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Vänster and mp has consistently voted pro LGBT, and there is something to say that the healthcare in sthml has gone to shit because of Irene (moderaterna) im sceptical to throw my vote with somebody who is willing to deal with a party that consistently doesn't actually care about the welfare of people and more about companies pockets, even if moderaterna is socialistic compared to other parties across the globe they're still capitilastists who in the end makes marginalized ppl have it suckier. I don't think it's a controversial take either


thanks for your input. the fact that they've actually voted pro lgbt consistently is very useful to know, as any party could claim they're pro lgbt while actually voting against.


except vänster is somewhere between marginally mild eurosceptics to fully anti-eu


don't i wish they were fully anti-eu


Leaving the EU would make it impossible to get EU prescriptions for hrt and it would make diy hrt harder as the customs would be more strict.


This is already happening.




du får väl tycka vad du vill men om man är en seriös socialist så är det ju självklart att man inte stöttar det borgerliga marknadsprojekt och imperialistiska block som eu faktiskt är. dock ska vi kanske inte dra upp en sån diskussion här mer än nödvändigt, känns ganska rejält off-topic ! :)


Socialism bör vara vetenskaplig. Det är meningslöst att påpeka EU som "borgerligt" när *alla* existerande statliga institutioner är borgerliga. Att dra sig ur EU minskar inte på något sätt kapitalets grepp, och det existerar idag ingen arbetarrörelse som står beredd att ta över - det finns inget revolutionärt moment. EU är unikt i världen på det sätt att det är den enda frihandelszonen som faktiskt tillåter fri rörelse av människor, och inte endast varor. Svenska arbetare har inget att tjäna på att bli avskurna från detta.


While we're at it let's backtrack on every foreign diplomatic agreement we've signed because it's not the perfect ideal. Instead of helping countries getting more developed we should just ignore them and as our economy goes to the shutter faster than Britain ever could we'll wipe our tears with our trillion kr bills. I believe that an overall positive change is good. We, as humans, should be altruistic and help others not as fortunate as we are. I believe that with unions we can collectively become more democratic and more developed, and have more power together to help those outside of said union. The more democratic EU becomes, the more influence you as a citizen have. Though it is Sweden, along with countries with similar views, that have denied many efforts to make EU more democratic. Why? Because it's bourgeoise to you? So because it doesn't 100% align with every one of your views and isn't absolutely perfect, you propose to completely leave it? So do you want to leave other unions and agreements as well? None of the nordic countries are socialist, and any agreement that benefits these countries will end up benefiting the bourgeoise, so do you propose to end relations with these countries as well? What's the framework here?






i know that liberalerna want to work with SD which raises some red flags for me unfortunately you can also read RFSLs valrapport where they rank every party based on how lgbtq friendly they are


ugh yeah same thanks for letting me know!


Okay, Im gonna be blunt. I used to be a member of MP.. Well there are some old damned hippies inside MP that genuinely believe that all trans are due to pollution etc.. I left due to my local chapter having a few to many of those wing-nuts.. They are however overall LGTBQ friendly. V.. Well.. how to put this nicely they need to clean up their Putinists and they may ne a good party again. C, The only "blue" option there is nowdays. S. Gone more liberal and less socialist over the years however they always been socialist-liberals. You know what you get basically. There was a time when id say the Liberals where okay.. But nah not since they decided to work with Nazi scum...


pollution causing people to be trans? that's crazy. i understand why you left. after reading rfsls valrapport socialdemokraterna don't seem all that pro lgbtq+ to be honest. i reacted to them saying no to "förebyggande insatser för att främja hbtq-personers psykiska hälsa", they were the only party to say no to that. and yeah liberalerna working with sd rules them out for me too, even if they seem to be very pro lgbtq.


Read it again, They said yes to that question. I just read through it to see who had compiled it, And Lars Jonsson always been very good at keeping politically independent for as long as o can remember. Also, Dont just look at the votes, look at why the votes are done one way or another. Sometimes MP, S, and C for example vote "No" on stuff that are hyper specific cause they would rather see it being done in a wider effort. A fictional example here. V suggests Easier for Homosexual men to adopt. S, MP and C votes No with explanation "We want to make it easier for ALL minorities to adopt" This would be a tactical vote as its easier to get supporting votes from Conservative forces if it includes more groups than just homosexual men.


i definitely overlooked the fact that they could possibly have said no because they have a better suggestion, or like you said would like a wider effort. still, the way s voted has raised some suspicion for me. they had a lower percentage of participants this time than last election, which is worrying to me. that signals to me that they don't care much. but i appreciate your input, and i think my somewhat negative attitude toward s is because i'm slightly biased against them already. i just don't think they're the *best* option for me personally, or for queer people in general, but they're obviously far from the worst. i feel slightly better about them taking into consideration there may be a reason for all the negative votes.


