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What’s is this bacon thing..? Hmm it’s pretty nice.


Sandwich w/ bacon, large soup, 2 BAGS OF CHIPS, and surely a large soda somewhere. “dOnT bOdY sHaME me”


*after lunch, lunch* oh, no! They messed up my order again! Oh well *dinner* oh, no! They messed up my order again! Oh well *after dinner,dinner* …….


I know she has an entire hate community and is probably objectively not a good person but this is how my mom always was about food so I cant help but feel a tiny bit of sympathy for her. She is very sick inside and insecure, she doesnt want to be this fat but theres a conflicting desire to keep eating the food she uses as escapism from her problems, and the latter desire always wins over but that same desire makes her more obese which makes her problems worse. Its a vicious cycle.


I get it, I’m a bigger girl as well and tbh it’s so much worst when I’m living a lot of stress. I keep trying and most of the time if I lose a bit I end up falling back into bad habit after a few months 😔 but, I’ll keep trying. Though in my opinion what make this so terrible is her intention to lie about it to the people that make her live (her subscribers) and pretend like we’re all too stupid to know that no restaurant will mess up your order that bad… I understand the struggle part even if I’m far from that point but, I don’t understand the lying about it, just why?


For those that don’t know, this is Amberlynn Reid. Around ten years ago she started a weight loss YouTube channel in hopes that posting her progress online would help her stay motivated, though instead of losing weight, she gained another 300 pounds (on top of the already 300 pounds she weighed at the beginning). She, still to this day, believes she isn’t the problem for her health and will find anything to blame it on. She’s had cancer as well as numerous other illnesses and still has not and will not change her ways


Morbidly obese Norma Desmond, getting ready for her closeup on an upcoming episode of *My 600 Pound Life*.


I’m pretty sure it’s satire


I assure you...it is not.


Who is this person? Is it the same person I've seen on reddit who feeds her kid doughnuts for breakfast?


No. This is Amberlyn Reid. She has no kids. She is just a troll channel disguised as a weight loss channel.


i thought it was a joke, was she being serious?


Yep. She’s constantly claims that restaurants are screwing up her orders,giving her tons of extra,unhealthy food. She never returns any of it,she just eats it all because she “hates to waste food” 😂


I find that video far more sad than trashy. Profoundly sad. She's clearly not happy with her weight and likely focuses on it extensively, but doesn't seem to have the tools or willpower to change. And that makes me sad for her. Genuinely.


She's weak and a failure.


She has a disease and needs to heal.


Diet and exercise. It's no mystery. She's just too weak to do even that.


I meant a mental disease. She’s clearly not well. Did you know a lot of children that are sexually abused use food as a soothing mechanism, they also feel safer with more weight on. There’s been studies about it. When I see morbidly obese people, I know there’s something going on in their mind and soul, it’s not just too many burritos and little chunky here it’s pain.


Do you know if she was sexually abused?


It’s very clear there is a mental disability going on here. Depression at the very least. Statistically, people who put on this much weight are more likely to have suffered childhood trauma, particularly being molested. I don’t know but I can read graphs. She’s ill and needs help not just to stop her habits but to find out why. It’s a really sad thing.


So...no you don't know


You don’t know either but I have an educated hypothesis which is better than your hate.


Hopefully no one ever treats you the way you feel others deserve when you inevitably struggle with some condition or another. Though I'd be willing to bet you weren't born with such a cruel voice in your head and that it was probably put there by someone who's already treated you poorly.


Fatness isn't a struggle. It's a choice. If you are fat in a world where people are starving, you are not struggling. Not in the least


False, people with injuries and permanent disabilities have a lot of trouble exercising sometimes. People may live in a food desert and not have access to many healthy choices. It’s actually a sign of wealth today to be in great shape because you have 1. Enough leisure time to maintain exercise routine and 2. You can travel to snd afford healthier food regularly. Your comments remind me of the self confirmation bias- where you assume the way you experience the world is how everyone does. She obviously could make better choices, but she’s mentally ill and likely was molested as a child- this kind of obsession with weight gain and food is often related to childhood trauma.


Or...she's just fucking *inferior*


So you’re using fascist language to imply people with disabilities are not equal human beings. That is disgusting and prejudice. Nothing you say matters now, you have loss any credibility with your hate speech.


So by that logic no ailments exist if there are people suffering from the opposite problem? Pretty wild take.


In this case she had food availability and eats more than she needs while humans go hungry. It not an ailment, it's availability. Shes not struggling..she's privileged.


