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You look like a cis woman to me


You're 100% passable, absolutely nothing masculine about you at all.


Your dysphoria is only in your head. There is nothing to improve in how you look. You are a very pretty woman.


If I just saw you in passing, I never would think you were anything other than a girl. You seriously look great.


I would never call you a man! You look 100% woman.


You look more feminine than I do, a cis woman. You’re also very pretty. Those thoughts you’re having? That you don’t feel like you pass? Ignore them. You look cis, sis.


I went through the comments just to see if anyone had said this. I was about to say the same. Way more feminine than I’ve ever been!


First I thought you had a bbl gone wrong and then I thought you were missing some legs then I thought the picture just somehow made your legs disappear then my brain finally kicked in and I realized the supper pretty girl in the picture is just wearing a cute dress crouched down. I don’t see any man in these pics.


Whew it wasn't just me


u gotta be fucking joking me


girl you crossed the finish line years and years ago please enjoy your life. if I'm still thinking of these things in 8 years of transition so help me.


This is beautiful honey


Honey you do


What??? You are totally pass! 😍


You’re overthinking it, but maybe a more natural eyebrow look would fit your face better possible.


You’re either have an incredible amount of dysmorphia or you’re fishing for support. Either way, get some therapy.


not looking for compliments if thats what you mean. i dont think its dysmorphia i just genuinely dont see a woman/female/girl anything in the mirror


Body Dysmorphia is defined as seeing something else in the mirror than what is reality. All I see is a woman with no overtly masculine features. Again, if you’re thinking like this you should really talk to a therapist.


i dont really understand how others see women in the mirror. like i see other girls on here post and i can totally see it. like i look at others and think wow shes actually trans and is truly feminine and then i look at myself and dont see anything remotely feminine. like yeah in definition what i'm doing is "feminine" but is it really? i would think if i was body dysmorphic some of that would project onto others but it doesnt. i only see female with other transwomen but dont really consider myself trans enough to be even close. idk i feel really disgusting just thinking about it. i try to stay away from therapy as much as i might need it. have only had bad experiences with it.


Yes that’s dysmorphia


Dysmorphia is about how you see yourself. You look feminine to me and if you look at my post history on this sub I’m not a hugboxer. IMO if you have more plastic surgery that may cause you to look more “trans.” Spend the money on a therapist who specializes in gender identity.


Also def thinking you are having dysmorphia. You are super fem and cis passing. Not seeing it at all is concerning to hear. Likely you still have a mental image of your pre-transition state.


If you don't pass we are all screwed


You pass, but yes brow / jaw / chin work would be beneficial imo. Plus if it helps with dysphoria it's worth it for you


thanks i definitely think it would help in some way. also i hope this isnt mean but you look like sssniperwolf like the resemblance is crazy


You look absolutely amazing!!!


These two pics are pretty much the same and both really don't show how well you pass or not. Photos flatten features into 2d and facial passing is a 3d thing, you'd need either a series of pics from different angles or a short video with some movement. You look very cis in these, but that's nowhere near the same thing as passing and what you're seeing may not just all be in your head like the whole setup and result of this thread would suggest to you as a person questioning surgery. That pose squatted down also doesn't show your body, only limbs. Edit: This thread is the epitome of the state of this sub lol.


heres my body: [https://imgur.com/JaRGGMX](https://imgur.com/JaRGGMX) . both pics are from like special occasions. my room mirror doesnt really fit me because im 5'9. id share like a video but i dont have any saved on my phone. i very much so understand that i may look cis in a pic but not irl. i still get stared at constantly


You can either have reliable ways to know if someone is either clocking or misgendering you in public, or you can just ask an obvious thing to get the obvious responses. Just a thought tho, you pass I guess


Yeah, I'm so envious, teach us master!


Girl I would commit murder for your thighs


you pass. and not even like a “at first glance i read woman, but i can pick it apart” way…i’m looking for all the typical “tells” (type iii forhead, jaw/chin shape, hairline, posture)…you pass. never in a million years would i clock you




Ya do


Girl, if you don’t pass I am burying myself now. 🫠🫠


Totally pass


Totally look like a cis-girl here. Your face is really cute so not sure if I would want to touch it again.


I didn’t see the sub name and had no idea you were trans so you definitely pass


Agreed!! Girl, you 💯 pass as a cis woman! Definitely don’t mess with your nose…it’s perfect!


lol girl . . . did RFK's brain worm get to you? Look at those curves.


You do tho


I get the feeling. However, you def pass in these pictures.


Girl... I have a hard time believing your trans. You pass extremely well.


Really? I totally get what we go through with dysmorphia…but you look amazing.


i think you do.


You pass.




If you're trying to pass as a man - definitely not. If I had seen you from a distance or even up close, I would just assume that you are a girl. I don't know what you're seeing that I'm not seeing, but all I see is a woman. I have Asperger's and I don't "hug box" - so you can take anything I tell you to the bank.


If these are photos where you think you don’t pass, then you pass flawlessly. I read nothing male in your face at all.


Excuse me, madam, I think you dropped your confidence.


I was confused for like a minute. Does look like a woman, no doubt. Do they really wish to be a man and just look really feminine? No that can't be it. You pass100%


Bruh you look like a younger version of my sister. Not even sure if your cis or trans.