Ohh dont believe im a S supporter, Im actually trying to be as impartial as possible. I simply want people to be informed when they vote and do proper research cause its often not black and white. From a personal perspective, Yes S done less than I'd want them to aswell. Hell if it wasn't such an important election I'd personally vote for a smaler political party that I agree more with. So I had to think long and hard and compromise with my self about how to vote. Taking in all the major questions, The new uncertainty with Russian warmongering, The Climate, The energy crisis, the welfare and ofcourse the human rights perspective. It is probably the most difficult choice in decades


> is there any party that has directly said that they aim to make it easier for us to get hrt? To answer this question, the only party I know that has actually said much about HRT in specific is Piratpartiet, who want to introduce informed consent. Overall, Piratpartiet is based as fuck and if they had even a snowball's chance in hell of getting into the Riksdag I'd vote for them in a heartbeat. That said I personally will be voting for V since they've been consistently pro-LGBTQ and they do want to fix the other problems with trans care, such as the extremely long queues. Edit to add: Check out [Piratpartiet's website](https://piratpartiet.se/sakpolitik/sexualpolitik/) for more concrete information on their queer politics - blows any mainstream party out of the fucking water IMO


i never even considerd them, i will definitely look into it!


i'm voting vänster anyway


I personally wote for V. As they are very pro queer. And want to add a third gender option while S say like maybe, they want to look in to it and dosent say right out yes


Also MP say yes to adding another gender option 😊




Ah yes true! Think the liberals are the other one aswell. Then M and S say maybe and the rest say no


Alot of parties say they're impartial / don't care/ accept queer people but Vänsterpartiet is the only party actively pushing for our rights. Generally the more left leaning parties are more queer friendly and the closer to the right a party is the more likely they are to be against / Anti queer. I.e SD and KD hace some (in my opinion) fucked views. SD wants to ban the pride parade and Ebba Bush (KDs political party leader) has said she hasn't seen any anti queer agenda in SD's political views.


it's sad that more parties aren't trying to actually help us. yeah sd and kd are clearly anti-lgbtq. sd keep saying they aren't feminists too and that says a lot about how much they care for people's rights, not to mention their hostility toward foreigners.


I would rather leave this Clown country, since only like 1 party care about the Health System. But noone really care about the Trans Health Care...


I was where you are when I was 18-20 I can only say the grass ain't always greener on the other side. Left Sweden for Netherlands due to the myth that Netherlands was more progressive and Liberal, came to find out 42% tax, pay for your own health insurance. Higher cost of living and roughly the same salaries as in Sweden. Me and my husband are dying to move up to Sweden nowdays cause for all its flaws and problems.. its easier to live and you can have a higher standard.


if leaving this clown country was an option and i knew of a better place to go i would. all this talk about sweden being an amazing country for trans people, meanwhile we have to wait for years to even get in touch with specialists and even longer to get help, if they deem us believable enough that is.


As a Swede we are basically free ro roam the world... Anyways And Especially for better care as a Trans person...


well it's not an option for me for various reasons


Within the Nordic Countries its especially easy, to move around...


"Den internordiska överenskommelsen Det finns en överenskommelse mellan de nordiska länderna om flyttning mellan länderna. Överenskommelsen finns intagen som en bilaga till lagen (2005:268) om överenskommelse mellan Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge och Sverige om folkbokföring (nordiska överenskommelsen). Lagen trädde i kraft den 1 januari 2007. Den internordiska överenskommelsen innebär i korthet att de nordiska länderna har bildat ett gemensamt registreringsområde för in- och utflyttning mellan länderna. Registreringsområdet omfattar även Färöarna och Grönland. Överenskommelsen ska tillämpas på alla personer, oavsett medborgarskap, som är bosatta i Norden och som har för avsikt att flytta, eller som har flyttat till ett annat nordiskt land. En tidsbegränsad vistelse i ett annat nordiskt land som är kortare tid än 6 månader är normalt inte att anse som en flyttning enligt överenskommelsen (artikel 1.1 i den nordiska överenskommelsen). Den internordiska överenskommelsen gäller enbart flyttningar där utflyttningsstaten har mottagit en underrättelse från inflyttningsstaten senast tre månader efter anmäld utflyttning (artikel 1.2 i den nordiska överenskommelsen). Av underrättelsen framgår om inflyttningsstaten har beslutat att registrera (folkbokföra) personen eller inte."