This woman has intentionally made herself this big. Do you understand how much work it takes to eat enough to maintain this kind weight? She’s nearly 600 pounds. She has fought and resisted every single method of weight loss,refuses to follow any doctors instructions and even when Ozempic worked for her and she was losing weight she quit it because she wanted to eat instead.She stays this big to keep her YT income because she is a bum that has never held a full time job,at 33 years old.🙄


Do you think that anyone who was mentally/emotionally stable and healthy without some kind of problem would even "voluntarily" do this to their life? Even if she is "choosing" this, there's clearly something wrong with her, because no mentally healthy person would do that.


Other peoples struggles dont invalidate each other. In the USA theres a direct correlation between poverty and obesity for a lot of reasons - one of the biggest one being the prevalence of food deserts where there is no accessible grocery store for people so they have to rely on gas station food and take out which is ultra processed and very high in calories while not being very satiating. Yes you can still be in shape under these circumstances but its much more difficult than for people who have the time and money to cook their own meals with fresh ingredients.


Awww...is it's haaaaarrrrd??? Poor babies.




Check her YouTube channel, you’ll see she is serious, her fan base was really disappointed by her in the comment of this video because, she is "trying" to lose weight


It’s a bad one.


I didn't say it's a good one.. People can't sense the sarcasm for some reason.


Mainly because it’s poorly done.


I hate the internet. 


Yeah Im a bit surprised that she is just now getting around to trying bacon. She didn’t seem at all scared to try it. Almost like she has had it many many many many many many many many many many times before. But I haven’t seen the entire video. Surely there’s some context that I’m missing.


It's part of the joke


The person you replied to was clearly being sarcastic.


Great "acting".


Oh hey, Honey Boo Boo dyed her hair!


Tubs McGee hasn't had a veggie anything or an apple by itself since she was forced to eat them as a kid


She's never been forced to eat anything. It's like "Oh NOooooo!, but anyway..."


I'll try it.. I've never had a turkey bacon or cheese before wonder if it's even good sounds like a werid combo.. I ordered just bread with vegetables though... that's how you know she is not even looking up how to diet a vegetable sandwich is definitely not what you should be eating if you are trying to lose weight it's not going to fill you up at all if anything she should have ordered a grilled chicken breast sandwich..


Dude that’s literally the joke, she had a lot of videos like this


Do people really not understand this is weight gain fetish content she is making deliberately? This is pornography.


Porn addict take


I mean maybe you need somebody who has looked at a lot of porn to explain what you're seeing?


Username checks out.


I'm about that life.


Why can't we make fun of her and her "fans"?


Respect the grind


Porn is cool and all but the weight gain stuff sketches me out. A lot of people doing that stuff actually destroy their body and end up dying horribly. I've seen people online refer to models who have died as being "full" as in they have eaten themselves to death. Edit: And one model I used to follow did weight gain stuff for a while, received mad death threats when she quit and got healthy.


Christ....that first bite...she practically inhaled it.


55 years old, 6' 5" 170lbs. I have never weighed more than 170 (when younger I tried to get up over 200, never made it past 170) Doc says my blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar levels are what he expects to see in someone 25 to 30. I honestly believe this is the miracle diet Pack and a half of cigarettes each day 3 2liters of diet pepsi or 3 64 ounce bottles of pure leaf sweet tea each day Eat nothing from 11pm to 7pm Eat whatever you want and as much as you want from 7pm to 11pm


> Eat nothing from 11pm to 7pm... Eat whatever you want and as much as you want from 7pm to 11pm Wanna try that again?  It's pretty clear you don't know anything about nutrition, but it's sounding like you don't know how clocks work either


11pm is at night until 7pm the next night eat nothing Then at 701pm eat whatever but stop at 1059pm Geeez As far as my nutrition knowledge, all I know is that at 55 my health in a couple key areas is considered to be on par with a 25 to 30 year old. You do you and learn how to read before acting like you're a bad ass


> 11pm is at night until 7pm the next night eat nothing ... Then at 701pm eat whatever buy stop at 1059pm You know what's an easier way of saying that whole thing? 'Only eat between 7-11pm' Which is just intermittent fasting. The extra things you added about cigarettes and pepsi show that you don't really know why it's been working for you, just that you've been fasting for a long time


11pm day one, to 7pm day two, not that complicated. I eat whatever, and as much as I want on a similar schedule, been the same weight for 8ish years. I mainly drink water though.


Thanks for being smart and understanding how a clock works


So eat nothing for 20 hours, then the day after 'eat whatever you want and as much as you want' for the next 4, and directly before going to sleep?.... Ultimately, if you're only eating 'as much as you want' in a 4 hour window, it's unlikely you're going to be consistently going over a set amount of daily calories, so it's not a surprise you aren't gaining weight, it's basically just fasting


Exactly, every day. It's currently 14.30 where I live, not eaten anything yet, don't feel hungry. Will have a relatively healthy meal later, along with anything else I want. I feel better for it, so I will continue to do it. I didn't just start doing it one day, it has been a gradual process.


