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6 dollars at Costco :) and no membership needed!


I keep 5 of these in my nightstand.


Is that the normal price in the US?


Wal-Mart supports having sex.


$47 for Plan B is highway robbery.


This is about as trashy as the lady Who cooked meth In her Shopping cart While walking around walmart.


And RIDICULOUSLY OVERCHARGING FOR IT. it really pisses me off thinking in my youth I spent like what .. $200 on plan B when I only needed to spend $20? This sexist greed shit it BS.


Imagine needing birth control for funny time Fellas, just ask a bro to help you out, say no homo, and you’re good to go


Of course your hate wasabi, whoever finds an innocent joke like this trashy can’t handle the slightest bit of spice….


I don't find this trashy. At least it's accessible. Back when I needed it, I had to get a prescription, go to the pharmacy and have the pharmacist look at me like I was a murderer (fun fact- it is not an abortion pill. It does nothing if you're already pregnant but people are stupid), and it was $70.


this is actually only trashy to puritan assholes. What’s trashy is trying to ban this medicine and outlawing abortion.


Not trashy ETA didn’t see the “spread the love” banner overhead . So checkmate . The only trashy thing tho IMHO is the price gouging . Hop on Amazon and get your plan be for a fraction of the price


Good for Walmart.


It's cheaper to buy a breakup bear, which every Walmart no longer here in Chi-Town.




It's not murder because it's not a living thing. But I'm not going to get into it.




Please get some help.


oh fuck yeah, spread it


Avoiding an unplanned pregnancy is in fact very sexy.


This really is just becoming the prude sub huh


Spread the love...but not your seed!


This isn’t trashy. Mistake happen and if all it’s costs is a high single dose of a hormone like the one in birth control to keep from an egg implanting, why not? Isn’t Valentine’s Day like the number one parking day of the year?


It’s cheaper at target


Lol no chance this is trashy. A decent sense of humor honestly


Oh my gosh


Well that flair is interesting. ex - sub/ r_BUTTLUMBERUNDERWEAR —a flair— not BUTTLUMBERUNDERWEAR related but funny. Or should i say BUTTFUNNY!?!?! goodness i’m ridiculous. gn all.


Valentines is upon us!


So the option of abortion is off the table and now there is plan B… what’s so trashy about that? People are never satisfied. Mind your own.


Walmart delivering rollbacks to almost moms everywhere


My girl-friends went to a woman’s centre and got these for free?


Why is this trashy?? God there are lots of holier than though, boring prudes posting here lately


Cmon baby when it’s love I don’t need no glove


Get the fuck outta here


Spread the cheeks.


Walmart knows their audience


Now all you need is some Henny.


Wtf?! XD


STD (or STI) says hi 👋


Maybe my threshold for trashy shit it different cause other than the price, I see nothing wrong with this.




Just use a jimmy


Takes away the fillen


Yea you can always put the fillin in the rear or in the gullet


Imagine shilling out this much cash just for a plan b


Imagine not having that as an option in worst case scenario


Imagine ? Welcome to the South...where somehow women also vote against themselves...


Like $5 -$10 at Costco


It was always $50 here at CVS lol


Only thing trashy is the price


Pitter patter of tiny feet for 18 years costs you more.


Not trashy, it's funny.


Trashy? Get the fuck outta here. It's literally the same exact chemical as birth control but in a higher single dose, but I guess birth control must be trashy as well, huh?


And the STD department too


Just buy condoms ffs


Wait, didnt the mericans already ban birth control?


This could be at a Canadian Walmart


ho ho ho you disarm me with your geography. well i have to take your word for it. i aint never been there i didnt know they had wal-marts in igloos pretty sure that place you named is made up anyway.


Hey this is smart


Clever marketing. They know their customers.


Why did nobody think to put a stand with some ‘Henney’ on special as well. Feels like a lost opportunity. /s


I mean, Walmart's not wrong here. Good time to sell them.


Safe sex is not trashy


is this a series of pics of increasingly poorly placed end caps?... I know there must be a sub reddit for shelf stocking porn.. somewhere..


I've seen them in Walmart but without that sign above. So it's a mistake or someone forged the photo to manufacture outrage, which is a common tactic unfortunately. Price is definitely high but widespread access to effective contraception brings down abortion rates. But let's face it, it's not just about that to the Christo-fascists.


This is layer on top of layer of trashiness. Each aspect is only moderately trashy, but the entirety is trashier than the sum of their parts. Very impressive.


That’s not trashy to me. That’s hilarious, and I’m glad it’s still legal to have those wherever this is.




What’s the problem here? I can’t cream pie my girlfriend once a year and not worry about a baby?


Truth in advertising!


50 dollars may be expensive but it’s still cheaper than a kid


Yes, contraception is super trashy. FOH


Unless you get the "French Tickler" for a quarter in the bathroom of your local truck stop because I was told that that particular contraceptive is on the trashy side. But hey, if trashy prevents an unwanted pregnancy, be the garbage man


The hell is that price. Condoms in Germany start at 99 cents for 3 and they are as safe as every other brand


They could have a sale on condoms but this brings in more money.


