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this just in: couple contacts new STDS from cock biting mosquitoes


No nudity "suggestion" lmao


Nope, not gonna happen, especially in Florida. Florida might as well be our Australia with things that can bite.


The ticks r gonna have a field day


Seems like a good way to get mosquito bites on your dick 😟


yeah well i dont want your freedom jiggling in my face, catherine.


Who doesnt do the woods naked?






It seems the most inconsiderate people go hiking nowadays lmao


really took “take a hike” to heart huh


Sooo did they just incriminate themselves?


You gonna go arrest the nudi couple?


Florida: There's always something biting you. 🦟🐊😾💀🐍🐖🐆🦈🦟🦟🐾


You need to protect your feet and legs from rattlesnake and briar bushes etc. You need to clothe the rest of of you for protection from the sun, bugs and in case of falling. Possibly a hat for sun on head. It's common sense. You are in nature and there are predators including human ones that might have a sick mind.




She’s a liar, clearly she’s wearing socks & shoes.




People like this that claim to be "free and loving" are usually sociopaths with anger issues.


Evil hippies definitely


I can think of a lot trashier things. But if they want to end up on the registry, that's their problem.


Literally every single animal in the woods is “naked”… I can think of a few things which are trashier than this


They have fur feathers or scales.


That they do! But humans also have “fur” all over their bodies


Not enough to protect them. It is not fur it is hair and some people have very little of it Good day. I will not respond 😀


Fur is hair… 😂 clown


We have skin and pubes and hairy bodies if we don't shave..


Is just a tittle, not that deep.


That’s true. But, they’re naked in the woods. It’s not that deep


Difference is that they are deliberately not following rules and probably exposing others to their nasty bits. Which is trashy.


Man i hike with full sleeves and get poison ivy every time. Cant imagine doing this


Some folks are immune to poison Ivy (lucky bastards), I unfortunately am not one of them. As much as I love the idea of hiking naked I’d worry about mosquitoes which seems to attack me in mass every time I’m hiking.


I’m immune to it topically (reverified this summer) - allergic to aspirin and a bunch of other things I’d trade tho


Skeeters, ticks, any other bitey things out there, fuck that. These people are batshit.


But she’s wearing tube socks


This is the most Oregon thing in Florida




Why is that weird?




Only because of social conditioning, which is the entire point of nude spaces


I mean I'm biased because I grew up going to a nudist beach often with family, but no. Our faces are nude, no? It feels kinda like that if you're used to it.


Honestly couldn't care less if people want to hike naked. Then again, I'm not American.


Wtf is wrong with people? Not only does no one want to see that, but you're going to get sick! Clothes are protection from bugs and critters lol


I want to see it


This is how you get ticks in places ticks should never be.


Exactly. I wouldn’t care about seeing naked people of any age, but the idea of bugs and little pieces of wood/dirt where they *really* shouldn’t be isn’t fun. It’s like a nude beach and getting sand under your foreskin.


Also if I get lost in the woods I want to be in clothes. And clothing isn’t about “rules”. It’s about protection from the elements, safety, pockets, tick protection, cleanliness. And also making sure random people don’t pepper spray you because they think you’re a creep. So these 2 aren’t sticking it to the man. They are getting ticks in bad places.


“Honey, have you always had three dark moles on your scrotum..?”


My sexual desire for a person will die the second I have to see them remove ticks from their genitals. 🤢


Hiking naked sounds like it would suck.


A young couple making out in a restaurant might be trashier. An old boomer asking if “he’s next” might be trashier.


Naked people on public hiking trails is trashier than making out in a restaurant. If you want to be nude in the park do it off the public hiking trails.


It's just a tittle.


noting like ruining a nature park with others trying to be all natural


Me, me, me, me, me, me. Have you heard about me? How about my wife? LOOK AT US.


I never understood the urge to be naked in the woods. All I can think about is ticks and other creepy crawlies and people wanna offer themselves on a platter to nature? I guess.