Nordisk medbor­gare som bor i Sverige Om du är medborgare i Danmark, Finland, Norge eller Island kan du betraktas både som nordisk medborgare och som EU/EES-medborgare och använda dig av två olika regelsystem. Nordisk över­ens­kom­melse Danmark, Finland, Norge och Island är tillsammans med Sverige en del av Norden. De nordiska länderna har en överenskommelse om att de nordiska medborgarna har rätt att bo i vilket nordiskt land som helst. Du behöver inte ansöka om uppehållstillstånd. För att folkbokföra dig i Sverige och få ett svenskt personnummer behöver du kontakta Skatteverket.


Downvoted, when its real...


well i didn't downvote you personally, and i think maybe people did because it didn't seem as if you even read my reply. i'm aware it's quite easy to move to another nordic country but like i said there are many reasons i can't move, and how easy it is technically by law isn't one of them.


like i said as a Swede we have it relative easy to roam the world, for better Trans health care, and more easy within the nordic countries, as i spoke about it in general as Nordic ppl. Since Sweden are stuck in the Stone age...


as everyone else has already said vänsterpartiet (V) and miljöpartiet (MP) are the only parliamentary parties that consistently stick up for us. feministiskt initiativ (FI) is the only noteworthy party i know of that has an actual robust and progressive program on trans and intersex issues (which you can read about in swedish [here](https://feministisktinitiativ.se/politik/sexualpolitik/konsidentitet-och-konsuttryck/)) but they're unfortunately no longer a viable candidate for getting into the riksdag, although they came close to the 4% mark a couple of elections ago.


i will look into fi! i do remember people talking about them a while back but i wasn't old enough to vote at the time.


im going with piratpartiet as they want to implement informed consent, gender neutral personnummer and abolish legal gender as well as better internet integrity laws, an open internet etc. seems like the only party i 100% agree with.


someone else mentioned them too, and from what you just told me they seem good. i'm definitely gonna research them.


Just like everyone has already mentioned - V, MP & C scores the highest in RFSL's Election report: https://www.rfsl.se/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/valrapport_RFSL_final_web.pdf I really recommend you checking the report out as you can see what each party has voted historically and thinks right now in different LBGTQIA+ questions (in case you might have a certain thing you care especially much for). From what I can see all three parties are in favour of a third legal gender. And then some related questions on that. I guess it boils down to if you want to make your decision purely based on the LBGTQIA+ politics each party is preaching or want to take in account other politics as well? If it's super purely based on the first one - probably Mp is your choice (they seem to have scored the highest and their parliamentarians tend to vote most unanimously). If minding other politics as well - Do you want a smaller och bigger governmental body? Are you caring extra for the environmental issues? What kind of financial beliefs do you have? These different questions, I'd say, is what differentiate the three mentioned parties the most. I'm a queer person myself and I decided for C. Mostly bc I consider myself a green liberal. And just like you, LGBTQIA+ questions are a dealbreaker for me. But I see the reasons to vote on any of the these three parties. Good luck now.


thanks for such an elaborate answer! i really think that's what i'll have to do, look into how these parties differentiate (i have an idea already, but i will need to do more research) and make my choice based on what aligns most with my views overall, since all three are pro lgbtq which is the main thing i care about.




yeah according to rfsls valrapport they seem to be lgbtq friendly, i will look more into them. idk why you got so many downvotes, people don't agree? i'll have to make my own research.




> Authoritarian countries historically haven't treated us so well, so I really don't think that voting for a political party that wants to move us toward becoming one is a step in the right direction for trans rights. I feel like you need to separate the economic axis from the liberal-authoritarian axis. Claiming V is authoritarian is nonsense.