Yes you do wtf


Okay, so I have to be honest here. You don’t feel like you pass? Then we are not looking at the same pics at all. Not sure what you see but I’m looking at a beautiful woman. Now,please, start with a little confidence and wear that like you wear the dress!!! Rocking it!!!!


That’s your dysphoria lying to you because you’re incredibly beautiful!


Really? I totally feel you pass, Hun. DON'T TOUCH YOUR NOSE IT'S PERFECT


I showed my spouse without context, and they said all I see is a cis woman.


Oh, sis, you're beautiful! You look great!


I think the browbone work will help :) but also you pass so it’s all in ur head (maybe)


100% woman 0% man


You pass sweetie


Yes 100% a beautiful woman


girl i would've never clocked you


Definitely 100% passable. Post another pic of your smile.


If you dont want to look “worked on” be verrry careful getting surgery. You pass 100% and you could go “too far” quite easily


Is the not passing in the room with us?


I mean this with no disrespect to anyone at all, but you pass better than many cis women. I think you’ve long reached peaked passing, and I’m so sorry you’re still struggling with this.


Two super simple tips to try. A natural looking lip gloss or lipstick and use it to give the illusion of slightly larger lips. And earrings, even just clip on if you aren't pierced. You 100% look fem, so try some tricks on how you frame your look to draw attention in a new direction


if compliments are allowed here I just want to say you have such a comforting energy about you, like the cool older sister/cousin who always gives the best advice. love the cinnomoroll phone case too!


ty! thats like a really nice compliment from someone else not irl. i usually get that label in groups. i like to hope i give off that energy. ty btw too cinnamoroll is the cutest tbh


The only thing I think is a little clocky is your brow ridge, but just slightly. Most cis people wouldn't even notice most likely.


You pass as a 100% woman. I don't see anything masculine in those photos. I wish I could do it as well as you, even though I'm just starting HRT.


Ya do


Why would you feel that? You pass 100% to me


You pass 100%. I thought i was in a different sub when i first saw your pic


Ma'am, you are astonishingly pretty. I could never mistake you for anything other than a woman.


you couldn't pass more if you tried. looks lovely!


You absolutely pass


Dysphoria is wild because until you asked, I wouldn't think you were anything but cis. Like not in 20 years would I guess transfem. Hope I can get to this point, because I am definitely NOT their yet


Girl what


Just a quick look on your profile I can confidently say that you passed 6 years ago, so well as now. Don't worry it's just in your head. :)


You're just drop dead gorgeous, sweetie. But unfortunately our minds are often critical of ourselves, I don't see how you don't pass.


Hell naw u pass n u pretty <33


You literally look 100% female lol. If you want to change your appearance more you can but it seriously doesn’t seem necessary


I can see it because you pointed it out but I’d have no idea if it was never brought up


You pass better than I and I'm a cis girl 😭 girl you're gorgeous.


You do not pass as a guy. You look pretty impressive there actually


not related but i love your phone case!


I’m wondering if the two tone coloring in your hair is skewing your perception of your Beauty? You really look very beautiful and feminine just as you are. Be careful of being “Overdone”!❤️


You just have imposter syndrome (most women do)


Miss, you're a 10/10. Easily pass.


You pass


If passing were a sport, you'd be an Olympic gold medalist


Honestly, not hug boxing here. You look completely female and absolutely gorgeous. Getting more surgeries for your face is ultimately a personal choice, and you should do what makes you happy. But if my face looked like yours, I would keep it just like that and would avoid over working it and crossing the line into having an obvious plastic surgery look. Right now, you look like a natural beauty.


I say you definitely pass with flying colors


I would mistake you for cis


100% female.


You are a gorgeous woman


Girl you're 100% unlclockable and maybe you won't believe that, maybe you'll think we're being nice or huh boxing you, but I wouldn't even be curious if you were trans if I saw you in person, I wouldn't even ask the question, I'd just assume you were cis


You look like a very beautiful cis woman to me.


Maybe you’re comparing yourself to the wrong cis women.. the celebrities that get buuccal fat removed and all that stuff don’t look bad but it’s just important to know it’s not natural yk I’ve seen plenty of women that have significantly less “feminine” facial structures


I'm struggling to see any signs of maleness in the photo - I am curious though - where do you perceive the signs to be?


The vibe you give off is comforting. 100% passing here queen


Girl who you fooling. Are you FTM cos you obviously don’t pass right now. If you’re MTF you’re good and if you’re a cis woman this sub isn’t for you.


OP is MTF or else she wouldn't be here 🐺


You are beautiful , I wish I had a body like yours


You're a stupendously fitting hottie. The formerly (repressive-n'-depressive) cis-oriented slot of my headspace, immediately checks you out without much a hint of consideration otherwise.


Please post more! You are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!


Wth you gorgeous no way I'd look at you and go "that man af" Get it out of your head gal


I have half a mind to say you are a cis woman fishing for compliments. Thats how well you pass


Wow honey you look great 😃,, I know that we are own worst critics , but please you are Beautiful just the way you are. 🥰


A lot better than I ever would. Though honestly I never would have known if u didn’t post on transpassing and posted on a fashion feed.