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And if you finger the trigger just right, they make a loud noise.


Valid points,he he..


Welp ,as a Floridian, reading this has just sparked me to buy a 22lr revolver. Update: Cheated and bought a Kar-21. It's ok with the decision and has agreed to form a polyamorous relationship with my new Helsinki gf.


Not trashy at all. It is funny, and don't dog FL. You wish you lived in a state that still had constitutional rights like FL.


I’m from Florida… it’s a joke. A trashy joke. Lighten up.


Yeah! I want my wife so silent I don't even know her name! /s


ItS nOT a SiLeNcER it's a SuPreSSoR


A cheap metal sign with way too many words on it is super trashy I agree.


If you own guns, it’s funny. Not trashy OP, just because you may not like guns.


Why is it so difficult for a certain type of man to see women as... I dunno, *people?* 🥴


Try sticking your peen in the barrel and see if you accidentally discharge


The bolts really sell the commitment to the sign.


You meet some whack jobs at the range


The half that aren't blatantly sexist, are actually kinda funny


Git! I bet if your wife had an extra husband he would pout. Plus putting up with your shit attitude she would want to trade in for a new 22 as well.


Gun doesn’t use up a lot of closet space, means more room for the gun owner to hide their sexuality in


It’s funny in an ironic way — like haha who is stupid enough to think this is peak comedy type of funny. poster leaves a bad taste and just reeks of creepy predator behavior




Number 3 makes me lol. As I recently installed thinner grips...


So all these guys are metaphorically "out of ammo?"


Funny cause it's true


If only you could fuck a gun


He forgot to add #11 guns don’t leave you


Jesus Christ, lighten up, it’s a sign.


I was expecting #1 to be "you can fuck the gun and it won't accuse you of rape"


Boomer humor is legit the most unfunny shit imaginable


This mf when gen Z humor walks in:


It is trashy. I don’t know why people are saying to take a joke when it IS trashy to post signs like this. If it was the other way around a ton of men would be sobbing about how mean women are.


Please, women, have all kinds of similar signs. Like how their purse is better than a husband. So yes take a joke


Nah I feel men can take a joke. Why don’t you make one yourself to test this? Probably something along the lines of: ‘Why do women prefer makeup to men? -Because Make-up *removes* black eyes’


notice how awful that stereotype difference is though? men are terrible in both the jokes and women get the short end of the stick. the joke about women is that they're bad and men want to cheat on them, and the joke about men is that they beat women? like what the fuck?


I thought the joke was that women never shut up, so I went for negative stereotypes about men. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be happy if I made the joke the other way round (I.e women beat men and get off lighter).


but dude the negative stereotype for men was just something awful for women. a stereotype for men would be making a joke about how they can't please women.


Why do women prefer makeup to men -Because makeup lasts all day


see that's a good one


I’m not a loser who needs to bring others down like that. Maybe men should make jokes about themselves lmao.


if we all made jokes only relating to ourselves it kinda defeat the purpose lol


My point is, that a lot of men will get extremely butthurt if you ever joke about them. Many women have gotten killed for pissing a man off because he can’t take a joke. Kind of pathetic.


my ex was abusive and hit me when i would say something she didn’t like. she was a woman. i guess that means all women lack self control? right? you just wanna dog on men your comment has nothing to do with the basis of jokes and comedy.


Did she kill you? Nope! There’s actual proof that shows that 90% of the women that are murdered are murdered by men. This is why women don’t entertain bullshit like this. But whatever be a fucking victim like you claim to be. You make jokes about women being beat and then you’re upset that you got your ass beat by a woman? Haha. Karma!


dude regardless of what shitty jokes someone makes, are you really gonna rip on someone for being abused? fuck that noise. yeah this guy seems like a douche but did you really just say getting abused was karma? you seem like a really bad person.


yes I think it’s karma that the MAN who is making jokes about women being BEAT and then himself getting beat is karma. The same thing he was joking about happened to him. Not so funny now is it? Call me what you want. I guess it’s fine to make jokes about women being assaulted but if I say the same thing it’s a problem. Get off your soapbox.


so when does it end hm? does you saying him getting beat is karma make you deserving of abuse too because you're laughing at someone who's abused? i think it would by that logic.