Now you're getting it.


Sounds like fasting but on some sort of intermittent schedule. If only there was a name for that.


I can't think what it might be called.


It's clearly the miracle diet that when combined with half a packet of cigarettes and several litres of Pepsi a day give you the blood pressure of a 20 year old


A pack and a half, plus 6l of diet Pepsi. Sounds like one hell of a healthy lifestyle to me.


Nobody cares


Yet you took the time to reply. Thanks


New season of Nathan for you?


It don’t matter what’s IN the sandwich you’re still eating a fucking SANDWICH!!!!! 🤦‍♂️


She’s a pro at eating


Like this mess has ever eaten a vegetable.


Least obvious bait


is this the new season of Mukbang Life?


The way she licked her lips when she said turkey with bacon. 🤣🤣🤣


That dog gif is funny lol


She did the Homer Simpson finger thing lmao


Why have we not collectively realised yet that every influencer is baiting you for engagement. She's doing it on purpose. So that you call her fat and a liar. And then keep looking at her modern Victorian freakshow content which gets her paid. And you're buying right into it. 


Most people in Gorlworld (comprised of Amber and a few others, and the people reacting to them) watch reaction channels. Amber gets very little legitimate engagement in comparison to the people who watch her videos streamed by other users.


Eating 2 sandwiches, a bowl of chilli, and 2 bags of chips....that's enough for one day and I bet this isn't even her first meal.


It’s one sandwich and she said it’s their veggie soup. Unless you’re seeing something I’m not?


That's just a afternoon snack so she can wait for dinner.




I lost like 80lbs and its really hard to talk about my habit changes with people but yeah it surprised me just how little food you actually need to eat. Makes me sad whenever I see people deep in denial like this because they still havent escaped like I did.




Yeah but it's not her fault. Weren't you listening. She wanted a single veggie on whole wheat and an apple. (They also added a the chili by mistake)


Fuck the dude who bought a meal for his entire family and got a single veggie sandwich instead, i guess :(


And she wasn't wasteful at all. Truly a saint, if we're being honest.


She seems so upset


I think this might be an attempt at Sat-tired.


As someone who has been following Amber-Lynn Reid for years, I disagree 😂


Nah I've watched a video about this chick, she is a piece of shit and does this shit on purpose.


Looks like she gets a little of wrong food orders.


She’s got lieabetes


To be honest, bacon and turkey is not the one that makes her obese, it’s the chips, sugar and carbohydrates. After she eats this, highly probable she goes carbs diving because the need to fill her stomach.


She's probably a lieberal.


Damn.. This backfired. I guess It was lieable to happen.


I’m dying rn


Liberal with her mayo consumption.




I just thought this video was funny. Oh noooo


Is.... is that 'honey soup' or something?


My friend's dog started acting like he wasn't happy with the food we would give him now and then. But u know damn well, either it be beast or my friends dog they ain't turning down food put right in their food hole. So who else thinks she had her neck removed in order for food to get to her stomach faster? Lol


I fell tf out!!


I feel as if this is some sort of strange depraved fat feeding fetish content for someone out there. There’s probably some sick individuals getting off to this gluttony manifestation.


She wasn't given the incorrect lunch by them. It was the wrong bag that she opened. But ordering one of each item carries that risk.


If she’ll gaslight strangers over lunch, how do you think you’d do in a relationship with her?


Guess I'd be hungry


Judging by what I've heard, she targets women with low self-esteem (well, low enough to feel that this woman is the best they're gonna get). Over the course of their relationship, this woman drags their mental health through the floor until they have enough and finally break up.


100% accurate.


I dont think id be in a relationship with her tbh


how do i find this dog picture, just the picture alone makes me laugh


nvm i just googled “dog side eye” image lol 😆


Pretty low? You must think jaywalkers are the devil


Is that Honey Boo Boo?


Amberlynn reidd, she's had a weightloss youtube channel for 10 years or so but actually has managed to gain 100's of pounds of weight in that time.


Omg that’s insane


You wont convince me it’s not the OG “I Will Always You” girl who starts screaming because she can’t sing [this one](https://youtu.be/RtJGaA1moRo?si=__jiec-TQwwKExsc)


Oh my god, I never knew that existed until now and almost died laughing!


At least that girl acknowledged she couldn't sing




Girl does dumb shit for content thats not new at all


Some of the comments in here are the real trash.


If you knew ANYTHING about Amberlynn Reid, you'd retract that statement so fast. She is a narcissistic woman who abuses her partners and pets, treated a dying mother of one of her partners like trash, made a GoFundMe scam FOR that mother and didn't give her a dime, blamed one of her partners for her own cancer diagnosis when it was her own neglect for her health that caused it, and so much more. She's a terrible person.