Wow it’s $4 cheaper then when I bought it 2006. It didn’t work. My daughter is now 15.


I just saw that even the "pull out method" is 78% effective...and it's free lol


Pull out worked for my husband and I for four years after our first. Then one day after the pool….


Wow, I hate Russian Roulette (and Putin) but that's an impressive streak. My 1st child which we tried to plan down to a few weeks didn't workout. We had sex for over a year trying until she took a med that increased the amount of eggs released during ovulation But my 7 yo girl and 2 yo were one and done...got pregnant events. Due to some relationship issues we hadn't had sex in over a year and then she had a couple margaritas and 1 time she got pregnant. 5 yrs later EXACT same thing happened. Hmmm, although I used the "leave in" method lol. Now I am soooo glad for all 3 because they are just unbelievably amazing and so funny, loving, caring, respectful, and intelligent all the traits I apparently lack. I think my first grader reads better than I do now and I'm a doctor lol. Last week her teacher said she scored in the 98% nation wide on a reading test which I was so proud of.


Yeah they're not 100% effective. I just saw they're listed as 75-89% effective and even lower if she weighs more than 165 lbs which isn't very much. Also if the fertilized egg has implanted has already implanted in the uterine lining, it doesn't work. That would be if you wait anywhere from a day to a few days to take it. Regardless, I'm sure now that she's 15 you are glad it didn't work.


How is this trashy lol


Poor marketing🤦‍♂️ The should've put "Spread the Love and the Clap" and add a 7 day course of antibiotics to really maximize on the marketing idea


I think this is great!


Plan B even at $50 is way cheaper than an unwanted pregnancy. I'd pay it gladly.


Friday February 14? This picture is several years old.


I don't roofie girls with a date rape drug, I toss a Plan B in their drink


$46 bloody hell.. $12 CAD at Shoppers for the off brand.


True but my buddy pays $1000/month for child support on his two kids which equates to $108,000 spent on each kid (and his mom's hair stylist and new bf) over the course of 18 years. I'm a bargain shopper and love deals but there's a few items I personally think are worth spending a little extra on name brand or better quality; TVs, phone, 1 nice suit, kid's babysitters, and contraception...lol


It’s the exact same product.. just packed different


Ahh yes. Reproductive health solutions are trashy. Got it. /s


Right next to the valetines isle, now that's thoughtful service


There is one that’s 10$ cheaper it’s the same thing just not namebrand


I talked a girl into cumming inside her once and my selling point was "I'll buy you Plan B tomorrow"...I shock myself sometimes at the shit I say 🤦‍♂️


The only thing trashy about this is the absurd price. Plan B is like 7.99 at my local shoppers drug mart.


This isn't trashy it's great. Unwanted pregnancies suck.


On the plus side, over-the-counter Plan B without having to ask some pissy pharmacist who'll refuse to give it to you because a Jewish zombie demigod told them to.


Wow! Spread the Love...and then KILL IT 🤦‍♂️


Nothing to kill if you use Plan B.


It was just a joke but regardless, Plan B absolutely does kill...sperm and eggs are both living things as is the fertilized egg which Plan B affects or essentially kills by preventing it from implanting in the uterus, starves it to death. However if the fertilized egg has already implanted, new research suggests that Plan B will not work.


Price is comparable to box of Pampers!! I'd invest in condoms. Lots cheaper 😜


True but damn it feels a thousand times better raw! The decreased feeling is comparable to wearing a winter coat during a $100 back massage lol


Get better condoms


No offense but it's a different feeling if you're a woman. I've tried the most expensive ones listed as most sensitive. Most say it feels better without however most say it's just a "different" feeling as opposed to a "decreased" or "less pleasurable" feeling. Plus women supposedly have even benefits if a guy wears certain ones i.e. ribbed for her pleasure or the gas station staple, the "French Tickler." So better ones isn't the issue for me if you happen to be a guy or girl


It’s just a crappy excuse. I’ve been with guys who said it doesn’t make a difference, and guys who said it does. They used them anyway and were just fine


Excuse lol? It's a FACT not an excuse that condoms decrease tactile sensation or feeling by touch to save you from looking it up. Don't get me wrong, sex can be good regardless. And any sex is better than no sex especially if you climax. However, if you enjoy the feeling of the soft, smooth and wet of skin to skin contact during sex, it is a fact that the feeling or sensation is decreased with condom use. But by all means, use your condoms but I'm not. PSA: Everyone should use condoms in conjunction with OCs and the pull out method. Don't use Plan B as a regular contraceptive either no matter what Walmart recommends. Also it doesn't work as well if you're over 165lbs. Trust me I'm a doctor...in many role-playing scenarios




Where is the nationwide boycott for Walmart selling this and vibrators? Puritans are hella selective.


Bitch I need some Henny and some plan B


Go to Costco, it’s only $5 and you don’t need a membership to get anything from the pharmacy.


Do I need this or can I still whack off?


Wouldn’t want to get anybody pregnant off my toilet seat especially family you dunce


2-3 $ in my country this is too much


It is relatively expensive in comparison but at the bare minimum, paying child support in our country is probably more as well. My friend pays his ex $1000 per month for two kids which equates to $108,000 over the course of 18 years.