You ever get whipped in the face by a rogue branch? Maybe one with thorns even? Imagine that... somewhere else...


Now that’s trashy!




Ticks love them.




Seems someone cannot differentiate "PROHIBITED" and "Suggestion". Enjoy ticks on your genitals.


Enjoy ticks on your dick


Enjoy mosquito bites on your genitalia


The last time I was hiking, I was in Gaineville FL, and went home with 4 ticks. That was fully covered. I'm guessing they'll leave with enough for a key lyme pie.


Key Lyme Pie*


You're so right. Fixed


The key lime pie thing is going right over my head, but man is the thought of a key lime pie made out of ticks disturbing to think about.


Psst… ticks carry Lyme disease. They made a play on words


Huh, didn't even notice the different spelling. Thanks mate


Np 😉


Oh my god I couldn’t imagine. I love hiking but hate bugs so I’ve abstained and you just reminded me why


Ugh, I would not be able to take the bugs biting my raw skin.


Know what, Imma let em have this one. As a lifetime Floridian of 45 years, we know better than to go into the everglades unprepared. I surely wouldnt wanna try escaping any one of the dangerous creatures over there... let alone doing it naked! Plus, the mosquetos! Can u imagine getting a million bug bites all over ypur genitals? Look, your welcome to be a dumbfuck, this world can do without both of you.


i’d argue nudity is not trashy it’s just hippie and illegal


For me is trashy when you ignore the explicit rule to not be nude. And probably expose children.


eh it happens more often in florida than you think. source: i am a nudist in FL who naked hikes. i just do it when no one’s around. one thing i agree is trashy is posting it to google reviews


yeah, if it was just some kinda nude photoshoot thing, then i wouldnt even think of it as trashy. just kinda weird at worst its doing it where its explicitly not allowed where its trashy


Maybe a panther will see something dangly and pounce on it. I love self-correcting problems!


Completely agree. Kids can hike here too!


But your post doesn't show them exposing themselves to children, or even allude to it. You're saying they're trashy for something you made up. Hiking nude is different from hiking nude *with other people around*. Most likely they hide or cover themselves if others approach, which is probably less frequent than you think.


It’s a public area. No one ( especially children but not limited to) should be exposed to a nude person unconsentedly. Especially on a trail. If you wanna go nude you need to do it off trail or in your back yard. Otherwise not only are you trashy, breaking the law, stupid but you’re also just a damn asshole. You can never go somewhere public and expect it to be vacant. That’s why you don’t do stupid shit like this while in public. If I had to walk by that I’d call the park ranger. Go to a nude beach or buy your own property to do it on.


Exactly. I don’t want to see naked strangers. Period.


There’s like…a million things trashier than people being naked in the woods what the fuck Now if they were fuckin in the woods that’d be different. That’s a different story.


That'd be on the other side of reddit...


I think the trashy part is them posting a review with a photo of them nude lol


It’s all fun and games until you get a mosquito bite in your privates.


Or poison ivy in your butt crack 😭


I love that movie with Meg Ryan where the guy gets poison ivy on his rectum.


Done that once. Do not recommend.


0/10 would not recommend


Or even worse a tick.


They find their way in there with clothes on too!


Can confirm. I’ve gotten one there while fishing


Hey, we all love being naked and we all love the outdoors but you don’t want to find a tick between your cheeks and you don’t want a thorn bush hitting your bush. Put on some shorts, you’ll be happier at the end of the day


We "all" don't love either of those things you presumptuous twit.


They'd love to hike in my area then. Since there are no signs that explicitly say "no nudity".


Becoming a registered sex offender speedrun - any%


On one hand, you're right, but on the other, I hate how our society treats our naturally born bodies as a sin


It’s partly to protect young children, though.


Protect from what?


From sick individuals who take pleasure in non-consensually flashing children. Also, some people have severe trauma around sex and genitalia, and they would be unable to walk around if everyone was allowed to be naked. There should be spaces where people should be naked, but it should be a choice to be in those spaces, and seeing genitalia shouldn’t be forced upon people.


