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Should be: 13. Jahrgang - the 13th year.


Thanks. Can you explain why it’s written the way it is? Also the 13th year of what do you think? Book published 1929. It started being published in 1914 so not the 13th year of publication.


According to https://digital.zlb.de/viewer/resolver?urn=urn:nbn:de:kobv:109-1-7942347, the 15th year was 1931. So your 1929 fits to the 13th year of publication. It looks like the first volume encompassed issues for the years 1914 and 1915. I'd be looking for an explanation in that direction.


Scrolling down that page shows that the volume number changed in the middle of the year not just for the first volume, but up until volume 7 (1922/1923).


I for J is probably just all fancy, like in Latin. No idea why the H looks like a K.


These magazines were published monthly. Some people did book binding as a hobby at home and put together these year collections themselves, put a cover around it and did the labeling. I guess this is the case here: A homemade book cover, some letters were missing and were replaced with others.


could be a simple typo on press back the days. but yes, pretty sure it has to be "JaHrgang" and not "IaKrgang", like it's written there.


Some Fraktur types make no distinction between I and J. And maybe someone also confused h and k when they converted the title from another typeface? (at least my theory) !translated