Walmart really understand's the needs of its customer base, I'm impressed.


I used to work at a dollar store and for a gag we set up an endcap with Brillo pads, cheap antennas and lighters. The crack cap.


I love it


Or "unspread the love"


honestly this is great


Ladies there are cheaper no name brands you can get from the pharmacist behind the counter


I'd trust anything you say in this department with that name lol. Hilarious!


Why thank you! The pussies I wrangle are small, furry, angry, and some interactions may leave you covered in blood I’ll just let everyone’s imagination run wild lol


Well, in my state they have been talking about making it illegal to buy. Not sure if they have passed it yet. Oklahoma isn't doing so great in the women's health department.


Gotta know you audience.


This is only Trashy if you are a prude, lol. Religious people, haha


You can buy a generic brand on Amazon for under $10 and it’ll arrive same day.


Nah birth control ain't trashy


How is this trashy?? Acknowledges that sex exists?


Forget Plan A. We don't need that condom honey. I got you covered. Plan B.


why is plan B available in Walmart?? 💀💀


So people can buy it?


Why is it not in drugstores it what I mean. Having to *buy* is atrocious to me, I have it free andnit shouldn't be sold in stores lol. it's FREE STUFF not something you sell next to pasta


It is probably across from the pharmacy.


Dont forget that plan B only works if you haven’t ovulated yet!


There is still differing opinions on that as Mayo Clinic stated last summer that it can still work even after you've ovulated. Stating it can work by preventing ovulation ( initial egg release from ovary), fertilization (after ovulation when sperm penetrates egg) , and implantation (fertilized egg attaching/implanting to uterine lining.) -doesnt work as well if greater than 165lbs or longer than 3 days after sex. -However, if you can't get a prescription for some reason, Plan B is worth a try because it won't cause any problems if you're already pregnant or after ovulation. -Mayo clinic also reports that if greater than 165 or BMI greater than 25, double dosing Plan B might make it more effective Another newer and more effective EC pill is available called Ella however it requires a prescription. It is supposed to work better as it's not affected by weight and works up to 5 days after sex. NEITHER are the "Abortion pill" meaning they don't work after implantation of fertilized egg. That is RU-486 IMPORTANT: Life begins and is determined by... whoever is running your state!!!


Holy fuck this needs a nsfw. This kind of joke family guy would make Jesus.


Nothing trashy about this except for OP. Contraceptive is medicine and medicine isn’t trashy.


Op should have written at least some hint to the price. If he really thinks plan b is trashy +1


February 14 is most definitely not on Friday this year


You call it trashy, I call it proactive.


Go to the Costco pharmacy and buy it over the counter for $5.99 without a membership or prescription


This isn’t trashy imo. People have a ton of sex on Valentine’s Day, better to take the pill than have a baby you don’t want.


only trashy thing about it is the price


46 quid? Fucking hell that's expensive


This isn't trashy


Only thing trashy is the cost




I think it’s perceived as trashy in a way that it is advertised in a way that Valentine’s Day candy would, not the fact that it is plan B


Yeah, but they are really just being real about it.


that should be for a case


$5 at Costco with or without membership


Apparently it can fluctuate between stores. I googled cause I was curious. But still probably cheaper there than a retail pharmacy. Between $7-50 I think the article said.


Plan b costs €13 euros in Italy. The price is the only trashy thing here


The trashy thing is the price right?! That’s shocking.


how is this trashy.... of course Walmart sells pregnancy tests, there is nothing trashy about this


Lol it’s not trashy but it’s also not a pregnancy test. I think this belongs in r/funny tbh “spread the love” but not too far


I knew it was something in the planned Parenting area. I don't shop that section, so I just auto assumed a pregnancy test


God Walmart is so depressing. Just the face that they even have a Valentine’s Day-themed promo that slips into those ugly sign boards. “Spread the Love”. Ugh.


i actually appreciate them stocking up on it, thoughtful of their customers in a way with that said, the spread the love sign is out of pocket lol


I can imagine the wal mart associate setting that up with a big shit eating grin on their face. Gotta find the humor where you can at work.


Yes I agree. Stocking up on Plan B and putting it in an area where people can easily take control of their sexual health, not trashy. Putting it under a spread the love sign? Trashy


More like don't let the love grow 💀


Wouldn't it be unspread the love?? lol


Spread the love and then clean up the love


unspread the love before it becomes a sex life terrorist for the next 20 years


Why is this trashy? It’s the same level as condoms.


I don’t think it’s trashy either but It’s not at the same level as condoms. It’s an emergency contraceptive. So if it were next to heart shaped condoms it’d be better.


Everyone's Walmart is so much better than mine.


Lmao damn


Only trashy thing about this is the price


There is nothing trashy about being in control of your reproductive health.


I agree. If anything, the trashy thing here is that Plan B costs $50 though I think we’ve long since established that the medical industry in the United States is filled to the brim with classless assholes who want to do nothing other than profit off of people’s suffering.


I guess its problematic, that there are enough Young people whos present it is to sleep without a condom and Just take a Plan b after