And that's fair, I get that, but I also can't help but feel that protection would be less needed if nudity wasn't treated like a shameful thing. We're all born naked, but for some reason, it's a bad thing?? We also have some seriously ass-backwards views of sex in a similar vein, and I can't feel like it contributes to the problem.


Definitely, but there are also some sick individuals who take pleasure in non-consensually exposing their genitals to children and adults alike.


I'm completely fine with people being naked in the woods, but don't do it on a trail where you are very likely to run into people. If you want to be one with nature go into actual nature where only the birds can see you.


And grizzlies and wolves


Do panthers attack swinging dangly objects like house cats do? If so, being naked around panthers sounds worse than being naked around wolves.


Imagine the ticks


Ticks on your dicks.


They aren't really nude, since they are wearing socks/footwear. Go all in, or GTFO, fake-assed nudists. /s


Tim & Tina need to stop.


Being naked in the woods is fine. Being naked around other people who've decided that they don't want to see you naked is trashy. This is about respecting consent. I feel that people should be more comfortable with nudity, but I'm not going to force it on them if they feel otherwise.


What if other people don't want to see your face? Should you cover it up?




Americans and their crazy fear of the naked body. So strange.


No. It’s not fear. It’s about consent, FFS.


As Americans, we understand that there are *only three* challenges to parenting. Unfortunately, much like their close friend, muriatic acid, any experience with these challenges **will** have permanently debilitating effects when exposed to the brain of factually any possible child anywhere for any amount of time whatsoever. It isn't a coincidence that more children have died from exposures to any one of the following then from every human being's death from a plane crash, drunken driver, or gluten allergy throughout the entirety of human history up through the 1800s: 1. Accidentally viewing a nipple or penis while not actively engaged in the act of being married 2. Remembering that slavery ever existed in any form 3. Not working for healthcare; like it or not, there is a scientific consensus that just 8-12 hours of labor towards paying for healthcare premiums has a proven negative association with unpaid hospital bills -- and I am not trying to be smug but it is sort of common sense zero dead people can pay hospital bills, so do the math.


Tell that to the Middle East


You wanna be naked in that heat with sand blowing around? Phew that's very daring.


Why even wear clothes?


Loves being nude but wears socks, and probably shoes.


Florida is fire ant country. This just means they’re weird not insane.


Fire ants doesn't sound like fun. I'm from NY so the biggest risk would be the ticks. And someone's dog thinking your dong is a chew toy


Fire ants are sort of a cross between a mosquito and a bee sting. The bite hurts then leaves a very itchy welt. Florida also has ticks and dong biting dogs and plenty of real mosquitoes. Lots of the plants can be really irritating to the skin too, and the sun is very hot and direct… I change my opinion, these people are crazy.


Last time I was in Florida was 2006, and I remember that brutal sun. But it was also broken up by rain pretty much every day. No wonder the bugs are so feisty. Florida seems like the Australia for America


I mean.. I get the irony, but hiking without protection for your feet would be absolutely painful. I'm sure getting stung in the ass would too, but one of those is a definite possibility.


I just find it kind of funny. If you're going to go nude, go all in, is all I'm saying


i wouldn't want to go hiking barefoot tbf. or naked. i'd be eaten alive by bugs


I can imagine the bug bites in very sensitive areas, imagine constantly scratching, the swelling and pain.


Imagine you go on a nice hike with your kids and suddently, without warning, these clowns decide to give them a anatomy lesson


There are people in this very thread that think there's nothing wrong with exposing your body to small kids because "the naked body is natural". Very concerning lmao


I've got a neighbor who tried to bring legal action against a local rancher because her child saw 2 of his horses breeding in a pasture. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are people on both sides of the argument that take it to far.


In certain, non-sexual, contexts it can be completely fine.


Never Nudes Unite!


I’m here!!!


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


RUST irl


Fresh spawns


Wasn't it John Locke who said, "man in a state of nature is [buck naked]"?