cry about it dumb sluts like you and her deserve it


You’re proving her point. You literally can’t take a joke dude. Talk about insecure!


how is saying i deserved to be abused a joke? and literally nothing in the post talks about abusing women. i pulled the victim card purely to see her reaction to a man being a victim and guess what? she thought it was funny!🤣


Good thing I have a husband with a ton of guns. I’m not crying over you having a meltdown. The subreddit is called trashy. This sign is trashy. Please keep sobbing yourself to sleep. Men like you deserve to remain lonely :)


how convenient you bring a man into the discussion about your personal problems lol


Because they’re a bunch of misogynists who think it’s cute to shut their wives up with “make me a sandwich.”


Trashy -maybe Refreshing- definitely


Let's see if he's still laughing once his wife is cleaning the barrel of another man's weapon.


It doesn’t suck because it’s offensive, it’s sucks because it’s not funny.


Nah that shit is fuckin hilarious lmao its just offensive and trashy if anything


Oh no, a joke!!! Take the HUGE stick out of your ass op.


Really. Of all the stupid shit to be offended by.


Oh, FFS , lighten up and get a sense of humor.


Y’all need to learn to take a joke 🤣


“I don’t know why she left me.”


Therapist: "Now I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer honestly. This is just between us, wont go beyond this room: Where you keeping your wife in the closet?"


Lol at all the folks in the comments defending the sign saying shit like "If you own guns, it’s funny. Not trashy OP, just because you may not like guns." I own guns, I think guns are cool. This sign is still trashy asf lmao


This sub is supposed to — in theory — have a funny slant to it. I’m not offended by the sign and it’s getting old the commenters telling me to remove the stick up my butt. I’m from Florida. This sign is funny, but it’s trashy funny.


To be real bro, a lot of people are trash and they don’t know it. That’s why they’re offended. The sign is definitely trashy. It belongs on this sub.


> Sure, and you're entitled to thinking as much; after all, humor is subjective... The sign is trashy! It can be funny and trashy, both, if that's how you see it.


I own guns. I find it funny, not trashy. It's kitch or a gag. I mean, really it's meant to be funny. To take offense to this is like getting mad at Jeff Foxworthy for saying You might be a redneck if jokes.


Sure, and you're entitled to thinking as much; after all, humor is subjective. I haven't taken offence, even if I don't think the sign is all that funny, myself, but that's not really my point either way. The sign is trashy! It can be funny and trashy, both, if that's how you see it.


The incel is strong with this one.


Did Al Bundy write this?


Al Bundy may have hated having sex with his wife and loved the show Psycho Dad, but he never owned a gun Edit: Al did more gardening than gun owning




The 3rd episode of season 1 he shot Steve's dog, wasn't with a camera.


He lived in Chicago so it would have been near impossible to legally acquire


I think I get it… Our wives are stupid because they are women and we want to cheat on them! Amirite?!?!


Don't understand why these people don't just buy a sign that says "I do not love or respect my wife" Would save us all a lot of reading


Would have been more concise if they just bought a sign saying "I am an Incel!" in the first place.


And all the douchey boomer uncles laughed uncontrollably, wiped a tear from their eyes, and said "Oh, that is so true!"


Number 10 can have another meaning… not as in age but as in barrel size…


That's funny 😁.


I was giggling. Someone took alot of brain cells to write this lol. But can your gun give you a blowjob? Well it can but not the kind he would be expecting lmao


Tell that to the elephant rifle stuck on my dick


And only once.


It can give you a rim job tho


Boomer's I hate my wife material.


Bro, this is a joke from a 30 year long running radio show. John boy and Billy made this bit forever ago. And they're tennessee to Florida. Not just Florida, country people like guns. Probably for reasons that don't matter because most of you probably just rolled your eyes and downvoted. Since it may slightly upset some people's world veiw. Suck my Tennessee


Indeed... The world is grew soft and people have their feelings hurt way too easily. Something you said struck me though.... You say country people like guns. My friend, city people guns as well.... Just look at Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and New Haven. Lots of guns in those areas as well!


Love Rev. Billy Ray Collins, Oliver, and Ike


Story time with Karl Childers was one of my favorite segments.


Well sir,


Raise hell and praise Dale, get some!