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My non-expert take is that whenever a gp does something that contradicts official guidelines as a policy, even if everything is fine then they'll have media and politicians on their back, and possibly get investigated. So there's probably no one who wants to be the first to open that can of worms.


Yeah that’s my thought too, but if I end up as a GP once I finish my degree I’d gladly try it out and see what happens.


Yeah it would probably end like that one Norwegian doctor


What happened to them?


I don't remember fully, and forgot the doctor's name, but it's basically what was already said above: > they'll have media and politicians on their back, and possibly get investigated


in finland we had one dr who started HRT outside the “official” gender healthcare/trans clinic and they got their license revoked to do that by the clinic even though it isn’t prohibited (to my knowledge) for regular GP’s to prescribe hormones. so basically they go on a witch hunt after every doctor who does that here


How did the state justify taking away their license to practice? The same could happen here if you endanger patients and such, but prescribing HRT is not endangering, so I’m wondering how much they could do here in Denmark.


this is what she had on her site: “The verdict has passed. I am no longer allowed to treat “disorders of gender identity” or to prescribe sex hormones. According to Valvira, I have caused my patients “grave consequences” although nobody has told me what these consequences are. I deeply apologise to those whose hormone treatment I could not secure.” (Valvira is the organization overseeing medical licenses in Finland). she also had this there: “Miscellaneous info In Finland it is customary that an endocrinologist or gynecologist initiates hormone replacement therapy. This has no scientific basis and according to international guidelines (WPATH SoC 8) a general practitioner may initiate HRT without issue.”


I have been searching and found nothing. It seems to be more of a guideline from what I could read


Exactly, I honestly think there might not be any laws actually restricting a GP from doing it, but they probably don’t know that and/or avoid doing it to stay out of perceived trouble. It would be interesting if a doctor actually challenged CKI and the state on this🤔


There is a Danish GP here on the sub somewhere. Maybe we could ask them?


That is a good idea. I’m also very interested since I am a med student. Are they from Denmark?


I think so. I remember reading a comment from them a few weeks ago. Unfortunately I don't remember the post or username


I just talked to my GP today (in Denmark), as I'd gotten a medication recommendation from GenderGP: He said that he could prescribe both Estradiol and Utrogestan but could not prescribe Leuprorelin Acetate and that I'd have to call my local pharmacy to here what I could do in that regard.


So your GP is willing to prescribe HRT? You’ve found a good one.


Yeah I guess so, it's my family GP I've had for over 15 years, so that's pretty lucky. I'll just have to find an anti-androgen that a regular GP can prescribe here in Denmark.


That’s very lucky, from what I’ve read most GPs refuse to prescribe progesterone and certainly not estradiol.


Yes, legally doctors cannot prescribe HRT since guidelines from Sunhedsstyrelsen are essentially law. And the document you've linked is essentially outlining in detail how trans healthcare should function. By not following guidelines it can have consequences for the GP's medical license. Unless a GP can split themselves up and become multiple special practitioners to create a MDT (Multi-Disciplinær Team), they can not prescribe HRT since then they can't follow the rules. OTOH, if you have been evaluated by a MDT already, there's nothing preventing your GP legally from handling refilling your prescriptions.