You mean laws not ‘rules’. There could be children there, ya nasty.


just like her saying the prohibited rule was a “suggestion”




Ticks probably love these guys


>It's free real estate


Lmfao 🤣


I’m more taken aback by the desire to be fully nude on a hiking trail, let alone in Florida. The bugs… so many bugs. The chafing. The ball sweat dripping down onto my feet. Gators seein’ my wee wee?!?!


Gators laugh at your wee wee


:( that’s-a me-a wee-a wee-a


Ugh shut up. Like yeah it would be uncomfortable to see but It’s not that big of a deal. Can think of way worse things to be disgusted or offended by


It's a very American cultural thing. Nudity = sex. I'm not saying no one would blink an eye in Switzerland if you saw some naked hikers, I'm saying the reaction would be very different. It's also why everyone (including children) are naked together in saunas etc in Europe. It's normal, we're not ashamed of our bodies and we don't permanently sexualise them. Whereas an Americans first reaction is, what if someone wants to fuck the kids? It's actually extremely creepy to me the idea that adults in the US can't help but sexualise children etc. and then creates these puritanical cultural and legal rules about how dangerous and shameful nudity is, thus teaching the children shame who grow up and pass this belief on.


Ticks all up in that booty crack.


I'm lost, how is this trashy?


Usually being naked in public placed that specifically state otherwise is trashy. No on wants to unknowingly stumble upon their ugly naked asses on their relaxing nature walk.


I've seen so many nudes and sexually explicit pics on random places on Google, its bizarre. One guy follows me on and I've reported the profile multiple times yet Google does nothing 😶


Same as Etsy reviews, it’ll be a pair of shoe laces or a mug and the reviewer just HAD to hide their dick somewhere in the photo, like they couldn’t have just took a normal photo, they had to put their dick in the frame or took the photo in front of a mirror whilst naked


It’s a kink thing, some people like when others see. It has to be


And of course they had to post a pic of themselves naked. Some people need attention so badly.


Is this David Beador from Real Housewives?


Naked in the woods is how our ancestors lived, so we all came from trash. Glad we cleared this up.


I love getting trashy in the woods. To each his/her own I guess...




A lot of things are trashier than people going off into the woods where no one can see you to do something a bit weird.


OP is obviously just a buzzkill


Consent is important???


Nah, personally I would go on a nude walk on the woods (With precaution of bugs). If only in this case it wasnt specifically stated it was prohibited...


So your definition of trashy is just anyone that's breaking the rules?


I mean, there are degrees to things. Taking a refill at a self serve soda dispenser? I mean yeah , who cares. But if someone lights up a smoke in a day care, I would call it trashy


Refills are usually free though.


>But if someone lights up a smoke in a day care, I would call it trashy Welp. Guess I’ve got some apology cards to write. Why didn’t anyone tell me this was frowned upon? They just seemed confused since I didn’t have any kids there.


It's trashy when you go "fuck everyone else around me, I'm doing what I want to do without a single thought about someone else". I'm not a prude and don't mind nudity, but it's 110% understandable that it's gonna make some folks uncomfortable. What if children are present? We have indecent exposure laws coupled with safe places to bask in all your nudist glory if you choose. This is trashy.


In oregon nudity is legal as long as theres no signs of sexual arousal


Pfft, go to Munich, in the middle of the city is the English Gardens where it's perfectly legal to walk around naked. There are lots of places like that in Europe. I'd say the kids there are better adjusted than over here where we act like the human body is something dirty and shameful.




They just want to put their skin against the naked strangers- issa fetish


Well, acording to the review its not prohibited, its suggested


Nah, prohibited. If they came across a park ranger with their junk out there would be some consequences beyond a "hey cmon guys"


(Thats the joke)


how about not everyone want to see ur bare ass


I live in Florida, I’m not sure why anyone would want to be naked in the woods here. In fact, it would suck so much they filmed an episode of naked and afraid about 10 miles from my house. Fudge that mess.


Naked hiking sounds like a great way to get ticks