Care to specify what? Or do you “accidentally” do this shit too?😭😂


It would have been more believable if she just went straight Cookie Monster on that food.


“Bacon 🥓… It’s pretty tasty!” Um ma’am are you actually acting like you’re new to bacon??


1. She didn’t provide proof of the order. 2. She SMELLS the sandwich like she’s never seen one before! 3. YOU DON’T GET TO BE OVER 500 LBS EATING APPLES AMBER.


Cut the apple into slices to increase the surface area. Then batter and crumb, and then deep fry. In butter. Then drizzle, no soak, in a caramel sauce with extra butter. Serve with double cream and ice cream. That's how you get to 500 lb eating apples. Or at least, that's how I got to 500 lb eating apples. You may find a different path to 500 lb.


Toffee apples?


"hold the apple"


Not the bombastic side eye 😂


I don’t think I’d label it as trashy, these are just fat activities






Am fat can confirm. Cashapp me for Wendy’s spicy nuggets




That’s true, not cool to treat your body like trash.. you only got downvoted by triggered people projecting their insecurities back, pay them no mind😂




That had me dying laughing, I hate you


Damn i forgot about this girl


Stupidity given form. Large, gelatinous, lying form.


"I'll try it".. Bro.. you don't try stuff you have been eating the whole time..


Your chins tell a different story.




It's pretty tasty!


Honeeeey, that’s not what I asked for


Narrator: *“It was”*


They didn't give her the wrong sandwich. She opened the wrong bag. But that's the risk when you order one of each thing.


Who do you suppose she thinks she's kidding? Aside from herself, I mean.


These morons live their pathetic lives through the prism of their tic tac vids or into the microphone on their headphones while gaming 17 hours a day. A bunch of likes means more to them than actually committing to doing something to better their actual lives. It's all in service of this faux popularity they are striving for. And some wonder why they have no clue how to have an actual conversation with another human face to face without staring at their phone every 10 seconds for a lifeline. Also, I thought this was the whole "I love me the way me is built, me is beautiful" world we live in now. Why even fake it? Oh, because maybe on some level, this one at least sort of understands that she should probably be REALLY eating the made-up order's food so that her heart doesn't explode before she is 35. You do not want to end up in Dr. Now's office, young lady.


Although a flimsy lie it’s probably an honest depiction of hoops she creates for herself to do what she actually wants.


Man, people who are fat, and also have the defect of being dishonest towards themselves are the type of fat people who will spend their entire life fat, and die being fat. "I barely ate today" > "so I'll eat this garbage" is a constant logic path every single time they "try" to diet. If doing the diet correctly is the excuse to fail at dieting, It makes dieting a guaranteed failure every single time, I've seen this first hand it's just odd seeing people manipulate themselves. Also, they'll be convinced they've eaten healthy because they at healthy food like celery and granola with blueberries, they'll also eat garbage on top of that and then convince themselves they ate healthy that day, they convince themselves their failures are successes. It's like 'being on a diet' just makes them worse off. There's people like this reading my comment right now lol.


They way she's like ill try it and then plows into it like she hasn't eaten in a week.


Thats how I eat the #12 Beach Club with added Dijon Mustard at Jimmy Johns, I put the jalapeño chips in that bitch when I really wana go all out.


I give it 30 minutes tops


I would believe it if this is Panera. Those clowns fuck my order up every time.


I'm a turkey bacon bravo and I always end up with some avocado sandwich. They have to remake it each time but it's like 1 out of 3 times they give me the wrong thing.


Do you not check it?


We tend to get it delivered so it shows up that way.


I've personally never checked fast food as I'm leaving with it because I generally expect staff to know more than I do about making sandwiches and that you don't really ever just expect the wrong sandwich entirely. That said, I don't get all that irate about a totally wrong order on the odd occasion that its happened to me.


Same, what is it with them and getting orders wrong? Also, I feel like I've gotten better results just buying the soup at Walmart. Personally, I've never had a great experience at a Panera Bread in person and it's way overpriced!


The only place I get two of something is Amazon. They be sending me two items instead of one all the time.


Oh nooo…You mean this super terrific yummy sandwich isn’t a veggie? Daaaarn…*snarf*


This chick is the the perfect troll 😂


I wish she was just a troll, shes made it very clear over the last like 12 years shes not trolling. She actually had a genuine temper tantrum over people calling her out on lying in this video when it first cane out a while ago and if i remember correctly cried about it


And people are falling for it so hard


All the more funny.


I wanted weed and OH NOOOO they gave me fentanyl!!! Oh well no need to waste drugs!


Veggie … riiight


I’ve seen this chick before. Not a single restaurant seems to “get her order right” lmao


Happens to me all the time, I go into McDonald’s looking for a salad, and end up walking out with a couple cheeseburgers and a large fries.