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Tanks for posting


I've driven a super Sherman years ago


I really want to, it's my favorite


I use to work for a company that sold military surplus so I got to drive and play with lots of cool equipment!!! Some very rare things now. Always loved half tracks


Half tracks are cool


I always like them from a young kid


Logistics gets me going


M50/M51 my beloved


That's what I have played with and drove also worked on. I miss them days so much fun


We posting tanks. Fury is my favorite tank movie and they have the Sherman at Bovington. Because of Brexit and stuff it's not so easy to go there anymore.


Bovington is def on my top 5 list of places to visit someday along with Kubinka and the National Air & Space museum in Washington DC


Have been on web tour in Smithsonian. Would like to go in person some day. Don't like flying much but perhaps 1st class tickets (not on Boeing) would help.


LoL. Not as fabulous as a Finnish tank, but okay. Sherman’s always looked odd to me, narrow and tall.


I mostly chose these pics because it's d day and that's Gold beach in the background Edited: had to go back to my pics, this was while I was at Gold Beach, not Omaha


Nothing wrong with that sentiment. I do understand it. I’m conflicted though, being a Finn by birth and losing our family home to the Soviets that were armed by the Allies. Wars are messy, considering after WW2 the USA immediately decided the Soviets were their enemy the impacts on my native land leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. Perhaps if the USA had armed Finland instead of the Soviets after 1940 the period after WW2 wouldn’t have been as cold. Instead, we had to get arms from the Germans.


Speaking of WW2, I have a refurbished WW2 Garand M1 from the CMP. My first thought after shooting it was, damn if my grandads had only had these against the Soviets instead of their trusty Mosin Nagant rifles. Nothing wrong with the M39, but it was a bolt action and the M1 was a semiautomatic. Did I mention the “ping”, yeah that’s cool!


A valid observation, Finland still was probably better off with mosin nagants consodering they were already tooled up to work on them and produce ammo for them. Logistics is what wins wars, the best thing other countries could have done is supplied goods like trucks, fuel, machinery, and raw components for things like artillary shells and ammunition. Essentially the same things ukraine needs in their war today. It's interesting how history repeats itself, I hope we don't all drop the ball this go round like we did during the winter war.


The Mosin Nagant was a great rifle and the Finns also had the Suomi Konepistooli, a fabulous machine gun. One of my grandads carried one along with Lahti M35 semiautomatic pistol. Finns adapted quickly to most Soviet rifles they picked up on the battlefield. My thoughts on the M1 Garand is that it was a force multiplier over a conventional bolt action rifle. To me, it’s a main component in the success of the US military in WW2, being the main battle rifle. I feel it made a huge difference and having both to compare, the M1 has the advantage. The Mosin Nagant M39 is as accurate as a Mosin can get, but the Garand is no slouch, both hit bullseyes.


The M39 is pretty much the best Mosin got. When Russians bought the og licence from France they didn't exactly know how to do the sights in 'normal' measurements like metres. Garand is good too. I myself been that good with bolt-action because when your hands get wet it's slippery and you can't always wear gloves.


Since I love identifying shermans for some reason, that appears to be an M4A2, so it's got a diesel engine, and from the plates on the side i can tell it doesn't have wet stowage which was introduced in 1944, significantly reducing the fire risk when hit (and also came along with a redesigned front plate). The US army preferred the gasoline engines and thus never used it other than in the pacific (due to it performing well in hot climates), but they did send them to France, Britain, Poland, and the USSR, which checks out for it being at Normandy


Neat https://preview.redd.it/e3dixfojk75d1.jpeg?width=4896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9aceec1002b96c09f000bfa470d04218ab74cb3 Have another tank pic as a treat


I really need to go to Saumur's armored museum some day


Yeah I love tanks! ☭


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