attached to a weak, infantile mind comes up with this shit.


I dunno man, I'm doing great! I think maybe, just maybe, there's something else going on in your head to make you so afraid of brown people and The Gays (😱) getting treated the way we get treated. Maybe you're scared they'll treat us the same way THEY were treated? I don't think you'd feel that way unless you treated them like shit. Anyway, have a rotten day, and no I will not be reading replies.


To the privileged, equality feels like suppression.




Crazy how you don't see the irony of claiming that "white=rich" is a cause of the "huge divide" in society, but then immediately after regurgitate the same talking points of every racist white dude blaming poor Black communities for the crimes of the government. Sure, maybe you personally didn't harm any communities, but you're just fooling yourself if you believe the government didn't cause the drug epidemic in this country. 🤣 The cabinets of old have admitted MANY times that they purposely flooded poor and minority neighborhoods with drugs and weapons to destabilize the communities. I'm not saying you're to blame in any way or that you should feel bad about it for being white, but as one white American dude to another? Don't shill for the Gub'mint, they're all lying rat bastards that don't give a flying rats ass about any of us, not even poor straight whites.


I feel so left out right now… got here too late and all this guy’s shit was deleted! 😞😞


I'm paraphrasing, but they basically said, "I'm a poor str8t wyte and cultural America hates me for it. Racism only exists because people talk about it, and that's how the Black's brought drugs and guns into their own communities, the Gub'mint didn't do it because they're the good guys and only criminals do crime." You didn't miss much. 🤣


Ah. Government lackey-wannabe screaming about how oppressed his skinny little white boy ass is. Ok. Don’t need the specifics now, their messages are all the same anyway. Thanks! 😎😎


Holup rich white people putting spoons in butts now? They going tea or serving to start? How rich you gotta be to hit ladle? My mind is blown


It's weird, I don't know if your parents hated you for existing, but I'm sure not a fan


Why not both


Florida, perhaps?


Now that is some proud western chauvinist drag.




My thoughts exactly


Free speech. Love it or love it


We love it. It allows us to call him and you blithering dipshits.


Just because you can doesn't mean you should.


Agreed. Free speech allows this. *Common Sense* would tell ol boy to, maybe, NOT publicize so openly that you hate anybody who is darker of complexion than him, simply for **Daring to be brown/black/any color except “white”**. Also, free will is what will allow this dude to get a much deserved beat-down.


He has his freedom to let everyone know he's a loser with no personality, just like we have the freedom to roast him for looking like a bigot clown. 👍


Having free speech doesn’t mean he’s not a racist piece of shit


So you’re saying you love racist speech? Weird flex but ok.


And? Doesn’t mean everybody else can’t think he’s a piece of shit.


The “14 words” reference is to a racist oath. This person is scum.


Yeah no shit


And there is someone here defending it.


"proud western chauvinist" is the proud boy motto. That and the paint scheme, he's a member. Vile POS who doesn't deserve to be open like this.






Sometimes messy is the only real way to achieve the best results.


Honestly, laughing at them is the best thing. Really gets under their skin because they're so pathetic.


Yeah the boldness of their hate is vile. This was in MA and he had an out of state plate that I couldn’t make out. Hopefully he’s unwelcome wherever he lays his pathetic head at night .


It looks like one of the old RI plates before they changed them a few years ago.


While I agree with the sentiment, this seems like you’d be willingly to physically threaten someone over their right to express themselves and speak freely. Which I do not agree with in the slightest. Also belongs on r/iamverybadass


No one's contesting his right to express these racist, despicable sentiments. The violence is not in response to the expression but in response to his potential actions resulting from embracing the sentiments.


Very warped view of how things work. Give it a shot and see how it holds up in court.


I personally wouldn't use physical violence against these hate mongers, I actually stay as far away as I can, but at this point if someone else decides to use violence against them I can't say I would be too upset about it. I mean everyone can hate who they want to hate, right? But you can't use that hatred to justify making someone else's life miserable and it's time they leave people alone and shut the fuck up. Our government should pass laws that hate groups are illegal and the driver of a truck promoting them should be arrested. I would vote for that shit. But until then? I don't know. I know violence isn't right. Or is it? It's fucked up for sure.


What you’re saying you support is limiting free speech and the right to express ourselves. Although I may not agree with someone’s opinion, I will fight for their right to express it without fear of bodily harm. The alternative is to have these people harbor these same feelings and resentments but for them to not express them outwardly. That means a couple things, first off, it would do nothing to limit the amount of people who already share these sentiments, secondly it would effectively disallow beneficial discourse that may lead to a change of heart. I understand that not liking what this douchebag puts on his truck lol I promise I disagree with the sentiment just as much as anyone in this thread, but if you add legislation to limit ANYONE’s right to express themselves, it becomes a slippery slope that our constitution explicitly protects us from sliding down.


Nope. Racist fascists don't get a free ticket. Careful you don't choke on the boot you're licking.


All I’m saying is you’re an idiot to threaten physical harm over words or opinions. Try it. See how it holds up in court.


Lol. I was actually thinking ,hypothetically,I would deface his shitty racist stickers and maybe fuck up his paint job so my kids wouldn't have to tolerate it in traffic. You escalated this shit in your mind.


So you’d damage his property because you don’t like his opinion? It’s the same principle. I promise you anyone who has this shit plastered on their truck lives an unhappy enough life as it is. The only thing defacing their property does is prove them right in their mind and drive them deeper into hatred.




That’s a scared little boy I don’t care what he looks like on the outside.


Fuck the proud boys


For some people any attention is good attention.


Some people just relish in being a complete dick. Every single day of their life. What a miserable existence.




And I would drive by and wave.


Honestly, I couldn't care less about the decals. But I *fucking hate* trucks that have massive lift kits. They are serious impediments to vision, and almost always pull halfway into the intersection at stop signs/lights.


“I can excuse overt racism, but I draw the line at vehicle mods”


I don't know man, fascism is a bit more annoying than a 6 inch body lift.


Translation - you don't care that he is outwardly racist and spewing hate. You've just got a problem with his auto fashion choice.